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Everything posted by royk

  1. This is one of those great questions!!! I'm evolving to have just that attitude; but if I was sure, I'd pray a lot more for my children to know him like I do; and I'd try to be perfect in speaking to my children and to anyone in witnessing. Perhaps I'd abandon my full time work and go into full time ministry, or make a plan to do so. This give light to interesting reflections!
  2. The truth is a little frightening, without His brace and death, we are lost and will die, since as humans we will sin, even if we sin less and less. We need our Savior badly, or perish the thought of God's wrath. Living as Holy as we can is a way to please He who created us; constantly prayerful, on the alert to server Him, asking Him to make us a better person, thanking His for the seal of the Holy Spirit which we don't deserve. What more can we do? We can ask Him what else we should do.
  3. Here is a good goal in life: " 3 Search me, O God, and know my heart;test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting." There are many reasons to ask God ot purify us. When we look at all the laws of physics that are involved in the universe, all the details of human life, DNA, etc., all these things in science confirm the glory of God. What better reason to seek to be "perfect" than to emulate the order and rules of nature He created. To follow what he commanded us to do; to obey Him and love others as ourselves. I'd like to surrenders deeper to God and ask God to
  4. Here is a good goal in life: " 3 Search me, O God, and know my heart;test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me,and lead me in the way everlasting." There are many reasons to ask God ot purify us. When we look at all the laws of physics that are involved in the universe, all the details of human life, DNA, etc., all these things in science confirm the glory of God. What better reason to seek to be "perfect" than to emulate the order and rules of nature He created. To follow what he commanded us to do; to obey Him and love others as ourselves.
  5. We know that any good husband is ready to DIE for his family, his wie or kids; in fact many do die by overworking to support their families. We all have our problems and deal with them in different ways. Jesus loved His bride the church, and He died for her/us. Praise Him for doing what the Father sent Him to do! Praise Him with song and loud voice, with a strong heart, with all our love and admisation; praise the King of Salvation!
  6. I need to bask in His word; I'm a first class sinner and prove it altogether too often. If we bask in His word with our mind, then our mind can't be sinning. So keeping a prayerful hear and mind is a way to avoid sin. I find verse 13 just a s important as 14; David is asking God's help to avoid or lower his level of sinning.
  7. God is majestic, beautiful, graceful, wise, so many things. They all attract us in awe to God, God has put us in control of all the beasts, birds, etc. on this earth. But have we used this control in an intelligent way, or in selfish ways? Having control over the earth to some extent is a giant responsibility. So what do we do with this? It makes me feel ashamed of times I have not carefully studied things before voting in elections. We know that Christ is our 'all in all' our everything we need, our salvation, our rock. The Psalm speaks in high praise of God and our Savior, all He did to put us in this physical earth place. We simply will never be able to praise Him enough.
  8. This water of life is for me my salvation in Christ, it is the Holy Spirit that he has sent to Him chosen ones, to seal us as His children. With this "water of life" we will never be thirsty, as Jesus said at the well the the woman who had '5 husbands'. The "free gift" the water of life is not free. We become bonded in love to our God and creator. We submit control and ownership of life to Him. This freedom is one of total submission and gratitude for receiving His love, grace, and mercy.
  9. God's eternity in us is now, it doesn't await death of the body, we are here to server Him with all we have. We are here to listen to His command of the moment and do it, like a Nike commercial, do it NOW. it is best to stay in the present and not look forward to anything in heaven. God give us things to do all the time. looking forward to something in heaven may cause us to miss a task he puts before us.
  10. The water of life is the eternity promised by Jesus, that is the escape from death. He paid the price, if we follow and share, then we will have this water of life. While it is free, it demands obedience, such obedience should be out of love to please him, not fear of punishment. The heart needs to feel love to be able to be obedient in the positive attractive, loving way. Such good feelings allow us to love all people. The next step of this feeling is to want to wisely share ti with all people. All means all who we see, all that pass by use each and every day. We need to see the truth, and share it.
  11. It seems that this is saying that God will be present with man in one place, so in the new heavens and earth they will be united is a way we can't see right now, i.e. when it happens we'll understand it. The promises are not of this world but of the spiritual healing world; this can only be initiated from the heavenly domain, to which we have no access while alive on earth. I look forward to the wiping away of teas, since right now my heart is hurting unless I focus only on Him and His love. Sometimes this is easy, other times the pain of the past inside is felt; I ask Him to take it away so I can see His truth and serve Him better/best.
  12. The books written in the hand of Paul, breathed by the Holy Spirit of God, make this very clear. I am chosen by Him, I am His child; He has bought me with His blood. He is my Kind and my friend, He is my all in all, and more than that. He lives and has given me eternal life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Christ is the ultimate King, there is none better. The servant King who shows us how to live and give to others what they need. This requires seeing with His eyes, hearing with His ears and His heart, a wonderful impossible goal, to be more and more like Him. As for 'saving the world' He did this, He set the context for this. Who alone can rescue us from the grave, only Jesus our one true King, the only true faithful Savior.
  14. We are so blessed to be amongst His chosen, in His church, we are His bride by being in a serious solid church that is going out to influence the community to the Glory of God. We are truly blessed to be invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb of God. What possibly could be better than that? How oculd be but be ever more encouraged to do His will only, to server others, to love all, to die to Christ? Of course we deserve to be admonished, because despite it all we are sinners and as for me I am amongst the worst with my self centered hidden agendas to make people come to God exactly like me, what foolishness. How will I ever overcome such foolishness? Dear loving Father God, please break me, please make me new in your name. I'm on my knees in desperation for myself and for this fallen world. Please purify me, please cleanse me deeply, only You can do it. In Jesus name.
  15. Perhaps I need to get closer to God and for sure I do. Still reading this doesn't seem frighten me; so I try to imagine it actually happening now, then it will be frightening, i.e. being in it today would mean some of my beloved family members would be treated like goats; what a horrible thing for my children. Like Isiah, I would tremble before the Lord of Lords for my lips are unclean an I live amongst many who have unclean lips. As a 'heart-less geek' I say bring on the final judgment for all of us now; but as a human being, I say, please Lord give us more time to impact the lost loved ones of my family. Lord show me how to be the light they need so they'll come to you when you call them through me, or any other way you choose call them. Let me be perfect to your Glory; let your love light shine through me.
  16. Now my ego has been put largely to rest [sadly it pops up occasionally] so now I can truly appreciate that we have King to worship, and that He is supreme over all things and all of creation, all forms of life. He is the faithful sustainer of life of all forms on this planet. He teaches me to survive happy even when my heart is sad, He fills it up with His love, Hw says, "give me your burden" He says "I will never leave you." He says, "I am the way, the light the truth." he says "remain in my and your joy will be complete, it will be overflowing!" I thank and praise God and Jesus for all this love in the everyday world that surrounds me. I pray for all to come to Him to have this joy. Lord show me how to live for you. I surrender deeper to you. You're all I want to live for.
  17. I'm encouraged greatly in life each day as to God speaking to me is so many different ways. I'm very blessed, more than blessed! We are the bride of Jesus, we are His church, His heart heart beating alive here on earth, the real world. We are of the world, but not in it to the extent we focus on living His truth, to the extend we worship in spirit and truth by all of our actions here. Written a long time ago, this scripture promises Jesus will return in full glory and He will judge those goats who need His judgment. As for His sheep, we await nothing more than to sing songs of adoration to Him through out eternity. May His end come soon, soon will end in JOY.
  18. This is a material fallen world. If we dress like the "majority, i.e. dress for success" then we have a better chance to influence the lost who have money as their God. There is nothing wrong with dressing for success, as long as it doesn't become an obsession to continually buy new and expensive things. There are many ways to get nice clothes. this is just one example of material things we'd use to present ourselves to the lost, if we are in the corporate world. Here in Atlanta area there are several active Christian organizations that seek to be inside the corporation with a proactive Christian conscience. It all depends upon what God calls us to do. For Revelation 18:4 to come out of her and not share her sins; this is a reminder to obey His commandments, all the time. We can see how she falls, and all should have anticipated this from reading many many places in the Bible.
  19. We can show different levels of reverence and worship to God, depending on how is present and where we are. Seeing God on His throne calls for the maximum reverence and adoration one can muster, in body, mind and spirit. The examples here in Revelation magnify the physical context because the royal throne represents the seat of the King of all Kings. To imagine being within view of this, or to hear joyful praise coming and unlocking our ears and eyes to this is a major blessing. songs of praise, one can never praise Him enough, but we can still try to do it a lot! Most songs have a direct or indirect spiritual reference, that is why people sign to free their spirit; what a great way to pass one's time!
  20. For any that we love dearly, and to know their soul will fall into the black hole of "outer space for eternity" this seems like such a horrible way to "die" Jesus told us to love all, so these two together should motivate us to seek to connect to "all" in the most effective way to help them reach out to Christ. We await his guiding hand to show us how to do this.
  21. We must be ready to sacrifice what ever God wants us to, for his glory, in Jesus name! Amen
  22. It is not obvious to me what deception the evil one will use in the end times; to prepare against this, one must ask God to remove all false values and habits from us, even if they shake our 'foundation' So we must be on our guard more than ever, so for me the song: "Hear us from Heaven" becomes more and more important; we need God's Holy Spirit to open the blind eyes and unlock the deaf ears, we are crying out in desperation for this lost world of modern American convenience. Heaven Help Us ---> Hear us from Heaven, Hear us from Heaven, Hear us from Heaven, .... we are crying out in Desperation!
  23. while these visions are symbolic, the evil in this world and attempts to drag us into it are always present. Our comfort and hope is that this is God's perfect plan, a test for us and a work we're expected to d - to witness and let God's light show through us to others, so they may know Him better through us. We know He will come soon, in his time! Praise God!
  24. Revelations 12:11 --> 11They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. To overcome sin is a great victory, but for me it it temporary as I'm a man, and as Jeremiah said "man has with a deceitful heart" Still I am His prize trophy that He bought with His blood. If we die to Christ, He is mine and I am His. So there is not death when the body dies, we just transition to the spiritual state in which He created us; So if we love our earth lives in the present we are not in Him, we are in the world. So in this case we are dead and separated from the spiritual victory that awaits us bowning down to God and Jesus.
  25. It is always time to witness, when the mind goes too fast, what comes out in the mind and mouth may not be right; so we must be attentive to all things of a context, and then we can try to emulate the two witnesses, at our own level of faith. We might not be able to do what the witnesses could do, but still to do what God calls us to do is the important thing. Their reward was to go to heaven. Our reward would be to have peace and eternity NOW.
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