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Everything posted by royk

  1. I have npt studied this but think that maybe in China, Christianity is growing the fastest, and the people are the most at risk for persecution. Is it such that when people in a country are like those of the first century church that their fait is the highest? In such situation it is most important to have the courage to continue, despite the risks. Lord, thank you for blessing us in the USA to have comfort of this "Freedom" We do not ask for too much comfort, because if we are uneasy we will remember how we need you. Thank you for saving us Jesus. Amen
  2. I have npt studied this but think that maybe in China, Christianity is growing the fastest, and the people are the most at risk for persecution. Is it such that when people in a country are like those of the first century church that their fait is the highest? In such situation it is most important to have the courage to continue, despite the risks. Lord, thank you for blessing us in the USA to have comfort of this "Freedom" We do not ask for too much comfort, because if we are uneasy we will remember how we need you. Thank you for saving us Jesus. Amen
  3. we use the exact NIV words "Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth" He/Jesus returned from the dead and promises us that like He, we will not die. So 1st century Christians needed this faith to persevere over terrible persecution, which we hope to never know in the usa. It is the joy to righteously serve Him and all people in His Kingdom today, which give us eternity now. I'm blessed to NOT be afraid to witness, I notice people who don't believe talk behind my back and say I'm crazy or socially awkward, but I'm maturing and the only way for me to learn is via practice. Also the book "About my father's business" is an encouraging model of "witnessing" and testing "flag's of faith" with people when we speak to them. Praise God and may my desire to witness with wisdom grow, to bring Him glory.
  4. In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil? I'm told Oil a physical/mental feeling of the anointing, the transfer on the power of God; the parable of the ten virgins & oil I have not digested, but understand those with oil went with Jesus not the others. What is the role of the prayer of faith? HOW CAN a prayer ONLY be spoken with a belief that it will be done. Faith and patience are required. If we believe in Christ and confesses all sin. He helps us live a more holly life today than yesterday, a life of faith in God What is the role of confession of sins? we want to see God's power and we must have a pure heart. Oh Father God, please create in me a new clean heart and a right spirit within me. Cast me not from thy presence, take not thy spirit from me, restore unto me the joy of they salvation and renew a right spirit within me. Please bless my brothers and sisters in pain from no work and show me how to help them and lift their spirits to you in thankfulness In Jesus name, Amen
  5. It is my desire to ask our beautiful God for more self control, more focus on Him as the center of my life. and to be more focused in my prayer. Lord please humble me before you, make me understand that I need to always think about the needs of the person in front of me. May I remember, its not about me, if I want to serve another. May I remember the example of my peers, men and women, how they speak, how they interact with gentleness. May this memory permeate my mind and take root to fill all the place in my head on how to deal with others, with respect, and gentle listening. Dear Lord, please make this come to pass in permanence today, and please heal all those who suffer from emotional and physical pains, and show me when and how to help them. In Jesus name, amen.
  6. Asking elders to pray is seeking additional wisdom, and exposes the heart. I need to do this with faith that my heart will not be disappointed.
  7. I know that seeking prayer via an elder exposes the passion for others in my heart. Seeking for their healing is important. Asking brothers to pray is alos important when we feel added prayer is necessary
  8. When I have lost my way with the Lord, in minutes or hours I develop a discontented heart and spirit, ungrateful of what I have righ tnow being sufficient. this simply a bad attitude. I need work on avoid ing these moment that lead to longer periods of not being content in the present Faith is accepting what I have right now, and believing God will grant what is good vs. what "we/i think i need/want." We want faith to be the tool that gives us everything we want rather than the gift that God gives us. Only He knows the best path/way which is to see what others need and help them get it. Patience is seeing with the eyes of our heart. Then we can serve. If it is in business, we will be rewarded, what ever context of life, seeing JOY, jesus, Others, Yourself, this will lead to satisfaction and even monetary success. May God show me in others the JOY of working for Him, every moment that I can. In Jesus name, Amen.
  9. God is expecting me to see the need today of others with the eyes of His heart and His love. He teaches me to trust His love as the guide post for taking the next step, each and every step. he will reward me with something that is good for my heart, if I continue to feel the path that is following His commands, to love all and serve all. It is imperative that I trust His, and be patient, he will lead me to the secret desire of my heart, only if it is pure and good, and self-less. Showing love without expecting anything in return. Lord please give me the wisdom and patience to see Your right path, and i ask You to help me walk in Your way in all that I do. May it lead me to what I want, to help heal others, and help them grow. I trust Lord that you will give me all I need today, and I will walk with strong emotional health to see how to serve others. In Your blessed name only dear Jesus. Amen
  10. My heart's desire is to carefully use the money God gives me, especially if I can help others to grow. God is teaching me to show love to all. Sometimes my selfishness manifests itself, yet he is taking over, more and more. I love it, and love to give to those who need it. I'm happy to have bought Brenda and he kids clothing Saturday. It almost cost me nothing at Abba house. It was a triple blessing. Praise God for putting me into a position whee I can help others like this.
  11. Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? we must cast out pride and boasting re any plans, any achievements. We can make humble plans for the future in jobs, marriage and in helping others. We must ask Jesus about our own plans and ask for sanction and approval before embarking on the action. If the Lord agrees, then it will be success. We need positive thinking, and faith that the Lord will satisfy our hearts if what we seek is good and follow his commandments. Be sure our actions are according to the Lord's will, there should not be any indecision on our part in doing it. I go to the Lord and depend upon Your wisdom not mine. Lord, let they will be done in me. Let me be confident that my actions follow your commands. In Jesus name, Amen.
  12. It seems that only with the hand of God on a person could one aspire to teach, no matter the subject. So such a person would need to have the joyful heart to see and hear with their heart; Such a person would need to operate at a high level of focus. Yet it seems that anyone who communicates with other people needs to have such focus. Effective human interaction requires knowing ehough about the other person/s to see if they are also focused. There is a responsibility to "inspire" to "energize" those who you want ot teach, to make it interesting and challenging, to make the other want to concentrate and focus on their teacher. Jesus was a great teacher and speaker of the truth while using his heart, eyes, ears to fully-know those around him This is why he had such an impact on humanity and still does today
  13. We can and should help those in need, this is the action of a heart that has been won by the love of Jesus and the works of the Holy Spirit. All actions run by the heart are those that have a lasting effect. If the heart is not in it, "service" to someone will not be authentic. So the faith and love of God is naturally followed by actions that are authentic. None of this will work if there is no authentic faith, i.e. insincere shallow actions might happen, but with no lasting effect.
  14. God will call to our hear regardinng the poor and we must be ready to hear His call. These people can be anywhere near or far. When He calls we must obey His commands. Praise God!
  15. I am finding it easier to give more to the poor compared to before. I wonder if God wants me to give my life to this work after my children are finished with school?I don't see any intellectual value in pretending that I'm not wanting to do any actions of service. I want ot server Him more and hope my new job will please Him as a fight against Identity Thieves, and protecting the legal right of innocent citizens. I pray for Go's work to grow in me and for it to become more focused.
  16. In the dynamics of life, I must be available to help any human being who needs something that God has sent them in my path to receive. If I'm self centered I will not notice how to serve them. If I can learn to love God and let Him touch and lead me then such "work" is a "work of love" and hence not work at all. The notion of sacrifice is non-existent, it is our to need please God our creator that eliminates the notion of sacrifice and turn it into a work of love for Him.
  17. The Sunday church I belong to is very conservative. It has the view get a steady paying job. I have been angry at people who keep hinting or directly saying this is what I need when many times I feel god is calling me to be a sales agent on commission for products that really help protect people from Identity theft and help clean up when they do get hit with it. I'v e started to realize that the uncertain way I'd presented myself until very recently is the real reason they are discouraged me from this path. Before 2009 I didn't like fat people and disrespected them. God has put some wonderful fat people in my life and I am now PRAISING GOD because He has help me be able to feel and act lovingly to them in the Agape sense. In 2008 I had a hard time with this same church where no musical instruments are played. God has washed this limitaiton away form me. It is my prayer he will wash the rest away ASAP. Time to laugh, since He knows what to do and when with me, and for this I'm greatful and have the joyful heart as long as I can reflect on the path He is leading me to know Him.
  18. Taming of the tongue seems like a big one for me, over zealous to praise God, I think I frighten some who I should just be looking to find a way to serve. Fortunately it is not 100% of my interactions or I'd need to be in a monastery (:>) Here writing an answer is not much, just a reminder to always look how to put such acts of faith to practice in daily life. Loving the poor is to love all, so many with material things are very poor in spirit and in heart. they need our love and service differently that the people who are money poor.
  19. This is a great reminder that if we have God's fruits of the spirit, then loving others in AGAPE sense should beocme more and more automatic.
  20. Several life events are telling me to follow the Christian love of my heart as to why I would do something. This increased love is something I need to exercise wisdom with. Keeping focused on daily work related tasks means applying the new knowledge of thee heart with diligence and wisdom, assessing what is going on, nmot over reacting and also asking "Christina elders" what they think about the situation/s Just listening to the bible words is passive. One must be come active, and in a way that uses the wisdom of the Bible we read, or we'll be fooled by the world over and over again.
  21. For me the word of truth comes to my heart in a strong way by christian songs, esp[ecially modern ones. This heart connection helps me desire to seek God and ask Him to teach me a deeper form of Loving like Jesus. It gives me a desire to obey, and a passion in reading and sharing the word. Praise God for such a blessing!!!
  22. Focus on God is the only answer, turn it over to Him and trust, joyfully. sometimes this is a tall order. What I neeed to feel is the joy of accepting the trial, and trusting God to be with me no matter the outcome. Being in the present with God is one way to "not have a trial" then He simply leads us and the trial becomes small, and unimportant. With wisdom we can see how the trial came about, and ask God's help to deliver us. He loves us and will do for us what is best, in this we must fully believe and trust in Him. There is no other serious option, it is only Him, He Jesus is the solution.
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