Sue D
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Question 5 -- If you were convinced that Jesus Christ would return in your lifetime, how would it affect your life? Would you do anything differently? Through the ages, people have thought Christ might return in their lifetime. World conditions have been Really Bad at times and Christians have thought 'it Must be close now' and Scripture says that only the Father knows exactly When He will return for the Church. But it really seems that we are in the End Times at This time. As the world and United States situations get worse, we need to be careful to not be Mad about the craziness we see. We need to be positive witnesses to others because we know Christ's return will be sooner rather than later. We need to be in the Word so we can give other's a reason for our positive attitude -- and we Should have a positive attitude. The present Health Care Reform is sparking Lots of outbursts and negativity. And we should be concerned and speak out as needed but in a Godly way. Since I'm 60 Now -- what am I doing day by day -- reading both Old and New Testaments again -- sharing this with others. Being a positive person can be challenging but it's important.
Q1. Promises Fulfilled
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
Question 1 -- What is the significance of 'God Himself will be with them and be their God' ? We are talking about the New Jerusalem here, the New Heaven with God living with us. The old has been done away with. It will be like the original Garden of Eden before sin came. The way it was intended to be. This can only happen with born again believers. What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of Jesus. That is why we will be in the New Jerusalem with God. Verse 4 - Why can this be only in Heaven? Because the former things have been done away with. No negatives in Heaven. Satans' influence had been on earth which brought on the suffering, pain, etc. -
Rev 20:12-15 -- Question 4 -- What assurance do you have that your name is written in the Book of Life? I grew up in a very good Bible teaching church. So I knew - in my head at least - the Gospel. Our church had camps during the summer -- during the 1st year of camp -- Jr. girls camp -- our counselor had all of us share when and where we had gotten saved. One girl was admitted she wasn't and accepted Christ as her Savior that evening. There wasn't time for all of us, I knew I hadn't yet, but I was waiting to hear what a couple of other girls were going to say -- didn't think they were saved either. But when we got back home, our counselor asked if we'd been baptized -- so a bunch of us went forward to be baptized. The next summer I ended up staying home for my sisters wedding. Our pastor suggested that if anyone wasn't really sure of their salvation, to talk to God right where you were and make sure. So I did -- I knew I was a sinner and believed that Christ had died and rose again for my sins -- nothing I could do would get me to Heaven. I believed that Christ's death and resurrection was a gift of salvation that I needed to accept. I thanked Him for His gift of salvation. Immediately I had deep inner peace -- I also went forward to be rebaptized as some of the other young people did. Because salvation is to come 1st and then baptism. Scripture also says that the Holy Spirit seals our salvation until we get to Heaven. We can't loose it here on earth. There is a lot of 'easy believism' around these days. When a person's actions don't reflect the salvation that is claimed, maybe a person should be gently and lovingly asked about it. We need to be and show concern for others.
Why is this awesome scene of judgment so frightening? Why do people seem to resist the idea of a final judgment? Because even though Bible tells us that God sees our heart and knows our 'being', we Still think there is a 'part' of us that is secret -- the thought that Everyone is going to see the 'inside' of us can be frightening. We want to think that Somehow it won't Really happen. We resist the idea of a final judgment because our society doesn't hold anyone personally accountable for their actions. We blame someone else for our actions. Nothing is Really final -- there is Always tomorrow to fix a problem. Someday -- and probably sooner than later -- we won't be able to escape the reality of what God is telling us in His Word.
Question #4 -- We are instructed to be 'in the world' but not 'of the world'. Where is the balance? Are we to distance ourselves from society or be the 'salt and light'? God has a plan for our lives -- at time of our salvation we are given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit -- so obviously we are to be used in the local church. And we have been given the Great Commission -- to spread the Gospel to every nation starting locally and going forth as we are led. Bible gives us plenty of guidelines for Christian living. We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and our neighbor as ourselves. As we try to live the Christian life, some people will distance themselves from Us simply because they don't like the Biblical ways of living. We are also known by the people we choose to associate with -- our reputation is very important if the unsaved are going to be willing to listen to us. Our day-by-day choices are very important. Be in God's Word and ask for guidance. Sue
Why is everlasting punishment so difficult for us Christians to accept? In what ways might eternal punishment be considered just punishment? Because sometimes we think in terms of so many 'good' people dying without Christ. They shouldn't have to suffer like the really horrible people. The fact is though that hell was originally only for Satan and his followers because of their rebellion against God. Bible also tells us that "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me." At the moment of physical death, there are only two places to spend eternity -- either in Heaven with God or hell without God. Bible describes hell as a place where a person does Not want to spend Any time. Unfortunately there are Many folk who choose Not to believe Bible -- that life ends at death -- no eternal Anything. Christians have a hard time grasping that a loving, gracious heavenly Father would send anyone to everlasting punishment. The fact is that Christ doesn't send anyone there. A persons' non-acceptance of God's gift of salvation Does. In our society there are are degrees of sinfulness. The horrific crimes would deserve horrible punishment such as eternity in hell. But God sees disobedience as sin -- stealing a paperclip is just as much sin as a horrendous serial murder. And there are those who believe in degrees of punishment in hell. Sue D
Q.4 -- From this passage what do we learn about the kind of people who make up the 'great multitude' before the throne? vs. 14 states that 'these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.' So -- obviously it will be possible to be 'saved' during that time. 11Thessalonians 2:11 -- And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie. This chapter talks about 'that day' coming. Those who are left here and see the wrath of God will be able to accept Christ as Savior -- but they will believe the lie first and then some will accept Christ. They are wanting to serve God day and night in His temple-- and He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. Because God's grace is amazing !!! Sue D.
Sue D. Q.2 What do we learn about the Church from what is revealed in the Fifth Seal ? This is talking about those who had been slain for the Word of God and for their testimony which they held. In other words, those martyred. People have been willing to give their lives rather than forsake Christ all over the world. Once Christ comes back for the Church/ bride of Christ -- there will be those who accept Christ during the Tribulation period. Accepting Christ during That time will bring intense persecution and probable death. The martyred saints would like to be with the rest of the saints, but are told to wait until All the martyred saints can be together.
Sue D Q 1 Who initiates this great storm of destruction represented by the Seven Seals? Against whom is it directed ? Is it just? Vs.1 says Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals because He'd been found to be the only one worthy to open the seals -- which were spoken of in chapter 5 "who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals"? An angel was asking all of this -- John was weeping because no one could be found worthy -- then an elder came to console him. It is directed to those who have rejected Christ as Savior. God has promised judgement to the sin in the world. People are the sinners / rejectors. God is gracious and merciful but He has told us that That will come to an end. Eventually there will be a new Jerusalem, but much has yet to happen.
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
Sue D. Q 3 -- Because Christ was slain -- we are redeemed by His blood to God -- He has made us kings and priests to God. We will reign with Him on the earth. He is worthy because He is Son of God who's death and resurrection broke power of Satan -- we can have eternal life in Heaven rather than with Satan and his followers in eternal hell. I also appreciate the input from Delivered who gets these questions and answers them about three weeks before I do. -
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
Q5. Criticism and Praise
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Sue D You did a very good job summarizing the two chapters. -
Q5. Criticism and Praise
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Q4. Apathy
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Sue D. Why are so many churches a 'hotbed of apathy'? Possibly because lots of churches don't teach Bible any more? The Holy Spirit convicts through His Word. Also we have it pretty easy in the United States -- no intimidation about our going to church or Bible studies as other countries do. Most every one has at least one Bible in the house -- life is easy. How to combat apathy in churches and ourselves? By getting back into Bible on our own and not just in church -- Be more willing to speak up for Biblical principles -- don't just wait for 'someone else' to be vocal. Realize that people are really going to eternal hell if they don't accept Christ as personal Savior. That there really Is going to be a judgement day. -
Q2. Compromising Standards
Sue D replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Letters to the Seven Churches (Revelation 2-3)
Sue D. Q.2 -- Because 'the world' is observing the Christian person's life -- are we all that different from the rest of the world in our morals? Christians claim to believe the Bible -- are we Really willing to follow Biblical standards and be seen as 'different'? If we are the only Bible people are reading, what are they learning? These days the homosexual lifestyle is a Big thing -- are we willing to take the Biblical stand against it? Do we take a stand for Biblical morality without being nasty/ hateful sounding to those who don't? The Way we respond back to other 'perspective' can determine how willing the other person is to listening in the first place. There is a Lot of pressure 'out there' to hold back and be quiet about our moral convictions -- sometimes there is such a gradual shift in T.V. programs and attitude that we don't even think about 'doing anything about it'. Or we are waiting for Someone Else to say something first. Maybe our job security starts to depend on our ability to 'keep silent'. Maybe extended family members take a stand in the 'wrong' direction and we feel lots of family pressure to keep the peace and say nothing. But we need to take a Loving attitude and 'stand' on Biblical information. God made Adam and Eve and created their bodies in a certain way to have children and produce the next generation. And that God doesn't want those of the same sex to act like married couples -- it simply isn't natural. We get so accustomed to 'cute' sinfulness that we sometimes overlook it even as it 'grows' and after a while ' all of a sudden' we have full-blown Sin and wonder "How did That come to be".