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Everything posted by Windcatcher

  1. How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? We live here and now - what we see/feel/know with our eyes.Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? Sometimes we may not even recognize it as a lie - that is the nature of deception - believing a lie. Or we think the road to freedom is "too hard", even though it is generally temporary.Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? Truth (Jesus) often comes against what we believe.How can we help people come to the truth? I know God's word is living and active - so when appropriate - using His word. Truth sets people free. Love also nevers fails (never without effect) so love them.What is the alternative if they don’t, according to Isaiah 28:21? a severe thrashing.
  2. I am unsure of my answer. I believe it refers to the rapture.
  3. Yes - It certainly sounds like it. Our bodies will rise. We will "wake" and speak. We will have new life. When Jesus returns.
  4. Resting inJesus Unrest - less or no peace He is unyielding, unmovable, unchanging - forever.
  5. Because death is a seperation that seems permanent. The hope of having death swallowed up means a reunion. That it (death) is not forever. That this life is not "it." Once again - something beyond my understanding but something I long for - home.
  6. A satisfaction or a fullfilment of that longing we all have for our Creator. A place of rest, peace and joy for at last we are with our Beloved.
  7. Humanities sin and rebellion against God Because it destroys everything we have ever relied on - everything we can see with our eyes. The magnitude of this prophecy is beyond my understanding. It is frightening and it is my loving God that brings it about. I've never "seen" God angry or His wrath carried out. It is chilling to ponder. Because everything we love, everything we rely on, everything we know comes under destruction. Everything we value in this physical world will mean nothing.
  8. They did not humble themselves and repent. They celebrated their own strength. Sought God's forgiveness and mercy. Concerned for self. Yes - I "like" to stay mad rather than forgive. I say I forgive but then my behavior says "payback".
  9. As a reminder for Judah to not trust in Egypt - we are a forgetful people. (Some trusts in chariots and horses but we will trust in the name of the lord my God) That prisoners from Egypt would be stripped and naked. King Hezekiah did not join the rebellion, however Judah later did. If I were Isaiah - yes - To have an absolute clarity of God speaking and seeing and experiencing the things Isaiah did with God already - then yes.. But if God were to ask me that today - I don't think so. There is too much "guessing" sometimes when hearing God speak.
  10. one of great pride and arrogance ? Yes - Whenever I do not do what He has asked me to do / when I sin It is pride and arrogance in me as well though I would not easily see them as that. Rather I would see "lessen" the harshness of pride and rebellion with words like weakness or fear. Or perhaps I would blame someone else. accept truth of my behavior, repent and yield - Do what He has asked.
  11. we will be gathered to Him. people and nations (Gentiles who belong to Him) Jews (who belong to Him) That we will be gathered together. whenever Christ returns.
  12. Father of David - Jesus will be in the lineage of David. Everything He needs to judge rightly - and the authority to do it.Wisdom and understanding power and might knowledge of God and of the fear of the Lord. His heart is for the poor and the needy - the hurting. The oppressors will be judged. As Skinnykenny says - "He (God) administers true and divine justice."
  13. so we can have power and control - perhaps fear is also a factor at times. View all people as someone God loves. Notice them, "see" them and count them as valuable. I also agree with others on this forum - help and love but not in such a way that a dependence is created. That is just another form of oppression.
  14. It says He will be seated on David's throne. I gained new insight when reading about Jesus - I can see these descriptions. Wonderful Counselor - His teaching and authority amazed people. Might God - He certainly became our "hero," and the strength it took to humble Himself to the treatment He endured and then death... My well used prayer - "Thank you Lord for saving me from myself." Everlasting Father - The deapth of His compassion is evident when He interats with people. Price of Peace - "It is finished." - He completed and fullfiled prophecies. And by His death and His reasurrection He brought reconcillation. Prince of Peace - something aches inside me to fully experience wholeness - consistently. I want to dwell in "promised land."
  15. stand your ground regardless of what you "see" around you. Trust me. (God) fear and unbelief. Pressure from people around him. Ahaz contacted Assyria for aid and became a vassal. Perhaps it is not a matter of thinking we are smarter but rather questioning God's existance or His intentions toward us. Because often what we see, feel and hear is louder than what God whispers. So - fear and unbelief.
  16. The response to the truth seems to reveal the heart condition. So I make sense of it by looking at it as a response not something God did or did not do. no - His mission was to complete the hardening by speaking the truth. Because their hearts will be more and more hardened. Sower Yes - only some will hear and only a few will "stay". That can be discouraging. Yes - there will be a few.
  17. Terror and recognition of his own unholiness in the presence of holiness. He removes the unholiness. A nautural respose when gifted with something extremely undeserved. It depends. Sometimes I am excited and confident, other times i am "forced" to do things afraid. My respose is a desire to obey but generally with an unwilling flesh.
  18. The expectation was a fruitful crop. The Vintner chose fertile land, clean it, prepared it, nourished it, protected it and planted good vines. bad grapes. He would remove his care of the vineyard. Once again, this is somewhat confusing. An obvious fulfillment with Judah and Jerusalem, but is there more?This parable has possible double/triple fulfillmentsJudah and Jerusalem rejecting God and His ways (bad fruit) and God removing His care. He was faithful, they were not. And they were destroyed. The Jews (Pharisees and Saducees) of Jesus day. Where the good fruit should have been there was only bad. Later the temple is destroyed. And a fututre fulfillment yet to come. When Jesus returns - what will He find in His vineyard?
  19. I didn't see it at first. I thought that "all nations" meant all other nations outside the Jews - so Gentiles. But all the text says is "all nations". There is simply no distinction betweeen Jew and Gentile. People will seek Him and desire His ways. "World peace" will only happen then.
  20. 1a) Judah does not remember who they belong to. They do not know "home". They have forgotten their place of "rest." 1b) People today wander and search - living in confusion. In our quest we often make desperate choices that end up hurting ourselves. 1c) Possible murder / evil deeds. Also - by God saying what they should do, He implys what they are not doing. So, a community with alot of injustice, oppression and children and widows who are suffering. 1d) The choice given seems clear. Their behavior now is harming them and causing destruction. 1e) I read it as physical and spiritual blessing. (Prosperity, fullfilment, contenment)
  21. Hello - My name is Tammy. I am a married mother of 5 daughters and grandmother of 4. I live in rural Minnesota The book of Isaiah has intriqued me for years but have never studied it as a whole. Excited to get started!
  22. Do you think Abraham was really expecting God to provide a sacrifice, or that was just what he told Isaac? What support do you have for your position? I believe Abraham trusted God, and believed God was Sovereign.Why else would he agree to do such a thing? Only perhaps if he truley did believe God would provide a sacrifice. It takes faith to trust God, but I do not think Abraham knew one way or the other about the outcome. Did you ever receive a last-minute provision from God? I had a silly desire one winter day as I did my grocery shopping, I really wanted some flowers. I denied myself though because it was December and extra money was already being spent on gifts. At the registers there were bouquets avaiable for $1.99. I believed God had seen my desire and provided something I could say yes too. I ended up buying one for myself and one to give away. I gave it to a woman right at the store, and was so excited that I immediatly gave away the one I bought for myself. Several hours after I returned home, I received an anonymous delivery of 1 dozen long stemmed red roses with a card that said "Jesus loves you." I believe Jesus sent me flowers that day. In what circumstances can we expect God to supply our needs? Any conditions? Yes and no on conditions. God does things we don't deserve, however, I think He often honors and rewards obedience.
  23. In what ways is God a Rock in the above verses. What functions does a rock perform in Palestine? He is the Rock of Israel, Rock of refuge, The Rock our Savior, the Rock that is higher than us, He is Rock Eternal. I can guess - shelter, protection, hiding places, perhaps homes.
  24. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves? We fight a spiritual battle. God as my shield protects me from the spiritual forces of evil. I love that He is the shield. It is not that I am whielding the shield myself, but He Himself is shielding me. The battle belongs to the Lord. He uses us and equips us to enter battle for Him and with Him. Any victory we have is because of Him. He encourages me, loves me, strengthens me. I think of a child with a father. A father gently lifting the chin of his child to see his face.
  25. What is the protected one required to do in times of danger (verses 1-2, 9). What metaphors are used of God's protection in this psalm? Consistenly make our home with Him. Shelter Shadow Refuge Fortress Shield Rampart
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