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Q3. God Is for Us!
johnboy200993 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q3. (Romans 8:31-32) What is the significance of the statement: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Who might our enemies be? What is the evidence presented that God is for us? How does this statement make you feel? How does it affect hope? How does it allow you to act? What might: "...graciously give us all things" refer to? 1. that Jesus was born. 2. Devils 3. jesus died for me. 4. sad or terrible 5. kinda happy 6. ok if I can behave 7. God gives us favors. -
Q2. Conformed to Jesus' Likeness
johnboy200993 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Q2. (Romans 8:29) What does it mean to "be conformed to the likeness of his Son"? In practical terms, what does that involve in our lives? Why does Paul support this statement with ideas of our destiny? Why does he support this with ideas of brotherhood with Jesus? 1. meaning to accept to be Jesus's son. 2. we have some destiny to choose the right path. 3. paul made an idea that jesus is telling paul to do. 4. when jesus has a brotherhood, maybe it shows him that he had a destiny. -
Q1. The Promise of Romans 8:28
johnboy200993 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. More than Conquerors (8:28-39)
Romans 8:28 What is the actual promise contained in verse 28? What does this promise mean? Put it in your own words. What are the two qualifications to the recipients of this promise? How does verse 28 give you hope? 1. The promise was that God plan is to love him and God is doing his works. 2. the promise means that is to let god to change the evil into happiness. 3. one, god let us choose between good or evil. two, God can change that when we die if it bad happens then he can change it. 4. that if anything happens when the world turn to evil, then god can chang it into good. -
Q5. (Romans 8:18-25) In what sense do we expect to experience God's glory when Christ comes? How will the suffering creation experience God's glory? How will our mortal bodies experience God's glory? In what way will our spirits experience God's glory? 1. we might been wonderful to god when Christ really came. 2. we'll be grateful, joyful, and respectfully. 3. our mortal bodies will be dead, so if our bodies are no used, we can live immortal bodies. 4.we can live with God and Jesus.
Q4. (Romans 8:24-25) What are the characteristics of a person who has lost hope? How does this person typically conduct his life? How does this differ from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better future? What is the "Christian hope"? How should it motivate us and affect our lives now? 1. the characteristics of the person that loses hope is shameful, anger, and disappointed. 2. he mustn't have did something wrong in his life. 3. so that he can find a better future about his life. 4. Christen Hope is when people that give in expression of their faith. 5. in addition, we can express our lives by showing their feelings.
Q3. (Romans 8:26-27) How does the Holy Spirit act as a Helper or Mediator or Intercessor in verses 26-27? What similarities do you see between the Holy Spirit's ministry here with Jesus' teaching of the Spirit's ministry as Counselor/Comforter/Paraclete in John 14:16 and 15:26)? Why do you think we tend to take the Holy Spirit for granted or fail to understand His ministry to and through us? the holy spirit try to tell me what pray for. between Jesus and holy spirit the holy spirit is protecting us and live in us, and jesus is the savior the helps us our sins. If wetry to tend to understand the holy spirits is telling us maybe we don't fail to understand these teachings.
Q1. In Romans 8:14-21, 28, how many times is the idea of being sons and daughters of God alluded to? What are the promises made to these sons and daughters? What do we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation? 1.only 8. 2.we share glory,first fruits of spirit,and redeption of our bodies. 3.to become great people.
Q1. In Romans 8:14-21, 28, how many times is the idea of being sons and daughters of God alluded to? What are the promises made to these sons and daughters? What do we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation? 1.only 8. 2.we share glory,first fruits of spirit,and redeption of our bodies. 3.to become great people.
Q6. (Romans 8:15-16) How does the Holy Spirit inspire us to pray "Abba, Father"? What is the significance of us referring to God as our Dad? What happens in our lives if we don't have some kind of personal assurance of our salvation? How do we receive this kind of personal assurance? 1.So that we can giving thanks for what he done for us. 2.I think referring God and dad are the same meaning what you've pray to. 3.that means your nothing, you don't have a holy spirit in you, and not save. 4.we pray to God, we read our bibles, and we take care of them.
Q5. (Romans 8:13-14) What does it mean to "mortify" or "put to death" the deeds of the body by the Spirit? What would it look like to watch a person do this? What does it mean to be "led" by the Spirit? What does this look like in actual practice? How do "putting to death" and being "led" by the Spirit fit together? How much of this is the Spirit and how much is us? 1. It means to put terrible deeds to sin, but everybody need to read their bibles to make good deeds to God. 2. It would be horrified or terrible to a person to do these evil things. 3. Led means to show you, for example God told us to show or lead us to Christ. 4. I thought that it could like Godly person. 5.If you combined "putting to death" and "led" by the spirit, It means to show the way to get ride of sin. 6.I think of the spirits are kind of 50/50.
Q4. (Romans 8:12) 1.Do we have to sin? 2.Are we compelled to sin? 3.Is it possible to live for two hours of wakefulness without sinning? Four hours? One day? Two days? 4.Where do we Christians get such a defeatist attitude towards sin? From Scripture? A4. 1.No we don't have to sin. 2.No we don't force ourselves to sin 3.yes we can do that without sinning for four hours,one day,and two days. 4.sometimes for ourselves we have the Holy Ghost to help us been good.We're not slaves to sin, we are the slaves to God is because God forgives our sins so that's why we are the slaves the God.
Q1. (Romans 6:12) What does obedience have to do with the "reign" of sin? Rom 6:12 Therefore, do not let sin rule your mortal bodies so that you obey their desires. Obedience has to do with the "reign" of sin because you do what satan wants you to do. Ex: If he wants you to kill a person you would do it. This is from Karyanne not johnboy200993! Sorry for the mix-up guys and gals!
Q2. (Romans 6:13) In what ways do you "offer the members of your body" to either sin or God multiple times in a day? Why is it that we can sin unconsciously? How can we begin to offer our members deliberately to God? What changes will it take in our daily life to do this? 1.To sin, I fight with someone else and look at some bad stuff.To God, I shake hands with friends and to see God. 2.some people done some bad habbits when they do it. 3.to teach them about God. 4.Do not lie, say bad words,and don't look at some bad stuff.