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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Brenda Joy

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  1. Q37. (Romans 12:16; Ephesians 4:1-3) How does conceit make it difficult to live in harmony with others? Why do you think maintaining the unity of the Spirit is such a high value for Jesus and his apostles? What are the tensions in your own congregation that threaten the unity of the Spirit? How can you lessen those tensions and promote harmony? Pride says I am more important than you. Conceit brings disunity and exalts self. Unity is key because it allows us to learn and grow together. Jesus wants us to be with eachother so that we can live out his will personally and corporately. Some of the tensions in our congregation is the to do list, some think it doesnt get accomplished quick enough. I believe we must enjoy the process as its unto the Lord and celebrate the items checked off and look forward to the next thing to celebrate.
  2. Q36. (James 1:19-20; Colossians 3:13) What is the relationship of patience to humility? What in us motivates impatient outbursts? What does it take for God to work in us "long-suffering"? Why is forbearance so vital in a marriage? Patience allows me to slow down, listen and react calmly and appropriately according the Word. Impatient outbursts come from a prideful spirit. It comes from a place of rushing through my agenda and not for the sake of others. Long-suffering teaches us to slow down, and fully surrender to Jesus. Forbearance is vital in marriage because allows wisdom to manifest and through that we stay unified and loving and that brings glory to God.
  3. Q35. (Titus 3:1-2; Colossians 3:23-25). How is appropriate submission related to humility? Why does opposing church leaders so often exhibit pride? When you have to submit to a harsh person, how can you look at it in a way that is spiritual? How can we submit voluntarily in our hearts without being slavishly servile? Appropriate submission is related humility because it makes us peaceable, considerate, and we honor God. Opposing church leaders exhibits pride because it is disrespectful and dishonors. When we have to submit to someone harsh, we can look at it as we are serving God.
  4. Q34. (1 Peter 3:15; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 3:9) How is humility related to respect for others? To honoring others? How can we minister to someone for whom we have no respect? In what way does insulting speech trample upon humility? How does interrupting a person show disrespect? Humility allows us to listen to others and respect them for thier views. If we disagree with someones views we can still minister with gentleness, kindness, and love. That may open them up to receive the truth. Insulting speech disengages us and it says I and my views are more important than yours. Interrupting someone says, what you have to say is more important than what I have to say.
  5. Q33. What is the difference between temperance and abstinence? How can use of alcohol and drugs disrupt the humble life? Why is self-control so important in the Christian life? How does self-control differ from the idea of "moderation in all things"? Temperance means to be self controlled, discipled in my thoughts actions and deeds reflecting Biblical principles... That means I am not extreme, but I move it a way that allows me to be disciplined and that provides security... Abstinence means I refrain from things. Alcohol and drugs disrupt a humble life because they lead to things such as sin, poor choices, danger. They also lead to pride because it causes people to lose self control. Alcohol and drugs causes people to be vulnerable making it easier to fall into sin and opens the doors for addictions. Self control is a pathway for discernment so that we can make good Godly decisions. Self control is different than moderation because self control is a hard no to ungodly things, while in moderation we may do things in a limited fashion but if we go to an excessive it can cause us harm, sin, etc.
  6. Q32. (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 3:1-2; James 2:17-18) How are good deeds related to humility and compassion? What kinds of good deeds were common in the early church? Is it possible to have faith without any fruit of good deeds that demonstrate your faith? It is a core belief of Christianity that we do unto others. When we are looking to others before ourselves that demonstrates a humble spirit and a humble spirit offers compassion. We feed the poor, clothe the needy, share Christ to the lowly, children and helpless. In the early church they gave shelter, clothing, food to the poor, strangers, foreigners. It is not possible to have faith with out works... The Bible clearly said faith without works is dead... Dead faith is not faith...
  7. Q31. (James 4:1-3) How does pride fuel conflict? How do fighting and quarreling prevent a peaceable life? According to James, what is at the root of our fighting? How do we respond to conflict, knowing that peace doesn't depend solely upon us? Since conflict is inevitable, what are some ways we can disagree agreeably, humbly? Pride loves conflict it thrives where there is disunity. Pride says I am right you are wrong and drawing that distinction sets others against eachother. Fighting and quarreling prevent a peaceable life because breaks down trust, it produces fear and anxiety, it caused disunity and it weakens others. The root of fighting according to James comes from what is in our hearts. We maybe feel like we didnt get what we wanted or were treated like we didnt deserve. We must first look to God, and ask Him to reveal truth and if we have done wrong then own it, ask for forgiveness and learn from it. If we were mistreated then go to God first and then go to our brother and seek reconciliation. If we do that and it is not received then our heart is pure and we just keep looking to God.
  8. How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? Before Jesus I was rebellious, mean, selfish, cold, arrogant and that lifestyle cause me to destroy relationships, and many things in my life. When I received Jesus everything changed and I realized I was broken and the only way to heal was to live as He lived. Over time, I was transformed by the renewing of my mind, heart and my actions were completely different. It was when I humbled myself and ultimately asked for forgiveness to someone that God was able to use me... Little by little we learn to live His way and wow is that the best way...
  9. Q29. (1 Peter 5:1-7) Why does pride make God our adversary? Why is the power of example preferable to the power of one's office? What might God "lifting us up in due time" look like? Pride places us contrary to God, His ways, His purposes and precepts. Pride is completely against God. Pride is rebellion to God. The power of example is low self focus and that causes others to grow, advance, learn, and encounter God. The power of office elevates position, ie self. Lifting us in due time means that if we remain humble He will open doors for us when we are ready to handle what is behind the door so that He can be glorified.
  10. Q28. (1 John 2:15-16) What role does pride have in worldliness? How can we live holy lives in this world? What does "stealing the glory" look like? How can it be dangerous? The role of pride is it breeds ****, sin, self, we become selfish, we lack compassion and we are self focused. This is how the world operates, "How can I get ahead?" "How can I rise above others?" We are able to live holy lives when we don't seek to be elevated, when we keep our hearts pure before God, and when we desire and crave the things of God rather than the things of the temporal world. Stealing glory is when one receives the praise instead of offering it to God. Stealing glory is when we think we are the source of something great rather than God. This is dangerous because it leads to destruction. Paul tore his clothes because they praised him. It should shake us to the core when we feel as though God is not receiving what he deserves.
  11. How can small business people promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines? Small business people need to be honest, realistic and they should focus on serving others rather than themselves. To keep things in check one should don't promise things they can never supply, ask themselves "How would God want me to handle this wisely?" If we honor God in business, then we will ultimately honor the customer...
  12. Q26. Is it okay to use flattery to smooth social situations? To get our way with a difficult person? If flattery is insincerity and manipulation of another's pride, how do you think God views flattery? No it is not okay to use flattery because it is not genuine... The easy thing to do when we are working with a difficult person is offer flattery but that is a stumbling block to them. We need to get to the root of the issue. This doesn't mean we lack compassion it means we walk in truth and rebuke when we are called to do so. I believe flattery saddens God because he knows unhealthy flattery is connected to pride which was the down fall of humanity. I really like the story of the pastor's conference because it opened my eyes to view every step I take as a pastor. I love this study, Praise God!
  13. What is the role of ambition in leadership? What does leadership look like without ambition? Ambition breeds motivation which brings forth transformation and vision to fruition. Leadership without ambition is singular and limited. Leadership with ambition is broad and encompasses others for a greater good. Ambition is the breeding ground for mission, vision, values, fruitfulness and love.
  14. Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith? Faith enables us to be bold which is assertiveness. Courage is faith in action... We are assertive because we are able to do things for God... Esther took up the courage to save her nation. The heros of faith all had to get out of their comfort zone, be bold and use wisdom to walk out Gods plan.
  15. Q23. (Numbers 12:3) Why is Moses called the most humble man in the world? What is the essence of his humility? What is the essence of Jesus' humility? What is the lesson for leaders today? Moses was dependent upon God and that was a pathway that gave him compassion for the people because Moses was a humble man that humility was what allowed God to use him... Moses was dependent on and cried out to God when there was a need. Moses was an obedient servant. Jesus was an obedient servant. He humbled himself before God. As leaders we are to seek to be like Moses and Jesus, and be fully dependent on God. If we are humble and trust God to lead us, we not only be in His will we will be joyful, content, at peace and satisfied.
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