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Everything posted by Lionbait

  1. Sin is progressive when we are young it takes little to intrap us as we get older material steps in, **** for the flesh and ownership. Sin wants to take over but the Mighty Saviour steps up and shows us te beauty of forgiveness and love. The Holy spirit has to open our eyes to our great need, thankfully we have a wonderful redemmer who cares so much for us He gave Himself for us, Oh the joy of sins forgiven.
  2. The love of the world, it material, ******* after money,position,other people. The list is endless, we are of the world, our old man has habits formed from the world. But our new redeemed man is of the Lord, our ways should be His ways. Old things have passed away, behold all things are new
  3. I think the prayer was wonderful, it was a prayer of faith, it was made at a time when a answer was needed, here he was wanting to do all that was good and proper. What a splendid answer, how great is our God, He delivered the best at the right time.
  4. I believe he does it this manner to show to us that God is with us through our growth in Him, He knows and understands our needs as young believers and is with us as we grow and experiance the hardships pf life. The moments when we are tested and struggle, and life sure knows how to unfold those moments. He proves to us that He understands us, and that He will always be with us, to provide for us and never leave us.
  5. Abrahams faith has been grown in the same way as our faith, it starts of with a cost it grows into a wonderful flower of dependance in our Father just as Abrahams.
  6. Sarah's strengths are devotion to Abraham always on his side, she shows strength of person and ideas. She doubted and questioned God, she displayed a certain lack of faith, she engineered circumstances where by Abraham committed adultry, she was very jealous. But with all this said about the lady she had strength when it was required, she trusted God for many things and display faith in God in various ways. She had a big problem waiting on God.
  7. Our spiritual walk and growth becomes slanted, we become full of all the wrong feelings and it will effect us. But when we forgive and love, then we walk free, we dont carry that horrible burden of geting even or wishing harm. We have been shown how to forgive, the Holy Spirit quides us in all these things. We have been forgiven much, therefore let us forgive our tresspassers. When we seek His face in prayer and ask for His graceful forgiveness, we walk with Him so therefore we walk in the light, for He is that light.
  8. How easy it is to fall into a judgemental role, we sometimes speak before the Holy Spirit has had the opportunity to temper or reply. Thankfully the more time we spend with the Lord and in His word, we find the understanding and love that is required for the situation. It may sound easy, but we are all to painfully aware of the 'old man' within us and we will make mistakes, but we learn and love. Thank you Lord for your understanding and unconditional forgiveness.
  9. What an assurance to have that when the weak wordly man within sins we have an advocate in Jesus Christ our Saviour who pleads our case before our heavenly Father. If that is not Love..what is. Guilty vile and helpless we..Spotless Lamb of God is He What a comfort..What a Saviour
  10. Such love, how can we understand it, the giving of a son, to watch it that place, to be part of the death, my it moves me to tears. For in that while we were yet sinners, Christ Jesus died for us. Such love, pure as the whitest snow Such love, weeps for the shame I know Such love, paying the debt I owe O Jesus, such love Such love, stilling my restlessness Such love, filling my emptiness Such love, showing me holiness O Jesus, such love Such love, springs from eternity Such love, streaming through history Such love, fountain of life to me O Jesus, such love
  11. The unfortunate reality is that we still can sin; by not confessing our sin we allow a void to develop between us and our Saviour. By not confessing our sin actually gives permission to sin to gain a foot hold in our lives. But when we confess our sin He is faithful to forgive and to cleanse us, the void of guilt and shame have been removed, for He is faithful and just. Cleansing is to apply a temporary remedy, forgiveness is to never recall or apply judgement.
  12. I had a life changing experiance some years ago my world came down around me in terms of losing my job and home. It seemed so dreadful at the time all my loved ones had been effected by this event. But throught it all, Jesus was there, yes we cried, yes we looked for the why!, but God provided, in every way. My Father has shown to me that He is my Jehovah-Jereh, all the needs my family and myself are supplied in total. I have a closer walk, a walk of dependance and graditute, a walk of faith.
  13. It is sad to be a born again and walk in darkness, no joy, no growth and little or no fellowship with the Lord. When we walk in the Light the Lord walks with us and we increase our joy and strenght of fellowship. Thankfully we have a forgiving Saviour and one who loves and cares. Read Gods word more, fellowship more, pray and talk more with our Lord.
  14. It is impossible to know God in a true way without giving to Him our full trust and faith, it is by faith we are saved so therefore by faith and trust we know God. I have surrendered all, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, my hope is built on nothing less that Jesus love and rightousness. My blessings have been without number, my eyes have been opened to how much a giving and caring God we have. A protecting and living God.
  15. We tend to hide the true us from others, but if we where living the life the Lord has for us we would gladly live and share who we are. Fellowship is a wonderful builder of confidence and friendship, the holy spirit uses our time with each other to engourage and strengthen.
  16. The evil one wants us to blame Our Father, the evil one wants us to turn our back on our God and Saviour, but God wants us to use these times to draw on Him, to use His strength in our weakness. I have has major trials in my life, the first one I trised to sort out AND MADE A MESS OF IT, the Lord in my weakness stepped in and toke me in the direction I should go.
  17. Negative and defeated, thats how satan would have me, no sunshine, no hope. My life would be over and my walk with Jesus would be awash with self pity and blaming others for my hopeless state. But thats not how it is, yes I have trails, some that should overwhelm me, but they don't(they use to). Jesus assured me that He would never leave me or forsake me and He is good to His word. Recently I had to have an operation for cancer, it caused me to reflect on my loved ones and the pain they would feel if I was called home. I sat down and wrote to each of my children letters stating the joy and the privilege I had being their father, each child is so different and each memory was individual. I remembered them as babies and the trips we took, I recalled starting school and when they fell in love. Tears fell from my eyes as I thought of the memories they held for me and what they would feel if I didn't come home. Before entering the operating room, Jesus was with me, I felt so warm and at ease, He assured me that He would be with me and He was. I had no fear no regrets, just a sense of comfort and joy. My children never got those letters, they got me back instead. Blessed assurance Jesus in mine
  18. It is impossible to know God until you have repented of your sins and accepted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour. How can one who is at war really care or want to understand the one they are at war with. Gods word tells me that I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes we can fully trust our God with our lives. I have surrendered all to my Saviour, my ways are in His hands my eternity is with Him. My entire life has been transformed and changes every day, I walk and talk with Jesus each day, because He cares.
  19. I have placed my complete faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. This has allowed me to become a Son of God John 1 : 12. I trust my heavenly Father for all things, He has changed me from what I used to be, the change is still on going. I am out of work at the moment like many others, But I am trusting. I wish to change my live to one of full time pastoral care, I am trusting for God to be my Jehovah-Jireh.
  20. What a test of faith and assurance. Abraham's faith now begins to shine, his assurance in our Father God is on test, what a visual lesson this is for all believers. Our Father how to part with His only Son to pay the price of our sin, what an assurance, what a Saviour. Man of sorrows What a name For the Son of God who came Ruin sinners to reclaim Hallelujah what a Saviour
  21. Abraham decided to send his son away, could not have been easy for him, he watched this boy from an infant, enjoyed the chances that time brings, as a young man he turned out to be a bit of trouble, but still his son. Abraham had to be a man of decision, he had to prove in many ways even to himself that he could make the had decisions. Issac has been greatly blessed by God because of his father and because his father had placed his full faith in God, God had promised, Abraham had faith in that promised. I have suffered rejection in my life and never looked for Gods hand in that rejection, I always looked for someone to blame. But oh! how my gracious Father has changed me, I look at rejection and trails as a builder in Christ. What a wonderful God we have.
  22. It creates within me a security which comes from a base of sincere humility and compassion. How the Great God and creator would even want praise from me. It has given to me a greater meaning to my life in Christ to walk closer to HIm and seek Him.
  23. Sarah displayed weaknesses that we all process and that is of jealousy and fear, she played out these emotions to there full extent and at no time turned to God for help. My walk with the Lord has allowed me to identify these emotions within my self and to address them through Jesus love.
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