Hi. I'm new here. I don't really know what made me think I'd have time for ANOTHER devotional, but I has to try. I'm a new believer (3 years) and the more I learn the hungier I get to know more. I'm a woman in love with her savior, obsessed really, and I pray I'll get more "gone" for Him every day. I meet people all the time that have known what it's like to know Jesus their whole lives and say that you get used to it and even take Him for granted. That really scares me. When He called me, I was dancing on the brittle tip of the last straw. Even the thought of going back to who I was before I met Him drives me to despiration. So I'm calling myself "2BMoreLikeHim" because that's all I want...To know Him so well that, like the old couples who look more like siblings than mates, I start to look like Him. I want to be so deep inside His love that I can't share my thoughts with any other "gods"--including fear and worry. I'm old enough that I still call 'em floppy discs and I know why they're called that. I was left in the techy dust about the time my cell phone started weighing less than a patio brick. I probubly don't have another 40-year-desert-walk left in me--I can't afford to waste a single day not buried in His Awesome Truth. I've made my peace with obsolesence, as long as I am obsolete to anyone or anything but Him.