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Everything posted by royk
Q3. Taking a Stand
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q3. (Daniel 1:8-10) Why do you think Daniel took a stand concerning being defiled by the king’s food and wine? How do you think eating the king’s food would cause defilement to Daniel’s conscience? What does this tell you about Daniel? The Jewish faith includes rules on diet that are strict, even today, with kosher foods being the norm. Back then these rules were even more important. Daniel was accepting many things that he'd never expected perhaps. Imposing a diet seemed unwise, and he proved that the diet he lived by was better for him and probably for the others who were not willing to try his cultural heritage. Daniel had a deep rooted faith in the bible's commandments. His diet and faith in God's word kept him steadfast. -
Q2. Change and Compromise
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q2. (Daniel 1:1-7) What changes did Daniel and his friends experience? What was their status in Jerusalem? In Babylon? What do you think was the effect of changing their names to Babylonian names? What impact might it have on them to be made eunuchs? Did they make compromises? If so, why? It is good to ask these questions but other than being uncomfortable, and maybe hurt deep inside, I can not imagine, since each was of noble birth, it was like they were demoted. Being eunuch would be something I would have found hard to support, from an enemy. But to the king's court, also a high privilege, better than rebelling and being killed -
Q1. Culture Change
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Four Hebrew Youths in Babylon (Daniel 1)
Q1. (Daniel 1:1-5) Have you ever made a rapid transition between your customary culture and a new and radically different culture? I moved to France and learned French and found it difficult to be comfortable with so many different ways of their culture What did it feel like? Were you able to take your faith with you, or did it fade to the background during this time? I didn't have any faith at that time, I was lost! I lived the life one imagines of French, being attracted to their food and wine. I thought at the time it was good to learn to live like this, but I lost my cultural values along the way -
Q6. Belief and Life
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q6. (John 20:30-31) How did John decide what to include in his Gospel and what to leave out? What is the purpose of his Gospel? John differentiates in verse 31b between believing and having life. Why? To have been used by God to write such an important Gospel, John was clearly abiding and remaining in Christ. To say that he decided what to put into the Gospel, of God's words seems impossible. If this is God's word, God chose what he should put in it. Still John was human, so he perhaps made some choices on his own. That is why studying the word of God with others is so important, sharing our thoughts John differentiates between belief and life. Belief enough to know an trust the Father and Jesus is eternal life in itself John 17:3, belief opens up the door to the eternal life with the Father, Son, and Spirit, a life of joy and fellowship, now and forever. What more could a man ask for? Why would anyone love people in the world more than God and Jesus? This doesn't take much examination, as it's about what we get for trusting and believing and following better as our spiritual life evolves. Praise the almighty for this wonderful bible study and opportunity to grow in Christ! -
Q5. Thomas's Confession
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q5. (John 20:24-29) Why do you think Thomas is so stubborn about believing that Jesus was raised from the dead? How do you think he felt when Jesus appeared before him? What was Thomas's confession in verse 28? What is Jesus' blessing offered to future believers? It is a blessing for us who have examined and felt our hearts filled by His love and conviction, then we believed, and came to better know Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Each person is different, Thomas' doubt, from the devil, was later used by Jesus to send him to do great mission work in India. His confession in verse 28 went deep into his soul, since he was so disappointed and depressed by the loss of Jesus and knowing He died. Even Mary Magdalena was depressed like this at the open tomb, so much so she didn't recognize Him at first. These are deep emotions the disciples express. They give opportunity for growth by speaking them openly to God and fellow Christians. Just as Peter's denial is used, by God, to help him become the rock, on which he would build, through the Holy Spirit, a great first century Christian church. How will God use out doubts to strengthen us and use us more deeply in His Kingdom? What pain will we suffer in these doubting moments when we are 'away' from God? Will it cost us our lives and trip to eternity? What will it take to remain in HIM? For sure a life's work, it shall take a deeper life investment for me, my dear brothers in Christ! -
Q4. Forgiving Sins
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q4. (John 20:23) In what sense does the Church have the power to forgive sins? Do we (or the church's authorized representatives) confer forgiveness or declare it? Or both? Clearly from this lesson "we" have this power, but only when we remain in HIM. Anything else is self centered, ego, impatience to grant, rather than patience to bring first the Holy Spirit into the pray or communication to a person. Would we dare to try something without the Holy Spirit after doing this week's study... sadly I must say in an immature way that I might very well. Still this is a hope and prayer right now that I will seek the Holy Spirit and breath, gratefully, when the need to intercede comes about. We can only declare what God want's us to declare. So seeking His will is intimately tied to this practice and any work for the Kingdom -
Q3. Receive the Holy Spirit
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q3. (John 20:22) Why do you think Jesus commissioning the disciples (verse 21) is so closely linked with his giving the Holy Spirit (verse 22)? (See Acts 1:4, 8) Why is Jesus sending the Holy Spirit? Why do you think the work of the Holy Spirit tends to be neglected and misunderstood in our day? I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. But I can do nothing good without His presence in me, and through me to do His will. Sorry for those of us who lead with our own self inflated ego, that forgets to ask for the Holy Spirit to do it though us. We accomplish nothing, we deepen the bad habit of self, and self reliance. A trip towards hell, the wrong way. But if we repent as soon as we have captured the thought that causes this "wandering," there is hope and grace is given to us. Then we ask Him to keep us on the path, to be used according to God's plan. If we ask for the Holy Spirit to take control of us, in Jesus' name, that seems to be a better way. If it takes thousands of prayers, let me hope that it will not take thousands of days, to learn to glorify Him by being nothing. -
Q2. Sent as Jesus
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q2. (John 20:21) What is the relationship between the way the Father sent Jesus and how Jesus sends us? How careful are you to listen and get directions from Jesus in serving the Lord? This relationship is the same. He said that now we are one in Him. So if we can die to Him, and be nothing, then we will only speak what the Father wants us to. This requires a 100% prayer life. A big work in progress for me. Pray to ask to be more prayerful, more connected, less of me, more of Him. Let it grow as He would have it, mostly gently, learning Him, learning to trust and abide in the moment. Its easier to say now, but in real world situations, I need prayer from anyone who reads this, so that I can fulfill God's destiny for my in this life. I have ADHD and refuse to use chemicals in my body. It is the Lord's work in me to overcome this for His glory. Dear God, I can not do this on my own. Come into me and remain in me; get stronger in me from my increase in prayer and service to your people. In Jesus name, amen -
Q1. Bodily Resurrection
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 33. As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You (John 20:19-31)
Q1. (John 20:19-20) What do we know about the relationship of Jesus' physical body to his spiritual body? Was Jesus' resurrected bodily? How is his body similar to his physical body? How is it different Jesus looked exactly like he did before he was tortured and went to the cross, except he had the holes from the nails in his physical body that one could easily see. Also he was able to walk through walls and into locked rooms. Perhaps he could have done this before, but never had a reason to do it. Jesus had been resurrected bodily, but this "new" body was not bound by limitations of our physical world, as demonstrated by passing through walls, disappearing and reappearing in other physical places. This is a miracle in itself. All that God does is a blessed miracle. -
Q4. Resurrection
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q4. (John 20:1-18) What are the evidences for the resurrection presented in this passage? Why is the truth of the resurrection so important as an indispensable foundation stone of the Christian faith? What does Jesus' resurrection mean to your outlook on life? I am grateful for this question, for I can again witness to His truth, and what He told us several time in the Gospels, that He was our savior, of all people. And my personal savior as well. His resurrection is an important part of the story. Without it, as Paul said, our belief goes for nothing and we are not really saved by believing in Him. it should give me and all of us a lot more peace than we typically carry during given work day, with all its "trials and challenges." So I am grateful to have this moment to reflect on how luck I am that He chose me when He did; that He knows me better than I know myself, and my complex overthinking of things altogether too many times. Thank you Father God and Jesus for doing this so the Holy Spirit can and did come and indwell in us forever! -
Q3. Holding On
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q3. (John 20:14-18) What has been Mary's emotional state prior to recognizing Jesus? Why does Jesus tell her not to "hold on" to him? What is the mission he gives her? Mary is devastated by the loss of the great love of her life, he only reason for being alive. She had not heard all that Jesus has said to the disciples, yet they had not really understood. She only understood when through all her grief, she recognized Him using he name, like a sheep who knows her master. What glorious love and grief, turned to joy beyond belief. Hugh emotional shift! So He tells her not to hold on, to let go of "needing what she thought she had lost." Don't hold onto grief, if your loved one is a believer, you shall see them in paradise, if you so believe. We can't criticize her, we do it ourselves at funerals of parents who were Christians. Jesus is so wise in His advice, and then He tells her what is the obvious, "go tell the others, my disciples" This is not a complex mission, nor are any that God gives us. We over think, try to do too much or ignore when He calls us to a simple mission. This is how we can and should remain in Christ, be listening, not grieving, remaining in the fruit of the spirit. Then we're ready to do His bidding in the moment. She got it right! But how often do we ignore, or intellectualize or rationalize not doing what God calls us to do? I am so guilty of this I cold spend days listing how I missed His call to do simple things . Let us find new hope by seeing how simple God's plan is from where we are right now. Praise His wisdom, grace and of course His Glory! -
Q2. Grave Clothes
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q2. (John 20:3-9) What is the significance of the presence and position of the grave clothes in the tomb? Why do you think it was difficult at this time for Peter to believe that Jesus was raised from the dead? This suggests the body was not stolen, that the clothes were so neatly organized, what ever happened, it was not rushed like a thief in the night. Peter was still emotionally in knots, as he had failed and denied the Lord 3 times. We however know the "full bible story" of Jesus resurrection. It is interesting that John's own gospel explains how he understood but Peter didn't. I guess seeing is believing; but we are blessed like Jesus prayed in John 17, blessed are those who will not see, but still believe. The way the Holy Spirit came to me in September 2007 was by providing physical feelings of energy I can't explain even today. Yet we receive this energy, by the grace of God, to sustain us each day. So Peter had not yet felt or seen what was God's plan to make him believe the resurrection was the fulfillment of God's promise for eternity, in a way no one can deny. Glory hallelujah ! He is risen! This is how God came to me on September 2 2007, while I was reading John 20:10 early in the morning. Later that night my ex-wife to be came to announce her divorcing me, after 26 years. was like Peter, not aware of everything, with a shallow heart, and a worldly ego-pride-mind ruling most of what I did. Praise God for His healing of me up to this point my life. Given another day today I pray for focus on His will, and to become more like the Peter who surrendered and let God use him fully. -
Q1. Mary Magdalene
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 32. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18)
Q1. (John 20:1; Luke 8:1-3) What do we know about Mary Magdalene? Why do you think a woman was given the honor of seeing the risen Christ first? The fact that she was a woman is important beyond all mores of the times. Jesus had already declared women equal to men before God. His first missionary evangelist to whom he said "I am the Messiah," was the woman at the well. Jesus' give us all another strong message that women should be leader people, mixed with men in the churches of the future. Some will become ministers, like my Hispanic wife. Mary Magdalene had seven demons removed by Jesus. So I call on Him now to remove them from me so I can totally die to Him and do His will. This is what He did for Mary Magdalene and can do for all of us. And we need to die each day again, the world and its sinful ways are upon us. We are lost and hopeless without the Holy Spirit remaining in us to show us the true way. -
Q5. Secret Disciples
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q5. (John 19:38-42) Who were Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus? Was it good that they were "secret disciples"? What risk did they incur by participating in Jesus' burial? Why is the burial account important to Jesus' story? To our understanding of who Jesus is? We know from several passages in John that Nicodemus was like Joseph of Arimathea a Sanhedrin and Nicodemus had visited Jesus at nigh and believed He was from God. Both men opposed the way Jesus' trial was conducted. By preparing His body with such great respect and being buied in a tomb for a rich person, they were showing how they felt for Him, that He was not just a man, but really the son of God. Also, when the resurrection came about, the fact that the linen pieces were neatly folded on the rock ledge/table where His body was laid, and the great stone had been rolled back, these all are undeniable facts that prove he was risen from the dead on the third day. This fulfilled what Jesus promised. These truths give us the facts we need to help us believe who Jesus was, the unique Son of God, sent to die for our sins. -
Q4. Water and Blood
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q4. (John 19:31-37) Why do you think Jesus died in such a relatively short time? What does the water and blood flowing from Jesus' side indicate? How did it fulfill Scripture? From the beating He took, it seems 6 hours is a very long and horrible time to die. It is suggested that the water is the symbol of baptism and purification and the blood is the sacrifice like a sacrificial lamb, slain on the altar for forgiveness of sins. How horrible and how long it was for Him to suffer, bleed almost empty and die. I can not imagine how He suffered in those hours. The piercing fulfilled the scripture: Zechariah 12:10" They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son." So many prophecies completed with the death of Christ, and His resurrection. So we se God's word 'is faithful. Any many "old prophecies" have come to pass. So we wonder in awe about Jesus' promise to return, how He is preparing a place for us and how we must seek and follow His will -
Q3. It Is Finished
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q3. (John 19:30) When Jesus says, "It is finished," what does he mean? What mission(s) had the Father given him. In what way did he complete them? Here I am in the 30th week of this study to hear Jesus say "it I finished." He took that drink so He could speak this loud enough for it to be his great triumph. He completes the work the Father sent him to do: Bring eternal life: "In him was life, and that life was the light of men." (1:4) Bring grace and truth: "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (1:14) Reveal the Father and the Father's glory: "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known." (1:18) Die as a sacrifice for our sins. "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (1:29) We could not ask for more, He died so we could die to Him and have eternal life, as John 17:3; so we can die to Him now; not waiting til we die. Now we are in eternity, seeking to know God better, to know Jesus better via study of His words in the Gospel. What a glorious Savior. thanks you God for the Salvation through Jesus Christ, though we don't deserve it. Praise His Holy Name! -
Q2. Caring for Mother
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q2. (John 19:26-27) What is Jesus' mother Mary feeling at the cross? Why does Jesus give John responsibility to care for his mother? What does this say about Jesus' values? She was probably so depressed and in shock that she was numb, dead inside. How could she know he would be risen in three days, seeing him in all that pain. John was perhaps Jesus' cousin and with Joseph dead, some on needed to take care of mother Mary. Jesus was always doing the right thing, he never missed a chance to help and serve others while he was here in human form. What an amazing savior! Praise his name forever! -
Q1. Agony in the Psalms
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 31. Jesus' Death and Burial (John 19:17-42)
Q1. (John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:14-18) In what ways did Jesus fulfill Psalm 22:14-18? What does the Psalms passage tell us about how Jesus felt on the cross? I'm not sure if Jesus felt all the things in Psalm 22:14-18, but if he did it is just a horrible way to treat the sacrificial lamb that is saving the entire human population. I just can't imagine how he felt. The entire experience has been suggested in "The Passion of Christ," and in the series "The Bible" Still he remained in control to serve others, begging the pardon for those who nailed him to the cross, and guiding his mother to be with John, and saving a transformed soul on the cross next to him. This love and compassion for Father God's created humans is impossible to match or imagine. This is what earned him the seat at the right hand of the Father, what the devil believed he should be allowed to do in Jesus' place for what ever warped reason the devil had... When Jesus prayed in John 17 the first part, he was intending to glorify God and himself by continuing to be perfect and faultless for his entire life in a human body. So I am not so sure what he as thinking, but for sure he felt a lot of physical pain. And for unworthy me, oh how God's grace is undeserved and can't be repaid, except with humble obedience, and even then this is not enough. -
Q6. Pilate's Fear
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q6. (John 19:7-15) What does Pilate fear when the Jewish leaders report that Jesus claimed to be the Son of God? What does Pilate fear when the Jewish leaders threaten to report him to Caesar? Which fear wins out? What fears control you and keep you from serving Jesus fully? What motivation is winning out in your life? Pilate is a cruel leader, to suppress revolution, to keep control, he kills whom he desires without thinking much except to not lose control/ power. The Jewish leaders are somewhat similar, and intend to manipulate Pilate to kill Jesus so they can have control of the kind of church they want to lead, inspired by the devil. There are too many fears I have right now, that my legs will not be healed and I will end up in a wheel chair, that I can't work and will lose my home and be very poor with nothing. This is not likely to happen, but I need admit my fears and give them to Him, and to pray a lot more and trust God more than ever before. It is not enough that others pray for me. I need and most of the time do believe he will heal me enough for most of the other fears to not happen. But my procrastination and using my illness as an excuse has resulting in me making God small when he is really so much greater than I can imagine. He is strong an I am weak, he can make me strong in Him. He will deliver me in His time. He is winning me to a greater faith than every before. I am human and sometimes waiver, but the Lord will provide and I just need to keep seeking Him. -
Q4. King of Truth
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q4. (John 18:37-38) Jesus presents himself as the King of Truth, with a mission to testify to the truth. What is the danger when we disciples declare the gospel is absolutely true? How do cynics like Pilate or people in our post-modern age react? If people reject the truth we bring, what is the next step for us? Jesus continues to volunteer to be crucified by the way he replies to Pilate. Jesus doesn't try to avoid the "cup the Father has given him to take." He knows that to save us, he must be lifted up on the cross and die for all our sins. There is no other way to obey the father, to be the atonement for our sins. That is the real truth that HE need not spell out to Pilate. In witnessing the truth to others, we can only tell our personal experience. We can't impose some Bible words on a person, but we can ask them how they feel about it, or what event's in their life has brought them to not believe. Then we have some specific thing we can pray for regarding that person. We must accept were they are, not judge them. Only God can judge, not us. So to sum it up, we need a real relationship with anyone who is confused and even lost. Otherwise knowing a little about their life will allow us to pray for their salvation. Trying to win and argument is not what God expects from us. We can still declare/show our faith, without obliging a "stranger" to agree with us after even an evening of "deep" discussion. Only God will decide when, how and if they are to be saved; our job is to not give up in prayer, as a person becomes more important in time spent with them. -
Q3. King of the Jews
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q3. (John 18:29-35) What do you think the Jewish leaders charged Jesus with before Pilate? If true, why would that be taken seriously by the Romans? What kind of king does Jesus say he is? Where is the source of his kingship, according to Jesus? What is the danger to our gospel message when we politicize Christian causes? The Jew leaders wanted Pilate to believe Jesus was a rebel threat to Rome, and to the security of Pilate's job. They were partly successful, but Pilate tried to show them that Jesus was not what they claimed him to be. Jesus had announced he was the Messiah when he came to Jerusalem on a donkey, to fulfill the prophecy. He would not deny that he was here to save all people, they just didn't want to believe they would never die by following him, in this way they would lose their power. Since they were filled with their own pride and laws they denied he was God, and in truth they were so blind they couldn't accept where he obviously came from. Imagine he raised several from the dead, and they said it was BAD! They are better politicians than anyone, keeping the lies and twisting them to a kind of truth. The moment we do this we become Obama, in ways of not trying to help people be saved. We dilute the message and block the spirit from using us in the moment. The real truth we should focus on is does a person need to be saved, and how can we help them get there? Politics has no place for this kind of activity, only the truth of God will work. -
Q2. Courage Fails
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q2. (John 18:17-18, 25-27) What have been Peter's acts of courage at the arrest and in the high priest's courtyard? Why do you think he ends up denying Jesus? How would you rebuke Peter according to Galatians 6:1b? Has your courage failed lately? What should you do about it? The Peter here seems a lot like me, lots of brave words, but then a little later, my mind goes off into an ADHD cloud of wandering. Peter was afraid of what he might get if he confessed. He had gotten caught up in something where I couldn't deal with the situation and so he lied. How could I rebuke Peter, a great saint and disciple of Jesus? I've found myself caught up in other lies, and other self centered fears concerning important life events. My ego takes over and lies for me, I'm used to praying later and saying, I don't want to live like this, I'm so sorry. And to make matters worse, I admit it over and over. I do repent, sometimes with tears. Praying all the time is a solution I need to develop as a "best habit." Oh Lord please hear my prayer; I want to be better at "remaining in you, Lord" I am helpless but seem to fall so many times over the same set of things. Self-reliance out the window, please Holy Spirit, teach me to notice my state, and pray more in these moments; in Jesus name, amen. -
Q2. Courage Fails
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q2. (John 18:17-18, 25-27) What have been Peter's acts of courage at the arrest and in the high priest's courtyard? Why do you think he ends up denying Jesus? How would you rebuke Peter according to Galatians 6:1b? Has your courage failed lately? What should you do about it? I cannot imagine I would have followed like Peter, because I know the full story of the next 43 days. If he was there with the other disciple, was he afraid because he had violently cut on of the troop who arrested Jesus. He for sure should have been arrested that night but by God's grace and plan for the 11, he was spared. Yes, my courage fails regularly, especially when I get up and walk wobbly. But that is my problem and it is indeed God's call to slow me down and bend my will to His. And I hope and pray forever, as long as I live. To Him be the Glory. More prayer, more praising God, slowing down and seeking His will and digesting His Word more deeply, digesting what Jesus did for me and for you. But how I could have done it for me, considering my wavering ADD mind, God's love is amazing. -
Q1. Peter's Sword
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 30. Jesus' Arrest and Trial (John 18:1-19:16)
Q1. (John 18:1-11) What do you think caused the soldiers to fall back in the Garden (18:6)? Why does John tell us this detail? Why does Jesus rebuke Peter for defending him with a sword (18:11)? Jesus is facing forces sent by hell. Why doesn't he resist? Just as the veil was torn when Christ gave up his spirit to die on the cross, so when He confronted those who came to seize Him, the power of God came upon the scene to knock them off their feet. John tells it to show that Jesus couldn't have been overpowered, and this moment may have saved some of his disciples from being hurt or killed by some quick swords. This is the glory of Christ, the gentle suffering King, he volunteers to go with them, and orders that the others be left behind. He needs to keep his appointed rounds, and that means dying on the cross, not in the garden. He as usual orchestrates what is going to happen, His destiny to Glory, to save all people from death, if they choose Him as their Lord and Savior. -
Q6. Unity
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 29. Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples (John 17:1-26)
Q6. (John 17:11b, 20-21) Why is unity between Christians so important? What is the model Jesus gives of this unity in verse 21a? What effect does true Christian unity have on our witness to the world? Without unity, the world will win in ways that will hurt the growth of God's Kingdom. Still everything is under Hi control, so He will make it for the good of His Kingdom, nonetheless. We have been blessed to have been chosen, and must recognize that unity in the brotherhood of the church will make it successful. And any attempt to disrupt this is the work of the evil one. I'd been victim of this, impatience, pride of Christian values that were really my own, blinded by the good works I wanted to get going NOW, not on God's time. All these lessons to slow down and let God do it; this is how we must witness to the world. That they may come then into the "good yet imperfect church, theat they and we may grow in Christ WE MUST WITNESS IN UNITY so that all the spiritual gifts will be effective for the Kingdom in the way God intends. 20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. \