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Q2. Anger and Murder
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Spirit of the Law and Reconciliation (5:17-26)
Q2. (Matthew 5:21-22) Why does Jesus treat calling someone a fool in the same classification as murder? Does this mean that murder is no worse than an angry insult in God's eyes? How would we act differently if we actually believed that angry attitudes towards others are viewed by God as murder? 1Q2. (Matthew 5:21-22) Why does Jesus treat calling someone a fool in the same classification as murder? Malice, slander, bitterness, resentment, , jealousy, backstabbing, etc. it all comes from the same bad root. That's not God's way. Saying bad things about one another doesn't promote God's love, it dishonors God. It shows your heart is not in the right place with God. If you let such behavior grow in you, from a simple cruel word, it can eventually lead you to do more harm and get the best of you. Better to pray for those you don't like and send them love and offer forgivness if need be. Does this mean that murder is no worse than an angry insult in God's eyes? All sin is the same to God, except for the unpardonable sin. As you become angry with someone you start murdering them in your thoughts, eventually it could lead to even the very act if we are not careful. These thoughts are like weeds, bad thoughts can choke God's word right out of our hearts, then our hearts can become hardened until it hurts us. God is love, and if God's love is in you, you would love. How would we act differently if we actually believed that angry attitudes towards others are viewed by God as murder? If we knew that having angry attitudes towards others is against God, we shouldn't do it. It not only hurts others, but it hurts ourselves and we show that we are not living in God. God's peace and blessings, Lory -
Q1. (Matthew 5:17-20) Can you see any tendencies in the church today to effectively "abolish" the Old Testament from our Christian faith? What does a "Christian" legalism look like in a church? What does it look like in a church where there are no moral standards and no obedience expected of Christians? !. Can you see any tendencies in the church today to effectively "abolish" the Old Testament from our Christian faith? It's truly sad what's going on in the Church today, there seems to be many opinions, doctrines, beliefs, and many churches springing up all over the place with their portion of the Gospels Truth. Who's the real church, it seems that some yeast has sneaked its way in? Every word that proceeds from the mouth of God is valid, whether it's from the Old or New Testament, it's all good for our learning, reprove, etc. There are some tendencies in some churches that I have seen that do stay away from the Old Testament and only think that the New Testament is valid, saying it's all by grace and not by works. Seeker friendly churches, no repentance, change or obedience is required. Many people fall away because they don't exercise and apply the teachings of Christ. We must have faith in Him. Jesus said to the people "unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." So there was some work to be done on our part, you still had to pursue what is good. Even though the Pharisees where in charge of keeping the law, they themselves didn't obey it either, but they still exercised some obedience, just not the fullness of it, their hearts where so far from God, they made the law out to be hard, tedious, instead of showing the beauty and grace that comes from loving God. As it was then, obedience is still required today, belief, faith in Christ and go. The law condemns us sin, it can never save us, the law teaches us that we are in need of God to help us. On our own it's impossible to save ourselves, but with God all things are possible. How does one discover that he or she is poor in spirit, because the law tells you so and Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament who testifies to the truth. We must turn away from our sins. He comes to convict the world of sin, and redeems us from it. Jesus shows us the way of what we should be living like, etc. The Old Testament says that when Christ comes he will reveal all things of Truth. Jesus says to follow Him, and if we don't we shall truly die in our sins. Now that Christ sits at the right hand of the Father we have been given the gift and the power of the Holy Spirit that teaches us all things about Christ. We are not left alone, or left to be orphaned. When we become good because of what Christ has done for us, it's the Holy Spirit doing God's work in and through us. We can't boast, it's not our works, it Christs. 2. What does a "Christian" legalism look like in a church? Because there are many churches, many have different requirements to be saved. Some say if you don't speak in tongues you're not saved, or if you wear make-up you're not saved, it you eat meat on Fridays, if you sin you're not saved, if you don't get baptized, if you don't belong to a certain church, or group, if you don't worship on Saturday's, if you don't tithe, etc.............. 3. What does it look like in a church where there are no moral standards and no obedience expected of Christians?A church without moral standards and obedience would like it was in desperate need of a saviour, Jesus Christ, only He can save us from our sins. Christ becomes our power and our strength to be overcomers of the world. Without morals and obedience to God we look like the ways of the world. More is required from Christians, the more you receive, more is required from you. God's blessings to you, Lory
Q4. (Matthew 5:13-15) How do verses 13-16 relate to verses 10-12? How does hiding our light affect the glory of God? Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Is ours? What does this have to do with Romans 12:2? A. How does hiding our light affect the glory of God?We as disciples are to imitate Jesus. Jesus glorified the Father in everything he did and said. He was the Word of God made manifest so that the world would see,and know the Truth that can set the captives at liberty. We are suppose to put God's word into action as well, apply it to our daily lives and continue to set the captives free through Jesus Christ. That takes faith. Without faith we can not please God. It's easy to get into the negative, but it takes faith to see the higher truth of God. When people are healed, that brings glory to God. When we have doubt this doesn't bring glory to God. If we don't use our light for the right intentions and motivations this can affect the glory of God. When we share our testimonies of how God strengthened us and gave us power to overcome this brings glory to God, but we have to share this light in everything we do. B. Why must glory and suffering go hand in hand? The darkness hates the light and you will always find resistence as long as there is no unity. You are going to find yourselves in many uncomfortable situations and as you obey God you are going to suffer for doing right. You're either going to win souls by choosing to utilize God's light or gain enemies. Many people love their darkness and don't want to conform to the light of God. You will be persecuted for it. The good news, no matter what happens, in every situation we plant seeds for these lost children. Being a seed planter can cost you your life, but win many souls to God. God will bless you for your faithfulness to Him. So you're going to have to suffer for doing good and what God wants. C. Was Jesus' suffering necessary? Yes, there was no other way to show the people how hard and violent their hearts are. This is a very dark world, full of selfishness, most people living only for himself. Light has come into the world and his very own didn't recognize it. By Jesus suffering many people have come to know freedom in God. Jesus went around blessing, forgiving,healing, and setting people free. God was glorified in His son. People don't know that they are dead and have great darkness in them, how will they ever be freed from thier own darkness? Jesus suffering on the cross, paying for our sins, took upon himself and offer up himself so that we may be forgiven of our sins. Now we know the truth. D. Is ours? Yes. It's not easy to live the Christian life. Many Christians go so far, but not all the way for their neighbors or their enemies. Most are not willling to suffer for difficult, selfish people, they give up way too soon. When you suffer for another, it's like you are saying, "I love you, you are worth it." Jesus died for all sinners, we should be willing to suffer too. We must take a stand, in love for truth, no matter what the cost. You might be laughed at, beaten, mocked, killed, but it's all worth it in the end, because you showed some poor soul the greatest love. God wants all to know His great love and who are willing to receive and be set free. E. What does this have to do with Romans 12:2? "Do not be conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will." When you conform yourself to God's Kingdom, you will be called sons and daughters of God and there are blessings through walking with God. God's will is that none should perish. Everyday there are people who are perishing because they don't see the love or understand it, they die in their sins. God is merciful and this great love He has for us is beyond anything we could ever imagine. he showed it on Calvary 2009 years ago and it's still here today through His HolySpirit. Wishing you a beautiful and glorious day. God's blessings, Lory
In the parable of "the light of the world," Jesus notes the stupidity of lights being hidden under bowls. Concerning what danger in the life of a Christian disciple does Jesus warn us in this parable? Several years ago I went on my first successful fast after many attempts. Never before was I able to do a real fast, I would break down at dinner time. Well, this time I prayed, and God gave me strength to do a 3 day fast. During the fast I heard a very sootheing voice say to me, "Lory, what are you hiding?" When I look back at that time during my life, I was a bit of a hermit, shy, stayed at home most of the time, didn't have a church family, wasn't serving anywhere, lived unto myself. All I can say is what a waste of life to hide my talents and gifts in my house, when God gives us those things to be used to bring glory to Him. God gives each of us something special to do, we will be held accountable for how faithful we used the things God has given us. Whether it be His light of love we are sharing with others, all the goodness we have receive from Him we should put on a stand and it will bring light to everyone. If you have a gift in serving, do it well, if you have a gift of singing do it well, if you have the gift of faith impart it to others, if you have the gift of love share it. Freely we have received, freely we should give. When you are using your gifts and talents people take notice of your gifts because it brings glory to God everytime you use them. If you don't let God's light shine in the dark world, everyone loses out. Through utilizing your gifts you can speak about God and what you believe about God, etc. Let God's light shine through you where ever you go, don't hide it, let God's love flow out from you don't hold back. Extend those hands to say hi, introduce yourself first, you see a need help them, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. God's blessings, Lory
Q2. (Matthew 5:13) What might be the symptoms of a Christian who has lost his "saltiness"? Is it possible for a believer to detect such symptoms in himself or herself? What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? What do other Christians notice about you? Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? A. A symptom of a saltless Christian, would be someone who stops sharing their witness of Christ, would have no concern for the lost, closes their eyes to the hungry and poor, who live unto themselves, one who prefers to be living in total isolation from others, they don't care about anything unless they can profit from it, there is no joy or a spirit of love in their lives, the love for God and for others is not shining through them as before. B. Is it possible for a believer to detect symptoms in himself or herself? Yes and No, it depends on how awake you are and if you are listening to the Holy Spirit. Those who are able to listen to the Holy Spirit will be able to detect it immediately and cast all negative thoughts out. The goal is to grow up in Christ, not continue to go down to the pits from where we were before. I have heard Christian people admit that they are burned out, they don't feel it anymore, they turn you away. As a result they become luke warm, they lack zeal for Christ. They willingly stop seeking God, they have this lifeless body running around, without joy, they lose thier sense of purpose, their fruit becomes chaos and busyness. You try to bring them back and minister God's word and they don't want to hear it. Saltlessness happens if we don't spend time in God's word. We must pray without ceasing, a strong prayer life is a must! That's spending time in God's presence. Sin can blind one from the truth, the sin of bitterness, anger, jealousy, worshipping idols, etc, this all hinders our growth and keeps us down. As we open the door and allow these lies of satan to enter into our minds and hearts, this gives satan a foothold and you will probably not be able to detect your state of mind on your own, because satan is occupying a portion of it. He feeds off your jealousy/sins, etc, a hardness of heart will develope in you because satan's aim is to steal, kills and destroy your life. Many people don't realize they have hardened hearts and are deceived by satan. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ that we have been given the Holy Spirit, He convicts us of all sins/selfishness, we have been given free will to choose whom we will serve. Pray and help those who have fallen astray. C. What do secular people notice about a "de-saltified" Christian? I have heard the secular world say about Christians, "if that is a Christian, I don't want to be one." Some Christians can be very judgemental lacking in love and sensitivity. They have said that Christians can be hypocrites, self righteous, etc. I have also seen people touched by Christians, people have been saved because of God's love living through them and them willingly going out of their ways sharing the gospel of Christ. I have heard and seen both sides of a Christian. There are baby Christians and Mature ones. D. hmmmm, what do other Christians notice about me? Some notice Christ love, a living joy, a heart for the needy ,helpful, inspirational,high energy especially when I'm talking about God. Some notice a broken life and have fallen short of the glory of God. Others have noticed that I try to do right, a few ladies reject me because of it. They notice that I'm becoming stronger in my faith, more confident in Christ, noticing that I'm getting out of the boat more, taking chances, etc. E. Is it possible to "resaltify" your life? Yes. Read God's word everyday! Hang around "salty" Christians, those who "give" out of God's abundance of (love,joy,peace,kindness,faithfulnees, givingness) they can be contagious. Have faith in what God's word says, pray for more of His light, strength and energy. It is God's good pleasure to give you His kingdom, and He will never turn you away if you ask for His Holy Spirit. Trust and believe in Christ. God's blessings and strength be yours, Love to you all, Lory
Q1. (Matthew 5:13) In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the preservation analogy? In what sense are Christians the "salt of the earth" using the seasoning analogy? A. Jesus's commandment was for his diciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every Nation. Christians are the light of the world, continuing the work of Jesus. Salt preserves food, God's word preserves our souls. The word of God is food for the soul. The disciples of Christ have preserved God's word since the great commission. Because of those who were willing, most of the generations from the past have heard of God's Word, through Jesus's disciples. By martyrs who have died for Jesus, by priests those who've dedicated their lives to God's people, by missionaries those who were willing to go into unknown territories, and all the disciples who speak and share their testimonies to all they meet where ever they go. God's word has been preserved up till now because of Christians faithfulness and by the power of the Holy Spirit. B. As we are the Light to those in darkness, the seasoning of this salt will offer up as light to those in distress, to those in need, to all those who need to hear and see the message of Christ. The darkness is a world full of dryness, the darkness is similar to the wildnerness experience. Your soul can become dry and very thirsty. We as Christians can offer up God's salt and give hope, one little sprinkle at a time. God's blessings and peace be with you. Love, Lory
Q6. Blessed Are the Persecuted
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q6. (Matthew 5:10-11) Why should we rejoice when we are persecuted? What keeps this from being some kind of sick masochism, or finding pleasure in pain? Why is the blessing "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" appropriate for the persecuted? A. When we are being persecuted, we should rejoice because the Kingdom of God is advancing right before our eyes. Light has come into the world through your witness and the darkness doesn't like it. Jesus said "if they persecute me, they will persecute you too." Persecution is a sign that you are on God's side and are faithful to the Truth and the task of spreading His gospel. Hallelujah! What I've been noticing in the states is that many people who are filled with material wealth are trying to save their lives. They say Jesus I love you, but with their lips they are far from Him. There is more to lose for someone in the states because of our great wealth, than some of the 3rd world countries who have little or nothing. They see the injustic around them and then they hear the gospel, they know that they are enslaved and it doesn't have to be that way. Our hearts have become hardened by our sins and the the material wealth of our nation. The darkness is trying to overcome the light by changing the rules one step at a time. No prayer in schools, you can't say the word Jesus in the work place, they want to get rid of the constitution, soon they will arrest you for witnessing your faith, etc. It starting my brothers and sisters. The stage is being set. C. Getting beat up, killed thrown into prison isn't something we christians love, but if it's to save a soul and it's the only way to show that person God's love, then it's worth dying for. Unfortunately the world loves violence, the darkness thrives in violence. The violence of the heart is so great that people can't see the truth of God. When someone is getting persecuted for doing right, doing beautiful things, your mind has to wonder, what is wrong with this picture, has the darkness gone too far? When you do wrong, then you get punished for doing wrong, that's the normal sense. But for doing right, living right, speaking the truth, being the love of God, you get beat up, thrown into prison, and nailed to a cross? Something is amiss here. As you get beat up, for doing right and speaking truth, some of the world will see love and they will also see, the evil has gone to far. If you don't speak the truth, the children won't know it and will beome accustomed to the dark ways, it will be normal to them. If we stay silent, the future generations will think God's love is a dream or an unrealistic ideal. Many people are starting to think this way. D. The persecuted are bless because of their obedience to God, saving souls from perishing. Theirs is the Kingdom of heaven all ready and then the life to come. Those who love God by doing His will and care for others, are heirs to God's throne in heaven. When they die there will be a special place for them. Jesus said that there are many mansions in heaven, but he will go to prepare a place for them that do God's will. God's peace and blessings be with you. Love, Lory -
Q5. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q5. (Matthew 5:8) Why can people with a pure heart see, know, and discern God? Why can't "chronic" sinners see God? How do we obtain the pure or clean heart that Jesus describes? A.The pure hearted ones are people who have received the filling of the HolySpirit. Many people believe that's in another life time, I believe it's the reward from the results of hungering and thirsting for the things of God, that's in Christ. Without faith you can not please God. Only the HolySpirit can truly know and reveal the truth of the heart of God. Depending upon how much you are ready to give up your stuff and receive Him. Since God is love, it's Christ that God sends to the world to show and be His love. Christ the annointed One comes from the bossom of the Father, it is Christ who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus was filled with God himself, Jesus says, ''those who have seen me, have seen the Father. Jesus shows us the way to the Father, you have to give up everything, including your life,if you want to see God. Christ obeys the Father and hears from the father, and shows his love to the Father as he obeys the Father's Will. Even unto death on the cross. To be pure in heart one would have to be One with the Father as Jesus prayed to the Father for for us to be, One as he is One. This is another promise and reward for those who truly surrender all of themselves until there is no more of You left, only Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. You have to ask, seek, knock and have faith. God's Word is a like a mustard seed, it grows to be huge, the faith in this seed can move mountains. The road to the Father is very hard and narrow and only a few people will find the door. You must have a pure heart in order to see God. It won't be a sefhish heart entering into that door, it will be a selfless heart filled with Christ and it's the Holy Spirit that enables it to happen. B. Chronic sinners can't see the fullness of God, because they focus only on themselves and the world around them, they are self oriented, self minded, they worry about themselves constantly, their security, etc. They close themselves off to the blessings and everything God wants for thier lives. Chronic sinners love their lives of sin too much, rather than be blessed and know what true freedom is. God is Spirit and Truth, you can't see His Spirit, until there is faith in Christ, it is God's Truth that ultimately reveals God's Spirit to sinners. It takes faith in Christ to see God, chronic sinners won't even let Christ into their hearts. It's the Son who reveals the Father, but you have to be open, know that you are 'Poor in spirit" to even recognize what is available to all who believe. C. The first step is to recieve the gift of salvation through Jesus. Even though we are saved by grace and not by our works, we are still required to pursue holiness in everything we do. We obtain a pure heart by trusting in the Holy Spirit, allowing God's Word to cleanse our old sinful way of thinking and being. We need to repent from our old ways of thinking and turn to this new way of being, Christ filled. The promise is that Truth sets you free. We need to be earnestly asking for God's Holy Spirit to teach us the things of Christ. Earnestly seeking Him and desiring God's will to be manifested in our lives. Ultimately to become like Christ. As we ask, so shall we receive. Most of the time, I see people asking for a new car, a new pair of shoes, a new dress, a new something. We need to be asking God to deliver us from whatever it is that keeps us in bondage and be willing in faith and obedience to give up our selfishness and wicked thoughts. Hold every thought captive to Christ, if your thoughts don't resemble Christ thoughts rebuke the thoughts out of your head. Through Jesus's blood, Christ has destroyed works of the devil. We have been given a new nature in Christ, the power of the Holy Sprit to help us be overcomers and not slaves to our sins that bind us to the ways of hell. -
Q4. (Matthew 5:6) How can an intense desire for righteousness put you at odds with the world? What sort of righteousness is Jesus talking about, do you think? What promise are we given in this Beatitude? A. It puts us at odds because the world is at enimity with God, it wants nothing to do with God and His ways. The world's ways wants to bind and enslave you, keep you down and at the same time make you think it is good, when it really wants to steal your soul. As you follow Jesus with intense desire to do right by following God commands and ways, the world's ways will hate and despise you, will go against you everytime you want to do what is right, from little situations to big situations. This intense desire to do right is a Light to this dark world, and the darkness hates the light B. The kind of righteosness is to keep your eyes single on God, following Jesus' commands, it's taking a stand in what God says; following the commandments, loving your neighbor as yourself. Receiving Jesus into your heart, loving your enemies, serving God in every way, saying No to our selfish ways, denying ourselves, walk in love, etc. C. As you hunger and thirst for righteousness, God promises that we will be filled. As you hunger and thirst to follow and know God, your eyes will be completely on serving God. This hunger will lead you to asking, seeking, desiring to do what is right, and it's God's good pleasure to give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks. You will receive His peace and joy. God's blessings be with you. Much love, Lory
Q3. Blessed Are the Meek
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q3. (Matthew 5:5) How does this sort of gentleness contrast with the world's ideal? How is humility important to Christlikeness? A. The world's ideal is all about the Self, as a result , the Self seeks to gratifiy the things of the flesh, seeking things of the material, which our bodies depend on, since we are physical beings. When Adam fell by being disobedient to God, he died spiritually because he chose to live for himself. As a result Adams offspring lost the connection with God's Spirit too, and the human race has been living in this selfish mode of death for years, until Jesus came on the earth 2,000 year ago, we now have a door opened up to us, we have a choice, die or live. The selfishness can still interfere when we want to serve God, sometimes our motivations are to receive a reward in heaven, that is still thinking about the Self. Still thinking "what do I get if I help you God?" Our motivation should never be "what about me?" If we want to serve God, we have to give up ourselves to Him and let His Spirit dominate over our flesh. Jesus came to restore all things new and as you can see selfish thinking belongs to the world. In the end times God will call out a remant of Holy people, we've all been given time, time to learn and seek and receive God through His Son Jesus Christ. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth. In this new heaven there will be no more fighting, no more crying, no more selfishness, no more evil or wickedness, only pure joy for Gods' children living in His awesome love and presence. The meek will not be living for themselves, everyone will be working together in peace and harmoney as God created it to be. Do you find yourself praying for your enemies, or people you don't like? As you pray for others, you will grow in His love and you will start noticing changes in your heart. God gives you power to be an overcomer. As an experiment, listen to what's coming out of your mouth, whatever is coming out, that's what is in our heart. Jesus's message changes and transforms our hearts. We have been given the Holy Spirit to teach us all things about Christ. The meek will hear His voice. Being meek doesn't mean being trappled on, it means to stand up and live rightly, turning away from the worlds selfish ways. Does the world forgive and show mercy to all those who have hurt us? No it shows no mercy. A meek person can stand up and speak the truth, but it must be in love. You know Jesus wasn't a push over, he over threw the money changers tables, he expressed his anger a few times, he wasn't always so gentle, he called his diciples dull, etc. As a matter of fact, he was so famous that he couldn't go into a village without people wanting something from him. God's desire is for us to receive His Spirit into our spirit, the full truth, so that we can truly be called the sons and daughters of God, fully trusting in His Son who gives life to all who wants it. Humilty is important because,that is the heart of God, that is christlikeness, being God's heart to others. You can't serve God without being humble and you can't be humble without love. Humility is required for the job because you might have to do things that are very low in the world's estimation. I hear people justify that and say ''no God will never ask you to do anything you don't want to do." God requires more from those who have received. Love and humilty work good together, if you want to be great in the Kingdom of heaven, you must be the servant of all. Jesus came to serve,not to be served. If you think of yourself to highly like the Pharisees, you will want to be served and heap heavy things on people. Jesus got down on his knees and washed his diciples feet, he did this to show his love in the simple way, as we should be to one another, and he showed his love by going all the way, taking our sins upon himself and washing us and making us clean. Christlikeness is doing everything Jesus did. God bless you all, love, Lory -
Q2. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q2. (Matthew 5:3-4) Why is it necessary to be aware of your spiritual poverty before you can become a Christian? What kind of mourning is necessary for a person to become a Christian? What kind of mourning is a common experience of Christians? (See Isaiah 61:2-3; Ezekiel 9:4.) 1.A Having awareness of our spiritual poverty creates in our hearts humility, if we are honest with ourselves, we can't measure up to God's standards on our own, we fall short of the glory of God, our good works are but filthy rags to Him. Enough to make you want to cry. We see in Christ Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, the unblemished life, the power of God living in and through Christ that makes Salvation possible for all who will submit to His Light and authority. As we become aware of our brokenness, we can now become aware of Gods' promises as Christians, for those who have faith in Him and believe. B. The kind of mourning that is necessary after you realize your are poor in spirit, it's necessary to die to self and surrender up your will. The process can be very painful. Jesus said that we are to take up our cross and follow Him. Our flesh and spirit are at constant war with one another. The ways of God's Spirit wants to save you and the ways of our flesh wants to kill and lead you to hell. The choice is ours. As we desire and seek more of God in our brokenness, and through obedience towards God will, there will be consequences to dying to self; you will loose friends, there are times when you will feel alone, people will call you names, in some places you will be thrown into prison, lose your job, give up sinning, etc. The list goes on, giving your life up to Jesus, changing your life for the better can bring your flesh sadness and pain for awhile, you will mourn because your life will be literally turned upside down. We must have faith in order to recieve the promises. The goodnews is that Jesus promises that we will be comforted through our trials. Amen! c. As christians we become witnesses of the light, and we know that the Light of God is good, we have seen it, we have tasted it, and know for ourselves that God is true and is who He says He is. We know we have all be given a choice, choose life or death, we mourn together over those who choose hell over life. Because we've been given a choice we don't have to see our earth blown up to pieces, wars and wars, the selfish greed that keeps us down. Jesus came so that the world may be saved through Him. God's peace and blessings be with you all! Lots of love, Lory -
Q1. Beatitudes and Spiritual Fruit
Lory replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Paradoxical People: the Beatitudes (5:1-13)
Q1. (Matthew 5:3-11) Each Beatitude consists of two parts. What are these parts? Why do you think Jesus made each Beatitude a paradox? What is the relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)? Question 1 A. I believe the Beatitudes two parts are: 1. the current condition of mans soul 2.the rewards you will receive by having faith in Jesus Christ, even though the current conditions of our souls are poor and bankrupt, we have been given a gift to receive the truth, to be in a living relationship with God, through His Son, today and the life after. Without faith we can not please God, only Jesus can save our souls and give us a new heart and spirit, we must follow Him in everyway of our lives. B. He made the Beatituds a paradox to spark an interest in the people, to fulfill prophesy revealing heardened hearts etc. Also, to make people think, ponder on it's hidden meaning, etc. Like we are doing today. There are those who are serious and thirsty about learning God's truth and then there are those who just want the miracles and food, and not to serve but to be served. According to each individuals hunger for the truth, as you open your heart to God, you will find the truth as you seek and go deep into the diminsion of God's son, the Christ. Jesus said "the truth shall set you free, but there is a cost, you have to give yourself up." C. The relationship of the Beatitudes to the Fruit of the Spirit, in my humble understanding is, in the Beatitudes Christ character reveals God's character; God is merciful, loving, forgiving, understanding, compassionate, pure in heart, all these attributes are in Christ, and if we are to follow and be like Christ we must open our hearts and receive Him, we will become like Him, and as His Spirit lives in us there will be Fruit of by His Spirit which is the physical manifestation of God's love poured out on all mankind, so that the people of the world may see and know God is here and very much alive today. People should be seeing God's fruit in our lives. -
Hi everyone! I'm Lory from WA state. This is my first online Bible study, looking forward to studying the Bible with you all. God's peace and blessings be with you. In Chirst, Lory