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Everything posted by sunshine18
Q3. Lord of Lords and Governments
sunshine18 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Our Lord and King
Q3. What are the implications for governments that Yahweh is the King of kings and Lord of lords? What are the implications of removing God" from a nation's currency and pledges, and ardently secularizing national life? Where does that put a nation with regard to God the King? Governments and officials are placed by God and are therefore subject to His command. The mere fact that our world leaders today act as if no one will ever hold them accountable for their actions is preposterous! As the bible clearly points out, God curses those nations that turn their backs on Him. Sadly, God will destroy those nations in His own time. I think this makes the case even stronger for all of us to pray for the leaders of our respective countries to stand courageous against the desire to foster a secular and ungodly world just to please people. -
Q2. What are the personal implications of Yahweh being your King and of Jesus being the Messiah sent from God? What are the advantages of being the subject of Yahweh as King? What does it mean for you to submit to the King on an everyday basis? How does a person reject Yahweh from being King over him or her? The personal implication of Yahweh being my King and Jesus being my Messiah is that I can no longer hide in my old self that was once clothed in darkness. If I am the King's subject, then I must be obedient to Him. It is my duty to humble myself to Him everyday and give up my desires for the desires of His heart. Otherwise, I am rejecting His lordship over my life.
Q3. Helper of the Fatherless
sunshine18 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Holy and Righteous One
Q3. (Psalm 68:5) Since our God is the Helper of the Fatherless and the Protector of Widows -- that is, the poorest and weakest of society -- what does this say about a Christian's commitment to social justice in our communities? How should it affect our actions? It is our duty as God's children to look after our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Growing up in a third world country before immigrating to this rich and abundant land of opportunity, the knowledge that some of my extended family is in need serves as a daily reminder that it is my responsibility to share the blessings that God has given me. We must remember that everything we own is His and His alone. As our pastor once preached at church, we are only managers of His wealth...He is the rightful owner! Although it is certainly true that charity begins at home, I believe that we also need to remember to extend our hands to those outside of our families. Just think that if everyone assumes that someone in need will get the help elsewhere, chances are that person will never get the help they need. We all have to do our part and God will certainly provide. Finally, I believe that money isn't the only way to help others in need. I believe that we're all blessed by the Almighty God in different ways. For example, some are blessed with time, others with the ability to counsel, others with specific talents..etc..etc.. Therefore, it is our calling to apply ourselves in service of others using what He has given us. -
Q2. The Eternal God
sunshine18 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Yahweh, I AM, the Eternal God (
Q2. (Isaiah 57:15) What do you think it is like to "inhabit eternity"? What will it be like when you inhabit eternity with the Eternal God, seated with Christ Jesus in heavenly places? What emotions does this inspire in you? Quite honestly, I cannot seem to get my head around it. It's just beyond my human comprehension...praise God that His plans are greater than anything I can imagine!!! The one thing that I do know for sure is that "..God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:4) -
Q2. (2 Kings 6:13-17) Why was Elisha's servant afraid? What was the difference between Elisha and his servant? What does it take for our eyes to be opened? How can 1 John 4:4 strengthen you in your spiritual battle Elisha's servant was afraid because he/she only saw the inevitable happening since the city was surrounded with King Aram's forces. Elisha, on the other hand, had faith in God's rescue plan. The difference is that Elisha was a man of faith and his servant was not. We need to learn from Elisha's faith and know without a shadow of a doubt that God is sovereign and He is in control no matter what. This is the solid foundation that we need to drive deep into our hearts as it is so easy to forget God in times of difficulty.
Q1. Commander of the Armies of the Lord
sunshine18 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The God of Might (
Why did the Commander say he was on neither side? What is the significance of this? What did Joshua feel like during this encounter? How did he feel after this encounter? I think that God told Joshua that He wasn't on either side because He wanted him to understand that He doesn't report to us but instead he is to subject himself to God. I think it's significance is that it brought Joshua to refocus and shift his way of thinking about his relationship to God Almighty. I think that based on Joshua's response, he was quite humbled by God's revelation. Furthermore, Joshua's faith and strength were renewed after this encounter. -
I believe these titles are so important that they remind us that we cannot take being in His presence lightly. We need to exercise reverence for Him. According to 2 Corinthians 3:18, God's glory fills our lives through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We are continually transformed into His likeness as we submit ourselves to Him daily.
What do you learn about God from this phrase? How should this affect your outlook on life, your way of conducting yourself? This title reminds me once again about His dominion over all. I am reminded that He is everywhere at all times; that He is not bound by time or space like we are. I am reminded of an old church hymn that says..."Yahweh, I know you are near; standing always at my side. You guard me from the foe and you lead me in ways everlasting.....Lord, you have searched my heart and you know when I sit and when I stand..." Also, this title gives me a sense of peace knowing that I have nothing to fear since He is ruler of all. The message for me is that I need to submit myself to Him daily and bring glory to His name.
I think this title is even more special to me because it really drives home the fact that I have the privilege of having a personal relationship with the Most High. Personally, I think this is quite a humbling experience to know that the Most High cares not just about me but every single aspect and detail of my life. Such an awesome truth! Praise and glory to God! This title is a great reminder that He alone is above all circumstance. Nothing in this world is greater than Him.
I think that Abraham and Melchizedek believed that God the Creator is supreme over all things in heaven and on earth. I think they also believed that He is sovereign and in control despite of all the impossible circumstances that they found themselves in.