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Everything posted by royk
Q1. Glorified in Death
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 22. The Hour Has Come to Be Glorified (John 12:23-50)
Q1. (John 12:23-24) How can God's glory be revealed even in death? How does the seed illustrate this? How does Jesus' death illustrate this? How does us dying to our old life illustrate this? This is the best way for God's glory to be revealed, because it includes the resurrection of Jesus. The seed has to die, Jesus died to seed us all via the Holy Spirit. Now it is our turn to consciously grow and let go of our "old life" to become more focused with fulfilling our role in God's kingdom. This dying is a gradual process which no one can speed up. It happens art God's speed, not mine. -
Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? There is a war going on at all moments we live, the more we come close to Christ the more we are vulnerable when we are not prayerful, when we are not in the zone, when we do not "remain in me" as Jesus told us to do, in John 15. It is so important for me to affirm this to myself and to anyone reading this. Surrender must be come total. Total surrender must be with a calm prayerful mind and heart. We each know what this means as we each are walking a unique walk like no one else can. Giving the King his due is about NOW. God has blessed this lesson moment and I pray to digest it deeper, like Mary did on the night Jesus was born. And I pray this humble heart of mine continues to recognize how loving and merciful our God is. We need to tell someone about it now. Oh God, please make me nothing, as I surrender to your will. May I bring this to my day later after this lesson is completed. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Q3. Messianic Praise
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 21. Anointing at Bethany and Triumphal Entry (John 11:55-12:22)
Q3. (John 12:12-13) What about the people's praise show they believed Jesus to be the Messiah? On this occasion, why doesn't Jesus shun such an open declaration that he is the Messiah, as he has in the past? It is all about the moment, and what is/was God's time for this to be revealed so openly. Jesus was manipulating the Pharisees to kill Him at the time planned by His Father. Jesus was just obeying to sacrifice Himself later. What a Savior! Let us tell the world, let us rejoice in Christ's sacrifice out of love we don't merit. Praise God for His grace and mercy!! -
Q2. (John 12:14-16) What is the prophetic significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did he do it? What was the effect on the crowds? This fulfilled Zechariah's prophecy, .... the gentle king coming into Jerusalem riding a young donkey. Almost as amazing a human man being the son of the only real God of all creation, amazing, a great truth being fulfilled. This helps our faith, understanding a prophecy is fulfilled. TI makes us recognize Jesus promise to us is also to be fulfilled, we just need to have faith, and obey God's will in lives. Jesus wanted to openly acknowledge that He is the Messiah. Leaving no doubt to those who were there, including Pharisees. This helped them decide to kill Jesus, which would allow another prophecy to be fulfilled. So all can know the truth today and to come. Jesus is Lord over all, and will come again! Thank you God for your love and mercy, we are all sinners, saved by the bold of your son.
Q4. If Jesus is your King, what kind of worship is appropriate? What kind of service? What kind of priorities? What kind of obedience? Are you giving Jesus his due as King? Thank you for this call to evangelism, and discipleship by asking these questions. This is the 21 week of this study, over several months. If we have digested anything, it is that we could never praise Him enough, for the gift He offers us. We see that it is a choice of free will. So I pray here and now Lord, make me more willing to follow your will even in this moment, and to obey your commandments, and to surrender all so you can use me more deeply in your kingdom. Let my eyes and ears open to the call of these questions in this moment. Let my mind join with my heart in something emotional that turns control over to HIM. Making noises and thoughts of praise and glory to HIS name. And being mature about this and remaining in HIM to see and feel HIS will greater than before. I pray this in Jesus name, amen
Q3. Messianic Praise
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 21. Anointing at Bethany and Triumphal Entry (John 11:55-12:22)
Q3. (John 12:12-13) What about the people's praise show they believed Jesus to be the Messiah? On this occasion, why doesn't Jesus shun such an open declaration that he is the Messiah, as he has in the past? Jesus is orchestrating what His father sent Him to do, what He was born to do, ... to be the savior of the world. This is not a small thing. In fact, thee is no greater love shown by any person. There is no event in the history of the world that can compare to what we was orchestrating to allow Him to complete His mission on earth. He would not deny He was the King of the Jews, He would tell the truth, openly. This would require them to kill Him, or try to kill Him. This would allow the prophecy to come true that He would die and be raised from the dead in Glory. All this is so magnificent, so glorifying of how He offered Himself as atonement to save all that would come to Him. This was God's plan for Him and for mankind. For it is only the sacrifice of the Messiah Himself that is enough atonement that God would grant believers eternal life, through no merit of our own. How marvelous, how wonderful, is my savior's love for me. It makes me want to go out right now and tell someone this great great true story. To have not told the truth, who He was, might have saved Him from crucifixion, but we thank the Father for His faithful son that indeed saved us who choose to believe and serve Him in His kingdom -
Q2. (John 12:14-16) What is the prophetic significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why did he do it? What was the effect on the crowds? Grateful that this lesson showed several Old Testament examples; it helps me understand that He was indeed declaring Himself as King, the Messiah, by taking this "virgin" ride on this pure donkey. People who put down their coats were not quite the extreme worship a spilling expensive perfume, but if we think about it, would we have put our own coat down on the road? I have to think I might have later called out "crucify Him!" It had to be a very powerful moment, for those who knew of His miracles, they believed He was the real Messiah, come to save them from the Romans. Just like we believe without seeing Him; we know He is our savior, and the son of God
Q1. (John 12:3-8) Why did Judas object to Mary's extravagant act of devotion? Why did Jesus defend her? Why did Mary do this? What does this teach us about worship? Does your worship tend to be cheap or extravagant? For you, what would be extravagant worship? I hate to see me being like Judas and saying give this to the poor rather than extreme worship to Jesus. Thinking about this makes me fee like a mediocre worshiper, almost shameful. When I sing to glorify God I really let go, still, I am very very cheap compared to Mary. It is like she was giving her dowry to Him to be like she is married to Him, exreme worship in the moment, and also as Jesus said "...to symbolically embalm Him after His death..." The Holy Spirit helps me convict myself that even tithing is cheap compared to this one time devotional gift to Him. For me to be extravagant would be to drop everything and hear His call to spread the message of salvation FULL time, for the rest of my life. And I don't know if that is my real calling or just another reason to keep doing what I'm doing as a computer engineer. maybe there is another calling here for me?
Q1. Faith of Thomas
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas’s character? About his faith? The fact that Thomas said, "let us go die with him." showed his commitment to following Jesus and his faith in HIM.we would see him put to the test later, his doubting and his belief from being told to touch the scars on Jesus' body. He was luky, just as we are to be tested in a way that grows faith, using all we have learned and onsulting with those around us that we trust. rather than to fall away -
Q1. The Father's House
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 24. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:1-14)
Q1. (John 14:2) What is the "Father's House"? What does verse 2 tell us about what Jesus will do, and what is provided for us? How does that comfort us? This the reward for believing and obeying as best as we can, and in seekiing forever to grow closer to Him. In truth this is what we should be living for. So why not take a step closer tonight. We have the security from the Bible, stated many times. How else can we learne abou Him, prayer and meditation. Seeking Him, praying as much as possible, abandoning thoughs about work except what to do in the moment; he will show us. Thinking of His attraction on the cross, so much love and giving selflessness beyond what we'd ever imagine. Studying this in the Gospel, trying to come close to reliving it through the written Word. So much to learn and experience by going deeper. praying for guidance. The more we invest the better we feel and stronger our faith. Its an eternal investment, one that money can't buy. 100% faith based. -
Q6. Strategic Retreat
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q6. (John 11:54) Why did Jesus withdraw to Ephraim? Does this show fear? What does this teach us about strategic retreat? Jesus did this to set the stage and the timing was of course that of the Father.In this way He could come later for the Passover feast and further set the stage. If He had just hung around to be arrested ... well He didn't so way hypothesize how it might have been. Jesus knew what was going to happen, just as he wept for Jerusalem to be destroyed later. Also that is why he would sweat blood. So amazing how HE could be God and man. What a marvelous wonderful truth spelled out in John's gospel. We are so lucky God planned all this to fall before us RIGHT NOW. Still to go into the world later today, I pray for strength to keep this truth present in my mind enough to do God's will for the rest of today. -
Q5. Caiaphas' Prophecy
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
It's fascinating how our unbelief is so quick to correct Jesus' commands. We know better. We have to tell Jesus why he shouldn't do this or that! But if we will trust him, we can "see the glory of God." Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief! (Mark 9:24) Q5. (John 11:49-53). What did Caiaphas intend to say to the Sanhedrin? What is the prophetic meaning of his statement? He was indeed predicting how Jesus death would save the nation; but didn't get it 100% right. Jesus death and resurrection would draw [has drawn] all kinds of people on this earth to Him, following God's plan for each of us individuals. Still we are warned by Jesus' words about our lack of faith, and that this will require us to repent, daily. We have all fallen short and will continue to do so. We are human and need HIM desperately, no matter how strong we think our walk is with HIM. We are like Martha, but as he showed us, we will be given tests and opportunities to grow, an din my case slowly and sometimes painfully. Sill we are alive today and we have voice and mind to praise and thank Him for these lessons and for His grace and mercy. May this rest in our hearts and minds to give us the peace of abiding in Him. -
Q4. Jesus Wept
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
If Jesus weeps over the unbelief of Mary, who sits at his feet and later anoints him with perfume, does he also weep over your unbelief and mine? Does my unbelief move him to tears of grief?[199] Q4. (John 11:32-38) Different writers interpret Jesus' emotions on this occasion differently. Why do you think Jesus was "deeply moved"? Why did he weep? God loves us more than we can understand. It is a challenge to meditate and respond to this question of introspection. For this reason I feel He wept both about the anguish that death brings to those who lose a loved one, who remain behind in the living world of sin. Crying for a dead christian by a christian is itself a test of faith, and selfishness: "Oh what love I have lost". Even if that person is in heaven, the survivor might have been in denial, or praying 'til the last seconds of the persons life." Its all hard to say, but since my father in law recently died, I saw all the different prayerful reactions. But He was also saddened by the unbelief, even though He knew deeply what was in their hearts, HE knew they didn't expect Him to raise Lazarus who was 4 days dead. What power and glory does God have to be praised, for the life He give us and the example of Jesus here in full power and glory over the world, and so called natural things which God also controls via the supernatural. And all this about death is perhaps designed by God to create a hole in our hearts that only HE can fill. Bring us closer to HIM is good, even in pain, it is good for our spiritual growth to better serve Him in the remaining time He give us here on earth. -
Q3. Martha's Confession
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Luke 10:38-42 John 11:20-32 Martha Activist and busybody. Rushes to meet Jesus Mary Sits at the Lord's feet listening. Sits quietly at home, then comes and falls at his feet. Q3. (John 11:27) Based on Luke 10:38-42, what is Martha's reputation compared to that of her sister Mary? What is so amazing about Martha's confession? What does this tell us about her? Which of the sisters seems more spiritual on this day -- Martha or Mary? What is true is that remaining in Christ is about the moment of NOW, the moment of truth with God and His presence in us to lead us. For this reason I find it hard to compare Mary and Martha, two different personalities, two different walks with Jesus, each is exactly as God would have it, for reporting in the bible. Jesus gave Martha the opportunity to confess her faith and she did it. MARY WAS NOT THERE AT THAT MOMENT. This also was God's plan, since Jesus had rebuked her when she earlier had criticized Mary. It would appear that Martha in Jesus' presence grows greatly in faith. This was God's plan for her, to document forever in this Gospel moment. Also, recall that when Martha went to get Mary, she left immediately. Perhaps she was waiting quietly for Him to come? Or she heard God tell her to wait... so that Martha would have her moment alone with Jesus, to confess her faith? So may this moment of bible study give us all a moment of meditation like Mary, who was not there until Lazarus was actually raised. That in this moment we might believe in HIM in a stronger way that will REMAIN in us, or at least in ME, and I pray for anyone reading this to grow in prayer and meditation at this moment. -
Q3. Martha's Confession
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Luke 10:38-42 John 11:20-32 Martha Activist and busybody. Rushes to meet Jesus Mary Sits at the Lord's feet listening. Sits quietly at home, then comes and falls at his feet. Q3. (John 11:27) Based on Luke 10:38-42, what is Martha's reputation compared to that of her sister Mary? What is so amazing about Martha's confession? What does this tell us about her? Which of the sisters seems more spiritual on this day -- Martha or Mary? -
Q2. Resurrection and Life
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q2. (John 11:25-26) In what sense does Jesus embody resurrection? In what sense does he embody life? What is the great promise that he offers us in verses 25 and 26? We know from the conclusion of the Gospels that Jesus was raised from the dead, as he predicted several times. He and the Father gave life to the world and universe at the day of creation. He redeems us every day when we chose to surrender and die to him each morning, or after noticing important sins, and asking and repenting for forgiveness. We ab only do what we are capable of doing in trust and faith, and God knows this better than we do ourselves, and walks with us. Oh how kind and wise, loving and merciful is He. He continues to offer this promise as we continue to seek Him, and learn to hear Him and serve Him in the moment. Oh the glory to be nothing so as to do His will only! -
Q1. Faith of Thomas
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 20. I Am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:1-54)
Q1. (John 11:16) What does verse 16 teach us about Thomas's character? About his faith? "Then Thomas (called Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, 'Let us also go, that we may die with him.'" (11:16) Yes, we say we want to die to Christ, to make us nothing........ but yet we hold on to many things we "know" from life, and some are sinful, selfish, fear centered, even though very subtle, because we have lived so long with them. Only be study of the bible for its own sake can the Holy Spirit then slowly or quickly lead us to this truth, that it is better to "die with him" to be reborn to a greater purpose for God's Kingdom One who would wish to die with him, not knowing of Jesus death and resurrection is indeed a bold statement of wishing follow God's will, to better glorify HIM -
Q4. Protecting the Sheep
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q4. (John 10:27-30) In the world of shepherds, who would try to "snatch" a sheep? Who would try to "snatch" a Christian if he could? What promise of absolute security are we given? How does that assure you? Only those led by the devil would try to lea us to follow the prince of the world, to follow to sin and worldly pleasures that we need to avoid. So many distractions, on television they are continual. Always seeking more, always seeking this that will spoil and rust. We can never overcome this on our own. To think so is foolish. Seek Him, hear his voice, ask other trusted Christians. Admit that it is along road to learn His voice, a long road that is to develop better trust. Se recall that even belief is a gift from the Father, likewise faith as it grows is another give. And recognizing we are weak and poor in spirit compared to HIM. We have the gift or repentance. Such wonderful things we are given, and don't deserve them. God's love is amazing, and so big and wide and deep. We can never fathom it all in this life. But we can seek HIM, and share with others who do the same, in this study, in church and in the streets. Only by obeying can we feel His love and peace. Being human, we will have moments of failure; but we have the blessing of repentance, offered many times to us by Jesus and in the old testament. By studying and digesting His Words and those of the Living Word, we know we have security and blessed assurance in a wonderful relationship that is everlasting if we seek it and believe. -
Q3. Laying Down His Life
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q3. (John 10:11-15) How does a "good shepherd" differ from what a hired shepherd would do in time of danger? In what way did Jesus the Good Shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"? Our Good Shepherd has already laid down his life for us on the cross. We could never expect this of someone human, though it has happened in perilous moment of rescue on airplane crashes, and drowning people... people lose themselves to reach out and risk their lives to save another. Did Jesus risk? Or did He believe and know with certainty that He would be raised from the dead. He said they could destroy the temple, his body, but that it would be rebuilt on the 3rd day. HE was more than sure, he had sen his death on the cross and seen his return and then being raised up to heaven. What a marvelous way to give up his live, and to take it back. Ant the holy communion of bread and wine. To help us remember HIM and what he did and continues to redeem us every day Knowing that Jesus came back to show himself to the disciples is another way of us knowing he is the true Savior of Man, and Son of Man. He is our all in all. So it makes sense re eternity, not in worldly sense, that we seek him, listen and obey. We pray to hear HIM better, and to be more obedient, even in simple daily things. For God loves us so much, He would bring all his children closer to Him is slow gentle loving ways, unless we try to hold on to things He knows we are ready and must let go of. It could be painful if we do not listen. -
Q2. (John 10:10) What would an "abundant life" look like if you were a sheep with a really good shepherd? In what ways is the Christian life to be an "abundant" life? How does this abundance relate to persecutions and hardships that come to us as Christians. Can the life of a unbeliever be more "abundant," free, and fun? Abundant life, would start our with peace of mind, being able to fel the right next thing to do in the moment. To be unselfish is interactions with others, means we are secure in our moments, in our hearts, not swayed by some "troubles" that come before us. Helping others has its own set of rewards when we truly seek nothing in return. As James told us, thank God for hardships and persecutions, for they will help us grow more like Christ, and prepare us for greater works in following/trusting Him to go forward in peae and joy towards all situations. Unbelievers are not automatically sinning 100% of the time. We are all called by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, all the time. Neither are believes pure and hold 100% of the time. We all fall short. If we spend time judging others joy, we shall have none for ourselves. Someone always has it better in the ways of the world, some have it worse. We count our blessings and stay lose to the Shepard.
Q1. The Shepherd's Voice
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q1. (John 10:3-4) What does it mean that Jesus’ sheep “know his voice”? How can you discern his voice from your own thoughts and the expectations of others? Sl easy to say, not so easy to do consistently. Getting advice from experienced Christian who know you and what going on in your life is a smart idea. Trying to learn this quickly doesn't work. Just like falling deeper in love and trust takes time. -
Q4. (John 9:39-41) Were the Pharisees responsible for their hard hearts and spiritual blindness? According to 2 Corinthians 4:4, what causes spiritual blindness? Was Pharaoh responsible for his hardness of heart? (see Exodus 8:15, 32; 9:34; 10:3; 13:15; 1 Samuel 6:6). We must accept responsibility for our thoughts, words and deeds. But yet we can lie to ourselves based on habits not properly analyzed, based on hardened hearts from disappointment, shame, etc. Some how God offers us gently to come to Him, His unfailing love tempts us all the time, from the beauty of a snow fall, to seeing a beautiful deer in the wild, God shows His love and grace time and time again. The devil will pounce on us once we have thoughts that fall outside the fruits of the spirit. If we start to go astray, be can eventually become hardened in our ways. But there is still hope for anyone to see Him, the their on the cross and even a sinner like me. Pharaoh had become accustomed to his power over the Jews, though he paid the price of his son to come to see that he was not a god, he still destroyed his army rushing to break his promise to set them free. God's will prevailed, as it always does. So we praise Him and glorify His name - Jesus!
Q3. (John 9:35-38) Why did Jesus go looking for the man he had healed? What was the healed man's level of openness? His level of faith? His knowledge? What did he need at this point? What people do you know who are so ready that they just need some guidance in how to believe in Jesus? The blind man didn't do this; but he did recognize that the so called Jewish leaders were not being objective. This man knew he was healed by God, a miracle, not just a great healing. His faith and knowledge grew as he was questioned, and then when Jesus came to ask him some questions. I don't know any people who are just looking for guidance to help them believe in Jesus. People in 12 step programs are trained to seek the God of their understanding, their higher power to heal them. If they find Jesus, it is God's will, but are not necessarily seeking Him. It is all so personal and based upon trust relationships for every thing. Praying and asking for healing; and me knowing I must pray a lot more to be able to deal with anyone who might be seeking Jesus without realizing it. All people who do good charitable things are getting these ideas or hints from God talking to them. That is why we need to give God all the glory, and retain our humility.
Q2. (John 9:6). Why do you think Jesus healed in different ways? Laying on of hands, command, mud on eyes, fingers in ears, etc.? How much do you think was at his Father's direction (5:19, 30; 12:49). Why is it important to seek God's guidance in how we should minister to a person? This is a fantastic question, and like in most cases, prayer is the answer; but prayer about healing some one is not likely to work if that is the only thing we pray to God about. Would God let a spiritually immature person become a healer? That depends on God, not me; so I have no real answer, except what is found in John 15... Jesus says He is the vine and we are branches. So staying in the presence of God is a way to 1. do the right thing by letting God lead 2. respect the person soul who is in our presence, knowing we don't know him much compared to God's knowledge of him. 3. prepare ourselves when going on an evangelist mission knowing and asking God to create context he wants for our encounters. Everything happens for a reason, we must stay awake and not fall into sin, even a tiny sin of omission is a bad mark on our score card with God.
Q1. The Shepherd's Voice
royk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 19. I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-42)
Q1. (John 10:3-4) What does it mean that Jesus' sheep "know his voice"? How can you discern his voice from your own thoughts and the expectations of others? We do know right from wrong, but we can fool ourselves based on selfish habits we have allowed to develop in our lives, or habits based on subtle fears, learned experiences where we have not consulted wise people before taking action. Do w do something to help another, with no expectation or need for more than a thank you. When we needs something, do we really need it or do we just want it because <reason is not validated with a wise one> we want it. Is it impulsive? Are we restless, tired or discontent in a situation? Can we hear Jesus when we are not comfortable, relaxed or other than calm. A friend told me "breathe and pray, breathe and pray, breathe..." This may not always work, but by going slow and breathing and praying, one can avoid a lot of mistakes; and maybe in the end get more done which is really good than just living by trial and error. God made us smart, and being smart means we need to call on him to help us decide what to do. When in doubt, pray and also call someone you trust who is christian.