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Everything posted by timmimac

  1. any sought of leader like a dad he makes decions for his family a boss of a company president of a country all these are leaders and there people look up to them to be lead
  2. i think for each person its important to inbrace this concept cause all have fallen short/born with sin so we need to get a grasp of what this means to ourselves and acept/embrace it and then tell the devil where to go
  3. we should rejoice because it tests our faith and when our faith is tested it grows and we should persever and rejoice cause Gods growing us into what he wants us to be and that gives me hope
  4. what is the relationship between faith and justification? i think its you have to have faith to be justfyed and wat it means to me is i have a hope one day of faceing my maker because ive had faith and belive im justfyed in God so im made right with him through christ.
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