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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by AngelOnLine

  1. Q3. (Hebrews 9:28) How did the purpose of Christ's First Coming differ from his Second Coming? His first coming was to deal with our sins and sacrifice Himself for us. His second coming will be as our Savior to bring the gift of Salvation to all believers. Which did the Jews expect? They expected the Messiah to come bringing salvation. How does the mission of the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 fit here? Isaiah 53 is the foretelling of the first coming of Jesus Christ.
  2. Q2. (Hebrews 9:15). Read also 1 Timothy 2:5. In what sense does Jesus serve as a mediator? Jesus became sin for us and died on the Cross so we could be forgiven. He now intercedes for us with the Father as the mediator between us and God. In what sense is Jesus a ransom from sin? He is a ransom from sin because He paid the price for us with His own blood.
  3. Q1. (Hebrews 9:14) In what way does Christ's sacrifice of himself cleanse the conscience in a way that the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant could not? When an animal sacrifice was made, the sinner had to depend on the Priest to ask God for forgiveness and had to rely on the Priest to do it for him. The sacrifice that Christ made for us insures that our sins are forgiven if we only believe in Him and trust in Him.
  4. Q5. Why should Christians look forward to the events surrounding our resurrection? Because it is the beginning of our new life with Christ. Why do you think Christians have largely lost this as their active expectation and hope? If a Christian has lost their expectation and hope then they have lost their Faith in what God has promised us. What should be done to reclaim these truths? They need to get back into a Bible teaching Church and get into the Word, and they need pray.
  5. Q4. What will our resurrection bodies be like? Our bodies will be transformed to look like Jesus. Why do you think we will be given resurrection bodies? So our bodies won
  6. Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? In contrast to the bodies that we have now, our resurrected bodies will be changed and be imperishable and incorruptible. What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies? Imperishable Glory Power Spiritual
  7. Q2. (Philippians 1:23-24; 2 Corinthians 5:8) According to these verses, where will Christians be immediately after death? Immediately after death we will be in the presence of God. Where do we await the resurrection? If we die before the Resurrection we will be in Heaven with Jesus. If we are still alive we will still be here on earth.
  8. Q1. What is the word used in the Bible instead of "rapture"? The word used in the Bible instead of rapture is Resurrection. When will the resurrection take place in relation to Christ's return? It will happen at the time Christ appears. In relation to judgment? The judgment will take place after Christ appears and the dead in Christ and those still alive rise. In relation to glory? Those who are judged worthy will enter into Glory and live with Jesus for all eternity.
  9. Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) What does being steadfast and immovable have to do with the hope of the resurrection? It
  10. Q4. What assurance do you have that you will be physically resurrected rather than experience disembodied immortality? We have God
  11. Q3. How does Christ's death and resurrection provide an analogy for baptism according to Romans 6:3-5 and Colossians 2:12? When we are baptized, we are immersed in the water signifying that we are dead in Christ. Then we are brought up out of the water signifying that we have eternal life and are alive in Christ. According to Ephesians 2:4-6, while being "raised with Christ" is still spiritual, not physical, in what way does this union impart real spiritual power? I was dead in my sins, now I have the promise of eternal life through Jesus
  12. Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? God sent His Son to die on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins then raised Him from the dead. He defeated death, so we could have eternal life. If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation? If we don
  13. Q1. What kind of credibility would Jesus' ministry have had if he were not raised from the dead, especially when he predicted it ahead of time? His ministry would have had no credibility at all. The Word of God would be in question. In what way is the resurrection God's seal of approval on him? The resurrection proves everything that Jesus said He was. He is the Son of God.
  14. Q4. Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? They are all compelling, but the stone being rolled away, the empty tomb, and then the grave clothes neatly folded as if they hadn
  15. Q3. How does the disciples' psychological state after the crucifixion provide excellent support for belief in the resurrection? They were all in hiding and very discouraged and at first didn
  16. Q2. On the theft theory, what motive might the disciples have to take Jesus' body? The disciples had no motive at all to take Jesus
  17. Q1. What do you think motivates liberal Christian scholars to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? I don
  18. Q5. What is the difference between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension? The resurrection was when Jesus was raised from the dead. The ascension was when He was taken back to Heaven to be at the right hand of God. How do the two fit together? His ascension was the final aspect of His resurrection. In what sense is the ascension the completion of the resurrection? He was back at His rightful place with God.
  19. Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? His resurrected body looked like it did before and could be seen and touched. What was he capable of in this new body? His resurrected body was not limited like our earthly bodies, but had new powers and abilities.
  20. Q3. (Luke 24:12; John 20:6-8) What about the grave clothes brought Peter and John to faith? The clothes had not been moved. If grave robbers had taken the body they wouldn
  21. Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? The stone had been rolled away The Tomb was empty There was an Angel there telling them that Jesus had been raised. The women were told to go and tell His Disciples. Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? Jesus died for our sins. He was crucified, He died and was buried; on the third day He was raised from the dead. Today He Lives. Praise The Lord!!!!
  22. Q1. What differences do you find between the various resurrection accounts? There were several differences as Pastor Ralph has pointed out. Who went to the Tomb first, how many were there, who saw Jesus first. None of it really matters anyway, we all know that Jesus wasn
  23. Q3. (John 11:23-25) What do you think Jesus meant when he said,
  24. Q2. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous? For the righteous there will be eternal life.
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