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Q4. Promises for the Future
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Sorry I got to this late, but I still wanted to answer the queston. This part of passage refers to us standing strong and firm. That is very important when we are going through struggles. It liftes me up knowing that I am a child of the King and through him I have eternal life. Life on this earth will never compare to the heavenly home with our Lord and Savior. It can be confusing sometimes when we see sufferring going on for years, but as true believers we do know our timing is not always His timing. We are from a hurried society and hate to wait for answers. The scripture tells our God will supply all our needs and this is what I count on. I know of the lies of the devil and he just changes how he presents them not really changing the contents of the lies. So my dear friends in Christ my encouragement is that we all wear our full armor, stand strong, stand firm and find comfort in knowing God is the ruller of all and we are safe in the arms of Jesus!!!! -
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
In spiritual warfare Perer gives a less descriptive way of warfare, but none the less is effective. Peter tells us to be self controlled-alert- resist the devil-be faithful - be willing to fight. Be strong, firm and steadfast and be restored in knowing we are the victors through the blood of Jesus. Paul on the other had tell us to put on the helment of salvation, breast plate of righteousness, belt of truth, shoes of peace, sheild of faith and sword of the word. When you read through Pauls words you know you are in a battle and need to be dressed for what is to come. To me Paul could also be telling us we do not have to wait to be attacked, but we can also be on the offensive. Protect your self at all times is what I believe is being to told to us. Put on the armour, and to protect the back side of us should be our fellow believers. It doesn't really say we have a covering on our back in Ephesians, but to me that is where we need to defend each other standing back to back, side by side. Being strong and stand firm is very important as putting on the full armour. -
To be aware of Satan is important in the fact we should always know who or what are enemy is. In his existences he can take on many forms and does many evil things to intice christians to fall away from the Lord. He really doesn't have to do much for the non-believers for he already has them in his clutches, but he constantly is after the believers of Jesus. The scripture tells us to be aware of the devil as he roams the earth like a roaring lion seeking to devour the christian. Satan is a liar and thief and is seeking to kill and destroy the kingdom of God, which all christians know is not going to happen. It is very important to know the manner of Satan and what he can and cannot do. He will only be able to control any part of your life if you allow it. We must always remember that Jesus tell us he is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father, but through Him. It is good to know we have a shield of protection from the likes of Satan. We need to know he exist, but not give him credit for everything that happens to us. Satan likes to think he has more control than he does, Think on good things and give praise to our Lord and Savior.
Q1. Dealing with Your Fears
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
When we battle fear in and of ourselves it will be a losing battle. We can not overcome fear without the interceeding of Jesus. The scripture tells us to cast our anxiety on him for he cares for us and that is what we need to do. We might have mental ability of scripture, but unless we put it to use, we fight an endless battle. Fear can come from many different sources in our lives and to know which area it is coming from does help. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and to show you how to pray. Place all the fear, trouble that is causing the fear at the feet of Jesus. When fear comes, I myself pray against the source binding the spirit causing the fear in the name of Jesus. I then worship the Lord for taking care of the problem of fear and set my heart and mind on what is good and right in the sight of God. These are strong things to do and sometimes the body and mind want to give up, but we must always know Jesus is on our side and if he is for us who can win against us. Sing praise to the Lord the almighty for he is good. Shout to the Lord all the earth and praise his holy name. His name is Jesus!!!!! -
Q4. Humility in Leadership
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Being humble should be one of the easiest things to do, but if you are too humble are you proud? The church leaders should always work at being humble in actions and do what is right from the heart according to God's word. I think you can usually tell if a person is really humble most of the time by their interaction with fellow members of the church body. Most of the time a proud person will eventually show themselves in actions and their talk. These kind of people can be uncomfortable to be around and should be thought about and prayed about before putting them in leadership in the church. When someone is put in the leadership role and is proud and has to have his/her own way all the time it breaks down the fellowship of belonging to that church group. A leader with humility shows acts of kindness, willing to listen, not needing to have their own way at any cost and wanting to give God all the glory for his/her gifts of leadership. Not all leaders have all these attributes, but praise the Lord many do. -
Q3. Preventing Power-Mongering
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
In the church system there needs to always be check and balance. The elders, pastor and anyone else in power are subject to the congregation in their actions and what and how they handle their power. That is the one nice thing about having a board that handles money and ruling authority in the church. If a pastor is following the leading of the Holy Spirit they usually don't pose a problem, but when they start putting their needs and desires ahead of what is best for the body of Christ; then you have a problem. It is always dangerous to have people in authority who have to have their way and aren't willing to compromise and work for the good of the church body. It can and usually is difficult to get a situation in hand once it has gotten out of control. The best way I believe to deal with difficult situations is to go to scripture and look for the answer. All come under the words and instruction from God. If the pastor or elder is not willing to listen to one on one then you should take two and if that doesn't work then it needs to be brought before the whole church body and dealt with in a godly way. That is why it is nice to have regular church business meetings to keep all problems aired out and in front of everyone. Always be sure to pray, pray and pray some more before taking action to be sure you are doing the will of the Lord and not something personal. -
Q2. Careful Recruiting
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
The church should never have to twist the arm of a person to get them to serve in the church. If you are twisting the arm to get them to be in the leadership role it will result in very poor leadership. The congergation will know and the fruits will also be baren. When ask to serve one needs to know and pray that is the area that they are called to serve. Not everyone is called to be leaders or teachers or missionary work. Some are called to serve in other ways, and if it is a forced ministry everyone suffers. The damage to the church when someone is serving to please the pastor or a friend is not effective as when it is done for the love of the Lord and to give glory to God and to God only. Somtimes people put pressure on members just so the job will get done some way, some how and they don't worry about the fall out from the attitude of the server. When the heart is not in right relationship to doing the will of the Lord and to doing his work that you haven't been called to there is no fruit. The church needs faithful servers and willing members to do what the Lord calls them to do in keeping and caring for the flock. -
Q1. Responsibilities of an Elder
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
The responsibilites of the Elders,Pastors and Overseers are alike in many ways as they all are told to feed, nuture, lead, watchover and be an example to the flock. The Elder of the church is usually a mature christian and elderly in age not neccessarily to old to function in their role as a leader. The Pastor is the instructor and guidiance part of the spiritual life. Overseer is to give attention to and accept responsibilites for the care of the leaders of the church as well as the members. These are all huge responsibilites for members to hold. To be able to hold and do these duties without becoming puffed up is sometimes hard for mere individuals to carry out. That is one of the important roles of picking or selecting more mature chrisitans instead of new christians. New babes in the Lord could tend to become haughty and would be ineffective. It doesn't work to well in any setting where a leader doesn't use humility while leading, teaching or tending to the needs of the church. All leaders in the church body need to keep in mind that they are doing the work of the Lord and they of themselves would not be able to handle such roles if it were not for his power and strength. When a leader thinks he is indispensible then there is a problem. He has let his leadership become a hinderance in the coming together of the body of Christ. He or she has become to puffed up with self and not for the purpose for which they were called. What stands out to me is that we are all elders, shephers, and overseers in the body of Christ. We may not have the title, but in the scriptures we are told to spread the word, mininster to the sick, elderly and to feed the hungry, clothe those in need and give drink to the thirsty. This usually involves most everyone that is able to move about to be working for the good of the Lord. We are all parts of the body of the church and everyone is needed. Let me not be faint nor weary, but move forward doing what the Lord would have me to do and give praise and glory to Him at all times. -
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
If we are a healthy christian then we know we will not be standing alone during persecution. We are told he that is not for me is against me. I therefore am following my Lord and Savior. If and when I am persecuted (which is sure to come at the end of time) I shall ask the Holy Spirit to substain me to stand and count it pure joy. If Jesus could suffer for me could we not do the same with his love and power to guide us. If we aren't willing to die (this could be to self or sin) then how can we take up the cross daily. We need to be willing to set our face like flint and walk humbly in the ways of the Lord. Yes sometimes it is difficult to take up the cross, but through prayer and pettion to the Lord we will be able to carry the cross. He said no burden is to heavy, but lay it at the feet of Jesus. He cares for us just like we care for our children. What does this have to do with commiting ourselves to a faithful creator? When we commit our lives to Christ we die to our self and lean on Him. We have become joint heirs to the heavenly Father. We die daily to ourselves, it does not happen all at once. We have many areas in our lives that need to be cleaned daily. The songs that comes to mind at this time is "Take all your cares to the Altar" and "Jesus Paid it All". I have been blessed when I struggle the Holy Spirit gives me a song in my mind and heart. I sing and rejoice in that knowledge. MAY THIS BE A BLESSING TO ALL WHO READ IT TODAY OR TOMORROW! -
I think if and when I am persectued by people then I must be saying or doing something right for Jesus. I don't spend a lot of time doing and being part of events that are not conected to learning more of Jesus. My husband and I limit how much we partake in things of this world. ( Weddings, anniversaries parties and other things along this line). We do come in contact with non-believers just in everyday life with out going looking for events that could cause some to doubt our dedication to following Jesus. We are not heads in the sand people, but spread the word of the Lord in many other ways. If we are persectued we count it all for good, knowing then we are pleasing to the Lord. Yes we are persecuted with words of being to sold out and being legal people, because we believe the scripture to be truth. I would count it pure joy knowing that through my being persecuted Jesus receives the Glory. Praise to our Lord Jesus through him all things are possible.
When I meditate on the idea of partaking of or sharing in Christs sufferings I of myself would fail. Therefore I will trust in the Lord to carry me through and count it as blessings. Could I do suffering without the power of the Holy Spirit? Never in my whole life, but through his power all things are made possible. The tought of how Jesus suffered with all the persecution is probably not something we will suffer in our lifetime unless the end should come. Should that time arrive we could possibly suffer some of the persecutions others have expereinced in acknowledging Jesus. My perspective is to trust in Jesus and lean not on my power, but trust solely in the power of Jesus. I will not lean on my full understanding of the love and scarifice that was made for me, but accept that love from my heavenly Father and know that the scarifice was made in my stead. Thank you Jesus for saving me. My life is in your hands.
The danger of trying to avoid persecution and suffering for Christ is one that I haven't had to deal with like people in forgein lands. Mine has been rather mild in comparison. My husband and I have received some remarks, but those we can handle through Christ. On our own we could not do as well. When you let the remarks, or out right persecution get to you it is best to spend time in prayer and talking to fellow believers. (If available). Distractions come when I take my eyes off of Jesus and my walk with him and is not usually done by persecution. I have been slandered and it did cause me to lose time and fellowship with fellow believers. I still spent time with the Lord, but it kept me from spreading the word and serving others during that period of time in my life. That time did cause me to grow more spiritually and and closer to the Lord and grow deeper in knowledge of Him. I am sure other christians suffer as much or more than some, we are to call upon the Lord in times of trouble and He will see us through. If we have no pain how we know when all is well. If we only have sunshine how will we grow without rain. If we do not go through the valley how will we know we have made it to the top of the mountain. We all grow through trials or at least we should. Praise the Lord we do not have to do everything perfect.
Q4. Pride and Spiritual Gifts
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
People who feel the need to boast about how God is using them are still babes in the christian walk. When we hear this happening we need to pray for them to realize it is not them that get the glory it belongs to the Lord Jesus. We can do nothing in and of ourselves, but only through the workings of the Holy Spirit. Their sense of self worth is either very high or they are using this to build themselves up. The maturity level, I would say is that of a very young christian and they do not yet realize everything should be done to bring glory to God. Humility is not one of their greatest assets, but it is possible to enter in to humility if others are praying for the person who are always promoting themselves and their works. We are told to not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. To me that means no braging. The Spiritual gifts that have been given to me are to be used to bring glory to our Lord and Savior. They are gifts to be used and not abused. Serve and be willing to go or do what ever the Holy Spirit leads me to do. Our life in all ways should reflect the love of Jesus. We should always be learning and seeking more wisdom. Hopefully we all are reflecting on the sacrifice made for us by Jesus. With out that we would be lost!!! -
Q3. Giving an Account
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
Non christians don't like he idea of accountabilty for the simple reason of rebellion. The old saying no one will tell me what to do! That statement and the one if it feels good then it must be right. These kind of thoughts are simply not wanting to show accountabilty. When you have to be accountable for your words, action and deeds the old nature has to be reeled in. Most people have never liked being accountable to anyone not even christians. Even today there are christians that think theirs is the only way something can get done and their way is the only way to show how a christian should conduct themselves. Some even go so far as to think if you don't worship as I do you are dry bones. We need to account for our actions so we can stand in the presences of our Lord. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior the meaning of being accountable takes on a whole new meaning to me. I want to be accountable and I want to be walking, talking and acting in a way that will bring glory to the Lord. My attitude is one of servant. Trusting in that Jesus wants only the best for me, even though sometimes I might not see it as the best right away. I trust in the Word and try to walk in the path set before me even when I stumble I know I will be forgiven. As Easter draws near one can fully appreciate what the cost was for our salvation and eternal life. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!!!!!! -
Q2. Resisting Temptations to Sin
angelkat replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
When Non Christians try to get Christians to sin, I wonder how strong the christian has made their views known. I can imagine that the Non Christian would feel better about the sin they are taking part in if the christian goes along with it. It would then make them feel ok about what they are doing. The bible tells us not to cause someone to stumble and myself try to get in those situations. This is not perfectly, but most people know where my husband and I stand and we stand firm. When one tries to be like non christians just to belong then they are with the wrong crowd. Find a church or fellow christians to associate with to be built up. To resist this temptation I would suggest reading the scriptures, fellowship with other believers and go to christian functions. Stand firm in what you believe, know what you believe, and why you believe.