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  1. Q36. (James 1:19-20; Colossians 3:13) What is the relationship of patience to humility? What in us motivates impatient outbursts? What does it take for God to work in us "long-suffering"? Why is forbearance so vital in a marriage? It takes awhile for situations to develop or play out. It takes time to understand people since we are so different. Even the differences between males and females, adults and children, motivations, occupations, maturity levels, even disabilities all require understanding. If we are commanded to love one another, it requires us to understand one another, to meet the needs, make things impartial, to accomplish tasks, to meet time schedules. A plan can be developed based on the understanding of the people involved and the talents involved or tasks to accomplish. Patience is a must and patience is a part of humility as all is taking place. Patience means that perfection may be desired but may not happen. We strive for excellence, and we accept with gratitude what the Lord does among us as we work together. In order to have unity, we must have patience. We won't see perfection until we get to heaven. If we have understanding of what others are going through, we see they are doing the best they can in the place they find themselves. This ongoing compassion develops long suffering in us. To preserve unity we must have forbearance. Everyone sees life through their own eyes, their perception is theirs. We have to appreciate the ways we are the same, and respect the differences as well. This takes forbearance, endurance. In the midst of differences, we can still prevail and keep unity in our faith. In our day and age, it seems that differences are abounding. I heard of marriages breaking up over whether they got vaccines or whether to vaccinate the children. In this attitude of humility and patience and forbearance, I think we can work some of these difficult events in a way that would glorify God.
  2. Q35. (Titus 3:1-2; Colossians 3:23-25). How is appropriate submission related to humility? Why does opposing church leaders so often exhibit pride? When you have to submit to a harsh person, how can you look at it in a way that is spiritual? How can we submit voluntarily in our hearts without being slavishly servile? The Lord commands us to submit one to another. He said the greatest among you will be the servant of all. Jesus was our example of servanthood. We must humble ourselves and submit one to another. The Lord is the one who is in charge. He places the leaders among us or that is what is suppose to be happening. The leaders submit to God and the church submits to the leadership and direction God is giving the church. We all submit and to do this we must stay in the place of humility. The Lord says that whatever we do we must do it as unto the Lord. So those being directed can do it unto the Lord, and the Lord is the one who will repay. That way if the leadership is harsh, or neglectful or someway out of order, we know in the end the Lord will make it right if we stay in the right attitude and serve as unto the Lord. Being humble in heart does not mean to slavishly cower before man. Since God honors all men and is not partial, as we humble in our hearts we have dignity before God. As long as we make God our priority and glorifying him our priority the attitudes of the others should not taint us. We can ask God for protection.
  3. Q34. (1 Peter 3:15; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 3:9) How is humility related to respect for others? To honoring others? How can we minister to someone for whom we have no respect? In what way does insulting speech trample upon humility? How does interrupting a person show disrespect? When we are humble I think we really learn to listen to others. We need to hear their heart, not exactly the words they may be saying. We need to hear without preconceptions, based on outward appearance. We need to hear them to find the differences or sameness that we may respect the differences or the places we need to have a boundary. A boundary to respect ourselves and them. We need to listen if we are a minister to them, if that be our role. We need to listen to hear what God is saying in the situations. If we see each person as a precious creation of the Father it helps us to know a humble place. We have no right to trample anything in God's creation. To be disrespectful does not bring God glory so we must retain the humble place before God. When we interrupt it does show impatience or that what we have to say is more important that what the other person has to say. Patiently taking turns and being completely heard is the most respectful way. The Lord tells us to treat others as we want to be treated. We all want to be heard and we all want to be respected. So if we can patiently listen to the other and respond in kindness God will be glorified.
  4. Q33. What is the difference between temperance and abstinence? How can use of alcohol and drugs disrupt the humble life? Why is self-control so important in the Christian life? How does self-control differ from the idea of "moderation in all things"? The difference between temperance and abstinence is temperance is to live within limits and abstinence is to do without. If one becomes dependent on drugs or alcohol it becomes an idol. The person will put it at the center of their lives instead of the Lord and his commandments. Over use of substances becomes and addiction. It can get to the point of not being able to live without it. There are dependencies in the brain as well as the body. It can break down the physical health. The addictions can become physical and psychological. This of course would destroy an ability to develop character or to be made into the image of Jesus Christ. Since addictions put self at the center of everything pride would be the fruit in everything as well. Self control is important in the Christian life because the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Self Control and the character of Jesus modeled self control in everything as he never sinned or lived in any excess or lack of virtue. Self control is being led by the Holy Spirit. The Bible instructs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to constantly to be filled with the spirit and not much wine. Moderation is the belief that we can do a little bit of something but not too much. So it would imply limits but the philosophy in the world suggest we can do all things in moderation and the Bible does not say this. It does forbid some things completely. So if we are to be the temple of God we must not grieve the Holy Spirit in things he would not do. We would not be moderate in murder or gossip. Always mindful that God is with us and will give us power to retrain when tempted to overindulge in any way.
  5. Q32. (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:1-2; James 2:17-18) How are good deeds related to humility and compassion? What kinds of good deeds were common in the early church? Is it possible to have faith without any fruit of good deeds that demonstrate your faith? Good deeds are considered actions or good fruit which are seen as we obey God's word instructing us to be kind, merciful, gentle, good, and caring of others. We are the workmanship of God created in Christ Jesus by the word of God who has instructed to love our neighbor as ourselves. The Holy Spirit reveals the love to us and we pour the love on those in and around us as God instructs or shows us the needs. We abide in Him. In the early church there was no social welfare systems or insurance programs or different organizations to care for the sick and the poor or the widows. Paul instructed them to reach out and fill these needs as they were everywhere. He instructed them to work and to give to those in need. He instructed them to give as God has given to them. This requires faith to believe that as we give more will come to give again. So good works and faith work together.
  6. Q31. (James 4:1-3) How does pride fuel conflict? How do fighting and quarreling prevent a peaceable life? According to James, what is at the root of our fighting? How do we respond to conflict, knowing that peace doesn't depend solely upon us? Since conflict is inevitable, what are some ways we can disagree agreeably, humbly? We are living in a culture that are ruled by narcissists. Narcissism is becoming more and more the norm. Selfies are everywhere and as our culture divides more and more into various groups we have lost the ability to discuss things rationally and to see the other's point of view. There is bullying on the playground and in the public debate. We see in Ephesians 6 we have been called to battle and to put on the whole armor of God. I think humility is part of that armor. As we seek the Lord to find out his will for our lives we will know how to stand in each battle. He can give us the self control to face the battle in his holy spirit otherwise we come up short every time. Patience, long suffering, turning the other cheek at times or taking someone to court and saying enough is enough is all at his direction. We cannot win any battle if the Lord is not involved. If we choose to serve our flesh, or our emotions, or if we take vengeance for wrongs done we loose. I think if our desire is to build bridges to each individual whatever our differences and truly to love them as God desires we will do well. The Lord wants to save, to redeem and we play a part in His plan for each soul. However, he does not require us to be a door mat. When it is clear that the other will not hear us or cannot hear us, we can walk away from the conflict and turn it over to God. Humility I think is seeking God's will, God's way, and it doesn't really matter who can scream the loudest or carry a bigger stick. if we don't have our pride involved we can walk away, we can forgive as well, and keep our peace.
  7. 30. (Titus 2:15-3:2) How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? We come out of the world and the ways of the world and everything is different. In one place in the Bible it says to stop doing evil and learn to do good. Our mind has to be renewed. We have to admit we don't know it all or maybe we don't know what we thought we knew. How is life really working? How are our relationships? Are we light? Do we love? Do we even understand what God is saying? We have to come to Him and learn. We have to humble ourselves and let the light in to be changed from the old to the new. When conviction comes, it is a gift and gives us the light to turn to change to be new and in the image of the one who died for us. Repentance is a gift and we can only do it when we are humble enough to see what we need to change. I think most of us fear change and we need his help to even cooperate with Him. We humble ourselves and come unto Him.
  8. Q29. (1 Peter 5:1-7) Why does pride make God our adversary? Why is the power of example preferable to the power of one's office? What might God "lifting us up in due time" look like? God sets himself against the pride. Actually when one is proud, they are at odds with the way God created all to live graciously together. Since we oppose all he created, God opposes us until we can humble ourselves into the plan he has to live in the fruit of the Spirit. The power of example is what Jesus did when he was on earth and he leads by example. We contrast him to the Pharisees and religious leaders of the day who were proud and represented God but did not know God or his ways. If you lead by example, you have to know God. You can only give away what you have, you cannot give away what you don't have. Jesus was just full of the power of God, the wisdom of God, the love of God, the virtue of God and people sat and listened at his every word. He commanded them to go and do likewise. The Pharisees said no one has ever spoken with this authority. The authority was God's and so were the words. When we see people who truly know God we know something is different about them. We realize they are God's workmanship and they have humbled themselves and we must do likewise. Only God can produce these qualities and character in us. It is a process of humbling before God, just as we are and letting him develop these qualities and character in us as he will.
  9. Q28. (1 John 2:15-16) What role does pride have in worldliness? How can we live holy lives in this world? What does "stealing the glory" look like? How can it be dangerous? The world promotes pride. The army advertises, "Be All You Can Be". And so it goes with the institutions of learning and the world system. When people graduate the celebrate those that come from that system as they make them "proud". After all if they institution wasn't great it would not promote one such as this. Hollywood and the stars are used to represent everything, whether charities or causes, or products or politicians. Obviously they know the insider info, and the success has elevated them to the top so they have the right to promote whatever it is the promote. Millions run to do what they promote because obviously they are success and success breeds success. Meanwhile, they fill the coffers on the money by promoting. They did it all for money not because of legitimate praise of a person, product, cause, charity. This is the worldliness we are surrounded with and it does affect us, our mindsets, attitudes, and sometimes the way we copy to get by or participate in. There is no mention of God usually in this or giving God glory. Stars usually thank the director or producer or maybe a mom or dad for sacrificing for them to get to the pinnacle of success but rarely do we see people giving God all the glory. We know God says every good and perfect gift comes from God and yet we adopt the ways of the world and attribute it to many other things. God warns us through John to not love the world or the things of the world or the love of the Father is not in us. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life[a]—is not from the Father but is from the world. If we know all comes from God, then all praise goes back to God and whatever we attain or steward is a gift from him and to be used as he directs we would do well and we would please God.
  10. Q27. How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines? I think small business people can promote themselves by qualities of integrity and virtue. We all ask each other who would you recommend when we come to a need. We ask friends, family, neighbors, etc. who they recommend. If the business people would let customers know to let the word get around about how pleased you are of the service, it would really help me. Customers who are really pleased would want to help support them because they want them again and want them to thrive and to be able to serve. When people build business by reputation it is really a win win for both the client and the professional. We are all weary of the false advertising schemes and the manipulative practices everywhere. There are so many scams everywhere. When people are honest and sell an honest product or service people are very happy to promote such a business. I think God will help promote them as well if they refuse to follow the crafty ways of the world to get ahead.
  11. Q26. Is it okay to use flattery to smooth social situations? To get our way with a difficult person? If flattery is insincerity and manipulation of another's pride, how do you think God views flattery? I think flattery is insincere and therefore wrong. If we do something, while all the time with deception or hidden intent to control or manipulate I would say it is wrong. To think highly of a person, or to give a legitimate compliment, in the right time and place I think can be a bonding experience and part of relationships God intended as we all need encouragement or vision or we feel unappreciated or worn out or burnt out and the compliment comes just when we need it and lifts us up and God's wings to soar. Our motivations and intentions for praising a person can be many. And people who are courageous and and inspiration and work hard we do celebrate. We don't do it at the expense of anyone or to create a monster of someone. The Lord tells us to esteem all equally and even to give the lesser more attention to build them up or the weaker to accommodate the weakness. God has warned us that pride comes before a fall. And he tells us the wicked lay in wait. I would think someone who lays in wait to flatter to gain advantage would be considered deceptive and wicked.
  12. Q25. What is the role of ambition in leadership? What does leadership look like without ambition? Ambition is the ability to set a goal, and follow through. It takes a certain determination to stay focused. It sets a direction and provides motivation. It has to work within conditions that may not be perfect and one is able to make adjustments and still hit the goal. Leaders must have a vision and find resources to accomplish the vision. Without motivation and determination and keeping people on task the vision or projects would fail.
  13. Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith? Faith is related to Christian assertiveness by God's Spirit. He gives us love, power and a spirit of self control so we can speak as he directs us as we seek him to accomplish his will. We submit to God, and we assert ourselves in ways to accomplish whatever task. I think factors that keep leaders from being assertive can be a knowledge there will be resistance, lack of support, they represent other leadership that just wants what the want and they are not of a servant heart themselves. Sometimes just feeling very alone with perhaps no one but God on your side would be instances of not being assertive. The heroes of the faith understand what God had told them to do and by faith went to do the assignment in the face of opposition and danger, often risking their lives. In courage, and confidence that they knew what God had wanted they obeyed and God gave them the victory. Today we celebrate their obedience and courage and they are used as examples of what God would want us to do.
  14. Q23. (Numbers 12:3) Why is Moses called the most humble man in the world? What is the essence of his humility? What is the essence of Jesus' humility? What is the lesson for leaders today? Moses was called the most humble man in the world by God. We see how God chose him to lead his people and positioned him in Pharaoh's house as a baby. He had all the instruction of the world and was treated as royalty and yet the Lord knew he would lead his people. When the time came he took him to the desert to teach him about himself and his ways. Moses learned to hear the voice of God and obey. He was submitted completely under the hand of God and then God sent him back to lead the people. The total dependence of Moses on God is the essence of Jesus' humility. And it is the lesson for the leader's of today. Moses had a heart for the people and the mission but he knew only the Lord could accomplish the mission and God had the plan and the strength and so he just listened, obeyed, and followed the Lord.
  15. Q22. (Matthew 6:1-4; Jeremiah 17:9-10; Proverbs 4:23) Why are motives so important to genuine humility? If the heart is deceitful, how can we ever have pure motives? What does it mean for us to guard our hearts? The motives are what drive us to choose a certain thing. So if what is motivating us is pure our choices will be in righteousness. The Lord wants us to serve him because we love him and want to obey him not to look good or put ourselves on display or deceive anyone or get unjust gain We have to always ask God to show us our hearts. Sometimes we have a divided heart and God has to cleanse the divide. Sometimes our priorities are not right. God wants us to seek him and ask for the help we need when we detect things are just not right. And when we just don't know what is not right we have to ask him to show us so we can serve like he does Sometimes we just don't have self awareness and we haven't had good examples in life. We can guard our hearts by humbling ourselves and being teachable realizing we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus and everyone is being changed into his likeness by his grace. When we surrender to him, he gently leads and guides us.
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