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David Babcock

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Everything posted by David Babcock

  1. Rationally is a term that seems to be associated with worldly. I am not to act as those in the world act. I have the mind of Christ. I must not consider myself more important than others. I must seek to get along with the members of the “Church “. “Good sense” seems to be another worldly term. I don’t function according to the terms of this world. It would seem to make humility difficult. We should be humble!
  2. If I wish to complete a project, I must know the materials, skill and time to complete the project. A self assessment, just like a pretest shows me what I have and what I need.Knowing what I have gives me the opportunity to share. Knowing what I need gives the opportunity to rely on others as I mature. No one has all the parts. We are all being fitted together into the Body of Christ. When I know my gifts, I know what I have to offer If I am centered on self and feel I know what is best for me, I am not considering what is best for the whole. God knows how to put the puzzle together. When I don’t get my way, I feel slighted. This can lead to anger and resentment.
  3. My heart becomes inward focused when I believe my gifts and abilities come from me, not from God. I am the “king” who feels everything revolves around me. My entire self becomes centered on preservation of “the little “king”. My heart becomes blind, unable to see truth. when I realize all my gifts and abilities, wealth and status originate not from me but from an outward source, I realize its not all about me.There is a force and a focus greater than me. This brings humility to the forefront.
  4. Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Virtues are other centered and vices are self-centered. This seems to me to be the short answer. More I think as I study and ponder.
  5. Lesson 1 Question 1 The basis for humility seems to be these two commandments. If I love my Lord with “all” my heart soul and mind, then He is preeminent in my life. I am then somewhere down the line. If I am comparing just God and me, then I am always second. Question 2 In the life of a disciple God is exalted above all else. He is credited with everything. He receives the honor and the glory. The good of others comes before his own good. He seeks always to help, never to harm. Encouraging others is one of his greatest desires and actions.
  6. A “no self focus” and an “other self focus” seemsj the way for me to live. In my life as a disciple, I must think more highly of others and put other people first.
  7. Just intro information David from Georgia, USA
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