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Everything posted by peggysue

  1. I think it is a good study in it states early worship in Old Testament times,the faith of Abraham to inspire us,to know he had his weaknesses but still loved by God,Abraham's willingness to obey the Lord
  2. faith and worship intimacy with the lord
  3. Yes I think Rebekkah was the answer to the prayer if hasty or not she was the one there at the right place and time and tended to all those camels
  4. he needed to solely rely on God,so that His faith could be made strong
  5. I think with Hagar she lacked faith,but for a woman living in those times when men could have multiple wives she did her best and loved her children
  6. Makes me want to love and serve God with all my heart,it's such a great special feeling to know God loves and cares for us
  7. It was best Ishmael was sent away as he was very wild yet Isaac was more docile and they were both to have led their own nations and Abraham marries again and has 6 more sons
  8. she is outraged that Ishmael is mocking her son Isaac and so does want them out of the inheritance I think Hagar must have had a hard time from them they are acting selfishly
  9. she is overjoyed that she has had a son and that God kept His promise to them of a child
  10. they wanted children but had insufficient faith to beleive in God for children,Lot drank to deal with his situation instead of trusting God
  11. to move on from the past,when we are born again we are entering into God's kingdom,so that the past is gone and we are new creations
  12. we need to be willing to accept God's will in our life though sometimes through fear of change etc we will hesitate.
  13. It disgusts God to be homosexual it is a sin.I do think though that God loves sinners and wishes them to repent,and would forgive as He forgives all our sins if we come to Jesus.I think the church needs to feel unconditional love towards homosexuals but in love let them know they're sinning towards God
  14. God sees our inner heart and knows that if it is for good and not against His will he will see to our needs
  15. as christians in all our business dealings, and all human dealings we are to be thoughtful and just.the world today is full of people that are the opposite,so as christians we are to stand out in the world,to show Jesus has trully made a change in our lives
  16. I think it boils down to "have love for one another" with love there is also respect caring and honesty for each other
  17. I beleive god still heals today as is His will.I had neck pain problems and when I got born again not long after I had prayer laying on of hands and was healed
  18. Christ died for our sins on the cross,and we have salvation through beleiving in Jesus and following Him
  19. a true yearning heart for God,faith,repentance,loyalty.love
  20. a covenant with God,total loyalty and obedience to God,respect of God's will
  21. God wants us to live a pure and holy life and be honest and righteous,and repentance when we sin
  22. even when we make mistakes God can use them for good,He is with us and for us to help us in any given situation
  23. it is great to know God is with us and for us and He is on our side to love and care for us,it gives a person the strength they need to carry on in whatever circumstances they're in ,in their life
  24. God knew Hagar's situation and had different plans for her and her life,than what she'd expected
  25. sarah wanted a child a son and gave hagar to abraham,she was very angry that hagar was so proud of being pregnant in a culture where children were important
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