My favorite Psalm is Psalm 121. I was insprired to write a Psalm along those lines.
My Help
Why do they prevail against me?
They mock me with their eyes.
They tear flesh from my bones
They slash me with razors
Where is my comfort? Where is my help?
Their words are like stinging bees
They are as woves and vultures
surroundnig me, waiting
Waiting to feast on my flesh
They gnash at me with their teeth.
Where is my deliverance? Where is my relief?
my bones are ground to dust
My heart is torn away
They attack me in the day
They haunt me in the night
They target me with their arrows.
They smite me on the cheek
Where is my refuge? Where is my support?
They stop short of killing me
The smile at me and laugh
"Where is her God?" they ask
But my help cometh
It cometh from above
The Lord God is my maker, my
savior, my help
He is my comfort, my peace
His hand will deliver me
His hand will protect me
He will restore my soul
He gives me victory over my enenies
He is my strongtower, my guide my help
He shields me from th arrows and snares
His word is sure
His hand is steady
He is an always will be
My help
(I know I'm no David, but I'll get there one day! )