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Everything posted by gatetrek
Q3. Giving an Account
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
Why don't non-Christians like the idea of giving an account of their actions? Non- Christians don't like giving account of their actions because many believe it is no one business what they do or they believe there is nothing wrong with their actions. Also many just don't want to look truely at themselves for want they really are. Why don't we Christians like to give account for our actions? We don't like to give account for our actions because we don't like to admit we need help with our spiritual walk and we don't people know that there is something wrong in our lives. We want to put on a mask that everything is O.K. when it is not. We don't like someone or even ourselves to look truely at our lives to see what is really going on in our relationship with Christ. Since we know that we must give account to God for our actions, we should be inspire to want to change our lives so we can be more like Jesus and that we are growing spiritual and wanting God and other Christians to hold us accountable for our actions or our inactions. The attitude we should live with is to be ready at all times to give an account of our actions and to live a life worthy of our calling of being a Christian. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL -
Q2. Resisting Temptations to Sin
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
Why do non-Christians try to get you to sin with them? Many of them don't think they are doing anything wrong so they invite their Chistians friends to take part in their fun. Many of them of really no concept of sin and therefore they think everyone should like what they do. Why are we tempted to do so? Christians are tempted to join them because they want to be accept into the group or they don't want to lose them as a friend. Good old peer pressure it is always there trying to get us to go along with the crowd . These are just tricks or lies that come from Satan. How do we resist temptation? We resist temptation by putting Jesus first in our lives and we should listen to the Holy Spirit for his leading in these areas and not worried about what our friends think. If they are a true friend they will accept us like we are. -
Q1. Done with Sinning
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
The attitude that we are talking about in 1 Peter 4:1 is that Jesus is done with sin or that he didn't want anything to do with it. He chose to go to the cross for our sins even though he never sin but he was obeying his father. Since Jesus suffer for our sins and if we had suffer for in our body for our sins than we wouldn't want anything to do with the sin anymore. We must take on this attitude or this same thinking that we must be done with sin no longer wanting to follow our human desires but what God wants for our lives. MAY GOD GIVE ME THE POWER AND FAITH TO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH SIN ANYMORE BUT TO BE LIKE CHRIST AND FOLLOW GOD -
Q4. Baptism as a Pledge
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
Yes, I have pledged my faith to Jesus Christ and have promised to serve him as his disciple. When I was baptize to was an expression of my new life in Jesus and being made a new creation through being saved by Christ. When I was under the water, it was like my old life was bury with Jesus on the cross and when I was lifted out of the water it was a symbol of my new life in Christ. I know that water baptism has no power to change me in any way but it does have a meaning to me because it reminds me of my relationship with Jesus. Water baptism to me is also a public confession of my faith and commitment to Jesus and also since Jesus was baptized so I think it is good for us. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL -
Q3. Christ Died for Your Sins
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
The one God has impressed on me is that Jesus die for my sins. That Jesus would die for me has always been an awesome wonderful act of love for me even though I didn't deserve such an act of love. God remains me that he loves me so much that he let his son Jesus die on the cross for me. Many times I need God to remind me of this because there our times that I feel unworthy to be a Christian but when the Holy Spirit reminds that Jesus loves me and my sins are really forgiven it lifts me up and I say Praise the Lord for his act of love and my salvation. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL -
Q2. Gentle but Fearless Witness
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
Why is it so hard for us to be a witness when we're persecuted? It is hard because when we are in a harmful or stressful situation our human nature wants to protect us from any threat so we tend to be afraid to say anything about Christ. Why is it easy in tough places to be the wrong kind of witness? Many times it is easier for us to defend ourselves and try to get even with the persons causing the problems. We need to learn to rely on the Holy Spirit to led us in these situations so we can witness about Jesus and not have a fear of what people may think. Focus on Christ rather than your fears is the one that is key for me if I am focus on Christ than I can usually witness to anyone in a loving way but if I am focus on the my fears or the problem than I have the tendecy to not witness as God wants me to do. -
Women should try to look their best because they were created by God and if they are Christians they should want to reflect the inner beauty which Christ gave them when he made them new creations. When women and even men are more concern with the way they look on the outside that they completely forget their spiritual condition and relationship with Jesus. They forget to maintain their inner beauty but take care of their outward apperance completely. The balance is to put Christ first and our spiritual relationship must continue to grow than our outward apperance will take care of itself.
Q1. Harmony in the Church
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
At times ,our congregation shows all these qualities but there are times we still struggle with some of them. For example, the last year or so we have been struggling with changing our music format to include chorus along with some hymns. This change has been a struggle because many don't like change or the music type and even a few has left over this. The pastor and church leaders tell us that the are adding choruses to reach out to the lost. Now many of us are trying to be united and let God's love work because our main pupose is to reach the lost for Christ and to be like him fully. We have even seen many of our Senior adults are backing this even though they like the hymns better. To help change our church it will take God's love and us wanting to be more like Christ daily MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL -
Q1. Submission
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. Living as Christian Husbands and Wives (1 Peter 3:1-7)
Why is submission so difficult for us humans? We just don't like to be told what to do. God has given us the ability to think for ourselves and many times we just don't listen to God or even good advice from our closest friends because in the USA we had been taught to think for ourselves and we can do it ourselves. WE DON'T WANT ANYONE TELLING US WANT TO DO EVEN GOD! Does submission reqire you to silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? No, we should express our ideas when we don't agree with something but we should do in a loving way not hateful. It is like in a marriage there can be disagreement and discuss about a family issue but sooner or later someone has to make the final decision. In a Christian marriage God has set up the husband as the head of the family. When is submission wrong for a Christian? It is wrong if it is sin and not want God wants us to do -
Jesus bore my sins on the cross for me is very important because he took my place on the cross and paid my debt of sin. He suffered on the cross for me to give me eternal life. Because of what Christ did on the cross and than rose out of the grave , he defeated satan and set us free from bondage of sin. So when I asked Jesus to be my Savior and forgive me of my sins this could only happen because of what Jesus did on the cross. Praise the Lord that Jesus suffered for me and set me free!!
Jesus' sinlessness is very imporant because there must be a holy sacrifice for the sins of the world which also includes mine. So without a holy sacrifice than there would be no salvation for anyone. Jesus suffered for mine sins by being separation from God for the very first time and also experiencing the weight of our sins for the first time. This separation from God was a very painful for Jesus. How did Jesus stand this kind of corruption? He know that he was doing God's will for his life and his love for us and God also help.
According to 1 Peter 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally? Jesus suffer for me by going to the cross for my sins. Jesus did this willing for me and to redeem me to God. Jesus was alone on the cross because of my sins. He was separated from his Father for the first time because of my sins. Jesus didn't fight those who was killing him and didn't even hold a grudge he asked God to forgive them because they didn't know what they were doing. I pray and hope that I can follow his example when it comes to suffering and I know I can only do this by trusting God and Jesus and by following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Yes I have felt worthless even to the point of wanting to end my life but thanks to God's grace and his love and guidance I have found hope and value in my life. In 1 Peter 1:18-19, we see that God value our lives very highly because he gave us his son Jesus. Jesus gave us eternal life through his precious blood being shed on the cross for our sins. Now that is real love! As for my financial assests, these are worthless compare to Christ. All the money in the world doesn't give me joy unspeakable or a peace that doesn't disappear when the storms of life come. My real investments are in what I do for Jesus. How I live my life for Christ. Am I growing and bearing spiritual fruit or am I living on what happen in the past. My goal is to stive to be like Christ but I know I have not attained these goal completely yet.
Q3. Judgment and Gospel
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
People get upset when they are judge by others because we think what we are doing is right and that no one has a right to tells us that we our wrong. In other words, anything goes if I believe it is right. How do we reconcile God's love and judgment for the world? If God wasn't willing to judge us than he would not really love us. It is like being a parent, I love my daughter but because I love I will punish her when she breaks family rules or school rules or the law of the land. I do not want to punish her but because I love her and want her to learn how to live her life in a godly way so I punish when needed. So God will punish those of us who disobey him and continue to live their lives totally rejecting him and Christ. Final judgment by God is really brought on by our own chioces -- we choose to live the way we live. We coose to live for God or ourselves or Satan. The gospel of Christ must contain both the good news of salvation & heaven and also the judgment of those who reject God & Christ which leads to eternal death in hell. We cannot water down this message because people don't like it or are scare by it. God gives us the repondiability to share his message and that is the whole message. The people must know the truth about God and also the truth about rejecting God. -
Holiness to me is being like Christ and having his traits such as being pure in are actions and thoughts. It is giving our whole life to Jesus from are family, jobs, things , talents and even our ministries. Giving our lives to Christ is the only way to holiness because only through Jesus' power and the Holy Spirit leading can we live a holy life. How am I holy now? I am not perfect now and will never be on this planet but in God's eyes he sees me has holy because of Jesus' gift of enteral life and I have him as my savior. In other words, I am striving everyday and moment to be like Jesus but this does not always happen. This is my biggest struggle with holiness I cannot be perfect always in my life daily, so I have to learn to trust and let Jesus led me and give me the help to live a holy life.
Q1. Christ's coming
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
The coming of Jesus gives us hope becuase it gives our life meaning and something that is real to put our faith. The faith that we have isn't based on some person who die over 2000 years ago but on the Son of God who is alive today. Jesus overcame the death of the body and also spiritual death. He defeated sin(our sins) when he die on the cross and give us hope when he came out of the grave which gave us eternal life. This should inspire us to live a holy, self-control life with the help of the Holy Spirit. If when don't live a life excepting Jesus to return soon then many times our spiritual lives become lifeless, no passion for the lost, no desire to serve God with all our heart and when we do serve it is just out of a sense of duty. -
Q2. Forgiveness and Obedience
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Why is forgiveness & obedience a package? It is like when I was a in the boys scouts you just didn't put on the uniform to be a member you had to learn the laws and follow the handbook. Being a boy scout had to become part of your everyday life. This is the same with being a Christian you just cannot put on the uniform of forgiveness and not follow Jesus example of obeying his Father so we must have forgiveness & obedince to be like Christ. This is the only way we be saved is by God's grace and his forgiveness not by anything that we do such as trying to earn our way into heaven. Our works are worthless except when they are the fruit of our faith in Christ and we are following God's will -
Check in here
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Hi! My name is Robert Bowen . I am a pastor in the Wesleyan church. I am from Indiana and I work with the children's ministry . I am married and have a 17 year old daughter. I am looking forward to this bible study and what God will do in my life -
Q1. Homeland
gatetrek replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
A Christian who identifies with this world more than Christ, is usually called a carnal or wordly Christian. This person is really no different than the average American citizen who is more concern with their jobs, attend their children's school activities, and even their church activties that we many times forget want God wants us to do. He wants us to be like his son, Jesus and wants us to be an example to this world so the world can see Christ in us but the carnal Christian doesn't have this in them. Yes, I have found myself being a carnal Christian. There is nothing wrong with these things until they take the place of Jesus. To get our spritiual priorities straight it may take a wake up call from God for us to realize that our lives are not where God wants them to be. Many times God will use a sermon, a song, bible study, a short illness or something to get our attention so we will listen to the Holy Spirit guidiance that our lifestyle needs to change.