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Everything posted by kenny
Q4. Skilled Craftsmen
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q4. (2 Timothy 2:15) Exactly what is the analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul's instruction to Timothy? How does this apply to our teaching of scripture today? Any skilled workman needs to have been trained in his/her field of expertise, in order to correctly expedite a task. The more he/she studies and trains the more skilled he/she becomes .Now lets look at our teaching of scripture, in order to expound the word we first need to first to read and study . In all fields of labour new discoveries are made daily and new methods of doing thing are discovered, one constantly needs to keep abreast of these changes and advancements. The same is true of the scriptures everyday we too discover new revelations and answers to our problems. It is this that makes our Gods word a living and eternal source of guidance for us to live by. I think today many people spend to much time teaching and not enough time Training or learning .In doing so I think they often miss out on the new discoveries or in the case of the scriptures Gods truth that is speaking into our situation and lives today. -
Q3. Enduring Hardship
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q3. (2 Timothy 2:3-7) Paul calls Timothy to endure hardship for the sake of the goal. What in the experience of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer illustrate this well? Which of these examples speaks most strongly to you? We sometimes tend to steer away from hardships and endurance needed in living out our faith. Once we have made the commitment we need to carry it through in all that we do, especially in our walk with the Lord. As a good soldier will not back down when confronted by the enemy we too should stand firm and defend our faith. An athlete in order to win puts in hours of dedicated training without which no trophy can be gained, so too should we put in the time and dedication and look toward the trophy our Lord has set aside for us. Then lastly as the farmer waters and nurtures his crops until they bear fruit we to with constant prayer and study will bear fruit. I would liken myself mostly unto the farmer and pray that the seeds I sow will bear much fruit and bring glory to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. -
Q2. Endurance and Suffering
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q2. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering? Why did Timothy tend to shy away from it? What is the result of a willingness to suffer for the gospel? I think that in most countries today we are led to believe that our religious beliefs are a free choice,and suffering for your belief is not a thing of the day.However on taking a closer look at this we soon see that things are not quite what they are made out to be. Churches are often accused of disturbing the peace in residential areas the patrons block the roads and have no consideration for others.Political parties often flaunt Christian policies and beliefs in an attempt to gain votes only to revert back to the status Quo. Cults are also given equal status and they abound and many false doctrines and idol worship is taking place on our doorsteps.Man in general has become educated in the way of the world and many of our children are bought up in Godless homes.Man has become smug in his wealth and wiseness and thinks he can do it all without God. I think now more than ever we need to declare the call to endurance and suffering in oder that we might enjoy the fruits that can be borne through such . -
Q1. Mentoring
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Endure Hardship for Christ (2 Timothy 2:1-19)
Q1. (2 Timothy 2:2) Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation? How much time should be devoted to this teaching of future leaders vs. the time spent in administration and programs? The most important thing any pastor can do is to have concern for the salvation of all mankind as is his commission given by God.In fulfilling this undertaking he must mentor and train teachers and elders in his congregation fitting of the task and not those who wont carry on the work. This task should take up the bulk a pastors time and administrative tasks should be delegated to secretaries deacons and helpers The word must be passed on and taught as it was originally transcribed and not altered to suit our modern ideas and concept.Great care and time is needed in doing this so a pastor needs to manage his time well and know how to delegate. -
Q4. Boldness vs. Fear
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q4. (2 Timothy 1:12) According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? What does he trust God to guard for him? As paul faces his final hurdle,death itself he is filled with an unwavering faith in our Lord and knows that Christ conquered death in His resurrection.His life as an apostle was one of great trails and tribulation,through all which he trusted and obeyed God. Now in facing certain death of the flesh he puts both his life and fruits of his work in the hands of the Lord knowing that the lord will come through. In this knowledge he is able to face death and know that his work will carry on and was not in vain. Oh to have such faith and trust in the Lord is what we should all strive for in order that we to might have such fearlessness and confidence in our Lord ability to guard our lives and the fruit that our work might bear. -
Q3. Focus on Christ
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q3. (2 Timothy 1:8-10) Paul is writing to encourage timid Timothy. How is Paul's focus on Christ and the gospel designed to encourage Timothy? How is this an antidote for shame? Our Christianity is all about good news not bad and we need to remember this. The gospel is our antidote for all the things that are thrown at us from the world. In our Lords death and resurrection we get -
Q2. Cowardice and Shame
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q2. (2 Timothy 1:7-8, 12) Can you give examples of how cowardice and shame may have kept you from identifying yourself as a Christian on occasion? From testifying clearly about your faith? According to verse 12, what is the antidote for cowardice and shame? How then do we combat the cowardice and shame we might recognize in ourselves? When I look back over my life as a Christian there have been many occasions when the chance has arisen to proclaim my love for our Lord and out of shame or cowardice I did not.When I ponder on these moments in my life I think perhaps at those times I was not engrossed in the word enough and was leaving myself exposed to temptations of the world and Satan. I think that often as christians we tend to surround ourselves with others who believe,and become comfortable in our little nests.When we then venture out into the real world things are different and Satan is at work there and often our bubbles are burst and we don't know how to handle these situations. We must remember as disciples for Christ this is the very world that he wants us to tell the good news to and not those who already know and live by it.Yes we should lift one another up and fellowship together but lets not forget what we were commissioned to do.As we go about doing Gods work He will strengthen us and give us boldness to to proclaim his name wherever we may find ourselves. -
Q1. Rekindling
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Be Neither Intimidated nor Ashamed (2 Timothy 1:1-17)
Q1. (2 Timothy 1:6) What advice would you give to a person who has let use of a spiritual gift or ministry lapse? How can a gift or ministry be rekindled? What might be involved in reclaiming use of such a gift? When one does not use a gift for some time you might find that a rekindling is needed as well as renewed passion.Always remember these gifts are from our Lord and I believe that with prayer and submission to him the gift will be renewed so to speak. We should ask ourselves why the lapse? sometimes it is because we are allowing other less important things to get in the way.I believe the Lord gives these gifts to those who He wants to use them to further His kingdom and that it should be taken as a blessing.Be careful not to neglect your blessings others lives may depend on them both literally and spiritually. Never be afraid to step out in faith what the Lord gives us is to strengthen us and his church and we are all vital links in a chain.Let us always be open to receive and use the gifts we are given to lift up His Holy name. -
Q5. Faith with Love
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q5. (1 Timothy 6:20-21) How can we guard the faith without becoming narrow, backward-looking people who oppose all change, and complain about "what things are coming to"? How can guards be at the same time positive, loving, and pleasant to be around? We live in an ever changing world but must understand that we as the church play as big a role in the changes as anyone else. So if these changes seem to be getting away from us we should be asking ourselves why? As long as the changes conform to the teaching in the gospel there is no reason to complain or to go along with them. We can guard the faith simply by portraying how good our Lord is to us on a day to day basis. Remember growth is change so as we grow in our walk with the lord we move forward and things change. let us be the instigators of change instead of waiting around to oppose change that happens around us. The gospel was written with great changes in mind so don -
Q4. Defeating Greed
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q4. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) What kinds of actions are the best antidote for the love of money? How can we cultivate generosity so that it remains healthy, rather than let it go overboard and hurt our families? We all need to understand that all the money in the world cannot buy us salvation and we cannot take it with us one day when we die.This been said we should strive to share our wealth with others in need remembering that wealth in Gods eyes encompasses more than just money. We can share in our understanding and experiences we have with the Lord as well as any other blessings that the Lord may have bestowed on us.Sharing from the heart without begrudging is the healthy way to cultivate ones generosity.Sometimes what seems to be the least is sometimes the most when it comes to giving. Look after the spiritual wealth and build up your treasures in Heaven where they will not decay or be stolen. -
Q3. Love of Money
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
3. (1 Timothy 6:7-10) How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? How do you escape this deceptive trap? I think that once someone has their heart set on money or worldly riches they often tend to slip back in their walk with the Lord.They become entrapped in ever growing need for more wealth which leads to greed, unhappiness and a life of sin.During this time Satan really gets involved and trying to get free of his clutches can lead to the coarse of absolute destruction and loss of ones soul. We should all be content with our lot ,count our blessings and let God provide for all our needs as he sees fit.Sometimes we have more than we know what to do with,start giving freely to those in need and the Lord will bless you in return.Don't always expect financial rewards as blessings there are many other ways in which the lord richly blesses us.Your salvation, health,family,friends,wisdom,peace,love these to name but a few I couldn't think of better riches than these and say we should all pray for more of this type of wealth. -
Q2. Contentment
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q2. (1 Timothy 6:6) Why should we seek contentment? Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement? I think the question here is not what we need as so much as what we often want. When one is content with ones lot, it is easier to see the way forward because your needs are already being met. Anything over and above, must be seen as blessings from God. Sometimes the less we expect the more we receive so lets not be so eager to always want more. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and the rest will be added unto you. Our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches and glory He knows when we have sufficient, even when we think we don -
Q1. Greed
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Reject Greed, Pursue Godliness (1 Timothy 6:3-21)
Q1. (1 Timothy 6:5) Why do you think people are so susceptible to distorted Bible teaching concerning financial gain? Admitting that there is some truth in popular teachings in our time, what are the distortions that you may have heard? How do they differ from the truth? Where does one begin? I think we need to look at the benefits or so called benefits of wealth (financial) let me list just a few. A nice home; a new car; nice clothes; financial stability; and plenty of good food these to name but a few. All of the things mentioned here are of this world and cant be taken with us when we die. It is often easier to preach about wealth than poverty because the later doesn -
Q5. (1 Timothy 6:1-2) In what ways has the Gospel sown the seeds that will eventually destroy slavery? Why does Paul seem to condone slavery in this passage? What is Paul's motive? All those who accept Christ as savior in their lives are truly set free,and even though in the times mentioned in the passages when slavery was accepted Paul urged believing masters to set their slaves free.As believers the masters would in time through conviction of the Holy Spirit release their slaves.However if one was a slave they should show respect to their masters especially those who were believers.This form of mutual respect would lead to ultimate freedom in the sense. One just has to open your eyes today to realize that the idea of slavery still exists in our society.only in an unbranded form.There are even countries where the entire population could be classified as being enslaved.Then take a look at the cults and once again you will see those that are kept in spiritual bondage. We as the collective church of Christ need to stand up and be counted that those in bonds might experience the freedom that God gives to all through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Q4. (1 Timothy 5:22-25) Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? How can these dangers be lessened? Paul is talking about the laying on of hands in the ordination of an elder or deacon here. As we know we should thoroughly test and get to know these people before placing them in authority over Gods people, both for their own as well as the churches sake. The laying on of hands involves us with that person at a much deeper level and makes us responsible in some measure for how they conduct themselves in ministry. It should not be entered into lightly on behalf of another. By first getting to know the person , testing their knowledge and looking closely at the way they live out the Christianity in their day to day living.
Q3. (1 Timothy 5:19-21) Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? In order to keep the church in obedient to Gods word it is necessary to make formal accusations where the word is being distorted. Sometimes we tend to put people on pedestals and in categories of importance, then using these, we would make our decisions as to how severely we judge them Often we do nothing in fear of reprisal. I think that today the church has become to laid back in its approach to rebuking and correcting those in leadership because of the lack of discipline. We are often just don
Q2. (1 Timothy 5:17-18) In what circumstances should elders be compensated financially? What is the Scriptural support for such a practice? Where elders are in full time ministry and devote all of their time to the church it is fitting that the church should pay them a salary, one that will allow them to pay their way. The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, 'Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain,' and 'The worker deserves his wages.'" (5:17-18) The right of farmers to share in the crop they work on (1 Corinthians 9:5-14; Galatians 6:6).
Q1. (1 Timothy 5:1-16) What responsibilities do we have to help aging family members? According to Paul, in what way is this our Christian responsibility? In what way is this a "repayment" of a debt? To what does Paul compare to those who refuse this responsibility? As Christians we are told that it is our responsibility to take care of our aging family members,as they in most cases would have done for us as we grew up.In doing this we free the church of that responsibility and allow them to look after others who might not have loved ones or family to care for them.We must remember that as members of Christ's church we all belong to one big family and one of the duties of the church is to look after widows and aging members.This subject often gets swept under the mat and the body (the church) neglects its duties in this regard.Often our seniors are just looking for 'love' (something we should all have an abundance of )and companionship. If we can't tend our own flock how do we intend to tend the flocks that the Lord brings into the fold.
Q4. Example of Godliness
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q4. (1 Timothy 4:12b) Rigid, unsmiling orthodoxy can teach right doctrine, but cannot produce godliness. Why not? Why is a strong example of godliness in church leaders essential to a healthy church? In order that be recognized in society and among ones peers as being -
Q3. Godliness vs. Morality
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
3. (1 Timothy 4:7-8) How would you define "godliness"? What produces godliness in a person? How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality? Godliness in a person is an ongoing process of growing in the way of our Lord. The fruits of the Spirit grow as one nurtures them and will be evident in ones life. The most obvious way to grow in the Lord is through the reading and studying of his word, accompanied by praise and worship. Embracing morality leads to self righteousness and destruction -
Q2. Legalism vs. Gospel
kenny replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Setting a Godly Example (1 Timothy 4)
Q2. (1 Timothy 4:3-5) Why is performance of legalistic requirements so attractive to people? What fruit does it produce in a person's life? In what ways is this emphasis so different from the true gospel? Sometimes it is easier for people to conform to legal requirements because they are mostly visible and tangible. They require little if no spiritual knowledge or intersession and are an easy way to impress people. Those who practice or preach this type of doctrine feel important and become self righteous. Unlike the fruits produced by false teaching the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance an exact opposite. -
Q1. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Why does Paul remind Timothy (and the church) of predictions concerning widespread apostasy? What effect should this knowledge have on his ministry and the church's perception of the situation? He reminds Timothy and the church so that they can be on their guard against such teaching and prepare themselves. This knowledge forewarns the church and lets them prepare a defense by studying the word of God. It also reminds them to test that what is taught and make sure it is in accordance with Gods will. Sometimes we to easily accept what we are taught, without question trusting and believing those in authority. This can lead to our demise so we should be on constant guard and test the spirits.
Q4. (1 Timothy 3) According to our text, do you see differences in qualifications between overseers/elders and deacons? What are they? As I see it the qualifications for the above offices in the church are basically the same as would be expected.The differences come in with the job description,the overseers role is to take charge of the local church and give guidance to the Pastors who are teaching and giving service to the church and being assisted by the deacons.All of these positions require those of outstanding ethics and maturity in the faith.
Q3. (1 Timothy 3) Why are tendencies to anger, intimidation, force, and pride so important to consider in selecting church officers? What happens when you don't consider these factors? When one displays any of the above tendencies it shows that they cannot control their emotions.This shows immaturity and lack of direction,two traits that don't lend themselves to leadership of any kind least of all the church. If these factors are not considered when appointing church officers it will lead to a total lack of authority in the church,and even distortion in the teaching.People outside the church would be turned away and a great disservice to our Lord will be done
Q2. (1 Timothy 3:6, 10) Why should leaders be observed carefully and tested before placing them in office? What should you be looking for during this period? When selecting someone to lead others in matters of salvation it becomes important to make sure that they are God fearing and upright citizens.They should be able to teach,listen and guide others in the way of the Lord.They must be respected by those around them and be known as one who's heart is right with God.Their families should portray the same mannerisms which would be brought about by the upbringing they had.Remember that being a leader in Gods house carries great responsibility,and they will be judged according to what they teach others,so when electing leaders great care and concern should be taken.