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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Elle Jee

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Everything posted by Elle Jee

  1. I’ll repeat what I’ve posted before because it seems to fit the questions. My goal every day is to die of self and to seek God first in all things. I must be careful complimenting others, and I must react carefully to compliments given to me, so that neither will fall into prideful thinking. I try to recognize a person in need and offer help, assistance, share the Word with them to show that I feel they are indeed important, seen and heard. I pray that my behavior shows that I don’t think I’m better than them. I’m not. Some people are annoying, and as Mother Teresa teaches; Love them anyway. Every example of Christ - He humbles himself, so I must study the Word to try to live by His example.
  2. Romans 12:3-5. Yikes. I read it like this: As my faith grows, and I am honest with myself, I may realize God’s merciful love by the strengths and weaknesses he gives to me. I need to be humble, realizing that I am one body, with these strengths and weaknesses - while realizing that we are all one body and I need to live harmoniously with others who have different strengths and weaknesses. Tough lesson. I have to remember that these gifts come to each of us at different times and at different levels in our lives. That requires humility.
  3. When I was younger, I used to think about the reply “All glory be to God” from someone I complimented. As I grew closer to God and his word, I understood. I “get” this lesson. It’s a powerful one. Being grateful to God for all blessings and all pains (also blessings. Ex. James 1:2-4) is another way I work on humility.
  4. Humility and pride, in my opinion, are the good and bad angels on my shoulders. I love the definitions you included in this lesson from the secular Webster’s Dictionary. I pray much about humility and pride. I lean on Mother Teresa’s teachings. I’m growing more self aware of my prideful ways and try to pray about them. I notice that I repeat some prideful behaviors - I know I have to work hard on that. The Humility Prayer helps a lot. It is powerful and humbling. I know I’ll never perfect my character - and be completely humble, and I know I have to pray to be just that for the rest of my life. Great lesson. All these years, I viewed the Beatitudes as individual characters. Thank you. Colossians 3 is beautiful. It wraps it all up, teaching us to wrap up ourselves, or “clothe” ourselves with all of the characteristics taught in the Beatitudes and everywhere else in the Bible.
  5. I believe that as a disciple, I have to die to self, and I should seek God first in all things. While trying to accomplish that I should serve others, especially those with needs.
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