Brother Clifford wilson
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Everything posted by Brother Clifford wilson
Q37. Harmony
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
I remind myself that in many ways we are like the disciples, learning and leaning on the Lord, reliying on faith along the way. The disciples surely had pride and disceit within their activities. Learning by listening to Christ prepares us to overcome these traits that come from being physical human. The joy comes in the moment that Christ hears us want to repent from those traits and bad habits, teachingus in his word and replying with his spirit in us. Healing us.. We are blessed to have the spirit of God within us working a newness in us as Jesus had to teach his disciples in all area.of living and interacting with one another. -
Q1. Low Self-Focus
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Basics of Humility
We have feelings and as we walk in the spirit we must be careful to love our neighbors. Love and being loved overcomes all emotions that seek to disconnect us from the unity that Christ teachs us. When we are loved we are filled with the spirit of God. As I grow I am aware of the obtacles and distances implied by wealth and knowledge. We are all parts of the wholeness in Christ. As God works in me I must stay at my post in the vine so when the Lord uses me I know my purpose in overcome differences even in wealth and education -
Q42. Decreasing
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
Q42. (John 3:30) 1. In what ways are you observing Christ’s influence increasing in you? Jesu must be the center of my being, my mindset is this I am nothing without Jesus directing my steps. I can see the change in my core, The more I align myself with scripture my way is decreasing and his way is increasing. 2. How is your seeking of your own way decreasing? By receiving the written word of God and delighting in that written word. The more centered that I am in seeking Christ. The more He is there guiding me. 3. What are the biggest obstacles to humility currently before you? I am the biggest obtacle to humility, as I navigate my day I must be mindful that He, not me in my guide. As I walk this walk, I remind myself of who I am in Christ, and repent immediately if my earthly walk is not in agreement with my spiritual walk. 4. What are you doing to humble yourself in these circumstances that challenge you? I move forward in Christ knowing this, that he is with me speaking truth to my spirit man. I keep my lines of communication open even if I stumble. I try to place myself in the proper situations in life to allow Christ to grow in me. I seek places and people where I know that I can use my gifts to be a light to others less fortunate. I am looking for the harvest in his name, in my neighborhood.. -
Q41. (1 Timothy 6:3-4,17; Colossians 2:18) 1. Why does having an abundance of wealth and knowledge tend to make us feel superior? Some people confuse earthly values with Godly abundances. Money and higher education has its rewards in earthly gains and its treasures. Properity preachers misinterpret scripture to justify their sense of Godliness and its rewards in material things .Jesus makes it clear when he saids seek your treasure in heaven. 2. Why do false doctrines and heresies often come with a feeling of superiority over lesser Christians who believe differently? False doctrine, adding to or taking awawy from the word of God. This is a attempt to gain superiority over others especially christians that read their bible and know the word of God. Suppressing people is a attempt to justify a false doctrine in the local church at times. Omission of true doctrine is being attempted also. True disciples of Jesus learn that the truth is in the bible and they must not add to or take from scripture. 3. How can you show humility if you are wealthy? Jesus teaches that the weathy and the poor sit together as brothers under one teaching and one doctrine. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The wealthy humbles himself by showing his humility, with acts of compassion and love,helping the poor, magnifying the lowly person and the Christ within all man. Honring God above all earthly values. Praying together and glorifing the Lord with acts of generosity and compassion as directed by the indwelling spirit 4.How can the well-educated show humility? The same as the uneducated person, by walking with the Lord Jesus teaches about the hardships involving the educated and the wealthy. The showing of humility is a gift of God, God directs the literate and the unliterate God directs us how to use our gifts in his time. The educated are in a place where they can teach and relate Christ teaching in a teachable format, to others of lessor education. We are moved by faith,as we pray and talk with God. voluntariying, teaching bible school, sharing knowledge with the less fortunate.
Q40. The Lowly
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
Q40(Romans 12:16; James 2:1-9) !. Why does Christ’s humility require us to associate those considered lowly? Christ teaching require that we face truths, our associations with others prior to restoration came from early living. What served us relationship wise was emotional and influenced by how we were raised. We respected the lowly or face punishment at home. Christ say the lowly must be treated as equals, we must lend ourselves wholely to our brothers. Humility begs us this, is not the lowly our brother. Just as he died for my sins he died for all. We are mirrors of Christ. 2.Who are the “lowly” in your community? The lowly are those in my community just like I was. Homeless, clotheless, Drug addicted, emotionally starving for renewed life. 3. What are you and your congregation actively doing to break down the barriers between these people and yourselves? We are actively seeking organizations to refer for help, we engage others where they are in life to teach about the gospel. We donate and support them with food and clothing, refer them to agencies to help them, as we pray and wait on the Lord to change them. Some do come into our church and we embrace them conversing as equals. The challenge is do not be restful in our engagement, seek them for then are the harvest. 4. What message does lack of favoritism send to a world that is intently watching Christians? The message is, we are here as brother of all. The message is that we all are immigrants here on earth. If a person is lacking love we love, lacking knowledge we teach, lacking food we feed. Its all about planting the seed of Christ Jesus and his grace and mercy. What man has received freely go and give freely. We are here especially for the under served in our community. -
Q38. Judgmentalism
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
Q38 (Matthew 7:1-2; 9:13; Hosea 6:6; 2 Corinthians 10:12) 1. What prevents a judgmental spirit from being compatible with humility? Humilty magnifys the small and large, the high and low according to the will of God.. As ambassodors of Christ we must be prepared in humility of the inner man. We must judge accordingly with humility. Never decreasing someones value. Always adding and comforting in spiritual increase. Judgemental spirits lacks Godliness and corrects without the spirit. Humility seeks God in matters of judgement. 2. How can we maintain an attitude of mercy towards sinners in our fallen world while still maintaining godly standards within our Christian community? We must first have a attitude of mercy. I pray for a attitude of mercy, I live in a drug infested area and I sort of lose it when addicts are on my property. I talk to them about the lord and how he can change their heart. I know the Lord reprimands my on how to show addicts mercy. I pray daily and leave it in God hands. I am comforted in my approach and Christ shows me how to comfort those who are lost in life. My attitude towards mercy is maintained by Christ. My Christian community receives what practice it daily at home. Mercy in the christian community has its strength in the word of God. We are called to humblly show mercy and grace just as Christ did. Seeking Gods will can show his mercy if I practice humility. This is humbling and it keeps me in a mindset of practicing humility. 3.In what way does comparing ourselves with others work against humility? Experience tells my how comparisons do nothing to increase the spirit in me. It leads to spiritual compromise in my inner self. My increase is really imagined in my mind and therefore my soul is unsettled. Humility does;nt seek compromise it seeks to help other see themselves magnified in their reflection through the humble. 4.How do backbiting and a critical spirit betray a judgmental spirit? Backbiting and criticizing is spiritual disfunction. What can I expect from God if I am critical of my brother? Scripture tells my that I will receive the same judgement from my Father in heaven -
Q37. Harmony
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
Q37 Romans !2:17; Ephesians $:1-3 (Romans 12:16; Ephesians 4:1-3) 1. How does conceit make it difficult to live in harmony with others? Conceit has been a concern for my church. It cancels the spiritual discipline we seek in my church. We,being called can sense the lack of spiritual growth in certain members. As scripture teachs our old nature is dead, behold all is new. We cannot assume that we all are changed. Discernment is needed. Renewing of the mind is only through our lord. Early values, earthly spirits. We are like minded and we need to pray for humily in all members of Christ. 2. Why do you think maintaining the unity of the Spirit is such a high value for Jesus and his apostles? 12 apostles 12 personalities. Jesus taught that Like minded people keeping there focus on the nature of Christ could flourish in the vine of truth. They are teachable and would grow spiritually together in one head, Christ. 3.What are the tensions in your own congregation that threaten the unity of the Spirit? Tensions come from members lack of knowledge and discerning of the spiritual mesage of the body of Christ. Each part brought together as one. Some members cannot accept their role in the body and then prefer to chose their role. Spiritual growth is halted by lack of humility. Spiritual renewal is blocked by lack of humility. There is no compromise in spiritual values. 4.How can you lessen those tensions and promote harmony? Our church leadership fails the body by falling for favorites clergy. Christian life is not a democracy. Growth is provided by utilizing memberships indiviual spiritual gifts. What is your spiritual gift and how to apply it to the body of Christ. Thank-you for your reply, I can see growth in my spirit man and my reponses. Clarity is Godly. Thank-you -
Q38. Judgmentalism
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
When we judge we must be careful that we judge in humility. I must judge in consideration of how I would respond to the same judgement that I dish out. Standers of humility and mercy, as the Lord would do must be observed. Judging must be tactful, and with care for the emotion state of the person you're applying it to. Then with courtesy and respect of persons involved. Approaching all life situations in the spirit of truth covers a lot of earthly ground. Mercy can be applied correctly by placing myself in the other person's position. We are of the spirit while some of our encounters are not. Keeping the faith, being prepared spiritually can lead to responding correctly without compromising my standards in my faith. I must maintain a loving spirit to overcome negative judgmental occurrences. They happen sometime but repenting from bad behavior must come swiftly. Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Backbiting -
Q37. Harmony
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Humility and Loving Together in Harmony
Q37 We are equal parts of the body of Christ, equally assigned parts of a whole being guides by Christ. If one part thinks of himself as of more important than another, we are off in spiritual alignment. Are we then disruptive to our church's assignment? We are humble, harmonious servants in steadfast agreement with each other pushing forward to the goal of serving Christ. Examples to others who are looking and deciding their own place in Christ. Tensions in the body of Christ may harm the body delaying the work in the body of Christ. We need to eliminate all tensions with grace and trust for each other. We are chosen to be children of the God. Having received the love and grace of God, we have no reward in strife. We lessen tension and deceit with private prayer within church leadership. Prayer in the spirit is the solution. It may help to have parties in despair to work together in some basic business of the church. Member must be brought together to practice harmony toward one another. -
Q35. Submission
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Q35 Being humble means to submit oneself to others. Humbling, being humble to others of higher or lower stature applies the same, status doesn't matter. The humbling experience is a reward of itself. To be humble separates one from others in this world. Humbleness is in short supply. The reward is teaching others how to become humble. As your gift of humility submits itself it leaves others sensing your kindness and gentle demeanor. Humility seeks no reward, seeks no words of kindness, it only seeks to be a gift to others. Hopefully contagious. He who prides, let him pride in the Lord, we are called to live in the spirit. A spirit filled man seeks to separate himself from worldly complaining and stressing. We cannot become overly servile, we are sent by God into situations where servility is required. Be filled with the spirit in all that you do. -
Q36. Patience
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Patience is a virtue of humility. Patience is kind, gentle, reliable and waiting. Knowing the word of God would be just as learning the word of God. I like that adage; I only know Christ crucified. Everyday Christ teaches me something new. Today we must be patience in our relationships, family member, wives, husbands and friends. We must have forgiveness in our hearts. Without a forgiving heart we are slow to hear, fast to speak and fast to anger. Human nature submitting to Godly nature. Godly nature overcoming fleshly nature. renew.org/what-is-patience. Patience in the Bible: Colossians 3:12: "Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering." -
Q30. Humble Lifestyle
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
The humble man must be rooted in the Lord. I find in myself a humble person; I find that humility in Christ is nothing like simple humility (websters) This indwelling spirit changes everything in the saved man. Gone are the self-guided approach to being humble. The Lords supernatural teachings are activated. The self-taught way is gone, and I sense it in my spirit. Humility searches the soul and instill confidence in the teacher's way. Does anybody see change in their humility from the teaching in this class? -
Q31. Fighting
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
It seems that these questions/my answers seem to follow me during the day. I am tried by my answers sometimes. I understand the answers from the Class teachings, sometimes the water seems hotter when the enemy knows that the right answer is in my heart. This suggests that even if I can answer the question on paper. The lord in his spirit must reflect in my heart the spiritual obedience needed to overcome self. I am a sinner saved by grace by Jesus Christ. It takes commitment to the Lord to live in real time each time that the enemy tells me different. And he will try. Convinced, convicted by the spirit Amen -
Q34. Respect
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Q34 Humility towards others cannot be applied as simple human traits, Humility in its purest form should sustain a person, showing humility as natural as possible. However, refinement of a person lacking in humility comes from practice and prayer. Godly humility shows respect for everybody. A humble person honors first showing respect. The application is still the same. Humility tested will seek common ground. Insulting speech might trigger emotion, but the humble will not compromise their belief of being humble before God. Interruption shows a lack of patience, hear a person out do not judge someone prematurely. We always show concern, this allows us to speak to the Lord while they are talking. Seeking his words in our mouth. -
Q33. Self-Control
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Q33 Book of Col 2 v 21 Taste not, touch not, handle not. Abstinence in all things un- Godly is essential to faith. We are in his image but not him. We practice temperance from that stand point in life. We must have patience in others who are makiing decisions based on the walk of Christ. The evil that waits to disrupt the man seeking the refreshment of the Christian walk is filled with land mines. Accepting the straight and narrow is not a absolute, it it a procession. The fruit of the spirit, its fruits cannot be picked at the discretion of the picker. The spirit of God blesses us with the fruits needed to amplify the word of God. Self control is the first thing the devil up roots in man. God knows that without self control not one man can apply his fruits properly. Moderation is the opposite, moderation in things that we can taste, touch and handle. -
Q32. Good Deeds
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Key word being faith. Faith in the imputed word of God. Faith is where action comes from. Knowledge comes from faith in God. We have the written word as our guide. Humility and quiet meditation have its strength in compassion. The early church and godly leadership. Leadership from Paul, Stephen, Barnabus Peter and young Timothy were essential to the teaching of the goodness in Christ. The good deeds of the early church, such as feeding the poor and taking care of the widows. Teaching sound church doctrine. The Christ taught teachers changed the hardened ways of old traditions. Humility was and are essential qualities to teach the word of God in faith. To have faith is to command tasks and to serve others. Good deeds and faith come with Gods practicing humble servants. -
Q31. Fighting
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
Q31 This question reguires prayer to answer. Since a great deal of conflict might derive from believers, and non believers, I choose to respond from the believers state of mind. Humility can serve some purpose in knowing that some people are driven by worldly lusts for power and deceit. Some leaders thrive on pride, choices are made to protect their self worth in the world and their attempt to made gain in the spiritual mind of people that are weak in physical strength. We must hold them accountable for their shrew behaviors. The man of God has weapons of great strength at their disposal, use them. Seek Gods approach in meditation and communicate with the spirit. The answer God give will not come from the worldly view of conflict. Faith in God and what he says is very important. Especially when agreement is nearly impossible. War, peace, love, hate, correctness belong in the hands of God. Do not be afraid when God answers. -
Q30. Humble Lifestyle
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Humble Lifestyle (Titus)
This life that God has blessed us with, the mind, the body and soul, the spirit; God made us to perservere, to survive lifes challenges, to love one another and to learn from Gods spirit. To learn to live as Christ requires a willing heart, and a humblemindset. I cannot learn the word of God while being cloaked in self. Giving up what the world has tainted me with is the step that I when through just to learn truth from the lessons of Christ. Humbling ones self is a gift of God. Without God how does ones change himself. Humbling myself before God is a result of the Holy Spirits word in the chosen people of God. -
Q29. Adversary
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Humility and Leadership
One must chose between self glory and Godly Glory. I cannot serve two masters. God in his absolute power and grace rules from above and within the heart and core of all men. We must seek his will and ask him to open our hearts so that we can taste and see that God is good. We are called to his service for a reason, more than not, that reason belongs to God. Deut. 29:29 The secret things belong to God. Our journey requires that we follow Jesus and Gods secrets are revealed along our walk. We are an example to all men even those in higher office. We have the power of Christ in us, the power to change others as he has changed us. The light of Christ shines in the way we walk and carry ourselves. This is our calling, be prepared. -
Q28. Worldliness
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Humility and Leadership
Q28 We are finite God is infinite and all knowing: That being stated, as Christians we are constantly under a barrage of earthly principles. We see all the shiney and bright things that we can buy and we know, money will permit us to live with lots of world things. Somewhere in the quest for a comfortable life we are like David. All the worldly things that were presented before his eyes by his foreign wives led him too take his eye off the God that he serves. We are foreigners also, we accept earthly values from earthly ordinanances, We are proud of ourselves and we are praised amongst men. We soon forget Him, lost in our self pride. Col3:20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, Col 3:21 Touch not: taste not: handle not. We should be aware these verses as we live on the earth. We must learn to pray on all things and discern the things that are within Gods word. But for pride of material riches, having new cars, new houses nice things are not a sinful want as long as God is first in our lifes. Job promotion and pay raises come to those who put in the work, when all the hard work is finished and your life is pleasant, remember what the source of your happiness is. Don't look at your accomplishment and give yourself the Glory. Everything earned and accomphished in life is by the grace of God. Staying on the narrow road will help us to navagate life with humility and grace. Remember earthly things come and soon wither away. We have our treasure in Jesus Christ, be filled with the Spirit and embrace our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every gift from above is Holy and the word of God will never wither. God is with us always. -
Q27. Promotion
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Humility and Leadership
The christian businessmen/women must be humble and honest in his client, and co-worker relationship. They must follow the same guildlines in business as they do in their spiritual life. This is very important, the guildelines of love,respect and honor apply. The negatives of this world are waiting to defeat the christian business people with wounds of pride, non spiritual perks and sinful rewards. We must not prop our ego up with the rewards of this world, degrees, awards, promotion must be received as worldly accomphishments secondary to our reward in Jesus Christ. All things are possible when we first give Christ his praise for he his the way maker. -
Moses source of humility. God is the engineer of the humble man. God prepared Moses and Moses pre life before the burning bush prepared him by Gods hand. We can not decipher the human growth that leads to humble maturity in a person. Moses as a baby, raised in pharohs house. All the things leading to God in the burning bush. Maybe Godchose him because of the Spirit in Moses grew as God wanted. https://hannahscupboard.com/character-moses/
Oh! But to follow your path in all that I do and say Oh Lord. Would I flatter the Lord my God in any way? I truely believe thay the Lord intervines in all aspects of social and business navigations. I hope and wait on the Spirit; that he will set my word captive before I utter them. That being said, outside influences will continue to assault the men and woman of faith. If I am compromising my faith in social situations, just maybe I need to adjust where I am socially. The narrow road is where I should be, either Christ or silence is my choice. God will have me to wait on his word. God and flattery. Flattery is always for self gain. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Flattery/ Proverbs 29:5 - A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.Psalms 5:9 - For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue.
Q25 Ambition, We are first called to please God. I think that spiritual ambition comes to those whose seed is planted on fertile soil. The goal to reach for God in his son Jesus surpasses all worldly ambition. The umbrella of this manifold grace of God in a leader will also instill a spirit of determination in those under a leader to seek God. Seek God in all you do and say. Leadership of ambitous leaders whose focus is on Christ find sources of ambition that is pleasing to God. Any leader that lacks ambition lacks in spiritual gifts or choses not to use them. The spirit of God promotes a certain ambition to serve God. This will apply to familily and job leadership by proximity to Godly leadership.
Q24. Assertiveness
Brother Clifford wilson replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Humility and Leadership
Q24 Faith by definition and believing the word of God shapes our assertiveness. Without faith our words and assertions when questioned will fall on deaf ears with we respond to anybody. At that point I could not have any faith in the outcome of what I want the out come to be. Assertive christians can assert themselves without appearing aggressive, ones humilitiy will have a calming effect on others. Non christian leaders might feel weak and feel that will lose control with other leaders who take humility as weak. Being covered by the blood of Jesus, we can say things and be assertive with humility and respect. Assertiveness in strong people of faith appears different. Two people one of faith and one not, can state the same assertion in a group; the man of faith says things from humility, the heart of Jesus. The other speaks from the world leaving no where to retreat to humility.