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  1. We are all one in God's sight. It doesn't seem to me that he condones slavery, but that he make it clear to slaves to respect their masters. He is telling them to respect the person that is in charge of you (your boss). Paul's motive is to get everyone on the same page who are respresentatives of Christ. As slave, laymembers, elders or pastors we should respect who is in charge. If we have Christ in our life this should not be a hard task.
  2. Paul says not to be hasty because being in office was an official position taken on given by the elders. It took a certain person to hold each position. If an elder committed a sin against his office, a replacement was not to be found immediately. The elder had to be dealt with first and then determine if he would be given back his position. The people in office had to be tried and trusted before taken office. If another person was given a position swiftly without being tested he may do worse than the person he replace.
  3. It was necesary so that others in office may not do what the person on 'trial' did. The tempatations were so great because many of the elders or people accused were friends. Sometimes its hard to discipline a person because you know them. When we know our friends have done wrong, we at times choose to ignore what they did to avoid the confrontation that would ensue if we brought it up. In my experience if you come from a small church, and someone in office did wrong, the word gets around but the person if they don't walk away will most likely keep office because who else would do it. We're too small to vote someone else in. Unless it had to do with money the person would stay and count the money but wouldn't be allowed to deposit it.
  4. It seems all are, but Elders who are preachers and teachers should be compensated double. Leviticus 19:13; Deuteronomy 24:14-15; James 5:4.
  5. Our responsiblity is to help our elders and care for them in a way that is pleasing to God. We should not do it just to please God but because we want to and get a joy out of helping them. This is a repayment of debt like repaying a loan or a favor. While we were young our elders took care of us. Now that we're able to help them we should. Paul compares this to sinners. People who refuse the faith.
  6. People have to have something to believe in. It is human nature that we believe in something. Even atheists believe that there is no God. We believe in urban myths, superstititions all of which have been passed down or picked up from generation to generation. All these produce either the fruit of fear or faith depending on what we believe in. This is different from the true gospel because we only need to believe in one thing which is God died for our sins.
  7. No I do not see much of a difference. It states that all must be the husband of one wife, not taken in much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, one that rules his own house, of good behaviour, not a novice, not filled with pride. All these are needed in order to lead a congregation.
  8. When you're selecting church officers you're selecting people who is not only representing God but your church as well. These people have to have the ability to be subject to others although they hold an office. Some people who hold offices think that they are above the lay members which is not true. When selecting officers you want someone with the temperament that will work well with others and have the patience to sit and listen to what others are saying. You do not want some one who is easily forced to sway from their position just to get it over with or because they're friends with the next person and don't want to get on their bad side. Pride in a position will make an office holder believe they are not ordinary but superior to the other members and hold ideas of grandeur that may cause problems. Overall you want an officer who will not divulge meeting information, members business, steal, lie or bring corruption to the church and God.
  9. Leaders should be tested to verify that they are indeed honest and whom they claim to be. Some people want to hold office for notice and others to get near the money We should be looking for honest and the persons willingness to take office for helping the church and not themselves.
  10. I cannot specifically say, but I believe if a woman is gifted through the holy spirit and she can teach why not let her. As long as she is teaching/preaching the true gospel of Christ and "men" want to listen I do not see any problems. As I've stated in my introduction my mom is a minister along with a few aunts. I've been raised with both.
  11. I believe it would have made other women/people feel that the church was full of prostitutes. In today's church women can be told to dress modestly but in a way that does not make them look "frumpy" but in a way that is not too revealing but nice.
  12. False doctrines and the arguments among the saints. If you worship with anything but love in your heart and God on your mind you cannot properly pray.
  13. This was to have a complete understanding that this was not about men and what they thougt but that is was about God and God only. The discussions should be about him only. Christ became our mediator between us and God and paid for our sins with his life.
  14. Paul wanted everyone to be included in receiving the news of Christ. The church was being selective on who it taught.
  15. I think Paul comments about his life to let the readers understand that no matter what we've done God is able to change us and bring out and "make us" such as he was made after he committed his life to God. This is shared with Timothy I believe because, Timothy did not know Paul "before ". He only knew Paul after he started his work for the Lord. This was to let Timothy know that yes the person you see on a mission for God was not always this way.
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