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  1. For me the fact that God chose me before He ever created anything or anyone fills my heart with joy. His love is not like the love we know as parents goes much deeper much more dynamic than any human love. Our example of adoption pales in comparison to His choosing us. He chooses everyone of us. His desire for us is unfathomable and the love that God causes Him pain in the midst of pleasure that we have never experienced. Last night I went to a class on intimacy with God and I was suddenly made aware of how I as His child constantly cause Him intense pain when I choose worldly things to comfort me or to grab my devotion. The bible tells us that He is jealous and zealous over each one of us. His love is intense and when it goes unreciprocated causes God intense grief. However, He knew that we would be who we are before He ever created us and yet out of that passionate desire that He is God He created us anyway. Love burned in His heart and He poured Himself out on us and is still pouring His heart out to us each and everyday of our lives. My upmost desire is that I would be a whole hearted lover of God. Fully devoted and consecrated to Him. That I would know Him intimately and live the abundant life that Jesus died for me to live. I still get blown away by the fact that passion causes His heart to be fast when I come to Him. When He looks at me He sees me perfected as beautiful even in my weaknesses. His love does not wane when I sin, His pleasure for me is infinite and also never decreases. The blood of Jesus covers me and you and because of that awesome precious blood we are ever so beautiful to God and He sees beyond the sin and sees the "yes" in our hearts!!!! His love goes far beyond adoption He has transformed us in to His image, has given us His righteousness, forgiven us our sin, saves all our tears in a bottle, pours out His heart to us even when we are oblivious to it, takes our blame and our shame and made it His. This love, this beautiful, awesome, fulfilling, forgiving love!!!!!!! How incredibly fantastic He is!!!!!
  2. To me it is a constant reminder of God's love and His sovereignty. How awesome is this God that we serve. His love so infinite and unfathomable that before He ever created us, He predestined, planned, purposed us to know Him and for Him to know us. I am in constant awe of this wonderful Savior and falling more in love with Him each and every day.
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