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Everything posted by AngelOnLine

  1. Q5. What do we miss in our understanding of God if we remove the metaphor of Father and Son from our church vocabulary? Without the Son, we wouldn
  2. Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? The Husband or Father is head of the household, so God was the Husband of Israel because he was responsible for her. What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? Jesus is the bridegroom and the Church in His Bride. What causes God jealousy? Having other gods before Him. Worshipping material possessions and putting our wants ahead of Him.
  3. Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? Jesus and the Father are one - Jesus is God in the flesh. In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Jesus left Heaven and became man. Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God? They both have their own distinct roles, but are God.
  4. Q2. How was the intimate way that Jesus taught his disciples about God as "Abba" and "Father" different from the Jews' understanding of God as Father? Since God was unapproachable to the Jewish people, they didn
  5. Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? He is our protector, our provider, our friend, and our comforter in times of need. According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? The Father is the head of the household, with absolute authority over his family. He also is responsible for their nurture, care, and love. How should they affect our behavior? We should respect, love, and obey him.
  6. Q4. Meditate on the concept of God as a Spring of Living Water or a Fountain of Living Water for you. What does this say about God? Water is necessary for life of any kind. The concept of God as the Spring of Living Water means that He will provide all my needs. He is all that I need. About your thirst? No matter how much we thirst after the Living Water, He will always provide. There is no limit to what He will give to us if we only ask Him. About your future? He was with us yesterday, He is with us today, and He will be with us tomorrow.
  7. Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Because we think we can do it by ourselves, and don
  8. Q2. (Psalm 23) Can you remember any times when God has cared for you as a Shepherd -- in times of blessing and in times of trouble? Yes, definitely. There were times that I needed a
  9. Q1. (Genesis 22:1-14) Do you think Abraham was really expecting God to provide a sacrifice, or that was just what he told Isaac? I believe that Abraham knew God would provide a sacrifice. What support do you have for your position? God told Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Abraham trusted God to keep his promise to him. Did you ever receive a last-minute provision from God? God always provides our needs. He may not provide all of our wants and desires but he certainly provides our needs. In what circumstances can we expect God to supply our needs? Any conditions? He will provide in all circumstances if that is His Will for our lives. If it isn
  10. Q4. (Psalm 121). What does it mean that God is our Keeper. God has loved us since before our
  11. Q3. In what ways is God a Rock in the above verses. He is my rock and my strength, my foundation. I build my life on this Rock. What functions does a rock perform in Palestine? I
  12. Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? He protects and shields me with His love. He will never leave me nor forsake me. All I have to do is call on His Name and He will be there. In what ways is he our glory? We are surrounded by His Love and we are protected. Everything we do should be to Glorify Him. In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? Knowing that He loves me no matter what I do, and is always there to encourage and protect me. What does this teach us about God? No matter what is going on in my life, no matter how bad things are, God is still in Control and always will be. About ourselves? I belong to Him, I
  13. Q1. (Psalm 91) What is the protected one required to do in times of danger (verses 1-2, 9). When we are in danger, we should trust God to protect us, let Him be our refuge and strength. What metaphors are used of God's protection in this psalm? Shelter, Shadow, Refuge, Fortress and Dwelling Place.
  14. Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord." When I confess that Jesus is Lord, I am acknowledging that He died on the Cross to save me from my sins, and I am committing myself to follow Him and His Commands. Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9? When I confess with my lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, then and only then will I be saved.
  15. Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? Our Government Officials need to remember that they are not God. They need to get on their knees before God and ask for His guidance and help in all decisions that they have to make. What a wonderful world we would have if they did that. What are the implications of removing "God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? When a Nation removes God from it
  16. Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? Living my life with Yahweh as my King and Jesus as the Messiah puts the responsibility on me that all will see Jesus in me and in everything I do. I must live my life in a way that the unbeliever will see Jesus is me. What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? I can count on Him always being there for me and to always love me. He will never forsake me. What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? It means that I will love my neighbor as myself. I will live my life in a way that is pleasing to Him. It means that I will pray and read His Word daily, I will obey Him. How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? By not reading and believing His Word, by not being obedient to Him, by putting themselves first over God. By forgetting that
  17. Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament? Tithing is an act of obedience. In the old Testament they gave money to support their Temple and Priests. How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? Today we tithe to help further and support His Kingdom here on earth. We give of our money and of ourselves. All that we have belongs to God not us. What place does tithing have for us? We should give first to God, then we will be blessed.
  18. Q4. Define "justice," "vengeance," and "mercy." Can a Holy and Righteous God justly forgive sins without punishing them? Justice - When you get what you deserve Vengeance
  19. Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? We should follow Jesus
  20. Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? By reading His word, participating in Bible Studies and praying. The more we read and study and the more we pray, the more we will know and understand our God.
  21. Q1. (Isaiah 6:1-8) How does a realization of God's holiness affect Isaiah? Isaiah sees the contrast from God
  22. Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? The words that are repeated are tired, weary and strength. What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator? I should always trust God. When I grow tired and weary He will be my strength.
  23. Q3. (Psalm 95:1-7) How many names, titles, and metaphors of God can you find in this passage, both explicit and implicit? Verse 1 - The LORD; The Rock of our Salvation; Verse 3 - The Great God, The Great King Verse 4-5- Creator of all things Verse 6 - Our Maker; Verse 7 - Our God; Our Shepherd What does the Psalmist call on us to do in response to God revealed in his Names? We are called to Worship Him, To Give Thanks, To Give Praise, To Give Him all the Glory, To Honor His Holy Name, and to Pray. Why are these actions appropriate? Because He is an Awesome God and is worthy of all of our Worship and Praise.
  24. Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? The Creator has the unquestionable right to do his will for his creation. He created it, so he can shape it in his likeness. How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? We should be humbled by the fact that He loves us enough to want the best for us. We need to be living our lives with our focus on Him.
  25. Q1. (Isaiah 45:9-12) Why is it ridiculous for a pot to second-guess the Potter? The Potter knows before he begins what the pot will look like. The Potter is the one in charge and the one that knows best. The pot has to submit to the Potter and to his will. How do we Christians do this? We think we know what
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