C Riv
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About C Riv
- Birthday 01/11/1957
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Callander Ontario Canada
scripture, spending time with family, history, sports, travel
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Q1. Selling the Birthright
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jacob the Deceiver (Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-41)
In selling his birthright it shows that he put no real value on it, that was a blessing from God and he gave it away.In that transaction it represents stepping aside or down from all that was his to have because he was the first son. Esau`s lived for today not giving any thought to tomorrow, he did not see the value in his birthright, at least not at that time, and if he did he cared not. Now Jacob must have known thru the Nuzi texts that the birthright could be sold thus making it legal and binding. It shows that he was crafty yet smart. He definently knew the values of the rights to the birthright of the first born. -
They all have recieved the Word of God, and all that He promised, but they refused to listen and receive from Him. The word of Christ would be told thru out all the world and open to all, that salvation was, is for all nations. Although the Magi were not Jews they still believed in God and what He had promised thru out the Old Testament, they saw Christ as their Saviour also. In what ever we can do, whether it is actually going and being a missionary, or giving to the missionary cause, giving Gods Word to those who do not have it, what ever we can do in Christ, we are here to do His work, He left us as ambassadors for Him.Thanks be to God.
Q2. Humble Worship
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Wise Men and the Christmas Star of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12)
I see that they were open to God, they believed in His Words and when they came upon The Child they did not hesitate to bow down and worship Him. I believe that this was important to them for they got to see all the prophesies come to be.All they had read and saw in the stars, God had made it known to them. Not all saw this star or knew of its significance.Not only bow down to Him, but give to Him our time, meditate on Him and allow Him to be part of our day, all day. To be still and allow the H.S. come upon us allowing Him to guide us.Our lives are about Him not ourselves. -
The Magi saw the same star that Balaam saw, who was a pagan prophet. Balaam saw the brillance and beauty of the Star and told of the Hebrew Messiah who was to come because God gave him this vision.The Magi saw this same Star.Somehow he knew as did the Magi that this Star represented the Christ.Being astrologers they noticed this Star and knew it had importance. They were probably believers of God and knew the scriptures, knowing what Balaam had prophesied about.Knowing this they were excited to go and see for themselves this marvel, this miricalalous happening.Balaam was given a vision from God of The Almighty who was to come, who would rule, who would come out of the line of Jacob,and be a scepter and be victorious over all His foes.
Q4. The Self-Centered Leader
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
He wants to be first.He wants to be recognised with importance. He has a loose tongue that is not under control. In these he is showing he has no love, instead he is show casing his apostolic authority.Yes a person can be a strong pastoral leader without developing those traits. We have to cotinually submit to God, repent, and stay in Christ as He will stay in us. In this He will guide and teach us. We cannot do this alone. God needs to be with us all our day, not just a part of it. In all we do, lets`take it to the Lord.In doing this we will not have pride or a controlling spirit. Let the H.S. lead us and let us listen to Him. -
Q3. Supporting Missionaries
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
They did their work faithfully not only for their brethren but for strangers also. They went forward not accepting or taking anything from those who did not believe in Christ. Not only did the receivers of their time need to support the Christian workers,but we also need to support them.My reward is being able to do Gods work, the joy, excitement it brings just to share His Word.To know that Christ is there with me is a reward just for being a co worker.In other words CHRIST is the reward! Without support Christian workers have a hard time being effective.Christ is the head of the church and we are the church, so the more we support each other the more we can grow, in Christ and outward as Christ showed us on the cross with His arms stretched out. Thank you Jesus. -
Q2. Hospitality and Heresy
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Walking in Love (2 and 3 John)
If we greet them and show them hospitality then we are sharing in their evil deeds.An individual refusing to show those teachers hospitality is standing alone as a congregation are many taking that stand showing what the community is standing for. I myself do not see any border. If I was to show tolerance to false teachers that means that I have given into them, allowing them a foothold and that would show my stupidity as I knew better then to give them a foothold. -
To run ahead of Christ in teachings and guidance is taking upon ourself that we think we know what we are talking about and that we know our way. We then have opened ourselves up for a quick fall and could easily be guided else where in our thoughts actions and works. It is important to continue in Christ so that we do not become full of ourselves and relient to our self and not to Christ. We must wait upon the Lord and show patience, rely on Him and not ourselves and He will guide and teach us.
Q4. The Angels' Titles for Jesus
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
The three titles are: Saviour, Christ and Lord. Saviour means He can save our lives, eternal lives that is why He came, to reach us for He loves us all. Christ means Anointed referring to Jesus` royal messianic position. Lord is ruler in this case He rules at the Fathers right side. Jesus is deity, God eternal. -
Q3. A Manger for His Bed
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
I think the message came to the sheperds for they were God fearing and were looking after Gods creatures.They were not caught up in all the worldly happenings and pleasures.Jesus was born in a manger for there were no rooms at the inn. God sent His only Son to us in human form, He already was lowering Himself to our sense of being, He was coming to us, He humbled Himself and that is what Jesus did thru out His life. He was not only teaching us to be humble but He showed us how.Why would you not want to follow Him, He asks you to do nothing that He has not done. -
Q3. Christmas Hardships
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
The times were very different back then. The travel alone, on foot or donkey no protection of the weather and sleeping provisions, probably on the ground, let us not forget about the snakes and scorpions and deadly spiders that they would be open to compared to us today with cars trains planes. It was 90 miles, they say at least a 3 day trip. A pregnant lady traveling 30 miles a day, WOW!I have not even mentioned the problems that might a rise for a lady, a pregnant lady at that. If you are a Christian you can have pleasure, for it is real pleasure, and it comes from God.The pleasure a non Christian has comes from the world and does not last, and they are never satified. Examples in my life is my family and Christ working in them, because I share with God, meaning I take all to Him.He gives His time,allows me pleasures,such as trips games get togethers happenings like that. If being a consistent Christian was easy I would think there would be many more. To follow Christ is not always easy but it is rewarding. I think that when you get on board with Christ the hardships go away, it is when you battle Him that you have hardships. For people to recognize that you truly walk with Christ is rewarding, you are not aiming for that it just happens over time. God picks you up and delivers you thru those hardships. -
Q1. Naming the Current Rulers
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Naming the rulers and stating the decree that the world that was known then should be registered would be prove for us in years to come that Jesus was born, and He was registered under the lineage of David. -
Q4. Keep Yourself from Idols
C Riv replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
You can only have one God, and He is a jealous God. He tells us over and over again that we can not worship Him and something else. Anything that we put ahead of God, value as more important and it all comes from the world, are idols. There was a time when there were many things that I gave more time to then God,not that I did not know Him but I certainly did not walk with Him like I do now .Bless God for He never gave up on me and He slowly changed me and now because of Him He is my life. I am in a position now to give to Him equal or more time then I would something else. This is good. Thank you Jesus. -
The two conditions are that we keep His commandments and do His will. When I pray I pray from my heart and what comes from my heart is what the Lord would want me to pray about,or for whom ever. The Holy Spirit will reveal to me wheather it is of Gods will or my own selve wants. Without including God in my motives they do not come about, and if they do it is with a price, usually hardship,annoyance difficulty. So take it all to the Lord and ask Him to show you and He will.