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Q5. (2:12) How can the good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God's praise. How does our "blending in" detract from God's praise? The great commission in Matt 28 and Act 1 requires us to fulfill our responsiblity to bring the good news to everyone. In order to do that, we must walk the talk and not merely talk. By living an openly Christian lifestyle, we fulfill not just the great commission but also show to the world the superiority of a God controlled life. It requires us to pay a price to win the prize. Conversely, it is all too easy to blend into the world and do your thing. This may make us popular but will it put us in high regards with ............... There is enough evidence in the book of 1 Peter to teach us the very focus of the world is contrary to God's objectives. There is really no option - Matt 6:24 "No one can serve 2 master........." The question that I have to ask myself is "Who do I want to glorify?"
Q4. (2:11) Read 1 Peter 2:11 carefully. The world tells us (1) to conform and (2) that sin won't hurt us. What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? How can this reminder help us? a) Peter emphasis the theme that this world is not our home. We are merely passing through. Our real home is Heaven and our ruler is God. The fallen world order dictates self gratification and survival of the fittest. Taking care of oneself rank as top priority. This is contrary to what Jesus teaches and what the bible says. c) Our Lord Jesus has set the standard for all of us to follow, in service, in respond and in speech. The principals are there the choice is ours. To please God or self we decide. d) The suffering and test are all permitted in order to mould us, to refine us and to prepare us for eternity which the world cannot comprehend because it has no part in it.
Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? Roman 12:1 "........Present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service." MKJV. Amex has as its slogan "Membership has it privileges" As god's own people, we ought to conform not to this world but be transform by the renewing of our mind through daily praise and worship, carrying our cross and yielding ourselves to Jesus the Redeemer. Hallelujah, we serve a risen Saviour who redeemed me from the pit to look up to the Throne of God.
My offering of praise to God has to extend beyong mere words. It must include my lifestyle, emotion and thoughts. All aspects of me exists because I belong to Him. The bible tells us that we ought to worship in songs, hymms with thanksgiving. By doing so, we may as written in 1 Peter 2:12 "Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." - NIV
Q1. Priesthood
Patrick_Wong replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3 Being God's Temple, Priesthood, and People (1 Pet 2:4-12)
Q1. (2.5) Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? I would liken the role and purpose of a priest to that of a trustee. A person appointed by God to manage the assets for the beneficiaries as determined by God. This role requires one of service, committment and humility. A servant whether a hiring or someone anointed I have a responsibility to serve either in joy or just to deliver. -
Q4. Refining Faith
Patrick_Wong replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? In 2002, during the financial crisis, I was laid off just before the year end holidays. My frustration slowly but surely turned to anger against my former company, friends and church and even God as the months slowly passed without the prospect of any forecoming opportunity. Debts was mounting and the pressure was beginning to become unbearable to the extend that I wanna walk away. Then one particular night, (without to much narration) I had the strangest dream - It was a scene from Jeremiah 7 - my rebellion and pretense was the very reason that God seems so distant. What did God accomplish in your life? From that dream, I really broke down and cry before the Lord and low and behold, I was offerred contract work from Citibank out of nowhere. This opportunity just seem to good to be true especially when the bank was having a head freeze policy. I just cannot explain how or who put my name across but praise be to God is all I want to say. How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus? Slowly but surely, I began the climb back to Jesus and since then not only have I (like Job) recovered all that I have lost but even more. This is not the end of it. I also learned that with the blessing more is demanded from me and now the opportunity for serving is so widely open that I cannot cope with all the excitement without first turning to God each and every day for counsel. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
Patrick_Wong replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part? There are 2 interesting issues in verse 5. a) shield by God's power until the coming of salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. My faith in God and the redemptive work of Christ guarantee my salvation. However, that faith will be tested many times and I'm confident that God will shield me with His grace in overcoming all those trials so long as I keep faith in and with Him. In doing so, my soul will received the promise of eternal life on judgement day when I will stand before the great throne of the Lamb of God in the last day. In short, come what may, I know that I will never travel alone in life's trouble. I claimed 1 Cor 10:13 along with I Peter 1:5 as I sojourn through this life. -
Q2. Forgiveness and Obedience
Patrick_Wong replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Q2. (1:2) Why do forgiveness (sprinkling) and obedience come together as a package? Why is it deceptive to think you can have one without the other? Extra credit: If true faith requires obedience, how can we say that we are saved by grace rather than works? (Ephesians 2:8-10) 1 Cor 9:24 "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run......." As a sportman, I have to discipline myself to conform to the rules of the race. I cannot default the rules and do it my way. By the grace of God, I received forgiveness upon my salvation and acknowlegement of Christ as the saviour of my soul. In return, I renounced all that is contain in Gal 5:19ff, idolatry, hatred, discord etc. and consciously bind myself to live in accordance with the rules given. These rules does not ensure my salvation with is given by grace but it will ensure my existence in heavenly kingdom lifestyle here and now. Rules are created to ensure the well being of community and the individual as a whole. My obedience to the rules of God is not works in the finite sense. It is work (as a lifestyle) to ensure that I am able to live life to the fullest and leave behind a legacy for my children greater than all wealth imaginable. That legacy is as Paul put it in 1 Cor 9:26,27 "Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly.............and make it a slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." -
Q1. Homeland
Patrick_Wong replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Greeting to my brothers & sisters, I am new to this site (chance upon it) and really thank God for connecting up with His children. My name is Patrick Wong, 44 years of age, a born again Anglican from Singapore. My thoughts on Q1 is:- Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? Firstly, my opinion is that those who regards their existence here on Earth as more important than heaven are "human" in that the worry of this world are far more exacting than what they are able to see compared to the glory of heaven. I must admit that living in this present fast pace age where financial security, acceptance and the pressure of bring up children are very tangible challenges faced everyday. I lack faith to believe God and follows his every word as written in the bible. This morning I was reading Eze 14:1-9 which speaks so eloquently of how the people wanted to hear only good things from the prophet and how God rebuke such people for their false security. Perhaps, if only I could internised Christ in my life, would i truly learn to focus and get my spiritual priorities straight. I want to claim Paul teaching in Phil 3:14 "I press on toward the goal ..........for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus". Praise to God