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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by KimM

  1. In Psalms 19. The first six verses talks about the beauty that God has created. How He created it in everything, including the night. The beauty that this is written in, makes you appreciate all that has been created. Verses 7 through 14, reminds me of how the laws are good for us. We may think they are harsh but they are not. If we follow the laws and do as we are suppose to they are not harsh, they are as beautiful as the things God has created. I have felt the beauty of God as I walk through the woods and hear the sounds of the woods, and realize how the birds and animals obey God and they are always singing, rejoicing and happy. How the trees stand tall and bask in His Glory, and how beautiful they are. Those are the times I feel closer to God and want to obey the laws.
  2. This Psalm teaches us that God created everthing on this earth. He created everything we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. God created us in His image and we should be a represented of Him, by uplifting and praising his name all the time. Not some of the time but all the time. We should strive everyday to do God wills even when we are down, or don't feel well. Not just when things are going great. This Psalm teaches us that Christ was sent here in the flesh, so that He could die on the cross for our sins, that we can come to God ourselves and ask for forgiveness. As stated earlier our responsibilties is to praise, worship, uplift Gods name in season and out of season, which means not only we are happy because things are going our way, but in times we things are definately not going our way.
  3. Hi, My name is Kim Matthews, I live in Axton, VA. I am a librarian. When I learned of this study as I was reading diffrent articles on the website, I wanted to learn more. I love Bible Study and Studying the Books of the Bible.
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