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Everything posted by peggysue

  1. we must refrain from sin,keep our hearts and minds pure like christ Jesus
  2. it is a good witness to unbeleivers around us to be of a conscious christian character,and also pleasing to God,keeps ourselves also in a close relationship with God
  3. I feel it is important to have christian friends around me,read the bible look up christian websites,pray etc,otherwise it's easy to fall and be influenced by ungodly people
  4. in all areas of my life I need the Lord's help.there are days I could be angry at someone but I know I need the lord's help and forgiveness.It's easier to be kind to those we care about but Jesus wants us to show love to all
  5. by living a sinful life it draws us away from God as we feel ashamed and guilty in His presence whereas if we live according to His will we feel His love pooring out into our lives
  6. because of God's goodness to us,itmakes us want to live a life for Him that is pure and Holy out of our love for Him
  7. As we day by day develop our faith and live for God and his ways which are holy our lives fall into place by doing His will and He constantly cares for our needs
  8. It was a totally different culture and time,and I guess as Peter had actually seen Jesus their faith was strong,though I think our faith in Jesus today has to be just as strong as we are constantly promoted to live an ungodly lifestyle,TV etc etc are all testimonies to ungodly lifestyles being bombarded to us all the time
  9. treating someone badly is not Godly is sinful usually done out of domination and control,will cause strife usually in the marriage,God wants us to be kind to one another
  10. i don't beleive anyone should dominate anyone that is a form of control,a loveing husband will generally be more likely to have a loveing family who trust him,which is pleasing to God
  11. a person who loves God will try to be caring nurturing etc whether male or female,but if a wife has these values and the husband takes notice of these good qualities in her it can make him come to learn about Jesus
  12. we should be respectable and presentable,but that is easy to say,some people are in third world countries starving,there are women on the streets,so you have to live the best with what you've got,God sees the inner heart
  13. submission is not in line with our sinful nature which is full of ego and pride,but God loves an obedient heart,though if there is something outright unGodly etc then I beleive we have to stand firm for God
  14. we must draw close to Jesus at all times.to keep away from the temptation of sin,as we love and serve him more the less sin has the stronghold over us,we must seek him in prayer,be with fellow christians etc
  15. that I can be made whole,be in right standing with the Lord,have a loving relationship with him,free from bondage of sin
  16. He was God in human kind,so that we can see how Jesus was the perfect man and we can be like him and follow his lifestyle
  17. took all the sins,pain and suffering on the cross
  18. be more patient and tolerable with people,not get angry,but show God's love in all we do.
  19. this is really to me what is relevant at the time and in what situation,but always remembering God is in control,and to do His will and not do anything that is not Godly
  20. if we are good obedient worker's we are reflecting a good christian attitude,and can be a living witness of how Jesus works in our lives to be kind and obedient to others
  21. we become more like Jesus,but if we are rebellious we are out of God's will and it will distance us from God
  22. want to follow God do His will,be obedient to His word
  23. thanking God for his greatness praise and worship to bring glory to the Lord
  24. through all of life's trials we draw closer to God and it strengthens us,so we do not become bitter but build more faith. My mum died when I was 12yrs had an alcoholic father,my horse went blind had to be destroyed,dog died at vet's from a tick, I then 2 weeks later lost my job I had a cartilage knee injury, but I found God uses it for His purpose and through our pain and heeling,God then can use our circumstance to call out to Him and help others in pain.I do counselling at Lifeline and have been put to use to help others,and know with Jesus I CAN cope
  25. Beleive in Jesus,our faith in Him,God does the rest,the relationship we develop with our Lord is a trully wonderful gift
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