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Everything posted by nerraw20

  1. A good antidote for shame is to realize there will be suffering if we are living for Christ. In fact it is a good sign we are living for Christ, as long as we are not being irrational. Then we should remember who has the final say on judgement day. It will not be the world, but our gracious Savior. I know there have been too many times I have softened the message because I valued the opinion of an unbeliever more than God's.
  2. Rekindle the gift by reusing it. Ask God to bring him to the point of reclamation. Get around other believers that will encourage.
  3. We need to make sure its really the truth we are guarding and not false knowledge. This question is convicting to me because I have been a complainer too many times. Our focus should be on whats lovely and true more than what we think is messed up. Also it is good to make sure we are not quarrelsome and contentious.
  4. This is a very convicting question sinceI fail too many times in this area. I would think it is helpful to focus more on the promises that are coming for us who are in Christ. Talk more about the truth than the lies of the culture.
  5. Being generous and sharing are the best antidotes for the love of money. By involving our families. Spouses should discuss what is reasonable to share both in time and finances.
  6. When we let our desires wander till they get out of bounds. Love for money becomes a trap when we stretch ourselves to the piont of taking unecessary risks that are to big to handle. First by realizing that more wealth doesn't mean more happiness. We must stay focused on our mission. Tell ourselves that we are doing well if we have food and clothes.
  7. We should seek that inner contentment with Gods provisions so we are not looking to the things of the world. Our families have what they really need in Christ. If the opportunity comes up to get ahead that ok but not at the expence of our God and family.
  8. People naturally like to put there hope in wealth. They also like to associate wealth with spirituality. One distortion I heard is that if you have faith you will never be poor.
  9. In Christ all are truly free. It was more important to portray the church correctly than to be seen as rebellious.
  10. If the person is a new convert then they will not understand the role of an elder. It takes time for a person to adequately reveal themselves. Doing so to quickly might put the wrong person in eldership. Its easier to put them in office than to get them out. Being patient and waiting will lessen the risk.
  11. To make sure the accusations had grounds to stand on and as a warning to others who are involved in sin. Some elders were wealthy and or had great influence. Church discipline can be painful for all involved. Some churches sadly are not Biblically sound enough to discern when and how discipline is needed. Also there is this false concept of being overly nice when truth is needed.
  12. Elders who labor and do there work well, especially those who teach and preach.(1 Timothy 5:17-18)
  13. We have the responsibility to help aged family members financially. It is our responsibility so the church is not over burdened. It is a way to pay respect to older members. Since they laid down there lives to support us in raising children we should return the favor when they are in need. People who ignore this are worse than unbelievers. There are many unbelievers who do this out of gratitude.
  14. Rigid orthodoxy cannot produce godliness because it relies on human strenght. A strong example is essential because actions speak louder than words. No matter what you say people will learn more from what you do.
  15. Godliness is God like characteristics. The first place I think of is in Galatians, the fruit of the spirit. There is only one source of godliness, and that is through the Holy Spirit working in us. The tools used are a combination of blessing and suffering. Godliness is different from a strict morality. Morality is outward and tends to focus on self, and looks down on others who don't measure up. Where godliness focuses on God and has mercy on those who fall short. A strict morallity is man produced where godliness is a product of relating to Jesus.
  16. Legalism appeals to a sense of self rightousness. The fruit produced of legalism is inner indulgence or the flesh, like hatred, lusts, envy, and jealousies. Legalism focuses on the outward but doesn't change the heart. Where the true gospel changes a person from the inside out.
  17. Paul reminds Timothy and the church so they are not discouraged or swayed by the apostasy. They should distance themselves from people who are willfully pursuing apostasy. This knowlegde should prepare them to remain faithful in the midst of apostasy.
  18. Anger, intimidation, force, and pride are all works of the flesh. When these are present the person is either not saved or not mature enough to keep the peace of Christ in the church. Then the church quickly becomes an unsafe place of competition, which will cause reproach from the world.
  19. Leaders should be examined carefully because it could be disasterous to both the church and the individual if done too quickly. Genuine faith in God is a must. Basic character and general reputation as they relate to ones manner of living.
  20. I have been married 24 yrs and this answer is very accurate.
  21. Paul is looking for a one woman man. A man who is commited to his wife. Leadership is tested in the family. However his family is functioning could be a good indicater of how mature his walk with God is. Also if there is chaos in his family there most likely with be chaos under his leadership.
  22. This is a GREAT post. Its hard for a guy to address this topic without being considered sexist.
  23. This is a GREAT post. Its hard for a guy to address this topic without being considered sexist.
  24. This is a GREAT post. Its hard for a guy to address this topic without being considered sexist.
  25. Wow, this is a tough issue do to its sensitivity. To start out with I think that this is primarily instruction to woman. Hopefully the men will not have to confront disruptive behavior. If the wife asks her husband first it wil be edifying for there relationship. Both in sharing and in building up her husband by showing confidence in his leadership. There are places where woman teach but not to have men under her submission. I personally love the teachings of many woman like Nancy liegh De Moss. Men and woman are so different that it works better to have woman primarily teaching woman and men over men.
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