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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? I think the analogy of a tent is quite a good one in as much as our bodies are perishable and like tents are not permanent. Looking forward to what our Lord has promised us after this life is what sets us apart from those who have not yet accepted His Grace and mercy, it should give us a sense of hope and peace for what others fear and dread.Our God has prepared our future and secured it through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ our King and Savior. Amen.
  2. I think that it is possible that the people thought Moses was not coming back, and that it was God's fault.They quickly sucumbed to their old ways of idolatary. God was upset and angry with these actions I think one of the idols created in the church today is simply accepting man's own ways and beliefs above those of God's, and this mostly done in the name of science.Many people have strayed from atheir belief in Gods word because they believe that science has disproved the Bible.
  3. I don't think that Moses and Aaron were much different from most of us today,expecting instant replys to our prayers and questions, which are not always the case. We also often feel that we have been left alone or are been punished for something we have done when things appear to be working against us. "His ways are not our ways and His time is outside of ours".I think we often try to pre-empt Gods will and plan for our lives, and are expectant of what we precive to be the right way.Our trust and understanding is what gets in our way. Oh Lord give me the insight and wisdom to allow You to lead and me to trust.
  4. Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? What does this teach us about God’s willingness to forgive us repeatedly for the same sin? I think the lesson to be learned here is one of forgetting.As we move forward in life we need to forget the transgressions against us, I believe it is part and parcel of true forgiveness. The more you forget the less the number of transgressions becomes and eventually each time we are wronged,can be seen the first, and forgiving becomes easy. We tend to have an amazing capacity to remember the times we are wronged an far less for those where we are blessed.When we learn to turn this around we start to see each day as a new beginning and it brings God's purpose for our lives into prospective. So I believe we need to stop counting the times that we are transgressed against and remember how Christ forgave ours. Always remember our salvation is based on total forgiveness, that without barriers, so let's share in this with all those around us. "Oh Lord let us learn to forgive and forget all the transgressions against us as we mature in your service, and thank you Lord for Your continued forgiveness for my weaknesses Amen"
  5. Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not? I think that Jesus is teaching that the Kingdom of god is not of this world or a part of it,rather a spiritual domain that cannot be seen or entered without divine intervention. First there is a need for a rebirth, this being a spiritual experience for-ordained by God and fulfilled by the grace and Spirit Of God.This rebirth is a gift from God to all those who accept it,by acknowledging Christ's sacrifice for our sins in His death and resurrection. We literally need to die to the world, and be born again into a kingdom set aside for us. I think like most people today the idea of rebirth must have been quite confusing for him as can be seen by his response.He saw it as a physical rather than a spiritual birth.
  6. Q2. (Mark 10:21) Why do you think Jesus requires the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune? Why does this trouble us so much? If there was no other way for the man to be saved, what does that say about the spiritual dangers of wealth? I think that we are prepared to give up and make amazing sacrifices to further our material and financial goals in life, and perhaps feel secure in our accomplishments.Because of all the sacrifices made we find it hard to give these treasures up. I believe however that when you come to know and understand the full value and immensity of Gods plan and eternal treasure He has set aside for us, then all of the worldly treasures become but trinkets and dispensable.
  7. Q1. (Matthew 13:44-46) What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common? What is the main point of these parables? How should it affect our values? Our lives? Both relate to the true value of of how we should see Heaven as our ultimate treasure which has no equivalent in earthly terms.We need to learn to let go of what the world sees as wealth and strive for heavenly treasures.
  8. Q1. (Luke 17:21) In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today? The kingdom of God will not change men’s outward condition, but their hearts and lives. When it comes, it makes those humble, serious, and heavenly, that were proud, vain, and carnal,—It weans those from the world that were wedded to the world. Therefore look for the kingdom of God in the revolutions of the heart, not of the civil government. The kingdom of God is among you. "You enquire when it will come, and are not aware that it has already begun to be set up in the midst of you. The gospel is preached, it is confirmed by miracles, it is embraced by multitudes, so that it is in your nation, though not in your hearts.’’ Note, It is the folly of many curious enquirers concerning the times to come that they look for that before them which is already among them. Brothers and sisters take hold of what you have, nurture it share it, we need look no further as to our future our King Jesus reigns within our hearts. All praise and Glory be to Him our Lord and King. Amen
  9. Q4. (Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16) Admittedly, this is a hard passage to interpret. However, if you take the
  10. Q3. (Matthew 7:7-8) Why is continual asking, seeking, and knocking so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom? Why do we give up so easily? How do we gain boldness and persistence in prayer? In order to grow and get to become more like Christ we need to keep in constant contact with Him and it is through continual asking,seeking and knocking that our Lord hears our pleas and He keeps His promise.I think that we often expect instant responses to all our pleas,and when things don't work as we expect we throw in the towel. Back in 79, I had just started a new job and the boss was always cussing and it was often blasphemous. Anyway a colleague would pray for him openly everyday straight after saying grace,which by the way he did out loud at the canteen table.The boss overheard this from time to time and would make some blasphemous remark,this went on for years.I asked the guy why he didn't stop praying for him and he said that the Lord had laid it on his heart to pray for him so he would continue until told to stop. I left the company after nine years and bumped into my ex colleague a year later and asked if he still prayed for the boss, he said that he had also left just after me and had only recently stopped praying for him but had not seen him again.I bumped into that old boss a few months later to hear that he had given his life to the Lord. The fruits of persistent prayer Amen.
  11. Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to
  12. As a the church of Christ, His bride, our Wealth and riches lay in Christ our Saviour, and the more we obey and praise Him the greater our riches become. All glory be to our Lord and King. Amen and again I say Amen.Thank you Jesus.
  13. Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can
  14. Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth? I believe that as we nurture and allow God to hone our abilities to use and implement the gifts that He has given us,the more productive we become.We need to become focused on Him and His will and then the things of this Earth will grow strangly dim, in the light of His glory and grace.We need to be constanly in prayer and delving into His word remaining servants to His will. As we draw closer to His plan for our lives His light will shine brighter through us.Amen.
  15. Q2. (Matthew 13:22; Luke 8:14) Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? Why do you think so? I would say that all of the above are equally dangerous. When our hearts lean more toward the riches and pleasures of the world, or we get caught up in worries and forget that Christ came to bare these burdens for us, and we are to trust Him with all these things.As brothers and sisters in Christ we should be helping one another to weed out the thorns before they take hold.Planting the seed is one thing but water and nurturing is also required for sustenance and growth.
  16. Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus
  17. Q2. (Matthew 3:5-10; Luke 7:30) How would John
  18. Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart? 0 Repentance is a prerequisite to salvation and adopting the Christian faith without it is to be lost.Christ died that we might be saved, His blood washed away our sins,without our acknowledgment and repentance of those sins the debt was paid for in vein. No sin is to great for the price that was paid so if anyone is avoiding repentance for fear of reprisal or not being forgiven.Know this that Christ with His blood paid the price of ALL your sins none going unseen or unredeemed. Without repentance there can be no forgiveness.
  19. Pride is an issue that we all have to deal with, and in certain ways it can be a good if not necessary trait. Being aware of the feelings and expectations of those around us, through love should always be in the fore front of our thoughts, and in doing this, being humble will eventually become a normal emotion in our lives. We only need to look at those that are less fortunate than us, to see how blessed we are, so step back when pride seems to be gaining the upper hand and look beyond your comfort zone to the needs of others.
  20. Diotrephes was not that different to many that are in authoritative roles in the church today, one just needs to look at all the divisions and disunity in the church. Pride is an evil that is often difficult to overcome,in fact it is a natural tendency, and is to be greatly sought according to world standards. We need to be humble in our approach to pride,always putting the needs, both physical and emotional, of others before that of our own. We must submit ourselves to the will of God and in His love we will find unity and true fellowship.
  21. We as Christians belong to one body and are led to support our brethren in the mission field both financially and prayerfully by the love of God that permeates through us. We receive reward according to His will and Christ Himself affirmed this. To become effective and unified we need to support one another in our quest to glorify Gods name, in spreading His gospel throughout the world. Those who have been specifically called to full time service need all our support and prayers.In giving we receive, to enable us to give more.Amen!
  22. As Christians the very core of our belief system is Christ Jesus, His life; His death; His resurrection, all culminating in our salvation. Without these truths we have nothing, and as such, as the body of Christ we must reject all who oppose these fundamental truths. We can accept the people but not their teaching, remember it is "the love of money that is evil" and not money itself. Likewise it is the " false teaching that we must reject and not the person. There can be only one head to a body and as Christians we have Christ, He bore the penalty for our sins and in Him we have unity. There is no other way unto the Father but through the Son, He has come ,He died, and He has risen and is alive. Amen!!
  23. AS when building a house, one requires plans and structural guidance,in order to assure a good and stable building, so is it with our lives. As Christians we need to learn to follow in Christs footsteps, we need to grow in his likeness. God gave us His word to structure our lives by, and His Spirit to guide and nurture us. We sometimes get ahead of ourselves and try preempt what our Lord has install for us,this will often lead us in the wrong direction. We are His sheep let us follow and not try to lead.
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