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  1. Q-3 a) it means that it was His choice to call me--I didn't merit His favor; and for His own purposes makes me feel extremely privilegted and special...and humble c) thankful, knowing my own sinfulness
  2. Q-2 a) scope & extent & boundaries--our needs determine the supply, which is unlimited based on God's divine power knowing and trusting God is the means for accessing God's supply (Hebrews 11:6)
  3. Q-1 a) believers today have received the same quality and quantity of faith as did Peter and other early believers the language of the Bible indicates that it is equal = to Peter's--not greater> or lesser<, but I have a question: Is it possible then to grow in faith (ie increase) since Jesus berated the disciples for have so little faith (Mt. 6:30, 8:26, 14:31--speaking to Peter!--16:8, 17:20; Mark 4:40, 16:14; Luke 12:28, 17:5; 2 Cor. 10:15)? In looking up these references, i've noticed something; there seems to be a correlation between understanding/apprehension of Who Jesus Is and faith. It appears that individuals who were commended for great faith also were very humble and appreciative of Jesus (calling Him LORD) and the ones with little, no, or lacking faith didn't recognize Him and/or were weak and fearful in His presence. I found Jesus' response to the disciples' request to increase their faith (Luke 17:5) very significant insupporting this correlation. It was more the "outsider" who had the greater appreciation for Jesus, the Messiah, than His own people; they didn't recognize Him as their long-awaited Messiah; worshipping God had degraded into tradition and duty, rather than froma thankful love-filled heart! I've studied the Scriptures nost of my life and have taught others, burt have never seen this correlation between faith and appreciation of Yeshua, the Messiah!
  4. Q-4 a) strong desires that are based on our sinful nature can cause us to doubt God and to rationalize sin and compromise obedience/person holiness strong desires with basis in God's Holy nature (Spirit) can help us trust and obey God--overcome and terminate sinful desires c) i realized from Q-1 that there appears to be a direct correlation between knowing the Lord God Yeshua and faith; the greater the personal, experiential knowledge of God, the greater the faith d) God's promises teach us to wait for Him to perform; our evil desires tell us to rely on self for immediate gratification e) relying on God builds faith because the focus is on Him; self reliance erodes faith because sin deceives and "entangles", bringing "leanness into one's soul"
  5. hello from susan in south florida! i just moved and am somewhat isolated, so this Internet Bible Study will be my "small group" study. looking forward to the experience and feeding on God's Word.
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