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Q2. Seeking the Kingdom
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Pressing into the Kingdom (Matthew 6:24, 33; 7:7-8; 11:12)
Q2. (Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to -
Q4. Soils and the Kingdom
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Q4. 1.What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the -
Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. 1.What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? Shalom, OBEDIENCE to Christ makes our "soils" grow for God's Kingdom. We must have a humble, teachable and childlike attitude in faith. John 5:39-40 39You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about Me, 40yet you refuse to come to Me to have life." Faith comes by hearing God's Truth, that we receive in Christ, through faith and prayer. We must receive Christ into our whole being, and have faith that there's power from on High to help us be victorious for God's Kingdom. We are to be so close to Christ, similar to symbolically drinking His blood and eating His flesh, becoming one in Him. His words must live in us, His thoughts, His mind, through the Holy Spirit. It is through Christ that we can recieve forgiveness and reconciliation to the Father and then be able to live by the laws of God's righteousness that's in His Son. John 5:24"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." 2. What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth? Fruitbearing is not something we can do on our own, without Christ we can do nothing. John 15:16-17 16 You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." The fruit will come if we remain in Christ, "that whatsoever you shall ask the Father in My name, He may givt it to you." You actually have access to the Father and can ask for His will to be done, for His strength, for His favor, for the blind to see, healing, etc. Amen? Amen! The proof of Christ Spirit living in us, would be Love, Joy and Peace, Long suffering, Gentleness and Goodness,Faith, Meekness and Temperance. John 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. It is through God's Son that we bear fruit and if we are truly living in Christ we will bear fruit by the power in God. God's abundant Life is in His Son, Jesus Christ, and if we truly desire to be fruitful for the Kingdom, we will obey His commands. Next time you want to yell and fight with your neighbors, think what would Jesus do? Jesus would say, "remain in my love." We have a choice every moment to obey and glorify God. Praise and glory be to God forever! Amen. God bless, Lory
Q2. (Matthew 13:22; Luke 8:14) Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? Shalom, In my opinion, the most dangerous would be Riches. Riches is dangerous because some people rely solely upon their riches more than their need for God. How can someone love God with all their heart and mind and soul,if they love their riches and comforts more? We can't serve God and money. Riches have an earthly mindset,its focus is on the things and pleaures of the world and not on the things of God. Those who are of the world,have a pride,and rely on their riches to give them security and those things becomes their god. Some people are deceived into thinking because of their riches they can buy their way into heaven. Having Riches is similar to having a false power, they put all their trust, thinking they receive power from their riches, never thinking they are in need of a saving power for the soul that comes from a Saviour. Riches can't save you, but Jesus can. Where ever your treasure lies, there your heart will be. Some people sell their souls for riches, spending all their time at the job,acummilating more money, instead of spending more quality time with their families. Jesus told the rich man, "go and sell all your possesions and then come follow me." The rich man looked very sad, because he had a lot of stuff that he was unwilling to let go of. Was this rich man willing to give up everything for God? Are we willing to give up everything for God. Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of an needle,than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God."The desire for riches in this life, is the hardest thing to give up, we must have more desire and a burning in our hearts for the riches of God. 2.Why do you think so? Trusting heavily in your Riches, instead of fully trusting in the things of God, will lead you into a sure fall, the world's systems are falling away, there are no guarantees in this world for security apart from God, and when you lose it all, where will you be? If you trusted in your riches you will be literally bandrupt in the material world, and if one is without God, one will be completely lost with no understanding of the spiritual realities and benefits that are in God,that secures our souls. When you trust in God, you must be willing to give up the worldly ideals, and simplify whatever needs to be straightened out. God will provide. As for the worries and cares, Jesus did say,"28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Mathew 11:28-30 These parables are to help Christ disciples recognize that there is a devil that snatches the truth from us when we are weak, that everyone in the world faces and struggles with everyday. We are to be aware of the pitfalls and obstacles that keep us unfruitful, no one can break into a strong mans house. When I look at these different soils, it shows me how far I've come in my own faith. Faith in Christ is a journey, a discovery of a new world, a world so amazing. The Kingdom of heaven is within us and only the heart can see it or enter into Him. We are to be on guard, guard our hearts, minds, souls and keep the faith and trust in God no matter what our circumstances are. Much love, shalom, Lory
Q1. Falling Away
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) 1.Why, according to Jesus teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? Hello, heartfelt greettings, shalom. When someone receives the Word with joy, it's because it's good news, we are being saved from the darkness, Praise the Lord!!! But if one continues to listen and hear the Word of God, you will start to notice that there's something required from every true believer. God's Word isn't all warm and fuzzy, there's a cost to living in God's will and it's the surrender of our very own lives that will be required. People fall away quickly because of the Word, they don't want to let go of their sins and allow God to change their hearts for the purification of the flesh so that God's Holy Spirit can fully rule through us. God's Word convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of faith. Jesus says "when trouble and persecution comes because of the Word, he falls away." We will be persecuted because of the Word. The Word is like a piercing sword, it's the sword of truth, it purges, cleanses all unrighteouness, exposes the darkness, this experience can be very painful to someone who isn't deeply rooted in Christ. Therefore, if they have no understanding of the Truth that's in Christ, they will not be able to stand and be victorious for Christ. As our faith becomes rooted in Christ, faith in Him gives us the power to sustain the pressures of living a holy life, without Christ's Holy Spirit it's impossible. It is the Holy Spirit who activates our faith, but if we don't believe in Christ, our faith will never come into full maturity. Our faith falls away because we have no root in the Truth, we need Christ to rule over every detail of our lives, minds and hearts. In Christ we have been given strength and power to withstand the fiery arrows of satan and his demons. When the Word is being taught, shared, or lived, there will be different levels of persecution,possibly death and even torment. Many people who are so/so committed to Christ through a concept, who have not entered into a living relationship with Christ, will not be able to stand in the Truth. 2.What is their problem? When the persecution arises, people immediately become afraid of losing their lives, they are unwilling to give up their place of comfort here on earth in exchange for the true life that's in God through His Son Jesus Christ. They have not fully believed, nor have strong faith in Christ. They are still caught up in their flesh, afraid to die to the Self.We must abide in Christ and have His Word abide in us as the Word gives nourishment to the soul and guides us into all Truth,which is God. Or else suffer the consequences of continuing to be in bondage to sin. God's peace be with you and upon your families, in Jesus name, Lory -
Q4. Repentance and Christ's Reign
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Warm greetings everyone, wishing you a beautiful day. Shalom, Q4. 1. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Repentance is so central to the kingdom of God, because by repenting you say you are willing to open your heart and trust in a new reality that's in God, but in order to receive the new reality that's in God through Jesus Christ, you have to be willing to give up your old realtiy of being. This can very frustrating to do for some people, because we have been told so many lies from the day we were born, for some people it's hard to believe and trust in the Kingdom of God. We must have the willingness to trust in God's possibilities and if we don't change from the old and become like little children, we won't be able to enter the Kingdom of God or even see the Kingdom. We must be born again through God's Holy Spirit. Imagine, that you have been living for years in a dark prison, a life of bondage, with disease, suffering, pain, chaos, living like a tree without water, all dried up, without hope or any chance of seeing any life ever, you are stuck in a dark pit. Then one day someone comes along, and opens the door and shines a light down the hole and says, "make your paths straight, someone is coming to free you out of this pit, prepare for Him, He's coming to give you life, an abundant life full of hope, a new life greater than you could ever imagine, an amazing Kingdom, get ready to leave this pit." Then the person who was stuck in the pit, starts to question, "what life or Kingdom is he talking about, this is my life here in the pit, the stench is fine, my pain and suffering and deterioating bones are fine, what life could he possibly be talking about?" The person has to decide, am I willing to trust this man, stay in the pit of this dark life or be willing to turn towards the light and be delivered into God's Kingdom, but there's a catch, you can't take your old way of being with you, you have to surrender everything to God. We can't serve 2 masters, God and mammon. God has given us freewill, God will not force anyone out of the pit, it's by the person's choice to come, see and hear. Repentance is the willingness of the first step towards God's Kingdom. 2.Why is baptism important to converts to the King? When we decide to be baptize, it's a decision we make to trust in God's son, showing the dedication and seriousness of being adopted into God's family, becoming the body of Christ, as Jesus is the Head and we are His body, and having a sincere desire to become cleansed through the blood of Jesus. It's an outward symbol of our faith to Jesus and a testimony to those around us. 3.Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? In order for Christ to reign through us, one must believe and have faith in Jesus, deny themselves, take up their cross/staff and follow Him. An unrepentant heart is unwilling to turn from their old way of thinking and being and so therefore won't be able to see the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is about the authority we have been given in Christ. We reign with Christ through God's power and authority and without a changed heart, it's not possible. An unrepentant heart will not believe or have faith, because they refused to hear the message and be changed, so how can they work with Christ, when they never knew Him or given Him a chance to heal them. A repentant heart knows they need a saviour, they know they can not free themselves and are willing to learn of Jesus, turn from sin and believe His Words. When we first come to Jesus, we are like little babies, it's like we are being taught all over again, but this time it's with God's Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, sent by Christ Jesus. As we continue to believe and receive Christ words into our hearts as the Holy Spirit reveals it to us, and accept His words, abiding in Him and He in us, we eventually become mature christians, overcomers, all by the power of God. Praise the Lord, hallelujah! God's blessings be with you, love, Lory -
Q3. Water and Spirit Baptisms
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between Johns action and the Messiahs action? Hi Everyone, many heartfelt greetings, shalom!!! A.John's action was to get people to think about their current situation, to be baptized into a new understanding of life that is to come, and prepare people to turn away from their sins and be ready to hear the good news through the Messiah,Jesus Christ. B.Jesus's actions was to give the Holy Spirit to all those who sincerely desire to receive and believe in His name, to give power and life to become the sons and daughters of God, through faith in Him. 2. What is the point of difference? A.The baptism of John was with water only, no blood or the name of Jesus was used for the remission of sins. John's baptism was a demonstration, symbolic of what was to come through the Holy Spirit, that would purify and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. One must be willing to see, hear and receive the good news before it can truly take effect in our lives. B. Jesus not only taught about the coming Kingdom, but showed the people that the Kingdom of Heaven was upon them now, through Him. That we are to repent,(turn from our old ways of thought and hear the new way) confess our sins,(be honest with ourselves and recognize we are bankrupt without a Saviour), and be healed, (receive the good news.) We must learn of Christ, beleive in what Christ says, abide in His Words, drink and eat His Life, follow Christ, deny ourselves, have faith in Christ, and trust in HIm for our Salvation. He will send us the Holy Spirit and fire. The Holy Spirit is the power of God that enables us to be transformed into a son or daughter, and the fire is the power that cleanses us from all unrighteousness through having faith in Jesus Christ. Follow Jesus and you will no longer be walking in darkness. 3. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? That's a very interesting question. When I was first baptized at 15, I knew I was a sinner, I knew that I badly needed Jesus Christ and I believed that He could wash my sins and make me clean. I remember,as I was being immersed int water, I heard clearly the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, but I especially remember the name of Jesus Christ, it was so loud in my head. After I was immersed with water, I felt clean and renewed. Something felt different inside of me, I knew I was forgiven, etc. For three days I couldn't think of anything else but God through Jesus Christ, no matter what I did, God was the first thing upon my mind,thoughts, heart, I wanted more of Him. I even asked my mother, "what is this huge overtaking that's coming upon me?" and she couldn't give me any answers. Only that she was getting worried and thought that I was being a little obsessed on God. It was somewhat frustrating not having someone to talk with about it and because it was so personal, especially from the response of my mother, that I couldn't talk to anyone else thinig they might think the same. Something new was diffinitely happening to me, it was good, but I had questions. There was an abundance of thirst and a hunger for God that I never knew, but at the same time I didn't know how to deal with it, perhaps how to receive it. To be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit is something that one should never take lightly, it's very real, and if you are not equipped with the knowledge of God's word of what exactly is happening to you, it can be confusing,scary (because of the unknown feelings that arise up within you.) If I could compare what happened then and now in my adult life,now I have learned more about Christ, and I know who He is, this experience is similare to some of my reocurring dreams I 've been having, it's like Christ living in your mind and it's not Me the ego living in me anymore, but at least in my dream it makes sense now, but at the same time, my ego/flesh is freaking out, because the voice in my head is saying, "I am the Christ." and the flesh is saying, "how can you say that, that's blasphemous." It must be the war going on inside of us between the flesh and the Spirit. 4.What might prevent this in your life? FEAR, the ego is resistent to the spirit, the flesh is afraid to lose what it thinks it knows or what it has believed about itself for so long, etc. There's a literal death that needs to take place in the flesh and personally I'm still not ready to let go and let God take full control over everything. I'm afraid and yet I know there's no fear in Love. Everyday I'm a step closer to going all the way. I do experience the fruit of the Spirit everyday, His joy, love, peace, long suffering, forgiveness and the conviction not to sin. 5.What might encourage it? Going into deep Prayer, and having more faith and trust believing in God to provide full understanding, to be equipped to receive His Power. God will not send us out there in the world like loose canons, nor will He send us out powerless, that's why there's discipling, study of His Word, it's truly powerful and not a game. It's a descison that we must make. God bless and much love to everyone. Shalom, Lory -
Q2. Offensive Baptism
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Q2. (Matthew 3:5-10; Luke 7:30) How would John’s baptism have offended a Jew’s national pride? Shalom, Before I can comment on the Jew's national pride, I would need to know the background of those governing Spiritual/polictical control over the Jewish people, in particular the Pharisees and the Saduccess> (there was also the Romans, Herod, the Essenes that had their place in the arena.) A.Who were the Pharisees? The Pharisees were very zealous for the Law of Moses, but they also considered themselves the guardians of the oral traditions that scholars developed over generations. The oral traditions interpreted the Law of Moses. The Pharisees had great zeal for God. The average Pharisee fasted two days a week and paid his tithes to the penny. Yet, their zeal for God did not lead them to God but away from God. They examined the Law to the smallest detail and yet their hearts where far from God's heart. B.Who were the Saduccess?The Sadducees were of the wealthy ruling class in Jesus day. Many of them comprised the priesthood that controlled the temple in Jerusalem and the Jewish legal council called the Sanhedrin. They were in some ways more conservative than the Pharisees. They only recognized the Torah as the inspired word of God. They acknowledged neither the prophets nor the oral traditions that came after the first five books of the Bible. Consequently, they did not believe in the resurrection or any life after death. They were often at odds with the Pharisees over this matter. Here is John, yelling in the desert, "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Make ready the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." He's teaching repentance, that the Jews need to turn away from their sins and wash themselves clean through baptism for the coming Messaiah. This wwas highly offensive to the religious rulers. He's preparing the people to receive the good news. He's telling the people, "sinners,you have to change and if you change you will be forgiven," making sure they have a sincere repentance. YOu can see that that message didn't sit well with the Pharisees and why their pride was offended, because they beleived they were all ready perfect. They followed the law to the smallest detail and didn't believe they needed to be saved. They showed their outside works by following the letter of the law, but were not living the truth of God that was suppose to be living in their hearts, to love God and to love one's neighbor. And as for the Saduccess, they didnt' believe in a coming Kingdom, they believed in the here and now, do good, live good, do the best you can, and that was all there was for them. YOu can see that the message of John's baptism was off line to what the religious rulers believed, "baptism for the forgiveness of sins?", was blasphemous. Was it the Pharisees that said to Jesus, "only God can forgive sins?" As we see later in the bible, Jesus was healing and ministering to those who came to Him who were sick and perishing in need of healing, "your sins are forgiven." 2. Who welcomed John's baptism? Before I can asnwer who welcomed John's baptism, I need to have some background information; What was the the Jewish normal baptism compared to John's? The Jews had their ceremonial cleansings too, etc. John's baptism was an adaptation of the mikvah, or ritual immersion bath, that had been part of Jewish life for generations and symbolized a spiritual cleansing. It was used to consecrate a new beginning. Jewish men took a mikvah each Sabbath. Women took a mikvah after each monthly period. On Yom Kippur the High Priest took 7 mikvot (plural of mikvah) during the ceremonies. Some people are confused when they see Jesus coming for baptism with John, it was not for the remission of His sins, as Jesus was perfect, but was the mikvah to symbolized the spiritual cleansing for His ministry, then soon after,the Holy Spirit leads Jesus out into the desert to be tempted for 40 days and nights. John incorporated mikvah to all the people in the surrounding regions, to be baptized as a symbol to show that they need to turn from their sins, change their minds (repent) about their need for a Savior and were taking a new direction regarding their salvation. No longer would they focus on keeping the Law but would look instead to the coming promised Redeemer/Mesaiah whose arrival John was announcing. Once Jesus's minsitry began, John's baptism of repentance was no longer needed, so it became a symbol of the believer's death and re-birth. The people that welcomed John's baptism were, common folks, soldiers, Publicans, wealthy people, tax collectors, and gentiles who were converted to Judiaism, and etc. 3. Who resisted and why?The ones who resisted were the ones who thought they were all ready saved and didn't have need a saviour or no need to change their sinful life, etc. (Herod and his family, Pharisees, Saducees,gentiles, etc.) anyone who was proud of themselves and their sins, and on how good they were, etc. Why, because they love their sins more than coming into the light, so that Jesus can heal them. God bless you everyone, shalom, Lory -
Q1. Faith without Repentance
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Shalom everybody!!! I think it's really important to first to understand why we are in sin. Since the fall of mankind that came through Adam, the world has been in bondage to Satan, that enslaves the souls of Man. The strong hold that is upon Mankind is so strong we cannot free ourselves. Lucifer took 1/3 of the angels with him to the earth, and his kingdom and reign dwells in the world. Everyday we humans live in this pit,the worldy system. We have learned to take on the characteristics of Lucifer and our desires are always drivin in wickedness. We sin because the father of sin, Satan, occupies everything in the world and blinds our eyes to the Truth. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalites who are very strong. Through Jesus Christ, the mighty hand of God intervened upon humanity, in God's great and amazing mercy sent His Son to show us the way out of the pit of death, to a life of milk and honey. How can a person living in the pit ever believe in God's amazing promises and benefits when they have been living and blinded in darkness since the day they were born? They know not the truth, only lies from the father of satan. We must turn away (repentance) from satan's ways and thoughts or else die in our sins, that's the reality of our situation. The Truth through Jesus Christ is being offered to all Mankind, it's a free gift to anyone who is willing to believe in the Truth. There is only one way to receive Christ Truth and that is through Faith. Without Faith we can not please God or even enter into His resting place and peace. Faith takes us towards repentance, allowing one's mind and will to go towards the life that's in Christ, through God's Holy Spirit. Before we can even be adopted into the Christian faith, one needs to make a decision, a choice, who are they going to believe and serve? The Words of Christ that comes from the Father, or to continue to live in the reality of the father of lies. Repentance is turning away from the old thought of being, of doubt, wickedness, selfishness, etc. and embracing the Truth of the reality of God that's in Jesus Christ which is through Faith. The reason why we have a hard time of repenting of our former life is because we don't really believe in Christ, we hold on to a concept, instead of believing in the reality of His message. If we desire victory, we must be willing to hear the good news and as we hear the good news, our faith in Him grows, but it won't grow if we are unwilling to submit our wills to hear the Truth and this takes us to turn away from the former things and lies. If we believed in Jesus we would follow Him and know the Truth and the Truth will set us free. In order to have faith in Christ, we must say goodbye to our old ways of thinking.If we are unwilling to repent from our former way of thinking and being, we will not experience the fullness that's in Christ, the abundant life. Sin and God do not go together, we must decide, we can't serve 2 masters. 2.Why do people avoid repentance? Because they know not the Truth,they don't fully believe yet, they are still blinded by the darkness and have not accepted the message of Light. They would rather hold on to the lies, what they have known since the day they came into this world, instead of turning towards something that will give them the true life that's in God. The darkness can not comprehend the Light, it's all foolishness. 3.What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart? I think there's 80% unrepentant christians today, because the full message of Christ is not being taught, the Word is being milked down, changed, and many people are becoming confused about the faith. Jesus came with Grace and Truth and it's the Truth that is being taken out of the gospel. It's not warm and fuzzy, it's a sword piercing in your soul. This huge and amazing gift God desires for us to recieve is more amazing than anything we could ever imagine, but we have to want it, and ask for it. Jesus talks about asking for the Holy Spirit, and the Father would give Him to whoever would ask. If you are asking for the Holy Spirit, you will be changed, but again people don't really want to change for the better, they want a quick fix or something, but not the real deal, a transformed heart. God bless and shalom, Lory -
Q1. Let Your 'Yes' Be 'Yes'
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
What does it mean: Let your "yes" be yes and your "no" be no? I believe this is a rudimentary lesson on learning to bridle the tongue. We do make oaths and swear by God. As a result we offend and lie and show our neighbors that our words are meaningless, empty So many times our words condemn us, we end up making promises we can't keep. Yes and No are straight up answers, there's nothing hidden in those two words, our intentions are very clear and to the point. Such simple responses helps us to keep honest. Anything more we say can lead us into sin. If we obeyed this command, what would be the result in our speaking? The result would be, intentional living unto God, keeping us honest with everyone around us. By keeping our simple, Yes and No, we won't become or let ourselves get tangled up in satans lies and schemes. We won't make promises we can't keep. We can be honest with others. There was a time long ago when I felt guilty to say No. I didn't like to let anyone down. Only to find me hating myself later on and falling deeper into sin. I not only lied to myself, but I lied to God, ouch!!! Needless to say my life was filled with a lot of pain. As we receive God's word, He is the truth and He gives us the strength to do and live right, to say those simple "yes' and No's. Praise be to God! In our credibility? We will start becoming a people who "say what we mean" and "do what we say." A people with integrity. Living right brings glory to God. God's blessings be with you. Love, Lory -
1.What can you do to extend Christ's healing love to someone who is struggling in his or her marriage? First thing would be to pray to God for wisdom and strength for myself and the two individuals. Take time for them, be present with them and let them know you care. Be willing to listen to their pain, comfort them in their sorrow, pray without ceasing. Extend mercy and lead them back to the truth about the love and will of God. (Many husbands and wives don't understand what God's marriage is about, it's so much different than the world's idea) SEcond thing, ask the Pastor of your church to put on a Rekindling Marriage retreats, give them a chance to rediscover their dreams from their youth, talk things out, confess what's hurting, learn to listen, learn to take an interest in your spouse again, how to make the most of their marriage, that they are ONE, not two, etc. There should be no judgement or guilt trips layed on them, give them time to heal and let God do His mighty work. God's mighty power can deliver us from any problem if we are willing to start again and forgive. Some people have deeply rooted wounds from the past that are covered with so much layers of dead skin, only God truly understands and can save them. 2.What can you do to bring healing to someone who is or was divorced? Allow the hope of Christ to keep filling their lives. Keep extending love and compassion towards them and all those who have gone astray, all sin is the same to God. Keep encouaraging one another towards the love and Truth of God that's in Christ Jesus. We have all fallen short of the glory of God, there is not one person in this world without sin. Whenever one feels so holy and wonderful, we must always remember that all of us had to come to the feet of Jesus, we who have been saved must also be willing to extend the same mercy as God has shown us. God showed us that we were bankrupt, our hearts were far away from Him, where before we were dead without hope, but now we have been given the hope of Jesus Christ that lives in us. All things are possible with God. Glory and praise be to God! Amen! God bless, Lory
1.(Matthew 19:9) Does a person who has remarried after a divorce that wasn't caused by marital unfaithfulness, live in a perpetual state of adultery?God is showing that making a vow is a serious action and is not to be taken lightly. One who has been divorced will always be looking back at his past life with his or her ex spouse, saying and thinking always, good and bad things about them. There is an invisible bond that will always be in their midst, almost like a shadow. What God establishes in marriage is something sacred and chances are when you start on a renewed life with a new mate, it will be difficult to have peace because in your new relationship there will be him, her, ex wife in one's head, it's something you easily can't erase. It's almost like you will be cheating on your new wife, because you will be dividing your thoughts. Jesus came to restore Truth, to help us turn back to God. He showed that God is real and very much alive. All the 10 commandments are the rudimentery lessons of obedience, if we can't be trusted in the rudimentery commands of God, how will He trust us with heavenly things and power. It is God's good pleasure to bless HIs children. Jesus shows us the necessary steps to get right with God, repentance, turn away from the past way of living and thinking, and have obedience by doing what needs to be done. The Bible reproves, guides and help us to see our sinful nature. When will we stop sinning and turn away from those things that are displeasing to God? We need to hear and do what Jesus says, allow Christ to dwell in our hearts. 2.Should that person divorce or separate in order to get back into God's will? No, I believe this lesson on adultery is important to realize that we are in need of a change of heart, life can't go on in this direction of living only for self, my way, what about me. We are to start living the way God intended from the beginning. God loves to bless His children. I believe one should realize that through our own selfish choices we bring suffering and disorder upon ourselves. God understands our pains, also the generational curses brought down from our parents, due to sin/selfish choices, etc. God is merciful, that's why He sent Jesus to lead us back to the truth. We have a chance friends, isn't that great! God is so good!!!!Amen!. 3.How can he or she get back into God's will, or is that no longer possible?As we receive Jesus into our hearts and believe on him, through His blood we are redeemed and forgiven.. Once we receive Jesus into our hearts, the Holy Spirit will come live in our hearts and take up residence in us, and will teach us all things about Christ. We will want to honor God in all our choices. God's blessings, Love, Lory
Q4. (Matthew 19:10) Why do you think Jesus' disciples reacted so negatively to his teaching on marriage and divorce? Did they misunderstand it? 1.Why do you think Jesus' disciples reacted so negatively to his teaching on marriage and divorce? I believe they reacted so negatively is because they probably have seen divorces happening all the time, almost like a natural way of living. Then they hear the truth of Jesus being explained to them that divorce is wrong. This new idea when you make a vow to your mate, that marriage is for life, would have been to hard for one to bare. As I read the disciples say, "that it would be better not to marry", revealed to me that they knew the importance of God's law and that disobeying Him, was a serious offense to God. People are so accustomed to having their own way, doing their own thing, they make vows without even realizing they are making them to God too, disregarding God completely in their descisons. 2. Did they misunderstand it? No, I don't think they misunderstood it, this truth was a hard saying, and perhaps their very own hearts were being convicted. Jesus went on to say that "not everyone can accept this truth, but only those to whom it has been given." Here Jesus gives his followers another another opportunity to hear God's Truth, to follow Him is not easy, it's all by choice, we have a choice, a responsibility to God on how we live. When we choose not to follow the Truth, we will no doubt keep falling in the ditch. God's blessings, Love, Lory
Q3. (Matthew 19:7-8) According to Jesus, does the Mosaic law command divorce? Does it allow or regulate it? Why does it allow divorce at all? What was God's original intention ("from the beginning") for marriage and divorce, according to Jesus? 1. According to Jesus, does the Mosaic law command divorce No. Divorce was not God's plan for His children. Divorce was created by man and only for man's purposes, not God's. 2. Does it allow or regulate it?According to Jesus, God does not allow divorce. Divorce doesn't bring glory to God, it's contrary to God's plans. 3. What was God's original intention ("from the beginning") for marriage and divorce, according to Jesus? "God made male and female, for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the the two will become one flesh. What God has joined together, let not man separate. God's intention is to lead us back into a relalationship with Him, that we become ONE flesh in Him. The only hope for any relationship is in God. God's blessings, Lory