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Everything posted by grace
Q1. Faith in the God of Miracles
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Abraham Intercedes for Sodom (Genesis 18-20)
God is willing to do miracles today because HE does not change -the same, yesterday,today and tomorrow. God will continue to do miracles and asks us to "Call upon Him and He will show us great and mighty things which we know not". God says He will do exceedinglly, abundantly above all that we ask or think. There is much evidence today that God performs miracles both in church and on television. To me one of the greatest evidences of miracles is the birth of a child. My wife's brother in law in Newfoundland , Canada states that miracles are COMMONPLACE there in his ministry, GLOBAL PRAYER. The Word tells us that God DAILY loads us with benefits (which sadly we take for granted). To become active in our faith in the God of Miracles, I believe we should stand on the promises of God for healing , deliverance, guidance, the fruit of the Spirit in our lives and the great expectation of Jesus coming to call for His own to be with Him. -
Circumcism is obsolete because it was a temporary EXTERNAL sign in the flesh and under the law. It was only a SHADOW of that which was to come in Jesus Christ. Baptism is an act of obedience following Christ who was baptized in the river, Jordan. Baptism is a more significant sign as it indicated DYING TO THE OLD SELF and baptized into the death of Christ. Now we are no longer slaves of sin (Rom 6) but instruments of righteousness unto God under grace, having abolished the law of ordinances that was against us.
Q3. Heart Circumcision
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
a. To have your heart circumsized means to me that you have covenanted with God to serve Him with all of your heart, and to STAND FAST in His Word even when everything seems to be coming against you. b. To be circumsized is necessary to remove all the dross from your life, so that you will be refined like silver in a furnace of earth, to be made pure and holy for the master's use. c. To keep our faith active can only happen as we daily walk in the Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and witness for Christ whenever the opportunity is given us. d. I am presently struggling with my belief inasmuch as I am uncertain where I fit into a ministry within the body of Christ to do service for God. -
Q2. Significance of Circumcision
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
a. Circumcisn to Abraham signifies that He is in submission to A Holy God and that obedience should be the result of such a holy alliance. He also has been made aware that any blessings on him will carry down to his descendants, even to Christ and all those who will follow Him. A definite act on Abraham's part is required because usually a convenant requires two parties to be in agreement with each other , as well as establishing responsibility by both sides. Abraham's obedience the same day is important as Abraham is made aware that some of his family,descendants can be cut off by God for not walking in this step of obedience. -
Q1. Walk Before Me and Be Blameless
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
God telling Abraham to be blameless does not mean that Abraham is to be 100% moral perfection, because God knows that we are just flesh and subject to our old nature, but God is asking Abraham to be obedient and in submission to the will of God. The blamelessness that God requires is that Abraham walk before Him with a clean heart and a strong desire for the living God, with such sacrifice God is well pleased. I believe that God expects Abraham to be a model of a godly man of God and an example to the people around him. Under the New covenant, God expects nothing less but for us to walk in righteousness and holiness , without which no man will see the Lord. And to show service and devotion in our daily walk. -
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
The lesson I am being taught out of Hagar's experience is maybe to be in submission to those who have been placed in authority over me; to understand when desert times come into my life, that God has not forgotten me; to accept where God has placed me in the body of Christ. A situation that God is calling me too is uncertain, but maybe it is waiting on the Holy Spirit to receive from Him '"the power from on high" to do His will, not knowing what is in my path to bring this about. -
Q3. El Roi, the God Who Sees
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Hagar seen an act of mercy toward herself and having felt cast off by her master, was overcome by the fact that she should recieve a gracious visit from the Lord, who also promised to bless her and her descendants.This angelic visit also gave her a sense of worth and a purpose to live. For someone who is discouraged and losing hope, this type of visitation would restore one's confidence that they are in the will of God and to press on toward the high calling of God through Christ Jesus. To me personally, it would re-establish my identity with Christ and give me the strenght and courage and confidence to fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life whereunto I have been called. I would say, as written in Ps. 42:5, "Why are thou cast down , O my soul; hope thou in God for my expectation is from Him". -
Q2. The Angel Tells Hagar to Return
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
The angel asks Hagar where she is going and where she has been so that Hagar make take a proper assessment of her situation. Sometimes we are in a place of blessedness with God and are not aware of it. Through trials there is a tendenancy to run away from them instead of learning from them. With Abraham, there was the presence of the true God, but fleeing back to Egypt was to return to the old sinful life with its idols. This was made evident when she received a visit from the Angel.(which some believe was Jesus). v.10 I WILL MULTIPLY..... The angel sends her back to Sarah because that is the rightful place for her to be, in a home where God is head. After the visit from the angel , she has more understanding of the dilemna created through the plan of Sarah. And besides that , she now returns to the home of Abraham witha PROMISE from God of being blessed-how can she do otherwise. I would have to believe that probably more times than I know I walked in the wrong direction through ignorance and disobedience and maybe through a willful act to avoid the consequences of my actions. -
Q1. Hagar's Pride, Sarah's Jealousy
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Sarah took her anger out on Abraham because I believe you knew she had taken steps in the flesh in going ahead of God, when they both were told that Sarah would have a child.Fleshly wisdom puts us out of God's way. She knew that they did not seek the Lord in this decision. Sarah took her anger out on Hagar, because Hagar was now fullfilling the role that she knew was promised to her. It was also a type of curse for a woman to be barren and unfruitful in those days, and she may have felt ostrasized in the community to which she belonged. Sarah is trying to cover up her sin, and would have it be that both Hagar and the baby be cast out of her sight, both of which are a witness against her for her indescrition. Hagar's pride is Abraham's fault in the sense that , firstly, he knew the solemn promise of God that he and Sarah would have a child. He failed his wife in not taking the spiritual leadership in the home in thus correcting his wife's wrong pattern of thinking. No doubt, Abraham was probably held in high esteem in the community, and this made Hagar proud that she was now more than a servant in the household of Abraham. -
Q4. Cutting the Covenant
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
God went through the covenant ritual with Abraham because all God's covenants with man are made by sacrifice. We know that if He places a desire in our hearts for Him, then He has accepted our sacrifice. "A broken spirit and a contrite heart, God will not despise". God binds himself to a solemn promise, because He can swear by none greater than Himself to see that the promise is fullfilled. Abraham responds to God's promise by simply taking God at His word. Jesus told us that He has gone to prepare a place for us, that where He is, there we may be also. Also He said , "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee The significance of blood sacrifices in these promises is that "without the shedding of blood , there is no remission" . There is life in the blood and the blood that flowed from Calvary's cross is our covering from all sin, having accepted this sacrifice personally. -
Q3. Delay in Fulfilling Promises
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
I have not been frustrated with God for not fullfilling His promises immediately, but as the years passed and then not seeing the promise fullfilled, it does bring the question, "Did God really give me a promise". God delays His promise because He knows when best to fullfill the promise and also knows that when the time comes , we will then understand why the promise was not fullfilled earlier. (Maybe this question is appropriate to me at this time, as a promise was made to me Ps. 138:8 about 12 years ago, regarding my son , Monte, and to the best of my understanding, has not been fullfilled to date. I ask the forum to lift me and my family up before the Lord with regard to this promise. May God be glorified in this promise) -
Q2. Accounting Faith as Righteousness
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
This verse is amazing in that , as secular man believes that it is of his own efforts and works that He will obtain eternal life, that God has revealed his approval of man through the simple ACT OF FAITH, even the faith of a little child. God declared Abraham a righteousness person, in that he was first obedient to the call of God to leave his home , not knowing where he was going. Also Rom 4:22 states that Abraham did not waver at the promises of God through unbelief, but was strenghtened in his faith. The significance for new testament saints is that we are heirs of Abraham and through FAITH , we all share in the blessings promised to Abraham.This faith , through which we are justified, always has respect to the person and work of Christ. -
Q1. Your Shield and Suzerain
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God's Covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15)
God is my SHIELD means He is present with me, to secure me from all evils, a shield around about me to protect me from the schemes of the enemy. To promise me an exceeding great reward as a heir of the promises of Abraham, means that as God was to Abraham, He will be to me with His everlasting care , guidance and protection. To call God , my Soverign means that He is in control of my life as I release it to Him, and that no matter how dark the times are in my life, I can have the assurance that He will never leave me nor forsake me. -
Abraham refused the spoils of war, because it would reflect upon the promise and covenant of God, who already promised to bless him. Abraham can trust the possessor of heaven and earth to provide. Abraham is a man of integrity and a keeper of the covenant made with God. Abraham would not put his godly character on the line in alliance with an ungodly king. We learn the lesson that the people of God must be careful and beware of coveteousness, mercenary and self-seeking.
Q3. Abraham Tithes to Melchizedek
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
Abraham recognized that Melchizek was the high priest to God. and has understood that the victory he accomplished was the anointing of God over his life. Tithing was significant , in that it showed he was putting God first before his own needs. Tithing today does represent the same kind of worship. It is an act of obedience and shows the order in which a person has put God in his life. The love of money is the root of all evil in most people's lives, and our giving is a thermometer to reveal how much we love God. Every good and perfect gift comes from above; therefore, all belongs to God. We should give our title with a heart of thanksgiving -
Q2. Abraham's Rescue Mission
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
Abraham's rescue of Lot reveals to us that he is a man of integrity. Even though Lot, of his own accord, took the best of the land (which was Abraham's first choice), Abraham valiantly set off with a small band of men to rescue his kindsman , and put aside any petty grievances he might have had. I also believe that Abraham knew that God would give him the victory, inasmuch as he was not going into battle in his own strenght. Abraham must have set a good example of a neighbour, in that he gained the favour of Mamre, Eshcol, and Aner to join him in pursuing after his nephew's captors and regain what was lost. And then he was sought by the King of Sodom that he might reward him. As Lot chose the choice piece of land , which through his greed brought his enemies upon him, we also should be careful what we set our eyes upon, as it may not be the best thing that God wants for us.There are those who would take advantage of us , but if we keep our eyes on the Lord , He will see to our best. -
Q1. Wealth and God's Blessing
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
I believe that Abraham's wealth did reflect God's blessing upon him because God promised to bless Abraham (12:2). Material wealth doesn't always reflect God promise. There is a burden of care in getting riches, fear in keeping them, temptation in using them, and a sorrow in losing them, and a burden of account to be given. Physical poverty doesn't always reflect God's curse. Paul knew what it was to have a lot and to have nothing, but he learned "how to be content in whatsoever state he found himself". A little with contentment is great gain. -
The relationship of God's promise to Abraham and the incident of Sarah's abduction are related in that When Abimelech was about to sin against Abraham, God brought a curse to the house of Abimelech, but when God convicted Abimelech of this sin, then Abimelech blessed Abraham by restoring his wife to him and blessing him with sheep, oxen, servants , land and silver-thus the curse and the blessing.
Q4. Abraham's Ethics and Faith
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
Abraham's and Sarah's faith was compromised, when they allowed FEAR to enter into their faith; they thought best to make their OWN plans.There was a distrust in the divine providence of God. They were etically and morally wrong; they concealed the truth and exposed both his wife and the Egyptians to sin. I believe the scripture is more intended that we might learn from their mistakes and bring about obedience in us. We should learn that if God has called us to a ministry , then He will provide the protection and equipping for this call. -
Q3. God's View of Adultery
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
God said, " a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife singular-not wives. The covenant between a man and a woman is a holy thing and until death do us part. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. To commit adultery with another is to commit adultery with God, for we will have broken his commandment. The best example, as quoted by others , is David's act of adultery. When God used the prophet to bring him to his senses, David immediately recognized his sin, and as he said in the Psalms, "against thee and thee only have I done this sin". God will certainly forgive adultery , when TRUE REPENTANCE is sought after and the heart is changed and looking to God. -
Q2. Judgment upon Pharaoh
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
Pharoah and his house got sick, because He had plans to touch the anointed of God , those with whom God had made a covenant to bless. I believe Pharoah became immediately aware that the family of Abraham was no ordinary family, and in his mind probably believed that he had come under the curse of the God of Abraham-having seen the plague upon his house. I believe that God may have corrected Abraham, who sought refuge in enemy territory instead of calling on God to supply his need. Also , Abraham obviously doubted God's protection upon him and his family, to devise such a lie to protect his life. territory Correction and chastisement always brings the desired effect to the child of God. -
The dangers that faced Abraham and his family in a new land is the cultural differences and prejudices that would be imposed upon them for the people living in the land. They would be oppressed by those who worshipped idols and who would see the family of abraham as a threat to their way of life. Also , those who are in political authority in the land would seek to rule over them. People from everywhere in the world immigrate to Greater Toronto to find a way of life, bringing with them their cultures, religions, traditions and prejudices. I believe most of them have come to improve on their lifestyle, and to find prosperity for their families or to escape from the terror in their own countries. I'm sure some of them are oppressed, but the laws in Canada give more rights to them than the native people in our country. Canada had given an open door to any kind of lifestyle, even that which is contrary to the Word of God. The church can open the doors to welcome all who are looking for answers to this life beyond the materialistic world. We can reach out to them and help assist them in their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
We are not told in detail the type of encounter Abraham had with the Lord. Whether it was a burning bush, a still small voice, an angelic being or some other way that God gets our attention, one thing is clear- for abraham to leave his country, kindred and go to a place where he knew not, it was most certainly an encounter that totally convinced him that he was in the presence of the EVERLASTING GOD, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, the only One who could give life and that life more abundantly. For me , calling on the name of the Lord, is the only thing that brings sense to this life I live, yet not I but Christ who lives in me. In Him I live and move and have my being. Praise the Lord. -
I believe that it is not so much special faith , as it is faith that produces obedience,for unto everyone of us is given a MEASURE OF FAITH. I guess that faith of this kind is special, because it calls a person to take a step of faith when the way is unclear, but there is a strong urging in the spirit of a man to be obedient to the call that he feels God has put on his life. I was once given the opportunity to teach a new beginers class, and there were doubts , but then realized that God would not call me to do something for Him that He would not also equip me to do. Stepping out in obedience proved to be the will of God.
Q2. Being Blessed and Being a Blessing
grace replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Abraham was blessed in that through him a nation would be great; his name would be famous; he would be personally blessed;others would be blessed who looked to Abraham, and others would be cursed who cursed Abraham and all the families (being the seed of Abraham) would be blessed by God. All the people of the earth are blessed through the FAITH of abraham , whose faith was counted for righteousness before God. I am of the SEED OF ABRAHAM through faith and his decendant,Jesus Christ, through whom I have obtained righteousness. I, too, can now impart this righteousness, through faith in God's word when I reach out to the lost.