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Everything posted by mygardengates
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
I know that when I Pray it's between me and the father. He knows what I need and he knows what I'm searching for. Theres nothing wrong with asking anything to God. He is pleased that we can share everything with him. Moses boldness is showing God that he cared about the people and didn't want to see distruction to the righteous. It's almost like if we didn't show this than it wouldn't exist. I always pray for the righteous and the unrighteous. I ask God to touch there hearts the ones that are in sin and don't know or understand. I want to save the world but we can't we can ask God to touch those who don't know. Why not would God not want to know our hearts good or bad. He wants to hear us always. I know that if I'm around the sinners I cry inside deeply because of whats going to happen to them if they are not saved. His delights are in our prayers to know that we are there not just here for a worldy reason but for the one and only reason we are here for a purpose and we should always say thank you be grateful and wait for the Lord. He is our Dad we are to always know that he will love us unconditionally. I will always prayer and wait and talk and be lead by God. I wished I was saved years ago so I wouldn't have gone through so much. I always ask God to forgive me and that I'm sorry for hurting him in any way. -
Q4. Persistence
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Prayer is the only thing I can trust. I trust God's lead in every way. You can actually see the sin in the world like you were looking into a mirror. You feel it you sense it and you turn away so easily. You hardly ever feel stress anymore or not joy. I'm always in joy and I always feel safe and easy. When the worlds crises enter your door we just know its going to be okay. Being presistent in prayer is letting God know he's always in your life. I wouldn't want the one person not to talk to me or be with me. I love knowing Jesus is right next to me good or bad. I respect our father in heaven like no other. I never worry even I go through trials. It's suppose to be. I don't question anything anymore. I know when I'm wordly and it bothers me so I turn my ways right away. Jesus knows this. We are just here temporitly. I only think eternily. I feel like I'm floating haf the time. It only almost makes me feel like I'm not here only spiritually. I feel strange at time. My prayers are my way of going back home. -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
I feel when we answer all these questions it is through Jesus Christ who gives all our answers. When we become well read from the Gospel the word we as humans realize that we are bought and we are owned by God. So now after reading the word as God would say can you hear, see and if you can not he has made ways to make us understand God. God is always with us through his grace. How wonderful is that. I've come to realize that what ever I say or have been lead to do is because Jesus is always with me. Boldness is saying anything to our God with humility. It's okay to ask it's okay to say may I to our God. He is our God. We have to ask our father and we need to make sure we are not hurting him in anyway. He's our father. We are to humble ourselves to look up to the Lord and be comfortable with our comfort just knowing he is there. Abrahams always asked not demanded always asked through the grace of the Lord. I love my Lord and my ancestors, deciples, prophets, angels. I love the stories of the bible and I love hearing that we are loved by God so much. If I had only one wish I would wish from God I would wish that all man kind be saved by the Holy Spirit and there would be no more evil and everyone would love one another. All broken mariages are back to normal, all rebellious children are restored, all be forgiven. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ please Abba come to change our world soon. -
God wants to protect all of us from any kind of harm. But this story has a true meaning. We are all suppose to love one another pray for one another and I find this not so in this generation. It is true that we have become unholy, selfish, unGodly, for ourselves. Wow!! what is going on? Well now I know so when God hears our prayers and we pray for other people for the righteous people and for those who are sinning and saved we ask God to touch there hearts. Not just our hearts but everyone for different reasons. Wickedness, sinners don't know. But a lot of them can and want to be saved. God is not in the business to destroy and kill he's in the business to love. I am so grateful that I have found that Love. Even though those who hurt you pursecute you show them love. Give it to God and let God fix it. We can not fix anything without God. I walk on this earth with great sorrow for the sinner and the wicked and now I pray for them. It's only going to get worse and we have to live among it. I like to stay far away from it but what I noticed is that it's all around us. Prayer is the answer for you all of us.
For me we are bought with a price. The blood of Jesus Christ. Who would die for us like that. This was murder for he did nothing wrong. Yes he could have gotten out of it of course. But this was not God's and Jesus's intention. They thought about us. Us the sinners who didn't know who God was and to this day a lot of people don't. Because we can't see him or touch him we think he doesn't exists. Jesus new he had to do this for our salvation. He asked God to forgive the sinner for they did not know. We need to look up in the sky into heaven and just know that we are owned by God. How wonderful is that. We are set free. Satan can try to hurt us but if we are with God he can not do anything to us. I tell my children always get out of the world yes live in the world but under God. Do not let Satan use you in any way shape or form. Until Jesus rains on earth again Satan rains now but God owns the world, satan and us. So for our own good look up to God for guidance and let him lead us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Love our freedom and enjoy loving each other for he gave us a free will to enjoy his earth but also to always watch for the destroyer because he doesn't want us happy. But God does want us happy. Don't worry, don't worry just let God lead the way. Be happy in your misfortunes be cheeful God has a plan for all of us for the good. God Bless
Our prayers make a big difference. Since God already knows what we need who we are what we are capable of as a human being. But, spiritually we are tested often to become more mature in our spiritual life. I always tell people what ever stage your in or where your in your life doesn't mean always that God wants you there. Sometimes or more often God wants to open more doors but with our spiritual life we need to listen to God more often. He talks to us all the time. We can't always feel sorry for ourselves or think we are going to move when God wants us to move. We need to seek God a lot. How would you not like to talk or seek your own earthy father or children they would feel bad well so does God. We must put him first in our life love him always. Amen!! Moses prayed for a better solution. We should always pray for something bigger if we don't like where we are. God wants us to be abundantely happy. Look above your capabilites and discover something bigger. If it fails it fails but you will not know unless you try. For example not everyone is rich but if they desire to be more richer to feel comfortable in there life to share and move other people as well God will here what you want and have to say and he will move you there. I truly believe if we ask for a much better life not only be humble in your situation but want a better life. Ask God to strengthen you and ask if its his will to bring your there for good reasons. Like me I am a single mom I make enough money just to get by I pray to God and thank him and how grateful I am for not sufferning but please my Lord (Daddy) may I have a bigger life to give more to the poor and needy and to help my children and live more prosper. There is nothing wrong with this. So Moses was very gutsy but confindent that the Lord would change his mind because he new it was for the good. Israel is still suffering suffered for 2000 years. Long suffering. But also coming together like beginning of time. We don't know what is happening what God has planned but we do know by the Gospel that God is doing everything for the good. So ask pray for the good but expect an answer that is for the good even if it doesn't feel good.
Q2. Praying Boldly
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
I use to cry and be very wimpy in my prayers. Than I started to realize that I was feeling sorry for myself. That's not the word. We are to care for one another the greatest commandment is to love one another. Praying boldly is to promise God that we hear his word and put it to good works just like Jesus did. Pray for our enemy's, be good to those who hurt you. I have now become a bigger prayer woman with lots of love. When I pray for myself and my children I pray for God's promises. I want more of God's promises and I want to give for what God wants us to give. Give to the poor, needy. Help those who need help. We all worry and that is not what God wants us to do EVER is worry. We need to believe in our Lord 100% know matter what our circumstances are. If Moses would have said to your will God that would have been to easy God wanted to hear a much more powerful prayer. Moses says don't destroy your people love your people lets keep on trying to solve this problem with God's love. Wow!! how powerful is that. I've learned to do that more often for all even my enemy's or people who betrayed and hurt me. I now want to just love with my whole heart and give to those who need it. Yes I do pray for more abundance and happiness and everyday I've noticed the more I change the more God changes for me. Thank you God for coming into my heart. Maturing my spirit everyday. -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Yes God can change anything he wants especially if it is for own good. God loves us and we are his children. He sits with us and talks to us and guides us but also loves us unconditonally. We can always count on Gods delievernce. I pray and talk to our father and he corrects me if I need to be corrected. This is what trials are for our own good. We need to be cheerful in our trials and thank God for his guidance. Being close to our father has brought me out of the world and into a place that I can't wait to be eternally. I think now above it all and I look towards heaven in my prayers. We are going through and we need to be for the poor, needy and to witness to all people who do not know the Lord and tell them the "good news" with delight in our heart and promise from our Lord. We all need to be like Jesus and better now that he is at the right hand of God. We need to lead our people to the promise. We are in a spiritual warfare with Satan and we need to talk to Gods people all people to get them to the promise land. This is our responsiblity by God. God wants to save all people. -
I believe God answers all prayers for understanding to Go the straight path. God is willing to hear what you have to say and God determines wheather it's right or wrong. God only points us in the right directions for good. It may not always feel good or look good but it's for the good. I've seen God move things that I didn't understand but at the end there was complete understanding. We all need to go there and trust in the Lord. The Lord is our "light"" our lamp to ever lasting love.
Q2. Praying Boldly
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Our own prayers is our personal realationship with God. What we think may be good for us may not be for our own good by God by God it will be good. By reading the Bible I'm starting to understand that God wants everything we ask for is for our good. God will give us everything we ask for if we knock and ask but it has to be through God's will. We all need to undertand that God only wants the best for us. Yes he will hear our prayers and lead us in the right direction. God promises us to live a Godly life when we seek God and want to live a righteous life and be fulfilled in holiness. I pray for restoraton, I repent my sins and I pray for joy and happiness always. Moses saw a better way for Gods people. God was angry because they went against God. Moses wanted God to remember that these were his people and to help them understand. Understanding Gods way is the only way. My prayers are to ask God to lead me in the right direction and I trust him. Jesus is the truth, the way and the life. We all will struggle at times because I believe God moves things around for us to get to that point of victory. With God in my heart I know that my life is in his hands righteously so and that he wants me to be just like Jesus his image that we have the powers of knowing living on Earth there is going to be so many trials and we need to be prepapred and go to God for guidance. God will and promises he will gaurd us from all evil. I now feel safe at all times I am not afraid of man and I know now that God will help me because I believe and have hope and prayers for my Lord to save me from the world and evil that we live in. Halleuia to Yewa who loves me and adores me unconditionally. We need to pray for others who do not understand and doesn't know the way. We need to pray for them for God to touch there hearts no matter what stage of life there in. Ask God for there own sake to be saved. I have much sorrow for those who do not know and when they want to know I pray to God to give them salvation. We are here not for the righteous we are here for the unrighteous to share the "good news" and lead them to God. Remember Jesus saved the theif on the cross without baptism he gave this man salvation through his own prayers for God to understand and he was saved. God Bless all that seek him. -
Q1. Rebellion
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
Being a devoted Christian I learn something new everyday with our father "Abba" I love having conversations with God and I don't always understanding everything. But this question hit home with me because prayer for me is everything. Knowing that he is our God and he listens but not always does he agree with what we ask. Now I know that God is without sin so if we ask without sin to turn something around for our own good what we think may not be what God thinks is for our own good. Our human emotions and feelings are important to God but we don't always want to see the truth because of the sin. We just want it to be our way and hope that that person or thing changes for the good. But only God knows which way its going to turn and if he wants to turn it for its own good. We don't know what other people are thinking or wanting to do but God does and it may not be to his liking and he may have other plans for those people or things. A lot of people are mad because they feel that God doesn't answer there prayers and they get mad I did. Until they if they want to "free will" really understand. We have to read the word over and over to understand Gods words. We have to ask God for more understanding and it is always granted to us. Being stubborn and stiff necked as God put it is not unconditional love. I have now unconditional love for my father in heaven because he has that for me. Not for me to be spoiled or have to have my way but to point me and lead me in the right direction even if it doesn't feel good I always no now that it is for the good and to wait for the victory. Patient. Moses had a very good reason to ask God to look the other way because God asks that of us turn the other cheek. God is all about love. So if he destroyed the people how can we look at this as an example. Moses went to the mountain to talk to God for the good of all of it. This story brings me to my knees because God is a wonderful God. He saw the reasoning behind it. And yes Moses said he can destroy he did before so he asked for God to forgive them and bring them out of Egypt that these are his people. Show them let them truly see so they can be free like he promised. To justify God's plan is to say thank you God for loving all the people and that you are our true God. I love you Father. -
Q4. Forgiving
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Actually it is the other way around. We know that we are forgiven by God when we are able to forgive others. Unless we have experienced God's forginess, forgiving is most difficult and most of the time, impossible. God's control of our lives, our will, gives us the ability and the capacity to forgive. I couldn't of said this better. It is difficult and I believe that God's in control of our lives, our will. Only God can give us the ability and the capacity to forgive. He also knows our hearts and our sorrows. If we are so terribly broken hearted Jesus comforts us and we need that time with God to get to know him through our trials. I never understood this until now. Our trials are good they don't feel good but there for the good. God is a loving God and with our pains, our trials we get to know our Lord more and wow what an experience this is. I'm so grateful and happy to get to know our father. I feel blessed and I know now that I'm worth more than I could ever imagine. Thank you God for touching my heart. For allowing the Holy Spirit to awaken me. My thoughts are now heavenly, beautiful. I can't wait until the Lord comes. I think about him coming down in the cloud and all I can do is smile. He has changed my life. He has entered me in the book of life. Thank you oh Lord!! -
Q4. Forgiving
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Forgiveness. Yes forgive.. This was probaly the hardest thing for me to do . As I continued studying the bible my answers were all there. God forgives all who ask and seek the Lord Jesus Christ. No matter what he did who he is or what he did to others. If a man is asking for fogiveness from the bottom of his heart and wants to be saved than Jesus will save him. If we do not forgive our enemy's God will not fogive us. We have to give all our burdens up to God those who troubled you give to God and be good to your enemy's be good to those who hurt you. This is so very hard for all of us. The Lord knows this pray to him ask him to strengthen you guide you help you. He knows our sorrow and our pain. Let God lift this and let God close those doors so he can open new doors for you for me. Oh God forgive me oh Lord for I need strength to forgive those who hurt me please oh Lord help me. God knows the ones that trouble you let God be the judge of that we cannot judge them. I know for me that was the hardest thing to let go and now I'm finally letting go because God is for the just and the unjust the righteous live just as long as the wicked. We should all pray for the unrighteous and the wickedness in the world for God to touch there hearts to be saved to go to heaven. The narrow gate is heaven and the wide gate many will go for there will be distruction. This is why we should pray for our enemy's and be good to them on earth because if they don't hear the good news before they die. Where would they go? Jesus says watch for your life because we do not know when it will be the end and it's like a thief in the night if we were watching we would know when the theif enters. We all need to be for the people who do not know Jesus help them understand and if they send evil to you than walk away but you have to try first to save the people of despair. God with your prayers and your intersession will touch there hearts and if not than they will perish. Oh God so save the world from hell. God has the key to hell. God owns everything including satan. So forgiving one another and showing them that we are people of God is what we should do on earth. This is our job. -
Q3. Daily Bread
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
God is our father. He knows what we need and he knows our desires. A lot of people pass there gifts up because they really don't believe enough that our Father in heaven is to guide us. He owns us. He knows what we need. I look back and realize today what I could of had with the blessing of God but because I was in a different place I realize today what kind of life God wanted me to have. He wants us to be rich live abundantly. I alway pray to ask for restoration and for now God to lead me into a life of him. To "give" us our daily bread is for us to trust in our Lord to guide us into a wonderful loving life here on earth. We need to let God lead us for he wants us to be so happy and joyous. I am grateful for this new beginning because now I don't even worry I let the Lord lead me into my daily life. I've been blessed and I want to share this "good" news with everyone. Believe and don't worry God loves us and he wants the best for us. He will never give us anything we can't handle. Be humble and see what we do have. It's not about money it's not about anything except the Blessing of our Lord. Thank you God! -
Q2. Kingdom and Will
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
It effects me in a way that I shouldn't ever worry or faint because things are going bad. In my heart I have so much hope that our Earth is going to be just like Heaven one day. Living in this world but not of the world can make us so sad. So much hate, crime, unholiness, ungodliness, selfish, no love. I pray to our Lord "Abba" to set me free from all of this and to keep me safe and to protect me from all evil. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is Heaven. I have heavenly thoughts always just knowing that we have a place to go. The Lords promise is all I need. -
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
mygardengates replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Hollow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is heaven. If everyone can live by this rule we would have world peace. Heaven is a place of Love, Peace, Honor and Holyness. Jesus is our guide and our light to reach heaven. I am in heaven and my thoughts are high above think of good things, beautiful things that are in heaven. May everyone live peacefully, lovingly, heavenly. I love you my brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. -
I am so happy to find this study. I love it. Thank you so much for inviting me. I love the Lord with all my heart. He's my "Daddy" and he is Holy. I am from Port Richey always searching for more knowledge and wisdom. I read the bible daily and meditate all day. I want world peace and everyone to love one another. I pray for our World to become heaven like.