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Everything posted by royk

  1. Jacob was too focused on his own personal losses and got caught up in them to the point of frozen in fear and depression, to not lose his last son. His life was not like that of Joseph. Joseph had a lot of time "alone" relative to people he knew as a slave. He was powerless as a slave and he was obedient to not sin with the wife of another man and became prisoner. He showed high moral character. So he some how had these reflections in his mind and heart and developed a greater and greater faith along the way along. he has seen visions from God. His willingness to trust in God resulted in his hart not becoming bitter. He simply stayed in the moments of his life and reacted to what God gave him to do. Being in the present is not easy when times are tough. So we do what we can and pray for God to deliver us in his time. And we thank God in advance for His perfect plan for us.
  2. Lies and tricks are part of the family heritage for Jacob and his sons. Perhaps his sons had heard about this when they were all coming back and had to confront Esau? Jacob was faithful, but he was not wise about his son Joseph's robe of many colors and the way he doted upon him, this only encouraged joseph to communicate in un-humble ways. It was all part of God's perfect plan. We can't understand it but we know that good comes for those who wait on the Lord. Jacob waited but his attitude was protective regarding Benjamin, even paranoid about it, his only remaining joy in life. Clearly the deceptive brothers hated Joseph more than they loved their father. Jacob owuld never be the same, from these two deaths, his wife and favorite son.
  3. Jacob's faith was increasing and his dependence upon God to get through certain difficult situations. So God decided to reveal Himself again. This would make no doubt in Jacob's mind that certain blessings would be his.The promise God gave to Jacob was three fold: 1 God affirmed,
  4. Some elements of the covenant described:1. Refer to the stone pillar (31:45), that Jacob had set up in Bethel. 2. The stone heap named Mizpah/watchtower (31:46-49a) also named Galeed or Gilead (witness heap). 3. Called Yahweh as witness and guarantor "May the LORD keep watch between you and me...." (31:49b). 4. Jacob should not mistreat his wives, or take rival wives (31:50). 5. non-aggression pact: "I will not go past this heap to your side to harm you...." (31:51-52). 6. oath in the name of the same God (31:53). 7. A sacrifice/fellowship/covenant meal together (31:54). A lot was said to "assure" and protect eachother from eachother. Laban was warned by the Lord, and he was afraid to take back his normal 'control over Jacob.'
  5. When Jacob sees how the breeding patterns of the flock are following always to his advantage without him doing anything, he understand it is God's work to 'grow his wealth' and overcome the tricks of Laban. God shows Jacob that He will take care o him and this increases Jacob's faith. This is the same for me in my new job.We must all be aware that what we get is a gift from God and should use it to His glory only. This must be a focus we should not for get, but we so often do. Real thankful prayer and meditation are necessary, on a daily basis.
  6. Jacob cound have done a lot of things to "check" who his first wife was on the wedding night. He could have tried to see her in the light. He might have been a little suspicious of Laban, and he could have been more open about understanding the 'rule' regarding the oldest daughter. It is not recorded that he did any of these things. To say he was tricked, he ignored a lot of things and only thought of his desire for Rachel. This seems hard to imagine such an approach could go on for 7 years culminating with the "trick." This reminds me to be more attentive and alert to situations thqat God puts us in; are they not all tests of how we react and what we do and who are we serving, ourselves or others?
  7. genesis 28:18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. 19 He called that place Bethel, [f] though the city used to be called Luz. 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's house, then the LORD [g] will be my God 22 and [h] this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."God's vision to Jacob was very important to his faith. This is the reason for the stone and the anointing of it, to remember the vision and recognize the need to confirm it permanently to God, with honor and respect. when I think about the visionary feelings that God has used to bring me closer to Him, I keep asking myself why is my faith so modest. My love of God is strong even if I have my moments. I want to use this study moment as a meditation, and a desire to have a growing faith like Jacob. God is so good to me, I know I can have a better focus and faith, believing it is possible is the first step to allowing God's love to make me more trusting.
  8. I am/was sadly a lot like Esau. Really reckless in succeeding, or just doing what I felt like, at the suggestion of my earthly father, who was quit the macho man when he was very young. I didn't have an identity, I had my father's identity. I was to have his favor, but didn't know how to focus and succeed without damaging my relations with foolish remarks to people of authority. Still people like my work ethic. Now I'm perhaps more like Jacob, not so fully distant from God but all too often trying to do God's will rather than letting Him use me, I simply just get in the way. Time to let go and let God. he again gives me another chance. god is amazing how He loves us in spite of ourselves; he is so patient in His love and grace and correction. he is the most loving thing we could ever want to know. What a great goal to learn to trust Him more and get closer so he can lead us to His way.
  9. The first son of a Jewish father who married a protestant christian, his family made it clear, I was the one to succeed big, like a ROCKET, after college graduation. Ill equipped, immature and lack of presence, but with a highly competitive attitude and a strong desire to succeed and push people to do it, y younger brother, 6 yrs younger, was stuck to watch and mimic me. heH had the tough role, but he also had more maturity by not getting stuck with a "false role to play" we both had our healing to do, both had to learn the hard way. Now I praise God for having taken me back 7 years ago, and a long walk to get to this point of obedience, and feeling his love, praise God from whom all good things come. Still some hard work for me to follow and to do what he has put in front of me. Without such wisdom, I put my 2nd son through the same thing my father did to me. now that he is over 20, i've learned to praise him in every way I can, but it was almost too late. He is starting to blossom and so is our relation; but it is delicate and requires the wisdom God is implanting in me.
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