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Everything posted by royk
This psalm is not intermingled with prayers, and does not complain and seek relief. It contains a simple but elegant thanksgiving. And provides confidence with these calming images: 1 to lie down in green pastures: 2 to go beside the still waters. 3 to have a restored soul: 4. to follow the paths of righteousness, for his name
This psalm is not intermingled with prayers, and does not complain and seek relief. It contains a simple but elegant thanksgiving. And provides confidence with these calming images: 1 to lie down in green pastures: 2 to go beside the still waters. 3 to have a restored soul: 4. to follow the paths of righteousness, for his name
Psalm 131 showed me that my heart is still too proud, and I need to ask our Father to help me find humility in my mind to be weaned from ways of the world, and to be satisfied with what God gives me today. This psalm encourages us believers to put greater trust in God; not to aim for great things in our life, but to be content in every condition God gives us. In humility can we think well of ourselves as others might think of us? No we need to think of our selves like Paul quote, that we are His slaves but alos the worst of sinners. How can the love of God reigning in my heart, subdue my self-loving ego that feels it can "fix others" in ways obvious to me but not obvious to them? My proud heart 'knows too much, is too wise; to know God and my duty and honor ot Him, this learning is "high" for me, I seek it without full success at this moment. Is it in wisdom we'd/I'd meddle with that which does not belong to us. Make me humble as a little child in weaning, and as far from aiming at high things I hope to be ready soon. But for now simple obedience and patience are my skills to hone. We must become as little children, Matthew 18:3. Our hearts are desirous of worldly things, cry for them, and are fond of them; but, by the grace of God, as my soul that is made more holy, I hope to be weaned from these things. As a child, I can be cross and fretful, e.g. as while in weaning. Soon I pray to be beyond longing just for milk, to be ready for my holy stronger food from the Father, Son and Spirit. May my converted soul become quiet under the loss of loved earthly things; ignore disappointments of what I'd hoped for, and be patient easy about what happens. When our condition is not to our mind, can we bring our mind to our condition? Then we'll be easy to ourselves and all about us; then our souls well be as a weaned evolving child. The psalmist recommends confidence in God. It is good to hope, and quietly to wait for the salvation of the Lord under every trial and life situation.
In deed if I feltclever to write a beautiful Psalm poem, I'd do it. Instead what I feel is the need to share a song "I Love my Master." Go onto Youtube, search this for Kristy Nockles, then sing it with her to our God and Savior, then you'll know why I wanted to share this with you on the day of Christmas Eve. I'm filled with tears of joy and I pray that you will be also. The day You heard my plea, You looked right through me You saw the pit I was in And You came and pulled me out... You set my feet upon a rock And put a new song in my mouth Then You called me Your own And I'm never turning back I love my Master, I will not go free... I take Your name and live in liberty My life is Yours forever I'll serve You faithfully I love my Master, I will not go free... You're a love I've never known And Your faithfulness has shown No matter what I'm about You always find me out And You lovingly remain Age to age the same And for all of my days I will tell of Your ways..Your mighty ways... Covenant Keeper You are, You are Merciful, Kindness You are, You are Passionate Father You are, You are Lifeblood redeemer You are...
Q4. God's Protection
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Let me be awake, and aware of what is happening. So when He calls upon me, and I will hear him and do His will. My 'trouble" is lack of 100% focus on hearing the Lord at all times. We have the word to tell us we are protected. Psalm 91 [makes this very clear:] 2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Christ dwells in me by faith, when we are worried of anything, we can call on Christ sleeping in us to awake, to rouse up our faith, and be assured that He is here Lord, let me be aware and aware of all that happens here on earth, let me also remain awake and aware of your love and protection. Let me remain prayerfully happy, for all that happens here is for your good, for your kingdom. Praise your holy name Jesus for all you have done in me. -
Q4. God's Protection
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Tabatha: Your remark/comment here is very useful to me, also, I read your profile and want to praise God for the work He is oding through you. I an leaving the "amateur evangelist" phase of my life, Lord willing. Any speciifc Bible verse you may have for me to focus on would be appreciated. Have a blessed Christmasin His name. Roy -
There is so much bad going on, forces of evil that can affect us at any time during the day or night. This Psalm assures us He is there 24/7 to protect us form the evil going on. He does this from those who obey Him, who love Him, those who believe and have faith in Him. Psalm 121 gives us a feeling of peace, found only in God in this fallen world Psalm 121 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills
It is good for me to experience this Psalm today. I'm a little weary, and the work i need to get done is blocked by other people. This Psalm reminds me to call on God in prayer before I speak to anyone about this problems at hand. I do not need to be working these "issues" alone. He already reminded my with a beautiful sign of 4-5 baby deers running across in front of my car at 3:45 AM while I was driving to work. We need to always call on the Lord, first to thank Him for all he has done for us, second to remember that He has always helped us get what we need. Too easy to forget Him when stress and fatigue come into our minds. He is our refuge and our strength. he is our rock, our all-in-all. Praise God in the highest.
It seems like a situation of desperation, where David is in hiding but fearful of the outcome, and this fear keeps him from being close to God at that moment. But this attitude doesn't last long. David recalls how God helps him "you have been my refuge" .... " I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings." here David expresses his need and desire to submit to the Lord and have the shelter God has always given him. He does this with a humble heavy laden heart and seeks rest. We ourselves must learn humility and how to submit to God with a meek and lowly heart, and find and the rest and other things we really need.
As it is always in God's plan, I had a business meeting canceled this morning, and began to look at the Psalm exercise suggestions. So I decided to ball up a blind friend Chester, to see how he was doing and to read him Psalm 103, on of my favorites. This lead to a discussion about the favorite parts of the Bible we preferred. He likes very much all the stories, like David and Golliwog, Joshua and the battle of Jericho, and Noah and the great flood. I invited Chester to come to our church and he will on Sunday. In the end I was/am thankful that my business meeting was canceled, so I could do this Psalm 103 reading instead. In earlier Psalm exercises, I wrote my own Psalm of praise to God for creating everything and including us, and for all the good He does for us, sometimes un-noticed. This Bible study has opened my eyes further into the Old Testament. At Perimeter Church, Duluth GA www.perimeter.org there is an interesting study in progress: "David, Jesus, and me" this study shows that it is better to see how Christ's life and David's have some parallelism. For us to learn how Jesus is our role model, as we look into DAvid's life and its imperfections, we can perhaps eee our own, and ask God for help.
Psalm 40, 16 But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;may those who love your salvation always say,"The LORD be exalted!" 17 Yet I am poor and needy; ay the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; O my God, do not delay. As in Psalm 51 which seeks forgiveness, God expects a contrite heart regarding our sins when we seek forgiveness. Without the humble contrite heart, forgiveness will not occur and the heart will continue with this burden. Humility in our prayers shows God we believe who he is and that he can do "all things". With out faith our prayer is confused communication with God. This helps me to see that my faith is inadequate for what I already know about God and His way to come close to me. With faith in our prayer we tell God we believe who He is and that He is able to take care of our needs. With humility to our creator we submit ot His will, just as Jesus did to Father God. Please oh Lord show me the path to stronger Faith and Humility; may we/I move mountains. Let the faith of a mustard seed do its work on my heart and mind! Glory to God in the Highest.
It is wonderful when God shows me what to do, and then I do it. Like to purchase a special gift for someone, a really good person who is in economic stress. Also to enjoy the pleasure of giving/gifting the way God wants me to give is s true delight. Christmas is the season of giving gifts to remember the gift God gave to us with the birth of Jesus. I'm sure He has many other plans for me to execute, and I pray to be able to hear His commands. Also, keeping the las of the bible is another way to focus on God's thought's and plans for me. How blessed we/I am when I am sure of hearing His word to me.
We need to show God our true heart, including worries when we are slipping away from our "faith in His deliverance." When we praise Him it shows we are confident He will; deliver us in His time. We need His and expect His help, and moral support, like any6 child would be counting on help from their Father, to see them through.
God is our creator, and creator of all things. God is our rock, our firm foundation. This is sometimes too much to really comprehend, but we can offer praise. There is no other God, though this world worships the stock market, football stars, all the wrong things. We even sometimes worship ourselves over God. If we need to be "commanded" to worship Him, it is ok; but better yet to worship and thank Him from a position of LOVE, for His unfailing grace and mercy, despite our ways of living, doing and often forgetting Him is critical moments. We do not do His will and verses 8-11 are a reminder what will happen, as did those who wandered 40 years til they were dead. Can we afford to make sinful statements in our mind? Worse yet to act out things that He doesn't want us to do! God hears us, and sees us. We can not hide from Him. He knows our choices and reminds us with this Psalm what will happen if we don't obey. We pray and thank Him for His grace and unfailing forgiveness, and we praise Him with all we have!
God knows our hearts very very deep. He know us better than we consciously know ourselves. When we recognize our sin, when our hearts are pained by our sin before our Father, He knows the truth of our deep feelings. If our regrets are sincere, we will be forgiven, no matter what. Also, there are consequences of sin, and these can not be avoided, or their is no lesson from the loving father. It is like a person going to jail after having committed a crime. We can forgive this person and we should. nonetheless, if the law has a formal punishment for such action, it probably will be put into effect but the judge and courts. God's grace and mercy are for our eternal souls, hence we can be forgiven and still need to pay some consequences to societe.
God is our creator, and creator of all things. This is too much to really comprehend, but we can offer praise. There is no other God, though this world worships the stock market, football stars, all the wrong things. We even worship ourselves over God. We do not do His will and verses 8-11 are a reminder what will happen, as did those who wandered 40 years til they were dead. Can we afford to make such statements in our mind? God hears us. We pray for forgiveness, and we praise Him with all we have!
I enjoy answering this question, since I'm in a wonderful meed. I want ot thank God for life and for the light of the sun each day, for the air we breath. For the life on this planet, and the friends I have from the churches I go to. Soon we'll celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is good to feel God's love at this time of the year. Praise God with all we have in heart, mind, spirit, with all our strength!
There are so many reasons to give praise, and at this time of the year [December 7th] we approach Christmas, a very joyful time. So I think many of us are already pumped up for the season. It is the job of our eyes and ears to see and hear those who are not joyful and try to understand how to serve them and make our delight contagious. Thsi will please our might God. Also, it would help to be more obedient and more listening for His command. Then our Father will be happy with usw, though we are sinful humans, we can use the joy of these psalms to energize us towards doing His glory work.
Doing is better than thinking about doing. So reading this out loud is DOING praise; sharing it with a friend has ignited our morning today. Where should praise occur? Everywhere possible, by thought word and deed we can praise our God. With what should it be conducted? Why should there be any limits other than social inhibitions of the moment? God deserves our praise in all forms and at all moments, even this is not enough for what we get from Him. This psalm helps me to feel joy and be happy about HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!
Reconciliation is work, and it is God's work. Work requires effort and focus to do things right in the eyes of God.This motivated me to call back my brother and sister, to be sure they got some "unity" from me. To be sure we're feeling it as family members. i wish i could be a spiritual influence on my brother, but I have to be careful, go slow and cont on th holy spirit to do his/its work. i pray this unity we speak of will become a glue to help stick spirituality to the heart of my brother. The commitment of unity is in every type of communication we give and get/evaluate. It requires real-time meditation on how to respond to keep unity and help it folurish. It requires the hand of God to make all such communications work this way for me and my family members who are non-believers
In my family in Chicago, I feel this applies to how I should speak to my sister, who has a mental depression handicap. She jumps to conclusions and I am unable to ignore all of it; the tone of her voice, the tone of my voice, Oh lord how do we heal this woman? How can we help her in a path back to "work" and networking with others and enjoying life? i'm so imperfect, so unable, Lord give me the strength and the words, and the tone of voice needed; may my patience grow; may I ignore all the past of what has happened. May my hear be your heart, may my voice tone be your voice tone. In Jesus name
Yes, we should know this, but when I look at my imperfect behavior, my foolish heart re my brother Rich's work for example, I could have lauded him but didn't, could have speknt more time with him but didn't, could have tried to approach him more but didn't. Still, he is not one to have verbal relations' and has his set of problems.. how can I speak from the heart to him about going to church and then see it pushes him from me; dear lord, why don't i have the wisdom to evolve my brother to your word? Please forgive me sorry view of family members when don't know you. Please give me the wisdom to be perfect in my words. May the spirit come to them, they are good people, serving father and mother with the heart of a saint. Let your love touch their hearts, let your light shine on their path, show me what to do? In Jesus name!
God is the giver of life. The sun "comes up each day" or we would have no life here on this rock. We take a breath of air and should be thankful that He created it so that it would stay near to the earth's surface. This was done in love and great wisdom, a perfect plan to sustain us evry moment we breath. God is love, and nothing else. Anything evil is not from God. Although breath gives life to our entire body, as oxygen or other things goes though the blood into all our cells, Psalm 63 goes further and deeper into the spiritual notion of life and breath. It is through calm deep breath that we can focus on God and the spiritual domain he has created. It is here we can feel our need and thirst for him "because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you." Psalm 63:3 When we realize we have found this in our soul, we sing in our hearts "Hallelujah, you have found me, it is by your blood I am saved." There is nothi9ng better than our salvation in Christ! Hallelujah! Amen
There is a spiritual joy that I have which is wonderful. Recently in Christian re-birthing I have learned that my attitude if accepting/learning/growing-into a life of "less/repressed feeling, less/repressed emotional expression." I had the habit of expressing myself less/repressed emotionally, e.g. not seeking something I needed emotionally, or unable to recognize what my heart would be asking for it; almost unworthy of joy. I though I was happy this way, but I was emotionally depressed. My ego was such that I'd falsely assume people would understand what I wanted. When I didn't get what I wanted, I'd overreact sometimes even in anger, call it emotional immaturity God is helping me to reach-out to Him. I'm trying with all that I can to trust Him more, to "let go and and let Him heal me with His love, mercy and wisdom." Now He satisfies more some/the longings that I didn't understand I had; He is showing me gentle deep love, He is removing the insensitivity of my heart/ego and filling in cracks of my heart and soul with His love. He is making me fearless to serve Him and any of His children, with love, in spirit and in truth. Praise our almighty God, praise Jesus who dies for our sins, praise him from whom all good things flow. We cna't praise Him enough.
To desire to "dwell in the house of the Lord" for me means to be closer to Him, to live by His ways only with joyful obedience, to be more intimate with Him, to be more sensitive to the needs of others by getting the gifts He givesw to us. To "seek his face" means to be with Him, to pray and meditate more with and about Him; to go for a walk, to read the Bible. to be still and listen to/for Him. To take joy in spending the time with Him. To ask Him to come closer; to ask Him to give the spiritual tools needed to do His service to other humans, to ask for spiritual forces of discernment and healing to be given to others. To obtain His blessing and then pass it along to others asap. To ask Him to help us be better missionaries and evangelists. To open our hearts to Him willingly, to ask Him to break our bones and to make us new. To ask for more love so as to be able to love more, in His name.