Barbara Momphard
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Why do we demand that God's directions make sense to us before we'll follow them? I think it is good to be cautious and sure it is God guiding us and not our own misguidance. We have all heard of people making BIG mistakes about when world will end, etc. It also seems to me that many folks seem to start out on right way but are easily mislead. I always think of Jim Jones followers... What's the spiritual danger here? I guess we could miss God's calling. How can we balance blind obedience with getting confirmation through spiritual people whose discernment we trust? By having our church family and leaders pray for us,etc.
Why do we demand that God's directions make sense to us before we'll follow them? Lack of complete faith and trust. Human nature not wanting to make a mistake. What's the spiritual danger here? Maybe miss doing great things for God. How can we balance blind obedience with getting confirmation through spiritual people whose discernment we trust? Have spiritual friends pray for God's leading .
Q3. Too Large
Barbara Momphard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Gideon's Incredible Shrinking Army (Judges 6:33-7:15a)
Why did God feel Gideon's army was too large? God does explain the reasons for dismissing two-thirds of the army: "You have too many men for me to deliver Midian into their hands. In order that Israel may not boast against me that her own strength has saved her ...." (7.2) Dr. Wilson's exposition: God knows us well. We're so easily tempted to take credit for the things that go well, but blame God when they fail. Our pride is so deceptive, we may not even recognize the signs. Why was shrinking the army's size to a tiny band essential in restoring Israel's faith and allegiance? So they would know that it was God who delivered them from their enemy. What kinds of pressures would Gideon be feeling NOT to obey God in shrinking his army? From his own army. How was Gideon able to obey God fully in this? He believed God..."with man things are impossible but with God all things are possible" -
When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? I think we can pray and ask God "to open doors so to speak" if it is His will for us. Be open to his guidance. What is the danger of demanding a sign? The danger could be the rath of God. God is in control and we have no right to demand a sign. (Note I have posted this answer 3 times and lost it...each answer has been different)
2. How are we to obey the commandment to "Honor your father and your mother" in the kind of situation Gideon finds himself? God is to always come first; even above our families. He did what was right. In fact, he saved his family from worshipping other gods. What justification does Gideon have for his action? (Matthew 10:37). Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; Can a person be a "disobedient disciple"? I looked up the meaning of disciple and here is what I found: Disciple - a scholar, sometimes applied to the followers of John the Baptist (Matt. 9:14), and of the Pharisees (22:16), but principally to the followers of Christ. A disciple of Christ is one who (1) believes his doctrine, (2) rests on his sacrifice, (3) imbibes his spirit, and (4) imitates his example (Matt. 10:24; Luke 14:26, 27, 33; John 6:69). Another one: 1 : one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another: as a : one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts b : a convinced adherent of a school or individual I may be sticking my neck out here but; I think because of human nature that a disciple can on occasion be disobedient. There can also be conserquences
2. How are we to obey the commandment to "Honor your father and your mother" in the kind of situation Gideon finds himself? God is to always come first; even above our families. He did what was right. In fact, he saved his family from worshipping other gods. What justification does Gideon have for his action? (Matthew 10:37). Matthew 10:37 (NRSV) "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."
1. Why does God tell Gideon to tear down the Baal altar and Asherah pole? God wanted Gideon to build an altar to the true God. God was calling Gideon to deliver Israel from the Midianites(6:25) What positive thing is he to do in their place? Building a proper altar to God and make a sacrifice to God.(6:26) What risks are involved in this action? His father had built an altar to Baal and the fertility god Asherah. He risks anger from his own family first and then those who worshipped Baal and maybe death. Why does Gideon do this at night? He was afraid he would be seen and maybe stopped. Is the night mission a sign of weakness or faith? (6:27) Maybe he was just being cautious and smart. I am thinking there may have been lives lost if they had destroyed the idols during the day.