Q6. Extra Credit. Whose character flaws most remind you of your own? Isaac's, Rebekah's, Esau's, or Jacob's? Why? How is God working to improve your character? Maybe a little of Rebekah in the way of her faith before she did what she did. I'm a woman of great faith that have learn to listen. I often separate myself and want the best for those I love. I felt like she did at one point when she knew Isaac was the better child in her eyes and she did know the promise that God made but she felt that this would have been the last chance because her husband was going to die, fear set in and she wanted to make sure Esau was not the one. I felt that way as my sister was dying I felt that she was a woman of God and could have spread the word of God that she always did and to me God was taking a wonderful woman of God and letting someone else that I knew that have cancer live that was not living for God. But of course I could do anything about that except to pray and understand that God never makes a mistake what He said he will do He will. My sister had completed her job her and it was time for her to rest. Others need to make changes in their lives so that they too will be ready for the day of rejoice.