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  1. Jesus knew that he had a unique relationship with God. Only he knew the Father well enough to reveal him to others (Matthew 11:27). Jesus called God by the Aramaic word Abba, an affectionate word that children and adults used for their fathers. Perhaps the best modern equivalent is "Dad." In prayer, Jesus talked to his Dad, asking him for help and giving him thanks for whatever he had. Jesus says that we do not have to flatter our way into an audience with the King. He
  2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? In the Great Banquet at the end of the age we will be drinking wine with Jesus at this great event. When we take communion we are Jesus bride preparing ourselves for the great banquet. What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table? We are very special and should remember the great celebration when we finally see our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  3. In John 10:30 which Jesus famously said "I and the Father are one." This does not mean they are one in person but they are one in power, purpose, and etc. Just like a wife and a husband when they got married they are one but two different individuals. Jesus is not saying He is the Father. They are not one person but in nature they are a united one. Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is called the Son 200 times throughout the New Testament. The Father is referred to as distinct from the Son over 200 times. Ove 50 times the Son and the Father are mentioned in the same verse. When the New Testament and the Trinity define Jesus as "God" we should understand that they are not saying he is "his own father." In the New Testament, Jesus speaks and prays to the one called "Father," who is in heaven. The same distinction is made between the glorified Jesus and God the Father. For instance, in the book of Revelation it is clear that there is God, and there is Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1). They are distinct persons. Since the New Testament is careful to draw a distinction between Jesus and the Father, so should we. On the other hand, it is also clear that the New Testament brings together Jesus Christ (the Son), the Father and Holy Spirit as they who act in eternal communion and oneness in everything, most notably in our salvation (Matthew 28:19; John 14:15-26). Jesus fully possesses the full nature of the only true God (Colossians 1:19/2:9), yet I do not believe that Jesus is the Father.
  4. The Lord Supper points to the past the time when Israel was in Egypt. When Pharoh finally let Israel go they slain a baby lamb that is fit to be slain and had supper and the lambs blood was post on all the Israelites house so death would passover them. That was the picture of Jesus being slain on the cross and died for your sins and mines. The present it points to the communion that we have every 1st of the month or however each church conduct their communion. Then the future we are waiting upon the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and we'll meet in the air and have the greatest banquest ever.
  5. When I meditate on Jesus face all I see is nothing was TRUE LOVE. There is no words that could describe what I see on Jesus face. He is so full of compassion that even I am so awe and speechless. All I know that when you meditate on His face there is nothing unholy but pure holiness and purity that you are so not worthy to look upon His face.
  6. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? Isaiah 54:5a.."For your Maker is your husband.." Every since Israel became a country or called God's people because this verse says it all. God has been for Israel from the beginning and still is with Israel today. So, many many times we read the Bible and we witness God being a faithful husband to Israel. What is the New Testament metaphor? The church is the bride and God is the bridegroom. What causes God jealousy? When we do not spend time with Him during prayer & while we are doing our duties here on earth we do not think on Him throughout the whole day. We sometimes let our responsibilities get in our way that we forget God and doing other things that does not have anything to do with God. We allow other things before God and we let God come second.
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