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  1. Q4. In what way does Abraham show persistence? He continues to ask God to be forgiving for the sake of less and less Godly people but in my own mind his prayer is really for his brother Lot and for his own love of Lot. It surprises me that he is not praying for those who might turn to God by some cause or does he not dare to assume that God already has decided all is beyond salvation for these people. Why is persistence necessary in prayer? We come to God first in our own mindset, praying amiss and if our hearts are open God will answer us with what we should have been praying for. In this case the actual prayer of Abraham's heart is answered in God allowing him to get Lot out of Sodom. Have you ever experienced "praying through"? What was it like? Emotionally debilitating
  2. I think Abraham pleased God and though very imperfect in his fath in God he had accepted a relationship with the Father and had out of that relationship a boldness to do as the Lord ask and to present a type of Jesus for those who were to be God's children.
  3. Q1. What is the basis of Abraham's argument that God should spare Sodom? How does it relate to God's character? The rain falls on the just and on the wicked likely speaks to natural blessing more than disaster and of couse in it doing so is not about judgement or grace and I mention it because it comes to mind not because it has been mentioned in the lesson. There is so much of the Protestant work ethic that goes back to the nature of God. Abraham's brother Lot had pitched his tent toward Sodom and some say his position at the gate would be that of Mayor and Abraham had before this gone out to save him and his goods from other invading Kings and had tithed to the King of Salem from what he took back which one would guess was more than just Lot's stuff but also of the King's and all else but he did not keep it. So he had saved his brother and Sodom and returned them to their lives. There was not a call to right though one tends to think that comes from the heart and mind and from the Holy Spirit in such circumstances though having witnessed Rita and Katrina I can say that it does not seem to have come for many who wish to return to debauchery instead of seeing a clean slate where God has given an opportunity to build on the Good and desert the sinful. Randy
  4. 2Pe 3:9 - The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. I plan to live through this hurricane but there are many millions of permutations on how that might happen and if God's plan is for me to go home then I am all for that as well. I am praying selfishly that the storm will pass us by. God's will though is on a level beyond my life or death though he may have plans for me he will be glad to raise up rocks to take my place if I choose to be stupid.
  5. Eph 4:26 - Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: This to the question of a loving God and an angry God. I love the music that comes from New Orleans. I am saddened, sickened, and angered by all the perversions that keep me from enjoying that music live because of all the things that go on where it is played live. God has created a happiness beyond music if we just could learn to hear it pure and it might be smooth or it might be like a mighty wind but it would be as he is and he just is. I cannot place on God my definition of love or my sin that anger might cause me because in him it is pure and sin is not added to it because he knows the end and so even if he takes our life here from us he has provided beyond that for us.
  6. Just wanted to say tha I am still enjoying the study though I have not had the energy to maintain the study as I would have liked. I find that at least reading the question and recalling the time in the story from memory is a help as I help others move and in my own daily seeking of God's will. Randy
  7. Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? It would be a fate worse than death. Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Yes, David as an example but there were consequences.
  8. Q2. (12:17-20) Why did Pharaoh and his household get sick? To cause them to seek answers. What effect did this have? They learned what they had done wrong. What was God seeking to accomplish through this affliction? To show Pharaoh what he had done wrong as well as to show Abraham how he had misjudged God and his relationship to the unbeliever. Oh also to have him let his people go as his people were at this point the DNA of two people. Did it have the desired effect? I will ask when I see him in heaven since all of this was not covered in the scriptures. Of course it also is working the same lessons in us now.
  9. Q1. (12:10) What dangers faced Abraham and his family as aliens and sojourners in Egypt and elsewhere? Without proper supplies and timing I would guess they could starve and as they are coming into this land wher rules of folks along the road being cared for they may actually trespass against these folks and become criminals. Who might oppress them? People not following God. It seems odd to others what we as Christians will not do and what we will do as we are a different people. What "aliens and sojourners" live in your community? On a state basis we have many folks from Mexico as well as Central and South America but we also have many people form many nations including refugees. One fellow I know who was a project manager in his country building large communities and facilities is here and has been working folding towels in a hotel for the last seven years as that is the job the refugee folks got for him. On another level though I am a sojourner in my own church as there is a good history of families in the church of which I am not a family member. Why did they come? Wars, famine, economic unrest, religeous persecution. How are they being oppressed or discriminated against by employers and others in the community? Oddly enough the church itself may discriminate against them in that we do not look on those outside our family/church/nation as being deserving on the same level. What can you and your church do to "love those who are aliens"? I have not been able to completely answer that question except to pray for them since my personal resources are like manna or perhaps closer at the moment to a bit of flour and oil to be made into cakes but it would seem that the answers could be worked out between church and government to allow them to be productive among us.
  10. Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? That Yahweh was who Abraham had decide to trust. Abraham will move sometimes into trusting the end God has given him while trying to supply his own means but this lack of understanding of God's timing and God's methods did not keep him from being chosen as God knew ahead that this would happen and it did not keep God from fullfilling his promises and pointing us to Abraham's faith.. What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"? Far too often far me it means frustration and a lack of self worth for me as Satan tears at my perception of all the Lord gives me and trys to tell me I am not anything but a thorn to others and to God. I call anyway.
  11. Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now? I think we are always in the middle of these when we are trying to follow God and so yes I am in the middle of such a task and at the moment not sure what my next step should be but praying for God to show it to me.
  12. Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed? Abraham was first blessed in that God revealed himself to Abraham and provided him with purpose and the means to fulfill that purpose. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? Through Abraham's example of faith and trust in the coming Messiah which all of us have now in turn been able to recieve as well after his coming. In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? As I step out from time to time when the Spirit reminds me and gives me the grace to move forward by remembering Abrahams faithfulness.
  13. Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.) Though I would love it right now to be called to do almost anything except what I am doing I am already engaged in doing that which I was called. I am also though standing and watching as storms brew in the Gulf and in the gulfs of many to whom I minister while praying that we can keep our eyes on Jesus and not on the storms.
  14. It has been very good to get me back on track with many things in my life I had begun to neglect. As I seek to seek his kingdom first I am becoming ready to accept his will in all the other things he will add or not add at his will. I have missed an interaction between members even though at times that can become a distraction to the study.
  15. I rest while working when I let him show me the work to do.
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