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Everything posted by ColinBaker

  1. We live for Him because of what He did for us. Romans 5:8. Such love should lead to a humble heart. A grateful heart. A thankful heart. A heart filled with unexplainable love not only for God but for others. John 13:34-35 He died so that we can live a joyful life!
  2. Q1 & Q2 The basis for humility comes from a grateful and thankful heart which fosters a loving heart. We love and serve because He first loved and served us. (Mark 10:45) We love and serve unconditionally. Not easy to do but after the greatest commandment in the OT Jesus gives us the "new" commandment in John 13:34-35. Love one another as I have loved you. Then all will know that you are my disciples if you have love one another. 1 Cor. 10:31
  3. Greetings! My name is Colin Baker. Iron sharpens iron....Let's go! Thank you brother Ralph!
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