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  1. My favorite Psalm is Psalm 121. I was insprired to write a Psalm along those lines. My Help Why do they prevail against me? They mock me with their eyes. They tear flesh from my bones They slash me with razors Where is my comfort? Where is my help? Their words are like stinging bees They are as woves and vultures surroundnig me, waiting Waiting to feast on my flesh They gnash at me with their teeth. Where is my deliverance? Where is my relief? my bones are ground to dust My heart is torn away They attack me in the day They haunt me in the night They target me with their arrows. They smite me on the cheek Where is my refuge? Where is my support? They stop short of killing me The smile at me and laugh "Where is her God?" they ask But my help cometh It cometh from above The Lord God is my maker, my savior, my help He is my comfort, my peace His hand will deliver me His hand will protect me He will restore my soul He gives me victory over my enenies He is my strongtower, my guide my help He shields me from th arrows and snares His word is sure His hand is steady He is an always will be My help (I know I'm no David, but I'll get there one day! )
  2. The difference between vs. 1-6 and 17-14 are simply that David began describing the creation of God and how glorious it is. He then becans to speak about the word of God. Both sets of scripture are really tied together through Davids awe in God's majesty and his praise of God. He 1st speaks about the work then prays that God keep him righteous (v13 & 14). David is fully aware that he is by no means perfect, and he knows that the only one that can keep him on the straight and narrow is his creator.
  3. Psalm 8 teaches that man's weakness doesn't compare to God's greatness. He crated us and nothing we can do cill measure up to Gods power and glory. Christ died for us and loved us enought to become one of us, dying a horrible and painful death. He did this 1. to save us from the penalty of our sins (death) and 2. to draw us closer to him. Given all this, we are to walk in submission to God and all of his goodness and mercy while still having righteous dominion in all the earth.
  4. Hi, I'm in New Orleans, LA. I've always loved the Psalms and wanted to get more into depth on them. I love to write and appreciate the emotions of the Psalms.
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