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Everything posted by royk

  1. Who is overcome? firstly, I need my ego and pride to be overcome, that I may do what He wants in His name. So, I'd not choose what to overcome, but He would/did choose for me. How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? Our life prior to enlightenment has some [a few or many] roots in the "real world" Loving our life clearly blocks us from feeling God and from doing what is right in His name and His word. My role in his plan may be minor,m but since it is in His plan, I need to understand what it is, and then simply do it, with humility. Only by real personal sacrifice can we have spiritual victory today, only by giving up worldly thins, detaching from possessions and "important people" of our lives can we have spiritual victory and contribute to God's plan in a constructive way.
  2. Who is overcome? firstly, I need my ego and pride to be overcome, that I may do what He wants in His name. So, I'd not choose what to overcome, but He would/did choose for me. How does loving our lives prevent spiritual victory today? Our life prior to enlightenment has some [a few or many] roots in the "real world" Loving our life clearly blocks us from feeling God and from doing what is right in His name and His word. My role in his plan may be minor,m but since it is in His plan, I need to understand what it is, and then simply do it, with humility. Only by real personal sacrifice can we have spiritual victory today, only by giving up worldly thins, detaching from possessions and "important people" of our lives can we have spiritual victory and contribute to god's plan in a constructive way.
  3. Clearly, so many immoral things are prevalent in our society today; we have the Microsoft syndrome that the stock market or money/$ is God for all who live today, followed by Sunday football with 'hot girlie commercials' No wonder the Muslim faith is the fastest growing religion in many parts of the world, including the USA. Our comfort is that the devil was thrown down here, and can do what he wants, he will be crushed when Christ comes again. He and every evil spirit will bow to Christ along with us, and we wait for that day hoping it is TODAY. Who should suffer in these end times, would I have the courage to say, Lord let it be me, to gewt closer to your cross. May God do with me as He wishes towards the goal He has for His eternity. May he/I heighten my intensity of focus for what He has now give me and do it with all my strength and focus, in Jesus name. Amen i
  4. I would love to become very pure and become one of those witnesses, however it is clar that my faith like a child is far from walking on water!!i wonder how I'd really feel if God ended the times now and some or all of my loved relatives and family members were dead and I was still alive. would I bewg God to take me also? What would I do? These witnesses with super natural powers could make something like this happen, and selectively. I find myself singing "hear us from heaven" which is my equivalent way to "cry out in desparation" for the worldly-ness of our times leading us to moral distruction; so as for my being a non-prophet "prophet" ... if Alambama wins the 2009-2010 national football championship, then perhaps God is starting to show me something to prophesy on to others. Otherwise such personal insanity needs to be buffered into a more useful service to our savior. What positive characteristics do you see in their actions that we should emulate in our day? FOR ME This is clear, see purity of heart and mind and actions, ask God to show me how to get closer to Him, show me what to do and may He crush anything I try to do on my own that is not His will. Please help me to be still, oh Lord, that I might hear clearly what you wish me to do. Waht would be the reward I'd ask, that my 3 children all becomee bleievers befor thsi holicast would end their lives.
  5. In thinking about the sadness of those who are already lost and dead, for me this is not bitterness. The evidence of God is so clear to me that I'm simply very sad that they can't see it or didn't see it if they are dead. God loves us all, He will call to them, perhaps through me/us even to the last second of life. For me there is nothing bitter about this, just sadness. And it is why I often cry while I sing "Hear us from Heaven" for I fear so many will be lost forever. So we must take action and we must pray for them as much as we can. Pray for God and the Holy Spirit to "open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears... we are His people... Crying out in Desperation" We all have freedom of choice, so where is the bitterness. I don't see it anywhere. As God sees people choosing to move away, and reject Him, despite what He does to warn them/us, He can decide to harden their hearts again Him, to help them keep their choice. Some enlightened say it is all sweet, since it is from Him, intended to bring us closer to Him; some sad things are hard to take in life, but they are usually things we mush learn to accept and adapt to, and to wait upon the Lord for Him plan and will to take hold of us. It is all good. Praise God.
  6. Those who have made it before the throne are those who have suffered and died for their faith in Christ. They were made pure by His blood, they are the lucky [blessed] ones to be with Him now. Their spirit caused them to worship and serve our King no matter what, to have that eternal reward, by giving it all to Him. In Amazing Grace, "the sound" connects us to THE feeling of being redeemed, of being saved, restored by His blood. It is indeed a sweet sound to focus upon, to drawn us to worship our God, our maker, redeemer, our friend. We will never really be deserving of the Grace we get, as sinners, but His love draws us to Him so that we submit to Him, His peace for us, to give us "complete joy" as Jesus said in John 15. It is amazing and a great but undeserved blessing.
  7. Revelations 7:1-4 says these [144,000] are the good God fearing citizens of Jerusalem. They will not be touched, as is written in Ezekiel 9. Ezekiel 9 also tells/warns us to grieve and lament what is going on in the world around us. The song "Hear us from Heaven" is a pray that might work, ".. Lord heal our land... open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears,... we are crying out in desperation..." Focus on the good and do what we can to glorify Him.
  8. The one who opens the scroll, to initiate the end-times, this is the lamb who was slain by the world, us. In this fallen materialistic world where so many deny God exists and worship money and short term pleasure. It is directed at all of us and it is just to make use suffer a little or a lot, depending on how He feels and what He knows about our deep selves. We deserve every bit of it. Fortunately for all of us, God does not punish like we deserve. Jesus said simply I came to save. Hosanna in the highest!
  9. Ifr Christ lives in us via the Holy Spirit, and He reigns forever, then our destiny is to reign as the Father/Lord's children and as the disciples of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Hosanna in the highest! Since He ransomed us, we are in overdrive with Joy and are as complete as human beings can be at any moment in their walk with Him. It is our delight to observe attentively during each moment what the Lord will bring into our sphere of influence, and what we should do to glorify Him at every moment. We are the kingdom, we are his bride at part of our church. Jesus said my kingdom is coming and it is here, the time when all will worship in spirit and truth. So let us rejoyce and be ready to serve Him at all moments.
  10. I understand that they came from everywhere, the entire world. The Spirit in me gives me joy and confirmation that God is present in my life. It guides me and affirms when I do the right thing. i need to learn to listen to God more, to wait on Him and to know that He will show me the way,and light my path. It is by His grace that I was led to this point in my life, and it is very important that I focus on my faith now and on learning to listen to His voice. Praise God for His grace, mercy and wisdom. Praise God for His amazing Grace, without it we'd all be very very lost in this fallen world. Thank you almight Father for sending Jesus to give us this Grace and for the HOly Spirit that is impreganted in me. in Jesus name. Amen
  11. For the 5th seal, we will always. have martyrs, and have the opportunity to be one ourselves. We can martyr ourselves without getting killed to death, it can be in work, or in a relationship that involves suffering. We need to enjoy this pain gladly as it would bring us closer to our Savior, As a Christian we have no right to ask for vengeance, rather to try to be like Christ and ask the Father to forgive them. Being human, we feel we have the right to ask for vengeance, which belongs to the Lord. So i ask the Lord to crush him until he is pulverized and has no ego left, I ask it for all the suffering he has put upon his x-wife and daughter, and I know I have to "wait a little longer." The white robe represents the purity of those who are really close to Him. and I pray for them to have courage and strength. In His precious name, Amen.
  12. Our Savior initiates this destruction at the start of the end of times. this is a fulfillment of earlier scriptures. since we are all sinners, even the saints/believers, what God sends upon us is just.
  13. Jesus said when he was here that He obeyed the father out of Love, he said the Father was stronger than the Son. We have so many songs about Jesus and so many old testament text/verse is about Jesus, in prophecy. That is why the profits were called profits. It all points to Jesus, worship him as the Savior of Humanity, and talk to the Father as our real true father, who is not imperfect like our human fathers are. Our Father, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit created everything we see and know, they made all the rules of physics, of the universe of all matter and DNA combinations. It is magnificent, beyond words. he sent Jesus to redeem the entire world. jesus did as he was told, and for this we see both His love and the Father's love, that what he did we may understand through the bible. Mighty, holy holy holy, perfect, unfailing, we don't have the words to praise them fully, so we do the best we can. We need the Triune God and the bible shows us and helps us understand this. Praise God the Father for HIS Perfect Plan and Praise JESUS for what he did during His life and for His sacrifice; Love so amazing, Thank you Lord God for your love and mercy. Amen
  14. Jesus gave it all to us, just as the Father told Him to do. He showed love and compassion. Then He gave Himself as sacrifice for our sins. No other would be worthy to open the scroll. "There is nothing more precious, more worth. May I gaze deeper, may I stay longer; may I press on to know you l=Lord." [lyrics from Laura Story's song "There is Nothing" Let His Glory be seen by All men. May we all bow before Him!
  15. Elements and concepts of worship: I love to worship with praise music because He loves music that glorifies Him as the King of Kings He comes to me in specific songs that He has brought to my attention We worship Him in spirit, we give our body as a holy temple per what Paul wrote in ! conrithians on His throne We worship His grace, love, wisdom and strength to hold us together, only he is holy, holy, holy We worship Him as being glorious beyond our thoughts He is omnipotent and created and holds the universe together daily He is omnipresent in all things as He is the foundation of life and energy of all things He gave His life for His bride the church, this includes all the saints HIs will shall be done in all of us, whether we like it or not His resurrection and redemption of our sins from the atoning gift He gave to the Father, we were purchased by His blood. He is worshipped by angels and praised constantly for His worthiness We need to feel His love and peace so that it is an honor to serve Him We will reign through His victory on the cross, he said,
  16. I post this entire song lyrics, aslo ther is the YOUTUBE link to hear it. We sang it in church this last weekend. God has sent me back to the choir, to go deeper with me, and I love to praise Him for His wisdom, grace and strength to hold us all together. Praise Father, Son and holy Ghost, Amen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scIXblXpQN4 Come Christians join to sing Alleluia! Amen! Loud praise to Christ our King; Alleluia! Amen! Let all, with heart and voice, Before His throne rejoice; Praise is His gracious choice. Alleluia! Amen! Come, lift your hearts on high, Alleluia! Amen! Let praises fill the sky; Alleluia! Amen! He is our Guide and Friend; To us He'll condescend; His love shall never end. Alleluia! Amen! Praise yet our Christ again, Alleluia! Amen! Life shall not end the strain; Alleluia! Amen! On heaven's blissful shore, His goodness we'll adore, Singing forevermore, "Alleluia! Amen!"
  17. This is good for me, I was not aware of the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis, which is much earlier in the bible that that of Isaiah 11:1, 10. It again shows that the truth of the old Testament was, is and always shall be about Jesus. Praise God for such magnificent stories that link together a comment theme: Jesus is our only hope, our only salvation. As Lion and sacrificial Lamb, he is our ALL IN ALL.
  18. With focus on the Lord, and not what fellow church members might be doing, this "saves the individual" also that person has a responsibility to let his or her light shine for Jesus. Our job is to be faithfully busy in His work, joyfully prayerful, and listening for His command.
  19. Some television programs today during young adult and children viewing hours have sexual connotations in the conversation between young people, even young teens. Then there is all the free **** on the internet, which is far more costly than its "free' price. Divorce among two Christian adults/parents. Obviously the people running TV stations are only interested in great ratings and more money from advertising. They don't care how people and families are demoralized by these events. Identity Theft is another example, a white collar crime that doesn't hurt anyone physically, but kills their assets and their ability to be happy. Heaven help us, dear most gracious Father please deliver us, in Jesus name.
  20. Some television programs today during young adult and children viewing hours have sexual connotations in the conversation between young people, even young teens. Then there is all the free **** on the internet, which is far more costly than its "free' price. Divorce among two Christian adults/parents. Obviously the people running TV stations are only interested in great ratings and more money from advertising. They don't care how people and families are demoralized by these events. Identity Theft is another example, a white collar crime that doesn't hurt anyone physically, but kills their assets and their ability to be happy. Heaven help us, dear most gracious Father please deliver us, in Jesus name.
  21. Our church's life group has recently focused on What is Worship, and used John 4 and Romans 12 to stress the point that our bodies are TEMPLES for God. As such they must be treated in a sacred way. It is my prayer that the joy of spiritual fruits and knowledge of being loved so much, that this overcomes and replaces any desires that are not of the Father's command.
  22. Each member has his or her own responsibility in his or her relationship with Christ. On this basis a congregation should never lose its first love, yet we know that it can happen for part of a congregation, it has not happened for my entire church, in fact only 10% felt in a recent survey that their faith was strongly challenged. So I doubt this could happen at my church. when you start giving and serving and helping as an automatic reaction, and then asking God to lead, it is a self perpetuating system that feeds on itself. So when church members are automatically loving each other and helping and praying for eachother and then expanding it into the community, all is good
  23. Well "him who sits on the throne" is our most exalted Father God. So Jesus the Lamb is alongside or equal in being exalted along with the Father. He is worthy of all the praise we can possibly imagine and give to Him. He is our all in all, without Him we are nothing, simply lost and dying. We thank Him for saving us and blessing us beyond what we could imagine. Praise God, thank you for Jesus! Amen
  24. The Son of Man, the exalted one, our Savior, what wonderful words to describe Jesus, when he walked on the earth for 33 yrs. For His return we all long for it. It is great to be asked about emotions in the question above. Feelings, emotions, opening up to Him, what a blessing, be in the moment with our God who loves us so much. There is nothing better, we have nothing but the present. Almost a shame to start to think on this question now, but here goes... Lampstands are light, and there is no greater light than our God, our Savior. What splendor he has in this new "Revelation" we can try to imagine, or just fall down in awe of how ever His image shall be, when He comes. For me, balance comes for accepting His way, His path, to follow and enjoy, for me this is where the balance comes from ... we know in all our heart "... soon will end in joy..." (jars of clay)
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