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About Yvonneevonne
- Birthday 03/15/1957
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Ontario Canada
Love the Lord.... My FAMILY..... Good FRIENDS..... and meeting new people....<br>I volunteer at a cronic care facility and I do 2 services a month at two nursing homes in our city...
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Psalm 8 has always been a favourite of mine... and that's because of the amazing fact that God wwho is so powerful and righteous and is the Creator of all... Still has us little humans who are so needed... and small on His mind... He considers us.... and stop and think of the greatest of God and the compareson of who we are... but HE still consdires Us....
Q4. Elements of Sacrifice
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
1) AN female animal with no physical defect 2) lay of hands on the head 3) offer a burnt offering 4) priest dip his finger in the blood 5)pour out the blood on the alter Now though Christ... He was without blame and knew no sin but HIS blood was shed for our sins so we might be redeemed though HIM Before Christ coming and sheding of His blood the pepole had to constantly bring an animal to sacrific. When Christ died it was forever. No more shedding of blood for our redemption. Jesus paid the extreme price for our sins and though His shedding of blood we now have our sins blotted out forever. -
Q1. Prophetic Insight
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
The old convent that was made in the Old Testament was that there had to be a blameless sacrifice for the redemption of sin. Every morning and every evening , a lamb was sacificied in the temple for the sins of the people. The sins of the world means everyone sins. Jesus paid the price for your sins by HIS death. -
Q48. Intoxication
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
The primary temptation of the use of drugs or alcohol is to feel an immediated high. These are used to try to dull the pain or forget what you are dealing with or yet still a feel of utopia... However these feelings are not real and end suddenly with more pain and hopelessness to face. But PRAISE THE LORD He has provided someone that will give us hope and a feeling that is real and not artifical. The HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit dwelling in us may not elimate the problem but will give us GRACE and HOPE to not only face but walk us though lifes ups and downs. And knowing the real and true answer will help us not to rely on the fraud of satan's highs... PRAISE THE LORD HE IS OUR ANSWER. -
To have access to the Father is having direct contact. Like talking on the phone with a friend we dial their number and it connects automaticly. When we call upon the Lord we have DIRECT connect with HIM. We don't have to go though a certain individual or church. Our contact is OPEN and DIRECT though the shedding of Jesus blood. Jesus is our advocate to the Father. The Holy Spirit is the drawing of man to HIMSELF Jesus Christ. Now by the Grace of God it becomes a relationship rather than a ceremony.
Q23. Fulfilling the Law
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.1. Fellow Citizens with the People of God (2:11-22)
The CROSS is the bridge that spans across any gulf or barrier. Christ has knocked down ALL barries and has unified ALL believes. The Jewish LAW was fulfilled by His DEATH and RESSURACTION. Which means we have compete access to Him. without the practice of many laws that the Jewish people need to follow to be acceptable in God's sight. Now we are ONE with Christ and ONLY by HIS Death and Ressuraction We can know the PRICE was paid in full. We can be one with the Lord. -
Q20. Works
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.2. Salvation by Grace through Faith (2:8-10)
Both scriptures shows that it is not what WE do that makes our works know by others but it is God's power through us that makes a difference in our day to day life. I volenteer at a chronic care facility and there are a number of volenteers there. But it still amazes me that when I'm even doing the littlest task how the residents respone and alot time ask if I am a Christian. Being a Christian is like breathing.. is natural when we are walking close to our Lord. Like a lamp or light on a hill. Reflecting Christ though us. So it is how we handle our day to day task that other may see Christ in me.. Not the good works but the real purpose and LOVE behind what we do and the HOPE that lies in all of us. -
Q19. Saved
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.2. Salvation by Grace through Faith (2:8-10)
Saved could be compared to being forgiven no matter what you did. Unconditional When someone who never experices acceptence can know that without a doubt that they are unconditional forgiven.. They begin to relize God's great Love towards them. -
Q18. Grace
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.2. Salvation by Grace through Faith (2:8-10)
Grace is so hard to understand because us humans seem to be always ready to fight or slash back to others.. Our hair at the back of our necks seem to stand up ready to retailuate... However GRACE does the opposite it answers with LOVE... Thinks of others first. Our greatest gift we can show to others is our Lord's AMAZING GRACE. How to tell others about grace is to live with God's grace towards others. -
As Christian we have the greatest gift to share with others whom we come in contact with. But with this great gift we have a HUGE responsiblity to share with them. Every day we should not only be in prayer for our family and friends but should always be ready to give this HOPE that lies within. Our lives must reflect the LOVE that God alone can give.
Q16. God at Work
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
God's great LOVE for us only shows us that His mercy and grace is undeserved by are own rightousness. " our righteousness is as filthy rags" However God's character shows us that by HIS grace we can be saved not by own own doing but by His infinate LOVE. He has made us ALIVE unto GOD. -
Q9. Christian Hope
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Our HOPE is not only in our future that we have a place in heaven as we stay true to our Lord and Savior. But is our HOPE that day to day Our Life will different because of our relationship with the Lord. And that not matter what we have to face we have the assurace and knowledge that we are never alone. OUR HOPE IS BUILT ON NOTHINGLESS THEN JESUS BLOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. -
Q4. Adoption
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Adoption is important for two reason. First God chose us to LOVE him and serve him if we decided to accept HIS unconditional love. And second is NOW we are part of HIS wonderful family. He is our Father, who loves us just who we are. And this family includes everyone who know Jesus as LORD. -
Q1. Reminders
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Reminders are like familiar landmarks are while we are travelling.... Spirutal reminders or landmarks remind us where we have been.... where or what the Lord has brought us though whether good or bad times... and can show our growth... Just as we watch our children growth patterns our spirutal patterns may remind us again and again of God's FAITHFULNESS to us. Landmarks are also important when satan try's to discourage us and make us feel we have failed..we can reminded him that these landmarks are our walk with the Lord. -
Q1. The Tent of this Body
Yvonneevonne replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
In North America we find that the conversation of death is as it is taboo.. Even in the church very little is mention about death.. But as Christian we should be able to not only deal with death but be ready to talk about it. As Christian the promise is that when we die our Etenal life begins with Our Lord and Saviour... what a Glorious promise. Our gratest message is that not only as we walk and serve Jesus down here on earth but we are looking forward to meet HIM face to face.