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About M

  • Birthday 02/15/1967

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    Music Classical, Pop and Jazz.<br />Reading. Love Thomas Merton.<br />Catechism because I teach sunday school.<br />Gardening and animals because I'm a Vet.

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  1. I think that it is because as you said Paul acknowledges the value of the law as a deterrent to sinners and because it makes them aware of their guilt but he also knows that the gospel or good news given him by Jesus Christ is much better because this good news is Gods infinite mercy and love. It is the fact that he came and died for us so that we may be free from sin and from guilt, so that even the worst sinner could start clean and feel loved by God. So when we know and really believe this truth deep in our hearts we can't bear to sin because we know that with it we hurt him who loved us so much that he gave it all for us so that we could be free of guilt. This deep love works much better than the law. Also by sharing his experience he shows how it doesn't matter how you sinned or how big a sinner you were if you believe truly in the gospel we can change by the grace of God. It also puts emphasis on mercy. The mercy of God and how if God forgives we should also forgive and not hold a grudge. This understanding can be more than valuable in a community that has had problems with controversy and division. If there can be forgiveness then there can be reunion. It also tells us that if God makes no differences and loves all of us then who are we to think ourselves better than anyone else. It refocuses everything on charity and mercy.
  2. I think the main results were controversy, confusion, discontent, quarrels and divisions of various types. Doctrinal controversy hurts the spirit of a church mainly because it flares up negative passions. Not the passionate faith and love that we should have but worldly passions. Pride comes out as a leading actor and everything is about how I'm write and your wrong and I'm better and your worse. It makes us so entertained with ourselves and one another that we forget God altogether. It's all about looking for approval and esteem from those that surround us and not from God. It's being worried about this world and not about the kingdom of God. It's a selfish ego trip. And no one in this world is totally free from falling into these pits. If we are honest with ourselves we all at times are proud and we all like approval and it's not totally unhealthy unless of course it becomes what makes us tick. We all have these negative aspects some more controlled and others less. We all have to work on them daily. False teachers play on these negative aspects and make them grow instead. Also controversy can carry people away so that many times they do and say things that they later regret so then there are wounds to heal on both sides. Most of all controversy is contrary to true selfless love because true selfless love always works for union and community and controversy divides. God is Union, Community, Family=Love It keeps the church from it's mission because it keeps it so busy with the unimportant, the minutiae that there is nothing left for what really matters. Sometimes it is incredible how little man has changed in so much time. Jesus criticized these things in the Pharisees and sadducees,(Mt12,2-8. Mt23,1-12,27-28) but as we see they were also in the Christian churches and we still see them among us today. The problem is that it's all too easy to see them in others but not so easy to recognize in ourselves for these things are in our hearts and if we all dedicated more time to getting them out of our own hearts maybe they'd be less present in our community. It rings true that evangelization begins at home and we aren't talking about the house but the body. If we are going to adequately evangelize we must first convert ourselves.
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