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Everything posted by Daff
Q7. Filled
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Paul's Prayers for the Ephesian Believers (Ephesians 1:15-23; 3:14-21)
To be filled with the fullness of God is to know Him intimately. It is to be filled with all that God is and has for us. Let's go past being a nominal Christian and be filled with the glory of God that Jesus will shine through us . It is then when we stand before Him He will see that glorious shining bride washed clean through the blood of Jesus. -
When the inner man is strengthened it helps us to stand firm against the onslaughts of the enemy. Today, we would pray for wisdom and revelation to keep our feet firmly on the Rock Christ Jesus. Christ comes into our hearts at salvation and we need to get grounded in the Word so that the enemy does not destroy one's faith.
The bible says to ask in faith, believing, so if their attitude is that God is poor, they will not receive the abundance God has for them. This is why revelation of the word is so important because without it people flounder and become nominal christians. We need to pray for Christ to be formed within them and for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to them.
It is the hope or looking forward to reaching the prize for our high calling that enables me to press on. There is a goal to reach. Christians without hope or faith are going nowhere. I would pray for their eyes to be opened and their ears unstopped so that they can hear and see God in everything around them and so receive revelation.
To pray for one another continually to receive greater revelation and wisdom and to know kingdom purpose, power and authority. Yes, people would still accept salvation and God can still work in them, but there is power in prayer that strengthens us and helps us to know god better and protects us from advertsity.
Q4. Comfort from Angels
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Jesus' Prayer of Submission at Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46)
No, this help is available to all of us if we surrender our life to God. Jesus was not treated any different to what is available to us. We do not only have angels but we also have the Holy Spirit. -
Yes, I believe the Father was pleased. He had seen and heard Jesus crying out to release him from this terrible hour and yet he was able to say "not my will, but yours be done." When there is no passion or caring in our prayers we may as well speak to the brick wall. God looks on the heart and out of that knows if we mean what we say and responds accordingly. We need passion in our prayers; we need to feel the needs of others and be able to say "not my will, but yours be done."
Q2. Intensity
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Jesus' Prayer of Submission at Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46)
Jesus was man here on earth like us and therefore identified how we in the natural would feel. Would we want to go through death like he faced? I don't think so. I do not believe he was resisting his Father's will, rather he was feeling the intensity of what he had to carry - the sins of the whole world and in his humanity he knew the pain he would have to endure. -
Firstly, I think Jesus was wanting the support, strength and faith of their prayers to help him through this terrible hour he was facing. He also knew that they were going to be faced with being asked about Jesus and whether they would remain faithful to him. However, they did not pray diligently because they allowed their tiredness to overcome the need for prayer and slept. v.13 of the Lord's prayer states "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil'. Jesus wanted to be alone because the disciples did not understand the kind of death he was facing. God has a timing to reveal everything.
Q4. Arrow Prayers
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Nehemiah could be banished from the king's presence for ever. He probably reminds God of his four months of intercession and preparation and asks Him to intervene now and let him find favour with God and the king. -
Q3. Strategic Placement
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Danel's faith in God was so great he was prepared to risk his life and went into the lion's den. There God got the glory and saved him. Esther risked her life for the Jews and her God, going in before the king without being called. She lived. We are a light in the darkness "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:18 We need to honour God at all times no matter what the situation. I would call on the Name of Jesus and the Blood, ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and believe that the Lord will deliver me. -
Q2. Basis of Appeal
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
He asked God to remember the instruction He gave to Moses, that even if they had sinned, if they repented and obeyed His commands, He would gather them together from far and wide. He reminds God that His own Name is at stake. If the people are in disgrace if reflects on His Name. In intercession, we need to know the word of God, quote it and stand on it "it is written....." Also we need to feel the situation as it is and as it would be when God moved in. We need to find the favour of God. -
Q1. Prayer and Mourning
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Nehemiah's Prayer for Success (Nehemiah 1:1-2:9)
Nehemiah, like Danel, identifies with the sins of Israel. He was so distressed with the news of Jerusalem's destruction and the plight of the people, that the burdern he carried was huge. He was also prepared to carry it for as long as it took to break through, hence he prayed day and night for four months. Fasting strengthens our prayers and keeps our spirit in tune with God, and when a burden is so great and causes such grief it often results in weeping, but God sees our tears and bottles them up. This is true intercession. -
Q4. Ground for Appeal
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel 9:1-19)
Daniel's essential prayer was crying out from his heart for the sins of the nation to be forgiven. He was appealing to God's character and mercy to be evident in the answer to his intercession for Israel. His appeal was God's precedent, God's glory would be revealed through Israel's deliverance. God's righteousness is seen as an act of mercy. God would erase His scorn from Israel and they would see His deliverance. God's answer came through the angel Gabriel when he came and touched Daniel and spoke to him giving the understanding that his prayers had been answered. -
Q3. Identifying
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel 9:1-19)
I think in some ways it is necessary to feel the pain no matter what the cause, that a person or nation is feeling. This way we can relate to them in prayer whether it be sickness or sin. Jesus took all our sins, sicknesses, diseases upon himself on the cross and through this we have been forgiven. -
Q2. Preparation
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel 9:1-19)
Daniel prayed with humility. He prepared himself first with fasting in order to humble himself before God and have a clean and pure heart before he started to intercede for the nation. He put on sackcloth as a sign of mourning or grief on behalf of Israel and their sins and then he also put of ashes signifying repentance. He was standing in the gap for the people, Israelites, and he wanted to show God he was sincere in his prayers and actions. Ways to prepare for intercession would include fasting, worshiip to bring the presence of God, putting on the armour of God, for it is with the Word, Faith, the Name of Jesus and the Blood that we can fight the principalities and powers that come against us. -
Q1. Fulfilled Prophecy
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Daniel's Confession on Behalf of His People (Daniel 9:1-19)
Daniel was faithful to God and loyal to his own people and he recognised the 70years was nearly over and wanted to see Israel restored. -
Q4. The Prayer of Surrender
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Surrender is an act of totally giving everything to God which includes not only ourself but our possessions too and that is not easy. About 2 years ago as I was listening to a song, the anointing and presence of God fell on me and for the first time I was truly able to surrender to God. This brought me into a new place in Him and I love Him for it. Yes, I believe one can be a genuine disciple of Jesus without this prayer. I was for many years but now my love and walk with the Lord is a different level and I praise Him for it. -
Q3. Intricate Prenatal Weaving
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
He made me exactly as He wanted. That's how much He loves me. He had it all planned. When a child is conceived, God has created man and woman to achieve this, but God is the Creator of that seed in the first place. I think it is overwhelming just to try to grasp the awesomeness and love of God and how much He cares. -
Q2. Touched by the Hand of God
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
The hand of God protects him. guides him and holds him. He is safe and secure. Yes, God's hand was on me protecting me when I was unknowingly going to put my hand on a baby red-backed spider. With my current health this could have been very dangerous. I was so grateful and excited to experience God's protection. -
Q1. Fleeing from God
Daff replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Because they know they have done wrong or are considering doing something that is wrong. It is a concept that for some people is hard to understand , depending on one's relationship with God. -
The basis for Hezekiah asking for healing was that he has walked before God faithfully and with complete devotion and done everything that pleased God. He was faithful, devoted and always acknowledged God in his life above all else. Righteousness is right standing before God, cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ and this gives us access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He looks on our heart and although we make mistakes, he blesses us and respects us for honouring Him. Unrighteousness may affect prayers being answered because we have a free will and if we wilfully do wrong and ignore God, why should He answer every time we cry. Yet He is faithful and just to forgive as we turn from our wicked ways.