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Everything posted by royk
Q5. Defense against Evil?
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
In the spirit of eternity, if a robber takes it all and tries to kill us we get to go to heaven, and on the surface that might seem to be a good thing for us. But for the others? For family members left behind, the fall out is not good. For the killer, this person might be headed to hell. As the crime becomes lesser, does it change anything in the eyes of God? In a legalistic sense to protect what we value, we must resist the evile one of they are truelove in the wrong. Perhaps thi is why they have judges? -
Q4. Don't Retaliate
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Love your neighbor as yourself. Vs. Do unto others before they do it to you. -
Q3. Examples, Case Law, Hyperbole?
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
Jesus asks us to be prefect. When they nailed him to the cross, we know he said, "Forgive them, they don't know what they are doing.." We have not walked in the shoes of the other 'evil' person who is demanding too much. We are all sinners, but do we give every thing to an evil person? In divorce court this approach can be expensive for the 'good' person, but really who is good and who is not, is a matter of which relatives you speak to when the court is not in session. He said He would judge and we must love these others. Possible plan of action, be very alert, awake, aware for what people are doing around you. Try your best to understand them and help them know Christ, before they take what the feel they need by crook or by hook. -
Q2. An Eye for an Eye
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
These old laws are before Jesus advice during the greatest teaching ever. Legalistic interpretation of the "wrong" would lead to equal value be extracted from the guilty party. This covers judicial actions, for those who chose to be legalistic. Jesus expects more than that from his followers. -
Q1. Let Your 'Yes' Be 'Yes'
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit of Truthfulness and Love (5:33-48)
It is simple, your word is your bond. If you say/promise it, then do it. So be careful what you promise, be it for work, with colleagues, or with family members!! -
This question shows the beauty and loving concern of Dr Ralph who has created this web site project years ago. While this subject might bee controversial, there are God's individual men and women in individual marriage cases that are impacted. each case is different and unique due to the walk of each person with God. When we walk with God we put ourselves last, so it would seem impossible that any Christian divorce could occur. Yet there are so many. Christian counseling should be annual or every x months if there are any conflicts. So we first handle the case of avoidance, by proactive counseling and retreats and family vacations.
Many people/men were divorcing in those times [this surprised me to learn this]. For Jesus to say that even looking too long at a woman was adultery, and that the disciples felt they couldn't live up to what he was saying. Seeing marriage for life is critical, and accepting Christ to lead us through life is more critical than all else. Giving it to Him makes the rest doable. Perhaps they weren't thinking of giving it all to Him at the moment he told them this?
Today Mosaic law is overruled by Jesus statements recorded in Matthew 19. Mosaic law only give man the authority to do anything. But what if he is the one who is unfaithful? None of this is easy to handle, such an emotional issue that would separate a bond that was never intended to be separated. A better solution is Christian counseling BEFORE marriage, not waiting til problems occur. To have Christian retreats for married couples, and baby sitters. Couples need time to be just with themselves, and need to find things they like to do. Life is meant to be good and fun as we follow His commands and receive his love.
Q2. Joined as One Flesh
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Divorce and the Spirit of Marriage (5:27-32 with 19:1-12)
Many divorces could be avoided if people would love God the most, and make Him first. This gives us the ability to love more like Him, and to put the other first. If both are like this, it will help a lot in difficult situations to put God first, and let His love rule the relationship. Love and marriage go together. Sex is a great from of intimate communication, it is man's own moment of 'creation' with his spouse. Likewise for the wife with her husband. That sexual moment of creation is God's plan for all of us. -
Divorce is legal and too easy in Georgia, the bible belt state. Anyone can divorce his or her spouse whether they want to or not. How has this happened? How does this fit God's plan? Is it a test he gives to all of us here? Only He can un-harden hearts that are mentioned in Deuteronomy. Man/woman is too proud and perhaps wounded to heal oneself. How God heals us is part of his plan, so in some cases here in GA, divorce is "OK" when one spouse has taken up habitation with another new-spouse and reffuses to stop. Then a long process getting closer to God is needed to understand deeply what has happened and each person can learn to 'convict oneself' for this short term failure, and see God's grace to be able to move forward in life.
Q5. Desire and Spiritual Life
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Adultery, Lust, and the Spirit of Marriage (5:27-30)
When we ****, it is not for the interest of the person we view, it is for that person's physical shape or clothing. It is superficial and has nothing to do with how that person is on the inside. This leads to us being more and more superficial with people, and members of the opposite sex. Seeking God and letting Him handle it is the fastest solution, and removing triggers like TV, etc. I need God, I don't need things that move me away from Him; we ahve a choice and need to understand what **** doesw to us re God and being close to Him. The love shown by Jesus is for the real person, not the outside shell that we see, he knew what was on their hearts, on the inside. He was amazing with what he did with this knowledge. There was no one like Him, our greatest love. -
For me the part of TV is simple, I almost never watch TV, at hm I don't. Seeking to get close to God changes our desires; this is an excellent example. We need to pray for those people who produce or act in these XXX videos, etc. They represent the lost, those others can be lost and not seek to view XXX stuff. The point about triggers in our study guide is excellent. When we feel something could happen to turn thoughts to **** or fantasy, we can think of Jesus on the cross, dying for even this kind of scummy sin. Jesus who would save an adulteress from being stoned. Clearly he is showing us another dimension of true unconditional love. We pray and ask the holy spirit to make us more like Jesus, and for our friends or colleagues that might be addicted.
We destroy real relationships with imaginary ideas from viewing *****, in magazines or on the internet. Free ***** is the expensive start of losing your soul to **** and pleasure. Also, so many are lost who pose in these picture and movies. We need to pray for all of them we might see, by accident or on purpose! Let God arise and inspire all to bring awareness to this victimless crime/sin Prostitutes are lost souls, and going to them can 'help' us to get further from God and get really lost. Beware what **** can do to you regarding your relationship with God!
Q2. Sexual Desire
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Adultery, Lust, and the Spirit of Marriage (5:27-30)
Any kind of sex between man and woman that is not proceed by a long period of knowing each other outside the relm of sexual contact risks to be short termed relationship. If a person doesn't have time to learn the partner is a non sexual context, the relationship can end up shipwrecked in a few years when one partner decides to try out another outside the bond that was established on **** and desire. If one is of the **** first habbit, why limit onself to one wife, when there are so many women to try out? Heaven help us!!! As the text says this will lead to a n unstable societe if everyone is focusing on short term ****, there is not sincere time for family and children. -
Q1. Adultery and Coveting
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Adultery, Lust, and the Spirit of Marriage (5:27-30)
One thing leads to another, looking too long at a woman is clearly because of an attraction or reminder of pleasure. God made man and woman with a grand design to share intimate and profound pleasure, one man one woman one flesh. This is clear, and fully against the ways of the world. Look at how many women dress and expose part of their flesh, and TV commercials are persuading us that this is what we should do, to attract the man.. be sexy. What does it matter after exchanging pleasure if one has never had the time to explore the partner's personality, their likes and dislikes. The world is against the sacred marriage of the bible. Having a look too long per Jesus advice is only going to lead to troubled relationship with the wife at home, who is busy raising the kids and doesn't focus on looking like something out of a top model magazine. Heaven help us! -
God is continuaally giving Christians 'tests'. A test of our love for God is how we treat the people he puts in front of us daily; both our chruch members and the people on the stree, and next door. Learning to love like Jesus means being awake, aware, loving and prayerful at all times. While this is not easy to always remember, we can hope and pray to develop this attitude
"going to court" takes time, money and energy. Why, because we couldn't resolve reasonably some dispute. It is first of all common sense to avoid legal disputes, second, it can impact our relationship with God. Os it is never worth it to go to court. If we need to give more than we want, perhaps that is OK. We can ask in our heart why did it get to this point, and try to resolve and clear the problem. Dealing with the devil and the world we should not compromise the Christian values which save us. It is not easy to live 'in the world'.
Q2. Anger and Murder
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Spirit of the Law and Reconciliation (5:17-26)
When we think of what leads to murder, anger ans strong words, we can already get a good perspective of what leads to heated tempers and what can unfortunately lead minds to when they are out of control in anger. Secondly, when we call another a fool, we hurt the person and if they believe us they are diminished and on the path to lower self esteem. Yelling such words impregnates an idea into another person's head, and we are in a sense trying to kill that person's spirit with such bad words. Doing this to a child would seem even worse, scaring them if they honestly believe they are a fool. this should give us a guilty conscience any time we lose control and call bad words to another person, no matter the circumstances. We need to recall such moments and see how we might 'fix/repent' of our sins with those who received the bad words. -
we are sinful, broken human beings in desperate need of God's Grace through Jesus. Christian Legalism means if we do what is right in the sight of God and church people, we are saved, by living up to the law... but there is no way anyone can live up to that. For this reason, Jesus Christ Son of God came and took on flesh, and sacrificed Himself to bridge the gap between God and us. Legalism is a thing to be avoided, some churches try to be more "modern" and less teaching from the whole Bible. This is not just affecting our younger people, it affects all of us. A church with no moral standards and no obedience is not Christian church, it is a popularity contest to get people off the street, but not into heaven. Still if they preach JESUS SAVES, such a church has some benefit.
If we hide our faith, it is a kind of first step away from God. The heart feels the contraction when we don't witness, if we really love got. If our heart towards Him is shrinking, we can't feel His love. It hurts us even if we don't notice it. When you heart starts to get hurt, you are not as able to fully respond to the needs of others. If we notice this we can pray and ask God for help to bring our hearts back to Him.
There is no glory for us, it must all be for God our father and creator. We must seek to be in the moment to server God with clarity and purpose. It need not be by words. If we feel it is suffering then perhaps we don't love God enough; though He loves us so greatly and perfectly. Romans 12:2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is
There is no reason to light a light if it is then hidden, unless it is suddenly revealed. Hidden under a bowl renders the light useless. Such would be the case of completely hiding that we are Christian. St Francis Assisi said "Evangelize everyone, and as last resort, use words" How do we know what to say and when to say it? The beautiful Holy Spirit is the one to lead us, or we'll "run ahead of God." We can not expect to have people converted from a few well chosen word, since we are not Jesus. He could do this by his all knowing presence and miracles. We have not harnessed such spiritual power, but if we let God use us in the moment, he will, to glorify Himself; in this sense we must be ready in the moment to be his light. Otherwise we are ineffective as Christians.
Someone who says they are Christian, but we ignores God's commandments and has only secular friend that he blends in with has "no salt" has no seasoned way to have any kingdom impact for God's glory. If we make no effort to affect the world around us, we are of no value to God's kingdom, we are worthless. Christians should not blend in with everyone else. So how do we affect others positively, just as salt brings out the flavor of some foods. Yes, we can detect such symptoms in ourselves through the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Worldly people would call us hypocrates. One can "resaltify" his life through prayerful repentance, recognizing we are in a slump, knowing we need God or we will fall and fail in our spiritual life..
Salt that is good was so important to life back in the time Jesus lived. If it turned bad it was useless.Christians must use the talents God give us and be that Salt for His kingdom. Otherwise we should be thrown out and trampled underfoot. We hope we are always growing in Christ and we can ask Him to grow us more to make our salt more seasoned, to make us more focused and useful in his kingdom. Praise God for His ongoing work in us. We need Him, more than anything.