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I think it's okay to ask God to confirm His direction when we need an anchor to our faith. But we also have to be careful that we are not trying to tempt or manipulate God. We can take this "show me a sign" thing too far and begin to live superstiously, only moving when we see a "sign", always interpreting the simplest thing as a "sign from God". Signs are usually requested because our faith is weak, and the best way to increase our faith is to cultivate our relationship with the LORD by studying His word, and meditating on it day and night. The word declares in the book of Psalm that if we hide the word in our hearts it will keep us from sinning against God. To me that covers everything, so we should seek our guidance from the word of God, otherwise signs become witchcraft and not faith.
Gideon put out a fleece to confirm God's word and His will. Gideon didn't want to make a mistake. He wanted to be sure and very sure. I think Gideon understood the enormity and the importance of what God has called him to do. He knows that lives hang in the balance, and he cannot afford to make a mistake. Gideon needed an anchor. It's a classic example of believing God versus believing in God. In order for Gideon to really be that "mighty man of valor" he had to do both.
Up to this point Joash had lived a compromising life. The idols were built on his land because he agreed and allowed it, in violation of God's command that His people not get involved with heathens. As a leader he has gone back and forth between Baal and the one true and living God. He hasn't stood up for the LORD and has allowed sin to happen on his watch and in his camp. In fact, he has been a part of it. Gideon's act literally changes Joash's life, causing him to stand and make a decision -- God or Baal. The rubber met the road, and Joash wisely chooses God. I don't think Gideon could afford to consider how what he did would impact his father unless he thought of the wonderful possibility that God would save his father. Gideon had to do what God told him to do, father in agreement or not. Once Joash denouces Baal and speaks up for God, he moves to God's side. He's in it with Gideon and God must now take care of both of them. Joash is also walking by faith.
This is an interesting question that brings Jesus beloved disciple, Peter, to mind. He was certainly disobedient, yet still walking with the LORD. We can be disobedient disciples. In fact, we ARE because none of us get it 100% right all the time, every day. And even though we may disobey, we're still saved by grace and praise the LORD! our Heavenly Father still loves us!!! I don't think "disobedient disciple" represents an oxymoron -- it represents reality! Gideon certainly had a choice, and so do we. Each day we wake up and decide to live saved, to walk upright before Him, to do His will, to allow Him to order our steps. Sometimes we make wrong decisions, BUT again -- GOD IS MERCIFUL! Gideon make the right decision because he understood how important it was for him to be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. God knows our heart, and if our desire and intent is to please God, I firmly believe that He will lead us into all truth, guiding us along the way to make right choices.
When faced with the decision to obey God or please man, we must choose to obey God. Gideon couldn't think about his family, especially his father, because Gideon was under a direct mandate from the LORD. God had placed Gideon in the position of being the instrument to bring about deliverance from the wicked Midanites. Gideon's responsibility to God far outweighed his allegiance to man, i.e., his family. Matthew 10:37 supports this: we are to put NO ONE above the LORD. If we do, scripture says that we're not worthy of Him. As much as I love my family and friends, I don't want to risk not being with my LORD and Savior when it's all said and done. God is an "All or Nothing" God. He wants our complete obedience, our unwavering love and undying devotion!
Tearing down this altar and these idols were symbolic of the destruction that had to take place before God could take His rightful place. The Israelites had fallen into the idol worship of the people around them. Before God could even move to deliver them, whatever they had put in His place had to go. God is saying that to me, today "Take down the idols and the altars...the ones of money, relationships, self... for I cannot move on your behalf until I am on the throne of your heart." The positive thing Gideon is told to do in place of these idols is to "build an altar to the LORD." Gideon does this at night because he feared his father and the men of the city, BUT it was impressed upon my heart that Gideon decided that risking his life, and the displeasure of his father -- perhaps even being cut out of the family -- was worth pleasing God. He chose to obey, no matter what, making the night mission a sign of faith not weakness. For it takes faith to obey God. It takes great faith to step out on nothing, believing that you're going to land on something!
God tells Gideon "I will be with you." This spiritual principle is that with God we can do anything. In the NT Philippians 4:13 declares "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God is the strength and He strengthens my strength. He enables. He empowers. It's all on Him. PRAYER: LORD, first, forgive me of willful disobedience. I have put other things before You, and what I want more than anything is for You to be exalted in my life. Father, help to live this life based on your image of me, and not my image of myself. Sometimes my image of me is that I'm stronger or weaker than You know I am. Help me to draw on the fact, according to Your word, that I can do all things through Christ and the strength He gives me makes me mighty through Him to glorify Him in all that I say and do. Amen
God sees Gideon as a "mighty man of valor". God sees Gideon's potential. Gideon, on the other hand, sess himself as weak and ineffective, unable to do what God wants him to do. Gideon suffers from low self-esteem. Others see his answer as humility. I don't. Humility does not blame God the way Gideon does in verses 13. Anyway, Gideon's view of himself is the total opposite of how God sees him. As long as we operate from our view of ourselves we are limited BIG TIME! This hit me like a ton of bricks, because I realized that our own self-perception can keep us in poverty, keep us in fear, and keep us in sin. WOW!
They are oppressed because of the sin of disobedience. God told them not to worship other gods, to keep Him first, but instead they gave in to their surroundings -- influenced by others. How many times, LORD, do I do you clearly tell me NOT to do! Just like the Israelites, doing my own thing and blaming You when I suffer from bad decisions.
Gideon looks at the situation he's in at the moment. The Israelites are improverished, suffering at the hands of the Midianites who take their food and their livestock, and cause them to live in fear. From his view he sees and feels that God has abandoned His people, especially after recalling the miracles he was told about, but is not currently experiencing. Gideon's assessment is totally inaccurate -- sin and disobedience are the real culprits of his troubles. I think we blame God because we don't want to be responsible or accountable for our own actions. The danger in blaming God is that we don't look at ourselves and ask the questions: "What did I do?" How do I fit into to this?" "Am I really living in obedience to the LORD?" When we fail to do this, we end up with a victim's mentality...poor me...I'm always down, etc.
Hello to All, My name is Angela and I am from Connecticut. I am glad to be a part of this study and the discussion. I use this as my meditation and quiet time study and God is blessing me through it. Blessings!