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Everything posted by royk

  1. Our culture has a high focus on beauty, youth, image, and material objects we can collect in life. Less and less emphasis on religion and Christianity; even the YMCA is changing its name to "The Y" No one wants to talk about death, especially those who say we'll die when we die. Its refreshing when we hear about where we're going, if we believe we're going there. Our body is a temple and God has given it to us to take care of, to use it to worship Him as best as we can. I like how Winston Churchill had them play "Taps" and " Reveille" at his funeral, saying this was the end of life, and the beginning of something else. It is a struggle to keep one's focus in this crazy world with all the material distractions and the nay-sayers who think we're craze to believe something we'll never see while we're alive. Still, I'm glad I'm saved and have the Holy Spirit and await the next tests of life to come my way. May I be more responsive to the situations and see how best the server HIM.
  2. We have the Holy Spirit in us, and yeah we forget about it alot. That's why we don't walk on water. But that character is there and He said,... "I'll never leave you." So, we got it and hopefully we call on it and use it and are used by it, all part of HIS plan. We are so lucky, so blessed. He is our all in all. We need to shine to those who don't want to hear Bible talk. Eventually they will get it! It will be in God's timing, we are just HIS instruments.
  3. What we learn is God's plan for us, even when we learn it. Who created the elements, the stars, our unique DNA? Who is givng grace to billions every day, every moment? We can imagine about agape love, but will we be like Peter when they took Jess away, or will we be a saint when the moment comes to love as God commands us to do? It depends on the moment and where God has led us to. A pastor at my church said when she is tested, she tries to remember the lesson, especially if she fails. The idea to avoid church to avoid hurt full memories is sadly very common. The only solution is to go to GOD with the hurt and to let it flow from the heart. HE will heal and HE will teach. Can we say, "it is well with my soul?" Sometimes it is not so easy, and if you listen to this you may have an experience, and you may not, it depends on God's plan for you. God bless you
  4. It seems that being "gooder" or goodness is easiest to do. Being charitable, being kind, helping people, these are opportunities that come up all the time. Some kinds of knowledge are also easy, but being aware of bad habits I have had for a long time, fales values, these requre help from the Holy Spirit to see the truth and be changed this leades to self-control being difficult and perseverance, so godliness seems impossible to accomplish. I pray for the Holy Spirit to do its work in me, and do the impossible to bring me closer, and to help me absorb God's word and to obey.
  5. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. We need to submit to this devine power and let it take us to a new place approachng perfection, just getting closer to Him, and feeling the peace, the freedom the job overflowing. Reamin in Jesus and he will remain in you.
  6. Our faith has the potential to be equal to his, if we can focus on God enough and spend the time necessary to evolve our relationship with the Holy Father. But we don't we are caught up in this world with all together too many distractions. And what good do those things do for us? Nothing, but to keep us from His fullness. Help us Father in this fallen world. Please come heal our broken land and broken hearts, we cry out to you, hear us from heaven! Jesuschristo pronto viene! Holy Spirit teach us what we need to know to go deeper into your love, reveal what we need to know today. Our lot is hopelees without your love. Thanks you for saving us!
  7. Our enemies start with our "old selves" stuck in the world. Its not easy to be a saint, in fact impossible without God to lead our actions. The devil is poised to take each 'wrong directed thought" and twist it. This requires awareness, and letting God renew our mind helps minimize the 'old way.' In any case, we can't lose and Romans 8:31-32 is our reminder how we have the Holy Spirit, and that we need His help to keep forging to higher ground; slow but steady, impossible but possible through Christ's blood and the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. We'll keep striving as Paul said, toward the goal. And who cares who is against us! We stay focused, humble and act as a servant to others, and God lead's us out of the old into the new.
  8. We pray for Him to come soon, through us. That makes us part of the "Revelation" when we are more and more transparent. We wait on the one hand and we let His will be done in us each day, each moment, if we can "remain in Him, and let His will work through us..." He said, "live life to the full... " some of it is painful to learn to be more patient. Then there are moments of solitude when it all seems so easy. How can we try to imagine what it will be like? We are ignorant dirty rags, blessed by the Grace and love of God. We owe every breath to Him. Let us serve in the moment or study the word, or pray. Let the rest take a lesser place. Let us seek higher ground, knowing as humans there is more to walk and we're always going to be sinners, not like Him. Praise God for His Grace and Love.
  9. We need to be watching out for those who have lost hope. We can see it in their faces. God puts people like this in our path all the time. Do we notice? Do we ignore? Do we know what to say/do? Its not so easy to let go and let God, but He makes it all a lot easier. We praise His holy name both silently and out loud. We let Him do the work of love, like He did for us on the Cross. So much easier to type these things than to "do it" ALL the time. Let His will be done in us. Praise Jesus name.
  10. I really like it, though my walk is talking me slowly to the truth of my sin and that I can't possibly "change myself" God is just and has given me all the motivations I need to slow down, and let Him lead me through life. Its not easy, but there is no turning back; God's love is so good, what he gives us is too sweet to refuse, though it is not the easy way. Only He can take us to really being his sons and daughters. Where we are going is real luck to be in His family.
  11. My personal assurance is about feeling good now, feeling the Spirit is leading my actions, words, etc. He lives in me; He said, "remain in me..." Oh, Lord let if be this way 24/7, 365 days a year! Having the perfect, wise father, what is better than that? Getting the right advice 100%. Praise and thank God!
  12. This is only the work of the Spirit, and our continued request for it to teach us. If we ask with the right heart, God knows we are ready; we can't rush it, I have found. He does it. When we are 'dead to the world' we have surrendered; its a journey, what a joy. He promised "your joy will overflow"
  13. This is all about getting to YES, getting to "YES, WHAT EVER YOU WANT ME TO DO HERE TO GLORIFY YOUR NAME" A friend told me, if it makes you happy then it is from God. The ideas come from the good and evil forces in this world. So doing something fast is an error. Thinking and doing fast is anotthing.her error. Disciplined requests for help from the Holy Spirit is a good way to stay in the zone, to stay connected. Prayer, prayer and more prayer, and then some more. And then some more. We need help in every thing that is going on. Until we are walking on water, we need help in everything. Let Jesus come soon, this is not easy!
  14. Jesus mad it clear to all of us, he said "remain in me...." Almost a mission impossible for a person working and living in the world. But if we ask for help, and focus on the moment, God is with us. When we are "full" with the Spirit we are in eternity and working God's kingdom work only. I was told, "..be awake, aware prayerful and loving for all that is needed." Jesus said, "remain in me" and his truth and love is only a good focused breath away. His love has no comparison.
  15. Being saved is a lot more important than being able to type the two words. We're unable to be obedient enough to be deserving from our behavior. We have no hope. Its by His grace alone. We are the weak link. Only His blood can save us. We must recognize we are worthless by our own merit, be thankful God loves His creation, and repent, and spread our joy to the world about His love and Mercy. God wants nothing less than a wholehearted Love from us, luke warm won't make it.
  16. I was on an airplane, and God placed a Christian married woman near to my seat. She saw me reading the bible, and asked if I was saved. I said "yes" and then explained sometimes I'm not sure if it is God who is talking to me. She said, "if it is not in the Bible, then it is not God who is telling you to do something." I decided this is a good test, though I still have brain failures now and then and act upon the wrong message. So we should avoid any teaching, any advice that seems contrary to the Bible. The sacred word of God is what we live by. Everything that is good we were taught, it stems from the guidance of the Bible. Sacred listening, sacred viewing, sacred doctrine. Happy life.
  17. It is comforting to feel we have a choice; though one must remember that God reigns over everything and that means everything, including the moment. Yes, life is a journey, life is a series of tests. We can get the feeling and the proof that He loves us; better yet is letting go of passion pride and independence knowing His way is far better and wiser. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How I fear that my unconscious habits might overcome my thoughts, and have me drifting from Him. How thankful for His grace and mercy, and unconditional love. So is a labor of grateful love called slavery? Is a life of obedience slavery, or is it the best choice given how horrible the world can be to you at any given moment? Experience of happy obedience reigning over foolish habits, and the prayer as they dwindle from the mind. That is a condition worth developing, so call it slavery if you wish. It is great to be loved and guided by such a wise and loving God.
  18. I have prayed many times for God to change my heart and change my earthly desires of passion and pride, to extinguish them from my mind and heart. God is so wise in how He walks with me. We must keep our eyes on Him and our minds. Then it is not as difficult, then it becomes possible by giving it to Him. He won all I have, all I am, on the cross
  19. Yes, this verse helps me remember that I belong to Christ; He bought me with His blood; there is no condemnation; I just pray for focus on Him to resist temptations. Thank you Jesus!
  20. I do not like to openly admit that I have repeated sins.I sometimes think I'm a little like Paul "...doing what I'm not supposed to do, and not doing what I should do..." The moment of repenting is painful/difficult, but it is so beautiful to be forgiven by the one who loves us unconditionally. The writting in Psalm 51 seems appropriate here at this moment. As a human I can become "more crucified" but the journey is endless; there is always another layer of the onion for Him to peel away and show me my stubbornness and false values/justifications. Thank you Lord for your Grace and Mercy!!!!!!
  21. "just as Christ was raised,... we too may live a new life"eart Yes, this is real, it is something I can feel in my body. I believe it with all my mind, and heart. Praise God! "5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin
  22. Jesus is the son of God, sent to save all of us. Those who seek Him are blessed and pruned to glorify the Father. Jesus and God are all powerful and do what they do for God's plan for all of us to be done in this world. Jesus' death is the atonement for our sin; without it, we are dead. With it we have the chance for eternal life and the chance to be used to glorify God on earth.
  23. The acceptance and rejoicing in the mind seems important to me as I study this, as I continue to stumble and get back up. There is he logic of how this death is best for me; however I would rather fell the joy and passion fo God's love and from that point sek to control my mind. Starting with the intellectual side of "this" and becoming joyful seems un-natural for how God wired me. I'd rather sing "How great Thou Art" "How Great is Our God" Coming to an intellectual conclusion I can see has some value, still the world distracts us with thoughts of money, power, pleasure, ... we must trust in Him and let Him lead us to die deeper to this sin and be born again, cleaner and more focused.
  24. This is very logical that in following Him with our heart, mind and soul, we are then linked to his death and resurrection. However, as we walk with Christ and draw closer to Him along the way, we can and are able to die and be reborn several times, for the length of our lives. At least this is my prayer, when I see/hear the repetitive sin in my mind that people don't hear me speaking, they don't see what I've imagined if I'm real angry and bite my toungue . Holding on to Him, following Him, as close as we can. This is our hope for salvation.
  25. Basic wrong and right are not needing laws of words. It si common sense not to kill another. One should expect consequences if we steal and our caught. When the law of the land is defined, we can expect more than God's wrath for sinning, breaking the law; we can expect consequences that can cause fines or going to jail if the law breaking is big enough, and we are 'caught' in a court of law. Payer and honest repentance are necessary, or there is no hope for our souls.
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